System user password

Hi all,
we use a rdbms realm instead of the weblogic realm in our system. As I know we
have to provide a system paasword in the file which can be
overwritten by the system password specified in the dbms. However this doesn't
work with us. The password specified in the is used.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Email: [email protected]

I pump into the same problem. I think that's because the server startup first check
the system user in the in 5.1) before
it actually load the custome realm(include the rdbms realm), so you have to define
system in both and the password has to be consistence.
I have read some doc, weblogic says the system user is no more mandatory, but
sounds like it is not that case.
"Dieter Arnold" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi all,
we use a rdbms realm instead of the weblogic realm in our system. As
I know we
have to provide a system paasword in the file which
can be
overwritten by the system password specified in the dbms. However this
work with us. The password specified in the is used.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Email: [email protected]

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    USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   EXPIRY_DA
    SYSMAN                         OPEN
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    Dear user13148231,
    Here is an illustration;
    SQL> alter user sys account lock;
    User altered.
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    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Aug 20 12:25:43 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
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    SQL> host sqlplus sys/password@opttest as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Aug 20 12:27:02 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
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    SQL> select username, account_status, lock_date, expiry_date from dba_users where username='SYS';
    USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   LOCK_DATE EXPIRY_DA
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    ORA-28000: the account is locked
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
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    ORA-28001: the password has expired
    Changing password for ogan
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    Password changed

  • Forgotten Sys and System user passwords

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    In order for "/ as sysdba" to work, you need to run
    the password file creation utility (orapwd).
    No, it has nothing to do with the password file. In order for "connect / as sysdba" to succeed, it is necessary to have an operating system account which is a member of the "osdba group". In Windows, this OS group is : "ORA_DBA". Any member of this group can and has privileges to connect "/ as sysdba". Again, it has nothing to do with password file.
    In Windows there is another condition for it to work :
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    In Unix systems, the osdba group is configured at installation and is conventionally named "dba".

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    goto Server Manager (svrmgrl) and connect internal, then type
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    Hi Amit,
    OS level  goto Computer Management -> Local Users and groups -> check for the user <sid>adm,and also for the group ora_<sid> the same way u can do with AIX OS

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    Are you try to connect sys user on sql command prompt and alter system user password then try to connect

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    I got the answer .
    In nw2004 ,
    SAPJSF as Communication user.
    In Netweaver 7.0
    SAPJSF as System user.

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    Thanks, yes am doing that now and cant really find any new/unique pattern. Plus the trace is pretty hard to follow. Cant really figure out any times stamps in the trace also. The current trace file is defaultTrace.18.trc and it has very simiiar content as some of the older ones before the problem. Right now the ESS portal is working and the slddsuser password is not locked. It seems the problem takes place on start up?
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    Kindly let me know the possible ways.
    Vijayaraghavan K

    Vijayaraghavan Krishnan wrote:
    Hi to all,
    We have a test database where our application connects to system user. The application runs more than a month without any issues, But suddenly my system and sys password gets changed. I wonder how this would happen. I have checked with DBA_USERS to check whether the account gets locked, But the account is in the Open state.
    I need to find out when the password gets changed for these users and who changed it? Is there any possible to trace it or we need to enable the auditing to find it in future.
    Kindly let me know the possible ways.
    Vijayaraghavan KThe only way to implement an Oracle Audit

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    Kinldy suggest if you have came across this kind of issue.

    Thanks for the replies.
    As my OVD is integrated with OID & AD both, I am picking up the users from OID for update.
    Also the SSL is configured betveen OVD & AD, but still AD user password is also not successfull.
    Niether of two is working.
    I am not able to create a user through Identity System console, as I had not configured workfllow.
    I believe for updating user attibute, workflow defination need not to be define.
    Also As I had mentioned before, I am able to modify all the other attributes other than user password.
    Also Schema is extended properly.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    I have a All super admin rols.
    Pleas guide.
    Thanks in advance.

    Basically you can't! If you tell it to generate one, then that's only sent to the user. Why not enter your own random password or let the user pick their own through some sort of self service function?

  • "user password expiration" for every 30 days for the NW2004S systems

    Dear all,
    We are using NW2004s with BI and DI,EP. We set the parameter "user password expiration" for every 30 days for the NW2004S systems(dual stack).
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    Note :Password expire parameter should keep compulsory  in the system
    So Please guide us to resolve those problem.
    Thanks in advance
    Lakshminarayanan M

    I don't suggest you to change J2EE_ADMIN password. instead you should logon with your user.
    Anyway.... please find below a small program to control passwords validity. for some users is very usefull.
    REPORT  ZS_ALTERA_DATA_PASS                     .
    select-options : s_users for usr02-bname.
    parameter:       p_data  like usr02-bcda1 default sy-datum.
    update usr02 set bcda1 = p_data
                 where bname in s_users.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    MESSAGE 'Password validity changed' type 'S'.
    MESSAGE 'ERROR changing password validity' type 'E'.

