
what is the perpose of 'err' reference variable in System class. and how to use it?

System.out leads the output to the standard output stream (normally mapped to the console screen). System.err leads the output to the standard error stream (and, by default to the console, as well). The idea behind having these two is that the standard output should be used for regular program output, and standard error should be used for error messages.
Both the streams can be redirected to different destinations. If it is desired to redirect the output to an output file and error messages to a different log file, than on UNIX it can be done as follows:
java MyClass > output.log 2>error.log
This causes the regular output (using System.out) to be stored in output.log and error messages (using System.err) to be stored in error.log.
If you have put error messages in your program, but you don�t want to see them, the technique given below can be used to do it:
Java MyClass 2> /null
This redirects the System.err messages to /null, so no error messages appear on the screen, but the normal program output can still be seen.
Once again, google is your friend!!
Manuel Leiria

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    -- Brian

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    I want everything that goes to System.out or System.err to instead go to a String buffer or a Swing Scroll Pane.Then maybe you should be searching (and then posting) in the Swing forum. Thats where I've seen this question asked and answered many times in the past.

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    Why don't you use a BufferedWriter() ?

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    J2ME Polish provides a logging framework, which offers different logging levels and the ability to view logging messages on real devices.

  • System.out and System.err

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    The simple answer to your questions are no and no.
    I recently logged a problem with BEA WebLogic technical support regarding
    this issue and their response is:
    You have two choices. You can either use standard Java file i/o to write
    your output to a file, or you can use our t3loggingservices to append
    messages into the weblogic.log
    The "jump point" for the logging services is at --
    It is actually very easy to use -- after you import the proper packages into
    your web application it is just as easy to use as System.out.println.
    John J. Feigal Voice (651)766-8787 (main)
    Sr. Technical Consultant (651)766-7249 (direct)
    Ensodex, Inc. Fax (651)766-8792
    4105 N. Lexington Ave., Suite 150 email [email protected]
    Arden Hills, MN 55126 WebSite
    "Jon Wynett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I'm running WebLogic as an NT Service. Is there any way to see the
    System.out.println messages? Can they be redirected to the weblogic.log
    We were running through a DOS Window and saw all the messages, however we
    ideally want to run Weblogic as a service.
    "Rob Woollen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I'm guessing that you started the server with the .exe file on Windows.
    If you're debugging with printlns, it's generally more conventient to
    use the or startWebLogic.cmd files to start the server
    from a shell.
    By default, you'll see stdout and stderr in the window.
    -- Rob
    Dan Zivkovic wrote:
    Hi all,
    This is a stupid newbie question, but I could not find the answer on
    site, so here goes: Where do System.out and System.err get written to?I'm
    trying to deploy some plain-vanilla stateless session beans that do abunch
    of println() calls, but I can't see the output anywhere! The WebLogic
    Console shows no messages, /myserver/weblogic.log has nothinginteresting,
    and there are no .log files anywhere that I can see. I even searched/tmp
    and found nothing of interest. What am I missing? Do I have toexplicitly
    open a file for System.out and/or System.err? That doesn't soundright...
    - danz

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    I need urgent help on this.
    Reward points assured.
    thanks a lot.

    thanks craig,
    ur answer has helped me a lot.but it didnt quite help me.
    nevertheless i am trying to set different levels of severity.
    Is there anything else that i can do.
    Also,i commented out a line of code today in one of the class in sapj2eenginedeploy.jar
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    I m totally lost as to wht to do.
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    I am using the above jar and its method createdatasource.
    I am callin it from my application's class.
    It creates a datasource and i can see it in JDBC Connector list in Visual Administrator.But it appears with red sign meaning its not started.When i start it from the tool then it starts.
    But in defaulttrace.trc file it shows an error "FileNotFindException". This happens,and i am very much sure, in the deploy() of class of sapj2eenginedeploy.jar.
    i want to apply println inside this method so i may know where exactly i ma getting the error and get so more info so i may solve my problem.
    pls help me.
    its really urgent.
    thanks again

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            if (isTRACE_ENABLED()){
                try {
                    setTrace_out_log(new PrintStream(
                              new BufferedOutputStream(
                                    new FileOutputStream(props.getProperty("TRACE_OUTLOG_FILE")),128), true));
                    setTrace_err_log(new PrintStream(
                            new BufferedOutputStream(
                                  new FileOutputStream(props.getProperty("TRACE_ERRLOG_FILE")),128), true));
                } catch(IOException e) {
            }This works file but... all system.out and system.err is redirected to same file... which is not what i want.
    debug property for menu application = enabled
    debug property for app 1 = disabled
    debug property for app 2 = enabled
    In above case i want to have 4 new files:
    - menuapp_out
    - menuapp_err
    - app2_out
    - app2_err
    This doesn't work, the files are created but after starting app2, the print-statements for the menu application are alse redirected to the app_2_xxx files. And when i finish app2, i do not get any print-output anymore
    IMHO this is because the JVM only has 1 system.out and 1 system.err file. Is there some way to solve this?

