System Preferences freezes at Parental Controls

I inherited my mother-in-laws old iMac 800MHz PowerPC G4 running 10.4.11 with 512mb ram as a computer for my young nieces to use. My MIL deleted her important files but left a lot of apps on the iMac before handing it over. I did not do a clean install of 10.4 like I had hoped because this computer originally shipped with Jaguar and my MIL no longer has the Tiger upgrade disks. Nevertheless, I was able to set-up the iMac over x-mas with parental controls for my two nieces user accounts. The computer is obviously old and not blazing fast but works well enough. I'm visiting this week and wanted to teach my brother how to do parental controls and other things on the iMac. Problem is that when we go into system prefs and click on either of my nieces user names and then select Parental Controls, it gets stuck. The window never populates with all the applications and our only choice is to quick system preferences. While over x-mas, parental controls was slow and took a while to list all the applications, it did successfully work. I've verified and repaired disk permissions, cleaned out caches and run the recommended tasks using Cocktail, but no luck. I've also tried making a new test account but it also gets stuck on the parental controls tab.
My brother would like to wipe out the entire computer and start with a fresh install of Tiger however that would require purchasing a full version of Tiger. Since the computer is only used by my nieces for games and such, I don't think it's worth paying >$150 for Tiger.
Any thoughts on why Parental Controls is getting stuck? And any idea on how to resolve it?

I hate being stumped too.
If all the above fails, then it appears to be time for a relatively painless Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space and no Disk corruption, and is relatively quick & painless...
Just be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings.
Reapply the Combo update.
The combo update for PowerPC-based Macs...
The combo update for Intel-based Macs...
Repair Permissions after re-install, then reboot again.

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    from the menu bar. From the Library folder, delete the following item, if it exists: 
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    Could be corrupted preferences...
    Go to ~/Library/Preferences
    Move the file from the Preferences folder to the Trash.
    Restart your Mac, open System Preferences, try again.

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    If anyone is still having this issue, try this fix:
    1. open Terminal and type
    chflags nohidden ~/Library (this will unhide your library folder in Lion)
    2. open Finder and navigate to Mac HD/Users/<username>/Library/Preferences and delete
    3. in Terminal type
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    Could be corrupted preferences...
    Go to ~/Library/Preferences
    Move the file from the Preferences folder to the Trash.
    Restart your Mac, open System Preferences, try again.

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    Hardware :
    2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
    Software :
    Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
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    To find out if it's system wide or user specific, try this...
    Open System Preferences>Accounts, unlock the lock, click on the little plus icon, make a new admin account, log out & into the new account.
    Does Sharing pane work in the new account?

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    No guarantees, what you might like to try the following:
    1. Sign out of your account
    (If you are unable to do this because System Preferences has frozen, Force Quit System Preferences and try again)
    2. When prompted, opt to delete, contacts, calendars etc from your Mac.
    (You are only deleting this data from your Mac, not from iCloud, the data will be reinstated when you log back in. If you need to check that the data is in iCloud before deleting it go to and check each section for data)
    3. Having logged out, check that the iCloud accounts along with their data have disappeared from the Mail, Address Book and iCal Applications.
    (If necessary, delete the iCloud accounts from each of these application separately from each Applications Preferences)
    4. At this point it may be worth trying to log into iCloud from the System Preferences iCloud settings again, if this works, all well and good, if it doesn't continue to step 5.
    5. Open your User Library folder in the Finder. (When in the Finder, go to the Go menu, hold down the option key (alt) and choose Library when it appears in the Go menu)
    6. Navigate to Library > Application Support > iCloud and drag the iCloud folder to your desktop. (This action only copies the folder and will provide you with a back up)
    7. Select the iCloud folder again in Library > Application Support and drag it to the trash, enter your administrators password when prompted.
    8. Restart your computer.
    9. You should now be able to enter your ID and Password in system Preferences > iCloud and log into your account. Check the services you wish to use and once you are satisfied it's working as it should, trashh the iCloud folder you copied to your desktop earlier.

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    Login to the problematic account ensure that System Preferences is closed down.  Move the following file to trash:
    but don't delete it from the trash yet, just in case you need to restore it.  Re-open System Preferences, it will re-create the file.  If all's well then, then you can empty the trash.

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    Back up all data. Quit System Preferences if it's running.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it, then copy the text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar. Paste into the box that opens (command-V), then press return. A folder should open. If it does, look for a file with a long name that begins "". There may be two such files. Move the onewithout the word "slideshow" in the name to the Trash.
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    You are probably running 10.4.10 in as much as the MacBook pro's came out well after 10.4.1 was released. In any case try deleting the file in your user/library/preferences folder.

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    Help please.

    Hi nite41, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, when that completes...
    Trash this file...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.
    Any diff?

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    Update on my previous post and a new solution.
    Previously, I was having issues with Mail crashing and the same issue everyone else is having with iCloud not loading in system preferences.  I had gotten temporary relief by going online to and doing Account Settings > Advanced and clicking on Reset Documents & Data, but this only worked for 1 day.  I finally solved the issue (working now for more than one week) by doing the following:
    1) Deleting the following folders:
    ~/Library/Application Support/iCloud/
    2) Opening KeyChain Access and clicking the following:
    > Preferences > General > Reset My Default Keychain
    After doing all this, I had to enter my login details for everything all over again (since I reset my keychain), which has been somewhat of a hassle, but at least the problem has been solved.
    My theory is that this problem is linked to iCloud and so my approach was to delete all traces of links to any iCloud accounts that I had logged into before.  It may be possible to resolve this issue without going through all of these steps, I am just sharing everything I did since I did not try one thing at a time.  In any case, I have been trouble free now for more than a week so I believe that the issue is finally resolved.

  • System preferences freezes

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    This morning (Sydney EST), I clicked on to System Preferences and seems to be working OK now.
    Not sure what changed between yesterday and today, though I had left system preferences in "Hang" last night (in other words I didn't do a forced quit when it seemingly froze). 
    This morning was able to change wallpaper no problem and was able to go into other system preferences and have a play around.
    I hope someone with more wit than I can make sense of all this.
    Thanks - mfbe

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    Hi mmartin247,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Mac OS X: How to troubleshoot a software issue
    - Judy

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