System overload/Logic quits...

I can't get Logic running normally and get a system overload message many times. I am making a recording with full orchestra instruments. No effects loaded, no reverb etc. Even after freezing the tracks that I am not editing, I gt a system overload. I use the orchestra instruments from Jam Pack Orchestra and have never had this problem with Garageband, why now with Logic?

I'm getting the same error message as djscoop75; numerous times. I have the latest version of Snow Leopard, and the newest update to LE9. I was simply trying to record a 2nd audio track. It seems like I can acknowledge the error and then keep on recording. I don't remember getting these errors with LE8. Would it be useful to call Apple Care?

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    Hi everyone. I've got a huge problem on my hands. I have a 25-audiotrack project that I'm mixing for someone else. The audiofiles are .wav, all stereo, 16 bit 44.1kHz if I'm not mistaken. I've set them up on 25 audiotracks in Logic. I haven't even got to the point of putting on effects or anything, so it's just clean tracks with no effects and running no Buses either.
    However upon playback, I constantly get this error:
    System Overload.
    The audio engine was not able to process all required data in time. (-10011)
    Now, I'm running OSX 10.4.7 and Logic 7.0.1 on a dual G5 1.8gHz with 1.25GB RAM. My soundcard is called ESI Juli@ (it's not exactly hi-end but it works). I have a 80ish GB harddrive 7200rpm with 8.5gb free space.
    I'm quite a newbie, so I'm thinking it's my audio settings that's the problem. I've tried switching them around a lot but no help. I/O Buffer Size is set to 1024 (highest number available), Max number of audio tracks is set to 86 (plenty atm), and I've checked "Universal Track Mode" and "Larger Disk Buffer". My Process Buffer Range is set to Large. But nothing works...
    Anyone got any pointers? I'm thinking I SHOULD be able to handle 25 tracks of audio + more without problems. Thanks for any help you might be able to give!

    25 stereo is a 50 mono tracks
    Its may be hdd speed problem
    First chek your OSX System preference
    Go to Energy Saver section
    There must be an option: Put the Hard Discs to sleep when possible
    If it cheked - unchek it
    I have a 80ish GB harddrive 7200rpm with 8.5gb free space
    Try to empty your HDD on 50%,because when HDD is full on 90%(like in your case)data transfer speed go down up to 3time
    Hope this will solve your problem

  • Logic error-hard drive too slow or system overload (new macbook!)

    have made a few short tracks with logic with no probs. when i have tried to play the demo songs which have many tracks, i get an error msg saying hd too slow or system overload. i have a new macbook, 2.4, 2mb ram, 250 gb hd (with loads space left). airport turned off when using logic. what gives???

    Samples that I am using are located on a 7200 external HD.
    Is your external formatted for Mac? If you didn't buy it from a store that sells mac drives specifically, it's probably formatted for windows. You must reformat for Mac or you'll have a lot of performance issues.
    I've a Macbook 2,2 Ghz Core 2 DUO with 2Go of RAM.
    You should get more Ram, it's really cheap these days.
    Airport is disconnected. My AUdio Buffer is 1024 in the Logic preferences.
    Make sure the I/O Safety Buffer is OFF, and then set the buffer size at 256 or 512.

  • "system overload" in logic pro 8 on my Mac Pro with only three tracks

    I am running Logic Pro 8, on a 2.66 Quad Core Mac Pro w/ only 1GB of RAM. I have not had the money for the much needed ram upgrade, yet.
    The day before yesterday I opened a project I had opened many times, with only three tracks - two audio and a midi synth with only a few notes. These tracks are fairly well plugin-ed up, but this Mac Pro has always eaten them up, no problems. When I tried to play the project, I got system overloads every 2 seconds, rather precisely actually. My CPU usage reads low in logic and with iStat, but suddenly it peaks to 100% on my third core and I get the system overload.
    I had my buffer size at 128, so I switched it to 1024, it worked, and then I switched it back again and everything worked like it used to!
    But now I have to go through this slightly illogical little procedure everytime I open a project. I have read threads here about this subject before, back I cant seem to apply them / understand them in relation to my particular situation.
    any ideas?

