Tab-completion after directories containing spaces broken

Some days ago I noticed that tab-completion doesn't work any more on files and directories that contain spaces. I'm pretty sure that it has. I'm using bash (3.1.17-1). I don't know when this happened, but my suspicion is that it is related to the upgrade to readline 5.2. Has anyone else experienced this? (Maybe someone can be a bit more specific than I )
Hm, here are some other perhaps interesting settings on my system:

Romashka wrote:Probably due to upgrade of readline while bash was not recompiled.
In bug report somebody mentioned that he recompiled bash against current readline without success in resolving the issue (so did slubman a moment ago). I think that's rather bash itself  or bash/readline (not likely since new bash works properly) problem.
Anyway I'm stopping before I'll turn this thread into bug system I'm going to watch bug reports since now without "bugging" you (a insectorium in one phrase )
Thanks a lot for your replies and interest!

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  • SVN Tab Complete issues (space after each complete)

    Morning all,
    I've got a weird issue with my SVN tab complete using Bash, it adds a space after each item it completes - for example: Say there is a directory 'foobar' with a file 'zomg' within that, I'd type 'svn add fo' and then hit tab - however, this results in 'svn add foobar ' (note the space). This is highly annoying, as I can no longer hit 'z' then tab to complete it to 'foobar/zomg', I have to remove the space, then go again (it does it for everything, so adding something like 'foobar/zomg/wtf/bbq' is a nightmare.)
    So far it only does it with Bash, I've not been able to test it on other shells. Subversion 1.4.6-4 on an up-to-date Arch install with core, extra and community repos enabled (however it has done it from the very start of me using Arch, so it's not a recent update that killed it).
    Last edited by AlexC_ (2008-09-20 16:13:48)

