System wide Brightness dimmer

I am unhappy with the current brightness dimmer for iPad's iOs. When turned down to the minimum in preferences it is still way too bright to use at night like in bed. It lights up the whole room and my wife is not too pleased. As I flick through images or watch video, I notice too much flickering of light in the room and its uncomfortable for her to sleep.
I really like iBooks lowest setting which is much dimmer than the systems, and I use the Night browser to surf though I can't use my bookmarks from Safari. Is there a jailbreak or a way to hack the iPad that can just have the same function as ibooks, night browser or comiczeal? I do a lot of typing, surfing and doing some brainstorming for work before i sleep. I just wish I can without disturbing my wife.

celliott147 wrote:
the brightness level in iBooks and the system level are the same max and min...i tested with a photographer friend... the difference you perceive is an optical illusion...
This is not true. You must have done your testing incorrectly.
Set the brightness to the minimum in Settings and turn auto brightness off. It's clear that in the iBooks app the brightness can be further reduced with the iBooks light control far below the system minimum. When you leave the iBooks app the brightness will be restored to the current system value of minimum. When you resume the iBooks application the brightness will then start at the system minimum and then be automatically reduced as you watch to the very low brightness.

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    whoops wrote:Do you use the motherboard sound-card?
    whoops wrote:If not - did you try just turning it off in bios (or blacklisting the driver)?
    No, I haven't tried that. I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the tip!
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    ======= From the documentation =======
    MAIL_ACCESS : Used to block incoming connections based on combined information found in SEND_ACCESS and PORT_ACCESS tables: that is, the channel and address information found in SEND_ACCESS combined with the IP address and port number information found in PORT_ACCESS.
    ORIG_MAIL_ACCESS : Used to block incoming connections based on combined information found in ORIG_SEND_ACCESS and PORT_ACCESS tables: that is, the channel and address information found in ORIG_SEND_ACCESS combined with the IP address and port number information found in PORT_ACCESS.
    PORT_ACCESS : Used to block incoming connections based on IP number.

    Alas, the RBL stuff is done before iMS even knows who the message is addressd to. That stuff is done at the initial connection phase, as our philosophy is to reject a message just as soon as possible . . .
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    # /etc/fetchmailrc
    set postmaster [email protected]
    set no bouncemail
    set daemon 300
    set logfile =  "/var/log/fetchmail.log"
    poll proto pop3
    no dns
    no envelope
    user domain_mbox_username
    pass domain_mbox_passwd
    is * here
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    With my current setup, aliasing to the catchall account automatically distributes to respective mailboxes by reading the mail headers. (and also am not very good in coding, please treat me like a newbie )
    Looking forward to your assistance.
    Thanks and regards,
    Last edited by wclemo (2013-07-24 17:28:45)

    Hi, this post is for 10g, bu I don't think much have changed (except the file location: \MWHOME\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\catalog\YOUR_CATALOG\root\system\metadata)
    I didn't test it myself.

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    RE: Setting system-wide trusted file locations
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    Any help you be greatly appreciated. 

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    Can you please provide just a little more detail?
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    see this link how to enable it system wide. I use it in Mail. very handy. acement

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    Is there a way/apple script?
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    I followed these instructions and they work, but I also get errors. Here are two files in the directire, and the contents of ~/.profile, I called the function killextension:
    I run the command to hide the PDF:
    Note the two errors. Thank you very much, BTW. No more Dropbox attributes files!  

  • System wide PDF presets location is not working in CC

    On both Mac and PC, the system wide location for PDF settings (.joboptions) does not work anymore.
    /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings (on a Mac)
    It is illogical to remove this feature. Even if that folder does not store the main default presets, which are now stored in each application, it still needs to be looked at and loaded from. It's actually illogical to store the same preset in multiple locations (i.e. each application). If there is a preset that is only for a certain application (e.g. Illustrator Default), this could be put in the application folder, but all others like High Quality, Prepress, PDF/X should be in a central location, i.e. where they used to be.
    I know that each user can manually load into their own PDF presets, which then do appear in all suite apps, but this has to be done every time a new user logs into a computer.
    The central location meant that all suite apps would see a custom set of presets automatically across the entire suite and across multiple versions of the suite. The other advantage to the central location is that the presets would appear in square brackets, in other words read only, so they cannot be changed by the user without saving as a new file.
    Having users manually load and be able to change the presets kind of defeats the purpose of having a preset, certainly in our environment, where we need these settings to be consistent across all apps, all computers and all users.
    Please put this feature back or at least honour the central location that used to be used.

    As per the description, I understand that your Office 2013 cannot open files through a network share directly.
    I would like to know that how many clients/users are affected by this in your environment. It could be some specific user account settings, that the Office applications are being affected by.
    I'd first suggest you try with a new Windows user profile, then verify result.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    I am in, I am trying to the save a column as system wide default in 11g but my changes are not getting saved or reflected?
    This is what I did using the "weblogic" user name and password
    1. Pulled a column EmpName in the criteria
    2. Added an action link to that column, which points to another dashboard page Page1
    3. Saved as system wide default by clicking on save as system wide default for "EmpName"
    4. Restarted the presentation services.
    Now when again logged in, and selected that column in my request, what I expect to see (when I run the request and go to results) is that navigtion applied on this column which will take me to the dashboard page Page1.
    But this is not happening, What is that I am missing? Can anybody please let me know

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