    Join the club...wait for them to patch/update it.
    I've tried the various work arounds, sometimes they work temporarily, sometimes not at all.
    For the overloads the most reliable "work around" is to select each track, open the VI/FX modules associated with that track, then close them, go to the next track and repeat the process. OR, if you know all the modules (VI/FX) you're using, just open each one. This will "initialize" their existance BEFORE the audio engine hits them in playback.
    My guess is LP8 tries to reduce it's memory foot print and does NOT initialize all the VI/FX in a saved project that is just opened until it actually needs to use them -- a good idea one would think. However, when you do your playback and it hits the VI/FX for the first time (after you just opened your saved project) it appears the audio engine stalls waiting for the VI/FX to initialize the 1st time around and hence the overloads error. Obviously I can't prove this since I don't have access to the code, but I'm a developer and this would be my logical guess based on the evidence at hand.
    I can reproduce the problem consistently:
    1. Start LP8
    2. Open existing project with 3 tracks (staggered to start a different times) with different VI on each track
    3. Have 3 buses with a different FX on each bus
    4. Do nothing other than hit Play
    Overload when it hits start of 1st track VI, stop, restart, overloads when it hits start point of 2nd track VI, stop restart, overloads when it hits start point of 3rd track.
    Why wasn't something this obvious caught in testing? Good question.
    Message was edited by: Rob A.

  • Logic Pro X - Disk is too slow or System Overload. (-10010)

    Hi there, I'm a professional music user and recently switched from Pro-Tools to Logic due to PT11's lack of third party plug-in support at the moment. I was looking forward to leaving behind the error messages of Pro-Tools for the supposed plain sailing of Logic. However, after installing Logic X and starting a new session with one track of audio and 4 tracks of software instruments, I'm receiving the following error message when attemping to record a part on one of the software instruments. 'Disk is too slow or System Overload. (-10010)'
    I have an 8 core Mac Pro with the latest version of Mountain Lion, 16GB of Ram and a 250GB SSD boot drive (which Logic is installed on). My sessions are ran from a secondary 120GB SSD which has 110GB of free space on it and my sample libraries are streamed from another internal 250GB SSD and a 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive. My interface is a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 USB 2.0 and my I/O buffer is set to 512.
    It is completely unacceptable to me that I should be experiencing error messages with this set up and a 64 bit DAW, particularly when the session in question only has one track of audio and one instance of East West's Play engine, spread across 4 software instrument tracks.
    Has anyone else experienced similar problems or have any ideas as to what the solution could be? I'd really appreciate any advice.

    Just as a quick followup....
    After doing a little research online it seems the Scarlett is one of those USB2 devices that has issues with how Apple changed their implementation of USB when they released Macs with USB3 interfaces and put this updated implementation into Lion and later Mountain Lion... and that this is probably why some people have major issues like the OP is reporting and why other's do not. It depends on the hardware/OS X version combination as to if this issue rears it's ugly head.
    Oddly enough some Win 8 users are also reporting similar issues with the Scarlett for much the same reason.
    The March 2013 Scarlett OS X drivers are intended to 'alleviate' this issue but Focusrite have stated it is only to 'alleviate' in some instances and not completely fix the problem for everyone who has it,.,..
    However, the good news is that Focusrite have released some beta drivers (v1.7b2 and later b3) which seem to work better for some people than the last official release...
    Mac Only.
    General stability/logging improvements:
    - Improved audio stream syncing
    - Fixed bug which results in occasional inaccurate timestamps
    - Improves sample rate switching
    - 18i20 stream formats now switch automatically
    - Fixes Forte streaming at 176.4/192kHz
    You can find them here..
    Note: These beta drivers again seem to only alleviate the issues for some people and not all but it has got to be worth giving them a try I would think...

  • Disk is too slow or system overload error with Logic 9.1.4

    I have am running Logic 9.1.4 on a MacPro 2 X 2.8 Ghz (Intel) with 8GB of RAM running OS X 10.6.7.
    I recently updated to Logic 9.1.4 and was trying to record one track of vocals on a session on which I had previously worked on a few weeks earlier with no issues.
    But today I got this error over and over again:
    Disk is too slow or System Overload.
    Occasionally I would get the message below with the error, but not always:
    The Sudden Motion Sensor may have parked the hard drive head, or the disk performance is not sufficient to read or write all audio tracks, or the system was not able to process all data in time.
    I don't have a lap top and tried a few fixes found here (buffer size increase ,rebooting etc.). Again, I recorded several tracks of vocals on other days with absolutely no problems. But today couldn't record more than a few seconds at a time without getting this error. The only difference I can think of is that I updated to the latest version of Logic 9 (9.1.4) rather than whatever the previous Logic 9 version was.
    Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