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  • Redirecting System.err to a JOptionPane

    I tried to write a piece of code which shows all exceptions in a JOptionPane instead of the console. But I meet two difficulties:
    1. I don't know how to detect the line count of the error message (so that currently I have to display the optionPane for each error line, which is unacceptable).
    2. I receive more error messages than expected. The produced parse error gives 5 lines on a console, but here I receive 60.
    What's wrong?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Redirecting extends JFrame {
      public Redirecting() {
        JTextAreaOutputStream err= new JTextAreaOutputStream();
        System.setErr(new PrintStream(err));
        JButton b= new JButton("Produce error");
        b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        add(b, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
         new Redirecting();
      class JTextAreaOutputStream extends OutputStream {
        int icnt=0;
        private JTextArea area;
        public JTextAreaOutputStream() {
          area= new JTextArea();
        public void flush() throws IOException {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Redirecting.this, area, "Error",
    //      area.setText("");
        public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException {
          area.append(new String(b));
        public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
          String s = new String(b , off , len);
          flush(); // to make error lines visible
        public void write(int b) throws IOException {

    maybe this ?
          * recieving error for testing
          * @param e
         protected void bt_generateError_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              DateFormat fo = new SimpleDateFormat("mm.dd.yyyy");
              try {
                   // Here reciev parsing error
              } catch (ParseException e1) {
                   String exception = Util.formateException(e1.getStackTrace());
                   // show error
                   Util.showException(frame, exception);
          * utilita
          * @author Dima
         public static class Util {
               * formateException formating error in way you want
               * @param stack
               * @return
              public static String formateException(StackTraceElement[] stack) {
                   String formatedException = "";
                   for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
                        System.err.println(stack.getClassName() + ""
                                  + stack[i].getMethodName() + "" + stack[i].getClass()
                                  + " Line" + stack[i].getLineNumber());
                        formatedException = formatedException.concat(
                                  + "."
                                  + stack[i].getMethodName()
                                  + " "
                                  + stack[i].getClass()
                                  /** + " Line" + stack[i].getLineNumber() */
                                  + "\n"); // remove comment and recieve errors line
                                                 // numbers
                   return formatedException;
              * showException return JOptionPane with formatted error
              * @param com
              * @param exceptionText
              public static void showException(Component com, String exceptionText) {
                   JPanel canva = new JPanel();
                   canva.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(300, 200));
                   canva.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200));
                   JTextArea area = new JTextArea();
                   JScrollPane pan = new JScrollPane();
                   canva.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(com, canva, "Error Title",

  • Redirecting System.err to a TextArea

    Hi there !
    I want to redirect the output of System.err to a TextArea.
    System.err is everywhere in my project. Is there any simple way to just redirect the output of this err to some TextArea?
    Thanks in Advance

    See the API java.lang.System.setErr()You will then need to start a thread to read from the PrintStream and put the
    output in your text area.
    - ajay

  • How do I redirect System.err output in iPlanet 4.1?

    I've been trying for days to redirect System.err output from a Java program
    to a log file. I followed the instructions here:
    Unfortunately, nothing has been written to any of the log files (even though
    I have plenty of System.err.println()'s in my code).
    Anyone else get this to work correctly?
    Thanks in advance,

    What is the product web server or application server ? If it is application
    server then I'm very sure that this output will be seen in the kjs log file in
    Unix and in the command window in Windows NT/2K, only if you have allowed the
    process to interact with desktop. Please let me know if this answers your
    question for me to help you further on this.
    "" wrote:
    I've been trying for days to redirect System.err output from a Java program
    to a log file. I followed the instructions here:
    Unfortunately, nothing has been written to any of the log files (even though
    I have plenty of System.err.println()'s in my code).
    Anyone else get this to work correctly?
    Thanks in advance,

  • System.out and System.err  How to get to show up in log

    Does anyone know if there is anyway to get System.out and System.err
    messages to appear in the log?
    Trying to build and debug a JSP project is a complete nightmare when the
    remote developers cannot see System.out or System.err messages from helper
    Platform= Windows NT 4.0
    Weblogic running as a Service
    Thanks in advance!

    Write a wrapper class to redirect the std out to what ever stream you want.

  • System.out and System.err to files

    Hi !
    Could somebody tell me, how I can forward all System.out.println and System.err.println Messages from
    my Java modules (EJB, Servlets) to different files respectively.

    I think you could create PrinStreamS from your desired output files and then use System.setOut(<...>) and System.setErr(<...>). Place this code in a servlet that you load at startup...

  • System.out vs. System.err -- best practices?

    When I catch an exception, where is the best place to write the stack trace, etc? Should I write it to System.out or System.err?

    If you call printStackTrace() it will by default print to the to the standard error stream.
    But really you should look at log4j.

  • System.out vs System.err questions

    System.out and System.err both seem to direct regular and error output to the stdout. I have the following questions:
    1. I used System.setOut() to direct regular output to "Output.txt" and System.setErr() to direct errors to "Errors.txt". I purposely made the program to throw some exceptions, wanting to redirect them to "Errors.txt". It did not work. My question is "What kind of errors setErr() would direct to an error file?"
    2. Without using setErr(), errors go to stdout. My question is "Does Java hava a configuration file I can configue to direct regular output to stdout, but errors to a user-defined file such as errors.log?"

    I see the stack trace in file err.txt:
    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
            System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("out.txt"), true));
            System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("err.txt"), true));
            throw new RuntimeException("here we go");

  • System.our and System.err

    Is there a buffer size for system.out and System.err.
    If so how can we retrieve the buffer size.
    Thanking You,

    There is no way to determine the characteristics of the OutputStream behind System.out or System.err.
    You could provide your own streams (via setOut() and/or setErr() methods)...
    Why do you need to know?

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