    Hi AlexC_ :-)
    I suspect that it may be an issue with /etc/bash_completion. This is the relevant part from my /etc/bash_completion.
    # svn completion
    have svn &&
    local cur prev commands options command
    commands='add blame praise annotate ann cat checkout co cleanup commit \
    ci copy cp delete del remove rm diff di export help ? h import \
    info list ls lock log merge mkdir move mv rename ren \
    propdel pdel pd propedit pedit pe propget pget pg \
    proplist plist pl propset pset ps resolved revert \
    status stat st switch sw unlock update up'
    if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then
    if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--version' -- $cur ) )
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$commands" -- $cur ) )
    case $prev in
    _filedir -d
    return 0;
    return 0;
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W \
    '$( iconv --list | sed -e "s@//@@;" )' \
    -- "$cur" ) )
    return 0;
    return 0;
    if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
    # possible options for the command
    case $command in
    options='--auto-props --no-auto-props \
    --force --targets --no-ignore \
    --non-recursive -N -q --quiet'
    options='-r --revisions --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive -v \
    --verbose --incremental --xml'
    options='-r --revision --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    options='-r --revision -q --quiet -N \
    --non-recursive --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive \
    options='-m --message -F --file \
    --encoding --force-log -q \
    --quiet --non-recursive -N \
    --targets --editor-cmd \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive --no-unlock'
    options='-m --message -F --file \
    --encoding --force-log -r \
    --revision -q --quiet \
    --editor-cmd -username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    options='--force -m --message -F \
    --file --encoding --force-log \
    -q --quiet --targets \
    --editor-cmd -username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    options='-r --revision -x --extensions \
    --diff-cmd --no-diff-deleted \
    -N --non-recursive --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive --force \
    --old --new --notice-ancestry'
    options='-r --revision -q --quiet \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive -N \
    --non-recursive --force \
    --native-eol --ignore-externals'
    options='--auto-props --no-auto-props \
    -m --message -F --file \
    --encoding --force-log -q \
    --quiet --non-recursive \
    --no-ignore --editor-cmd \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    options='--username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive -r \
    --revision --xml --targets \
    -R --recursive --incremental'
    options='-r --revision -v --verbose -R \
    --recursive --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive \
    --incremental --xml'
    options='-m --message -F --file \
    --encoding --force-log \
    --targets --force --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    options='-r --revision -v --verbose \
    --targets --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive \
    --stop-on-copy --incremental \
    --xml -q --quiet --limit'
    options='-r --revision -N \
    --non-recursive -q --quiet \
    --force --dry-run --diff3-cmd \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive \
    options='-m --message -F --file \
    --encoding --force-log -q \
    --quiet --editor-cmd \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    options='-m --message -F --file \
    --encoding --force-log -r \
    --revision -q --quiet \
    --force --editor-cmd \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    options='-q --quiet -R --recursive -r \
    --revision --revprop \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    options='-r --revision --revprop \
    --encoding --editor-cmd \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive --force'
    options='-R --recursive -r --revision \
    --revprop --strict --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    options='-v --verbose -R --recursive \
    -r --revision --revprop -q \
    --quiet --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    options='-F --file -q --quiet \
    --targets -R --recursive \
    --revprop --encoding \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive -r \
    --revision --force'
    options='--targets -R --recursive -q \
    options='--targets -R --recursive -q \
    options='-u --show-updates -v \
    --verbose -N --non-recursive \
    -q --quiet --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive --no-ignore \
    --ignore-externals \
    --incremental --xml'
    options='--relocate -r --revision -N \
    --non-recursive -q --quiet \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive --diff3-cmd'
    options='--targets --force --username \
    --password --no-auth-cache \
    options='-r --revision -N \
    --non-recursive -q --quiet \
    --username --password \
    --no-auth-cache \
    --non-interactive \
    --diff3-cmd --ignore-externals'
    options="$options --help -h --config-dir"
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- $cur ) )
    if [[ "$command" == @(help|h|\?) ]]; then
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$commands" -- $cur ) )
    return 0
    complete -F _svn $default svn
    local cur prev commands options mode
    commands='create deltify dump help ? hotcopy list-dblogs \
    list-unused-dblogs load lslocks lstxns recover rmlocks \
    rmtxns setlog verify'
    if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then
    if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--version' -- $cur ) )
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$commands" -- $cur ) )
    case $prev in
    _filedir -d
    return 0;
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'fsfs bdb' -- $cur ) )
    return 0;
    if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
    # possible options for the command
    case $command in
    options='--bdb-txn-nosync \
    --bdb-log-keep --config-dir \
    options='-r --revision -q --quiet'
    options='-r --revision --incremental \
    -q --quiet --deltas'
    options='--ignore-uuid --force-uuid \
    --parent-dir -q --quiet \
    --use-pre-commit-hook \
    options='-q --quiet'
    options='-r --revision --bypass-hooks'
    options="$options --help -h"
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- $cur ) )
    if [[ "$command" == @(help|h|\?) ]]; then
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$commands" -- $cur ) )
    return 0
    complete -F _svnadmin $default svnadmin
    local cur prev commands options mode
    commands='author cat changed date diff dirs-changed help ? h history \
    info lock log propget pget pg proplist plist pl tree uuid \
    if [[ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ]] ; then
    if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '--version' -- $cur ) )
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$commands" -- $cur ) )
    if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
    # possible options for the command
    case $command in
    options='-r --revision -t \
    options='-r --revision -t \
    --transaction --copy-info'
    options='-r --revision -t \
    --transaction \
    --no-diff-deleted \
    --no-diff-added \
    options='-r --revision --show-ids'
    options='-r --revision -t \
    --transaction --revprop'
    options='-r --revision -t \
    --transaction --show-ids \
    options="$options --help -h"
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- $cur ) )
    if [[ "$command" == @(help|h|\?) ]]; then
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$commands" -- $cur ) )
    return 0
    complete -F _svnlook $default svnlook
    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by alanhaggai (2008-09-21 02:08:12)

  • Menu tabs disappear completely after login and appears if only i press on item node at hire level