    So after messing around with this for over 4 hours today, I think I have resolved the issue. 
    The issue seems to have been primarily with my main vocal track, which was frozen while I was recording a harmony vocal.  The main vocal track was actually made up of about 20-30 take folders which I had swiped to make one good take.  I was hoping to take a good hard listen at my swipes during mixing once all recording was done, so I had never merged into one audio track.  Besides, like I said, this track was frozen so I figured it was already playing back as though it was one audio file. 
    So I just merged all the takes in this track into one file.  Counterintuitively, unfreezing about 10 tracks also seemed to improve performance in the meters.  Which makes me wonder whether I should use freezing at all?  Both these things together seem to have made all the difference.
    In the process, I also learned how to run Logic 9 in 64-bit mode, although this (at least by itself) didn't seem to make any difference other than making AmpliTube inoperable.  
    So the lesson here: don't have too many take folders going at once.  And freezing tracks with take folders doesn't seem to come close to being the same thing as playing back one single merged audio file. 

  • I just installed Lion and the newest version of Logic express 9 (9.1.5) and every time i playback audio I get this error message:  [Disk is too slow or System Overload. (-10010) . Never had any issues before now...

    I just installed OSX Lion (10.7.2) and updated to the newest version of Logic express (9.1.5) on a macbook and every time I playback audio I get this error message:  [Disk is too slow or System Overload. (-10010) The Sudden Motion Sensor may have parked the hard drive head, or the disk performance is not sufficient to read or write all audio tracks, or the system was not able to process all data in time]
    Never had any issues before now... any ideas?

    Have a look into the Preferences folder (YourUserFolder/Libraries/Preferences/) and trash all Logic preferences.
    You'll have to setup the program again.

  • "LOGIC PRO X: Disk is too slow or System Overload.  (-10010)"  This is the message that I was having since two weeks ago with my Logic 9.  I updated two days ago to Logic X and I am still having the same problem.

    "LOGIC PRO X: Disk is too slow or System Overload.  (-10010)"  This is the message that I was having since two weeks ago with my Logic 9.  I updated two days ago to Logic X and I am still having the same problem.
    I recently formatted my computer.  In other words, I'm not using too much memory of my HD.  My Memory Ram is 8GB.

    dandotcraig wrote:
    A week before logic X comes out it starts bugging out... i deleted a bunch of stuff on my HD and cleaned up everything... didnt fix anything... then logic x came out and I though oh i better update that will fix everything... and im still having the same problems... its rediculous.
    Umm,, no offence... but what is ridiculous...  is you didn't troubleshoot the original problem but instead you assumed it was a LP9 problem so you updated to LPX which is still in its early days and is likely to be less stable than LP9... rather than more so!
    So.. Here's the thing.... 
    LP9 was working fine and then stopped working normally according to you. Therefore what changed at the time LP9 stopped working normally?
    Here are just a few ideas to think about.. for around the time this started..
    Did you update Logic Pro 9... OS X... Drivers for Midi/Audio or other connected devices?
    If you did, did you then restore from a backup you made prior to these problems occuring and what happened when you did so? (assuming you do make backups of your system?)
    Did you install any new Apps on your Mac?
    Did you add a new Hard Drive? How is it formatted?
    Did you start recording or creating music in a different way to how you used to before the problem started?
    Have you started using a different SI or FX plugin or plugins.. More or different FX for example.. Did you install a new version of a plugin?
    Is all your software legal? (Have to ask because some people install all kinds of illegal plugins and whatever else.. and have no idea how the 'cracks' work or what they might affect/mess up/conflict with in the process)
    Have you looked at the System logs to see if anything is happening out of the ordinary when you get these messages?
    Have you looked at OS X's Activity monitor to see if any app or routine is kicking in hard when you get this issue?
    Basically, you need to think about and look for what changed... because something apparently changed to suddenly cause these issues...given you said you didn't have them until a certain timeframe and some of the questions above, I hope, will get you thinking..
    ....and maybe a few of the others here will come up with other ideas and suggestions to help you...
    Good luck and let us know how you got on...

  • The best DAW for Logic and big sample libraries... no more system overload

    I'm planning on going big and getting the Mac Pro Two 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 16 GB of RAM and add two additional 1 TB drives, one for samples and one for projects. It's been suggested that I include a RAID 5 and that it will make streaming of the samples faster and also safer and more reliable for backing up data.
    With my current setup I constantly have to freeze tracks of sampled instruments or I get system overload.
    Do I need RAID or am I better off without it?

