T60 - upgrade von Win 7 auf Win 10 wegen ATI RADEON X1400 nicht möglich

Hallo! Leider kann ich meinen T60 nicht von Windows 7 auf Windows upgraden. Es erscheint die Meldung, dass ein upgrade nicht möglich ist, da mindestens eine Komponente nicht kompatibel ist. Es handelt sich um die verbaute Grafikkarte: ATI Mobility Radeon X1400. Gibt es schon eine Lösung, bzw. wer kennt sie?  Wird von LENOVO schon drann gearbeitet? Gruß, Ebbehocker

Hallo ebbehocker,
das T60 wird bislang nicht offiziell von Lenovo für Windows 10 unterstützt und ich würde auch nicht davon ausgehen, das dies noch passieren wird.
Das Problem an der Sache ist, das nicht Lenovo, sondern AMD Treiber für die Karte liefern müsste und dies ist eher unwahrscheinlich.

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    Dank für die Hilfe und fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr:

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    Studenten dürfen nur einmal pro (akademischem) Jahr kaufen, deswegen ja die Rabatte. Steht irgendwo im S&T FAQ. Auf kommerzielle Versionen upgraden kannst du natürlich später ohne Probleme. In der Regel muss das dann aber direkt über Adobe erfolgen wegen dem ganzen Seriennummernhickhack.

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    vor etwa einem Jahr habe ich eine Win CS6 Studentenversion erworben und nutze sie täglich tatkräftig für meine Projekte. Inzwischen die Zeit reif für einen neuen Rechner. Dabei denke ich über einen Mac nach.
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    Über Hinweise und Anregungen würde ich mich sehr freuen!

    Achso...   das hatte ich noch nicht gerafft. Ok so weit so gut. Nun habe ich hier einige Infos gefunden:
    http://www.software-express.de/grafik-und-design/sprach-und-plattformwechsel-von-adobe-pro dukten/
    steht drin:
    Ausgeschlossen von Sprach- und Plattformwechseln sind auch Studentenversionen der Adobe Software.
    Jeder Kunde kann fünfmal wechseln, jedes Produkt jedoch nur einmal.
    Ich hab Studentenversion und Mastercollection (also mehr als 5 Produkte... oder?)
    Vielen Dank für deine Geduld

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    Einfach deaktivieren reicht hier. (Unter Hilfe > Deaktivieren).

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    ("My Administrative Account"): Users / Owner / My Music
    ("My User Account"): Users / Yank / My Music
    My "Administrative" and "User" user accounts contain different songs in iTunes.
    If helpful, I could describe what is in each of these 2 backed-up music folders.
    To get started, I copied both my "Owner" and "Yank" user folders in the C: User folder; however now I have "Owner," "Yank," and "Yank.Owner-Toshiba" folders in the C: User folder. I think I did this by creating a new Yank user account by creating a new account, not by my copying a folder into C: User folder. The Owner folder has a picture of a lock on the folder icon.
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    I also ended up changing the "iTunes Media folder location" several times, using iTunes "Edit / Preferences / Advanced tab / change "iTunes Media folder location". When I chose "Reset," it shows "C:\Users\Owner\NEW OWNER FOLDER\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media"
    I've also played around with "Edit / Preferences / Advanced tab / 'Keep iTunes Media folder organized' "
    When I open my iTunes, I have no playlists.
    However, when I went to my "Yank" user account and opened iTunes for the first time, the playlists associated with that account were visible.
    How do I get my playlists back on my Administrative Account, which is my main song collection and had many, many playlists?
    Thank you.

    I didn't try shift-start of iTunes, but I DID GET MY PLAYLISTS BACK BY FOLLOWING YOUR OTHER ADVICE:
    I went to my external hard drive, went to my backup at Users / Owner / My Music / iTunes / and searched for library.itl
    Four files with that name were found, with different dates.
    I chose the most recent, dated just a few days before I made my backup to the external hard drive.
    I copied it to my computer's hard drive into the following location:
    C:\Users\Owner\NEW OWNER FOLDER\Music\iTunes
    which overwrote the file which was located there.
    CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW DISAPPOINTED I FELT WHEN I BELIEVED THAT I HAD LOST ALL OF THE PLAYLISTS WHICH I HAD CREATED OVER THE YEARS? Many of my playlists were composed of whole albums whose songs I had added to iTunes.

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi @Alkay 
    I see that you are having sound issues after your 8.1 upgrade. Did you update to the 8.1 versions of the drivers?
    They may be found here: HP ENVY Phoenix h9-1355 Desktop PC Drivers
    Is it only the one application seeing this problem?
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click Accept as Solution if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click Kudos Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Hi FishingGuy58,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I see that you are having some printing issues since you upgraded to Windows 8.1.  So I can better assist you, Please respond with the Printer Model number.
    How Do I Find My Model Number?
    Once I have the information I can better research the issue and with any luck, come up with a resolution to this issue.
    Thank you for your time.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    W a t e r b o y 71
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Bluetooth does not work well after upgrade to win 8.1 from win 8

    System:                       Dell Inspiron 15R 5520
    Bluetooth hardware:   Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) 4.0 + High Speed Adapter
                                         Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator
    Ever since I upgraded from Win 8 to 8.1, the bluetooth has not been working well.
    The option to browse a remote folder or send a file does not work. 
    I can send a file only by opening the contaning folder, right click, and send to bluetooth, but cannot receive a file unless I go to
    run and then open fsquirt.exe .
    I have unpaired and uninstalled the devices respectively, and then reinstalled and repaired them. But this does not work .either.
    Unfortunately, I am unable to paste  screenshots of the device manager and error messages until I am verified.
    Can anyone give me a solution to this problem?

    Verify that you have the latest drivers for Windows 8.1 installed from the manufacturer's website.

  • After upgrading from Win 8 to 8.1 my DVD RAM GT80N SATA Drive is no longer working

    After upgrading from Win 8 to 8.1 my  DVD RAM GT80N SATA Drive is no longer recognizing discs. When I first put a disc in the drive runs for a bit and then stops. I've tried updating the driver but it says it has the most current driver. Under manage, it does not show any error codes and it says it is working correctly. I've looked at the regedit and it does not have any of upper and lower filters. I've tried disabling, rebooting, and reenabling. What am I missing? Another issue I've had since upgrading is that my network adapter needs reset several times a day in order to remain connected to wifi.

    Hey hvbnfrgvn,
    Thank you for the information on your HP Pavilion g7-2270us Notebook PC.
    I suggest following the steps in this document for Drive Cannot Read Discs (Windows 8).
    If your CD/DVD Drive Is Not Detected (Windows 8), follow the steps in this document.
    I hope this information helps, please keep me posted on how it goes.
    Best of luck and have a great day!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

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