  • OPS@ user password (homogenous system copy)

    I have successfully restored the Production data to the QA system . the database is ON .
    Now when i try to start the application i get the following error.
    The OPS@GAQADM is available in the SAPUSER table.
    there is something abt the password . I have gone through the SNOTE :400241
    Here its says to change the password using the follwing command
    brconnect -u system/<syst_pwd> -f chpass -o SAP<SID> -p <new_sap_pwd>
    but i dont know what is the "system" user and what is its default password.
    gaqscm:gaqadm 2%
    gaqscm:gaqadm 2% more trans.log
    4 ETW000 R3trans version 6.13 (release 640 - 21.06.06 - 08:38:00).
    4 ETW000 ===============================================
    4 ETW000
    4 ETW000 date&time   : 20.05.2008 - 11:30:23
    4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>
    4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: R3trans -d
    4 ETW000  trace at level 2 opened for a given file pointer
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Tue May 20 11:30:23 2008                             235  0.000235
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_init called                                    51  0.000286
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  create_con (con_name=R/3)                            148  0.000434
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Loading DB library '/usr/sap/GAQ/SYS/exe/run/' ...
    4 ETW000                                                                             180  0.000614
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  load shared library (/usr/sap/GAQ/SYS/exe/run/, hdl 0
    4 ETW000                                                                           65241  0.065855
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Library '/usr/sap/GAQ/SYS/exe/run/' loaded
    4 ETW000                                                                           10617  0.076472
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function DbSlExpFuns loaded from library /usr/sap/GAQ/SYS/exe/run/
    4 ETW000                                                                             128  0.076600
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Version of '/usr/sap/GAQ/SYS/exe/run/' is "640.00", patchlevel (0.125)
    4 ETW000                                                                             801  0.077401
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function dsql_db_init loaded from library /usr/sap/GAQ/SYS/exe/run/
    4 ETW000                                                                             108  0.077509
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library /usr/sap/GAQ/SYS/exe/run/
    4 ETW000                                                                             110  0.077619
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  New connection 0 created                              59  0.077678
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000
    , con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                             125  0.077803
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)                         54  0.077857
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  find_con_by_name found the following connection for reuse:
    4 ETW000                                                                              82  0.077939
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000,
    con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                              89  0.078028
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Got ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/GAQ/920_64 from environment
    4 ETW000                                                                             397  0.078425
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  -->oci_initialize (con_hdl=0)                        181  0.078606
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  got NLS_LANG='AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC' from environment
    4 ETW000                                                                              89  0.078695
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC        7404  0.086099
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPGAQ's password           66  0.086165
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Connecting as /@GAQ on connection 0 (nls_hdl 0) ... (dbsl 640 310306)
    4 ETW000                                                                              86  0.086251
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Nls CharacterSet                 NationalCharSet              C      EnvHp      ErrHp ErrHpBat
    4 ETW000                                                                              90  0.086341
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    0 WE8DEC                                                    1  10124ce20  1012560b0  101255a
    4 ETW000                                                                             106  0.086447
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Allocating service context handle for con_hdl=0       51  0.086498
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Allocating server context handle                      59  0.086557
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Attaching to DB Server GAQ (con_hdl=0,svchp=101255978,svrhp=101257e18)
    4 ETW000                                                                             155  0.086712
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Assigning server context 101257e18 to service context 101255978
    4 ETW000                                                                           65351  0.152063
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Allocating user session handle                        88  0.152151
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=101255978,srvhp=101257e18,usrhp=101261870)
    4 ETW000                                                                             126  0.152277
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Assigning user session 101261870 to service context 101255978
    4 ETW000                                                                           12674  0.164951
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]         BEGIN DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE (:A0, :A1); END;
    4 ETW000                                                                             187  0.165138
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]         BEGIN DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO (:A0); END;
    4 ETW000                                                                             293  0.165431
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Now '/@GAQ' is connected (con_hdl 0, nls_hdl 0).
    4 ETW000                                                                            1709  0.167140
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]         ALTER SESSION SET NLS_SORT = BINARY
    4 ETW000                                                                             130  0.167270
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]         SELECT USERID,PASSWD FROM SAPUSER WHERE USERID IN (:A0, :A1)
    4 ETW000                                                                             861  0.168131
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Got SAPGAQ's password from OPS$-user                1393  0.169524
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Disconnecting from connection 0 ...                   60  0.169584
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Rolling back transaction ...                          82  0.169666
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=101255978,usrhp=101261870)
    4 ETW000                                                                             411  0.170077
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE                     788  0.170865
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Connecting as SAPGAQ/<pwd>@GAQ on connection 0 (nls_hdl 0) ... (dbsl 640 310306)
    4 ETW000                                                                             113  0.170978
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Nls CharacterSet                 NationalCharSet              C      EnvHp      ErrHp ErrHpBat
    4 ETW000                                                                              87  0.171065
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    0 WE8DEC                                                    1  10124ce20  1012560b0  101255a
    4 ETW000                                                                              85  0.171150
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Assigning username to user session 101261870          54  0.171204
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Assigning password to user session 101261870          56  0.171260
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=101255978,srvhp=101257e18,usrhp=101261870)
    4 ETW000                                                                              88  0.171348
    4 ETW000  [dboci.c     ,00000]  *** ERROR => OCI-call 'OCISessionBegin' failed: rc = 1017
    4 ETW000                                                                            1792  0.173140
    4 ETW000  [dbsloci.    ,00000]  *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '1017'
    4 ETW000                                                                             104  0.173244
    4 ETW000  [dblink      ,00419]  ***LOG BY2=>sql error 1017   performing CON [dblink#2 @ 419]
    4 ETW000                                                                             143  0.173387
    4 ETW000  [dblink      ,00419]  ***LOG BY0=>ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied [dblink#2 @ 419]
    4 ETW000                                                                              80  0.173467
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = ORACLE                           --- dbs_ora_tnsname = 'GAQ'"