    Gabe Garza wrote:
    With my current setup I constantly have to freeze tracks of sampled instruments
    I'm not sure why you consider this a bad thing.
    Having to constantly freeze/unfreeze takes time and disrupts workflow. It's a good option to have if you need it, but much nicer if you don't.
    I would strongly advise against diving straight in with 16GB of RAM. There are a lot threads around that discuss how much RAM Logic can even recognize, you should check them out. I don't remember the details very well, but I feel like 16GB was more that it can handle (maybe that was just for ESX...). In any case, don't buy a Mac pre-installed with all that memory; Apple charges way too much for their RAM, and you can find perfectly functional, guaranteed RAM from third-party sellers. I bought my Mac Pro with the base amount of RAM and have added as needed, and I recommend you do the same.
    When you play your projects, look at your CPU window.
    Look at the Audio and Disk I/O meters.
    If Audio is peaking, you need more CPU's
    If Disk I/O is peaking, a faster I/O on your hard drive is needed.
    I would also recommend doing this. Are you getting "core audio overload" messages, or another type? If you get core audio overload messages while your System Performance meters aren't peaking (or getting close to it), getting a faster machine isn't necessarily the answer. Core audio overloads are kind of tricky--some people with slower machines get them rarely, others with very fast machines get them often. If you haven't read up on this issue, I recommend you do so.
    I'm not too savvy on RAID arrays, but I have a few thoughts. How likely are you to need your PCI slots for other cards? The specs for the Mac Pro lists 3 PCI slots, which I believe means 3 empty ones, i.e. doesn't include the one that holds your graphics card. Do you expect to add a second graphics card? PCI based audio interface? Anything else like that? A RAID setup will occupy one of those PCI slots, just keep that in mind. Second, while a RAID 5 array is a pretty secure way to store your data, you ought to have an external backup drive anyway, so maybe it wouldn't be worth it ($700 for a RAID card, yikes!). Lastly, it's likely that any of the most popular 1TB drives (search for some articles on these) will be sufficient to do what you need them too. I don't know how involved your Logic sessions are, but I've never maxed out my disk I/O while using my Western Digital Caviar 640.

  • I keep getting the disc to slow or system overload on logic x.

    I keep getting the disc to slow or system overload message on logic x. I have read that the answer is to use and internal ssd drive or fire wire but I am confused about how these are fitted and which is the best one.
    Many thanks,
    mac mid 2009
    2.26 ghz intel core 2 duo
    memory 8gb 1067 mhz ddr3
    operating system 10.8.4

    There loads of advice on the overload/slow issue just search the web with your error message and 'Logic'.
    I just discovered that the backup process can cause this issue on its own so that might also be one to consider.

  • Logic Express says "Disk is too slow or system overload (-10010)"

    I have a brand spankin new white MacBook. It has Intel Core Duo 2.1 processors, with 2gigs of RAM, and Leopard 10.5.6 OS. I am using Logic Express 8 and every now and then I will get an error message "Disk is too slow or system overload (-10010)
    I checked the requirements for Logic Express 8 and I exceed them. Could I still need more than 2 gigs of RAM?

    I got the same problem when I was recording 10 tracks while using SW monitoring. For a short while it went OK but then twice in a row I got this message about the disk being too slow. The result was that I got a real loud noise on the headphone. But after that the recording just proceeded. I had to stop because otherwise I think the musicians would have gone deaf. However I had to continue with recording for some more hours so I tried to solve it. The following worked for me. I turned off 24 bit recording because I had the impression there was too much data being written. I also made the buffer as low as possible (32). After that I did not have a problem anymore and recorded for about 7 to 8 hours in a row.
    So I suspect that the HD is indeed too slow or has not enough cache. As far as I can see my HD has 8 MB RAM and runs at 5400 rpm. I wll ask Aple support if this could be an issue when recording large amounts of data. Note that I have 4 GB RAM and still got the problem so that is not the cause of this issue here.

  • Logic 9.1: Disk is too slow or system overload (-10010)

    After updating I kept getting this error: Disk is too slow or system overload (-10010)
    Can't go five minutes without encountering this. I'm in 32 bit mode using record via rewire. It's maddening and I am now kicking myself for updating. The song that's doing this is a song I was using working on the day before I updated. I had no problems then.
    Anyone else encountering this?

    I have encountered this issue as well. I never solved the issue but did find a work-around. Unfortunately, this temporary solution may not work for more 'heavy' users then I. Although, many have commented that this issue happens even on small projects (as it did with me also), many usually create much bigger projects and are using the smaller projects just as a litmus test. I qualify this because the work-around I discovered is using USB 2.0 to connect my external HDD rather than either of the firewire ports on the drive. So, for those wanting to create larger projects, this solution may not be an option. I won't delve into the details here, but I will include a link to my thread so you can see all the troubleshooting I did and the suggestions that were offered.
    Or, you can search the forums for error 10010.
    The only other items of note I can think to add at this point is I am still on 10.5.8 not SL. Logic 9.1.1, and I recently increased the amount of RAM to 4G. The work-around has been working for me, and I haven't had time to check that any of these updates fixed the problem. But I will soon and will report any changes.
    I hope this provides some insight.