    I'm using a Menu Model to Create a Page Hierarchy in my adf application on Jdeveloper
    it is in three levels level 1 have 2 item nods (home - Help) displayed as buttons
                                level 2   contains 5 item nods about the managements displayed as tabs
                                level 3   is about reports displayed as list
    the point I have apply security in the application using Adf security wizard and i assign roles and users and grants
    all works fine but level 2 tabs disappear completely after login and appears if only i press on Home item node at run time
    I create 2 users (admin) has all roles  and can view all  tabs in level 2 of my navigation and another user (emp)  which can view one Tab page in level 2
    Point 1 --the item nod are rendered according the #{securityContext.regionViewable['oracle.view.pageDefs.RentManagPageDef']}     (EL ) expression language 
    and other item nod render property are set as the same but in the page name definition
    it works fine
    _ Point 2 in my page template I set #{menuInfo.rendered} for renderd property of the command navigation item
    it works fine
    - point 3 I add a  go link in my template to explicit perform log in log out from the app  and redirect the user to the required page
    Destination is
    #{securityContext.authenticated ? "/adfAuthentication?logout=true&end_url=/faces/wearhouse.jsf"  : "/adfAuthentication?success_url=/faces/company.jsf"}
    and its also works fine
    the problem is in the level 2 navigation tabs which is diaper after explicit log in the app directs the user to the correct page successfully
    But the tabs are not rendered till I press on home button on Level 1 navigation it appears and it appears  correctly cording the logged in user validation
    in another words i log in as user (admin) i get directed to the successful log in page  in the link go but  level 2 tabs are invisible or not rendered at all    I click on Home button in level1 navigation the tabs
    become rendered or viewable and i navigate normally
    I log out as admin the level 2 tabs becomes invisible again
    then I log in as (emp)  i get directed to the successful log in page and  level 2 tabs are still  invisible or not rendered
    I click on Home button in level1 navigation the only one tab the user emp authorized to it  gets rendered (appears)
    and its semi correct behavior because this is what I want him to see only
    my tries to find solution
    I tride to use
    on the menu node item   I found same behavior level 2 tabs gets hidden till i click on home link at run time
    I tride to use #{securityContext.authenticated} to control item nods rending
    all tabs remains visible and i dont want that ain adition if user clicks on a tab of page he has no authority on it i recive server error
    I read 30.7 Creating a Login Page in the  Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework to finde about redirecting user
    and it is using the same as i did from adf tutorials
    I tried to make new navigation app on fast
    maybe i made incorrect change in any stage of my original app
    but I found same behavior
    I tried to set disabled property instead of rendered property the tabs are always rendered   but I got server error when I click on a tab which a user does not authorized
    So I doubt maybe problem in the El or the way I use to control rendering item node
    or there additional step to stop all  the tabs disappear after login
    I hope please some one Help or tell me what i have to read about in the developer guide  or interface developer guide or article on the web
    I'll be gratfule
    I know maybe it is small issue but help me please

    have a look at the sample that comes with this article: Oracle ADF: Security for Everyone It uses resource remissions to authorize panel tabs.
    One test to run is to print the outcome of the security evaluation (e.g. output text) to see what it returns.

  • Bash tab completion broken

    Hi all,
    Probably a dumb question but google has been no help this afternoon but basically my problem is thus:
    In my vnc sessions I cannot tab complete...anything at all.... yet, in putty I can tab just fine.
    Some details...
    bash rc file
    if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion
    # If not running interactively, don't do anything
    [[ $- != *i* ]] && return
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
    uname -a
    Linux Kannagi 2.6.38-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Apr 22 20:29:33 CEST 2011 x86_64 Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2214 HE AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
    echo $SHELL
    I have everything installed I believe:
    pacman -Q |grep -i bash
    bash 4.2.008-1
    bash-completion 1.3-2
    Any ideas? Something I'm missing?

    byte wrote:Can you specify somewhere to use a login shell (bash -l)?
    Normally .bashrc gets sourced by .bash_profile, and unless it's a login shell nothing will happen.
    I tried running "bash -l" but the shell I get doesn't have bash completion either : (