    i recall having the same problem and even after having changed the password through brconnect i still wasn't able to login using sqlplus and connect / (as an example)
    you could also go for the ORADBUSR.SQL skript which is attached to sapnote and append it:
    > sqlplus /nolog @oradbusr.sql <schemaowner> NT <userdomain>
    or on unix
    > sqlplus /nolog @oradbusr.sql <Schema-Owner-ID> UNIX <SAP-ID> X
    schema id environment (dbs_ora_schema) is set for the target db?
    GreetZ, AH

  • R/3 Users of Type system Change Passwords

    I have the following scenario, I have users from R/3 that can access portals, but i don't want them to access from dialog in R/3. I created them of type user "B" as "system users".
    How can i change the passwords of them in portals, like a service for "changing passwords" or "forgot passwords"?
    Should i created them as other type? But the others types can access dialog?
         Cesar Felce

    Hi GLM,
        I don't want to disable the passwords, i just want them to be able to change their passwords from the portal.
        Let me explain my scenario again, I have many students that have a R/3 user account, but they only use sap from a WD4A applications so thay can update personal data and so on. The thing is thay they are users in R/3 of type system, because i don't want them to be able to enter form SAPGUI, but they can't change their passwords.
      Student -> enter portals -> change password.
      Student -> enter SAPGUI -> can't access. 
      We have the single sign on.
      thanks for the help,
          Cesar Felce

  • Changing expired password of "system" user

    today I got a message that said that "system"-s password is expired.
    I used sqlplus:
    sqlplus system/mypass@myserver:1521/dwh
    Then I got:
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Oct 14 12:05:50 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-28001: the password has expired
    Changing password for system
    New password:
    But when I entered the new password twice after prompting, I got:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    Password unchanged
    Weird, can somebody explain this?

    user10298630 wrote:
    today I got a message that said that "system"-s password is expired.
    I used sqlplus:
    sqlplus system/mypass@myserver:1521/dwh
    Then I got:
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Oct 14 12:05:50 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-28001: the password has expired
    Changing password for system
    New password:
    But when I entered the new password twice after prompting, I got:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    Password unchanged
    Weird, can somebody explain this?What exactly is weird in it? There must be a mistake in the typing of yours due to which you have got this error, the same worked for me dandy,
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Oct 14 17:19:10 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to an idle instance.
    SQL> startup
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  167772160 bytes
    Fixed Size                  1247900 bytes
    Variable Size              67110244 bytes
    Database Buffers           96468992 bytes
    Redo Buffers                2945024 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
    SQL> conn fortest/test
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
    SQL> drop user fortest cascade;
    User dropped.
    SQL> create user fortest identified by test password expire;
    User created.
    SQL> grant create session to fortest;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn fortest/test
    ORA-28001: the password has expired
    Changing password for fortest
    New password:
    Retype new password:
    Password changed
    SQL> +So the reason you got the error is 99.99% a typing mistake. To get back the user working, like others have suggested already, use Sys account and unlock it.

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