  • Macbook Pro / Logic Pro 9 / CPU 'System Overload'

    Dear Members - I have read a few threads from some google searches but can't find a solution to my current problem.
    I have a MacBook Pro (2010):
    Mac OS X
    2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    I don't run much else on my MacBook other than MS Office, Firefox Web Browser and Logic Pro 9.
    Now that my recording projects are getting more sufficient, I am using a lot more plug ins but running into the same problem over and over: 'System Overload'.  My CPU maxes out and the programme stops.
    I've followed a fair amount advice and done all the necessary adjustments in terms of Logic preferences to run smoother.  However, I need to be in the position to have as many tracks and as many plug ins as I want! 
    I'm looking for advice on what I can to improve my machines performance.  I love my MacBook Pro and wonder (and hope) there is something I can add to it to make things run smoother.  For instance, I keep hearing about the new Mac Mini and wonder if there is any way I could hook both my systems up.  I'm not sure whether that is possible and can confirm that my spec and technical knowledge isn't good at all.
    I look forward to hearing from you.  Please let me know if you need any more information.
    Thanking you in advance!

    Now that my recording projects are getting more sufficient, I am using a lot more plug ins but running into the same problem over and over: 'System Overload'.  My CPU maxes out and the programme stops.
    I've followed a fair amount advice and done all the necessary adjustments in terms of Logic preferences to run smoother.  However, I need to be in the position to have as many tracks and as many plug ins as I want! 
    As many plugins as you want, did I hear that correctly? Every machine has is limits, a few of Logic's high end plugins can bring the most powerful Mac_Pro to it's knees if used incorrectly.
    Personally, I'm not fond of using two machines, it's much more of a hassle than you might think.
    I assume you're using a bus for effects where possible (instead of inserts).
    And you are freezing tracks when necessary. If you're into the mixing stage of a project and do not need low latency, up the Logic audio I/O buffer to 1024. Try the Process buffer at Large.
    Check out this article.

  • Logic Pro 8 - same old 'system overload' and 'disk too slow' errors

    I am having serious issues with Logic Pro 8 on my macbook pro. I am running it with a Focusrite Saffire LE firewire interface.
    I am only using it to playback two stereo files, as a backing track and a click for live performance. I can seem to leave it running all day at home without a problem but when I try and use it in rehearsal it trips up either straight away or half way through a track. It gives either 'disk too slow', 'system overload' or 'unable to sync audio and midi' error messages. This is obviously rendering it unusable. I have tried all the usual tweaks associated with this problem but to no avail.
    I am reluctant to believe it is a hardware issue because I have Cubase 5 on the same laptop and that runs like a dream all night without the slightest hiccup. Obviously I have been using that instead.
    Having done many internet searches about this it does appear to be a common problem but with no definitive fix.
    Did anyone else getting these issues ever fix it?

    Jazzmaniac wrote:
    That has nothing to do with logic. If your had disk becomes slow in rehearsals then it's very likely the hard disk acceleration sensor kicking in to protect your drive from damage. Strong vibrations will cause the heads to park, significantly reducing the the seek times and the transfer rates. Jazz
    How does that explain the OP's statement:
    "I am reluctant to believe it is a hardware issue because I have Cubase 5 on the same laptop and that runs like a dream all night without the slightest hiccup. Obviously I have been using that instead."
    I think it has more to do with Logic's disk access and buffering system.
    It's true that vibrations can cause data mis-reads as the drive head has to re-read the data, however part of the problem lies with Logic's buffering. I don't think the sudden motion sensor (sms) is kicking in, just that the drive may be having to re-read data and Logic's buffering system can't handle the slight interrupts.
    I've dealt with the exact same situation locally (for a client), we ended up using an old bass drum case to make a padded rest for the MBP, that eliminated 90% of the problem.

  • Logic Pro 7.2.1 continuos system overload

    I have continuos mesages of system overload when I run logic (in a macbook), happens with only one track,its not a cpu or hd overload...
    sometimes it happens when the cursor arrives to an audio track...anybody with the same problem or a solution?
    thanks in advice

    You reset your buffers at Logic Pro >Preferences>Audio> Drivers tab
    Mac Mini Intel Core Duo 2 gig Ram 80 gig Hard Drive External Lacie Mini 250 gig   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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