  • [SOLVED] ls colors different from tab completion colors

    I've been configuring the colored output of ls and I've got ls colors set, but the colored output from tab completion is different sometimes making it hard to read the files/directories.  Does anyone know where the file that controls the tab completion colors? is a picture showing the issue.
    # Configuration file for dircolors, a utility to help you set the
    # LS_COLORS environment variable used by GNU ls with the --color option.
    # Copyright (C) 1996, 1999-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
    # are permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.
    # The keywords COLOR, OPTIONS, and EIGHTBIT (honored by the
    # slackware version of dircolors) are recognized but ignored.
    # Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
    TERM Eterm
    TERM ansi
    TERM color-xterm
    TERM con132x25
    TERM con132x30
    TERM con132x43
    TERM con132x60
    TERM con80x25
    TERM con80x28
    TERM con80x30
    TERM con80x43
    TERM con80x50
    TERM con80x60
    TERM cons25
    TERM console
    TERM cygwin
    TERM dtterm
    TERM eterm-color
    TERM gnome
    TERM gnome-256color
    TERM jfbterm
    TERM konsole
    TERM kterm
    TERM linux
    TERM linux-c
    TERM mach-color
    TERM mlterm
    TERM putty
    TERM rxvt
    TERM rxvt-256color
    TERM rxvt-cygwin
    TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
    TERM rxvt-unicode
    TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
    TERM rxvt-unicode256
    TERM screen
    TERM screen-256color
    TERM screen-256color-bce
    TERM screen-bce
    TERM screen-w
    TERM screen.rxvt
    TERM screen.linux
    TERM terminator
    TERM vt100
    TERM xterm
    TERM xterm-16color
    TERM xterm-256color
    TERM xterm-88color
    TERM xterm-color
    TERM xterm-debian
    # Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
    # string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
    # Attribute codes:
    # 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
    # Text color codes:
    # 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
    # Background color codes:
    # 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
    #NORMAL 00 # no color code at all
    #FILE 00 # regular file: use no color at all
    #RESET 0 # reset to "normal" color
    DIR 01;34 # directory
    LINK 01;36 # symbolic link. (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
    # numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.)
    MULTIHARDLINK 00 # regular file with more than one link
    FIFO 40;33 # pipe
    SOCK 01;35 # socket
    DOOR 01;35 # door
    BLK 40;33;01 # block device driver
    CHR 40;33;01 # character device driver
    ORPHAN 40;31;01 # symlink to nonexistent file, or non-stat'able file
    SETUID 37;41 # file that is setuid (u+s)
    SETGID 30;40 # file that is setgid (g+s)
    CAPABILITY 30;41 # file with capability
    STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 32;40 # dir that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w)
    OTHER_WRITABLE 35;40 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
    STICKY 37;44 # dir with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable
    # This is for files with execute permission:
    EXEC 01;32
    # List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
    # to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
    # (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
    # If you use DOS-style suffixes, you may want to uncomment the following:
    #.cmd 01;32 # executables (bright green)
    #.exe 01;32 01;32
    #.btm 01;32
    #.bat 01;32
    # Or if you want to colorize scripts even if they do not have the
    # executable bit actually set. 01;32
    #.csh 01;32
    # archives or compressed (bright red)
    .tar 01;31
    .tgz 01;31
    .arj 01;31
    .taz 01;31
    .lzh 01;31
    .lzma 01;31
    .tlz 01;31
    .txz 01;31
    .zip 01;31
    .z 01;31
    .Z 01;31
    .dz 01;31
    .gz 01;31
    .lz 01;31
    .xz 01;31
    .bz2 01;31
    .bz 01;31
    .tbz 01;31
    .tbz2 01;31
    .tz 01;31
    .deb 01;31
    .rpm 01;31
    .jar 01;31
    .war 01;31
    .ear 01;31
    .sar 01;31
    .rar 01;31
    .ace 01;31
    .zoo 01;31
    .cpio 01;31
    .7z 01;31
    .rz 01;31
    # image formats
    .jpg 01;35
    .jpeg 01;35
    .gif 01;35
    .bmp 01;35
    .pbm 01;35
    .pgm 01;35
    .ppm 01;35
    .tga 01;35
    .xbm 01;35
    .xpm 01;35
    .tif 01;35
    .tiff 01;35
    .png 01;35
    .svg 01;35
    .svgz 01;35
    .mng 01;35
    .pcx 01;35
    .mov 01;35
    .mpg 01;35
    .mpeg 01;35
    .m2v 01;35
    .mkv 01;35
    .ogm 01;35
    .mp4 01;35
    .m4v 01;35
    .mp4v 01;35
    .vob 01;35
    .qt 01;35
    .nuv 01;35
    .wmv 01;35
    .asf 01;35
    .rm 01;35
    .rmvb 01;35
    .flc 01;35
    .avi 01;35
    .fli 01;35
    .flv 01;35
    .gl 01;35
    .dl 01;35
    .xcf 01;35
    .xwd 01;35
    .yuv 01;35
    .cgm 01;35
    .emf 01;35
    .axv 01;35
    .anx 01;35
    .ogv 01;35
    .ogx 01;35
    # audio formats
    .aac 00;36
    .au 00;36
    .flac 00;36
    .mid 00;36
    .midi 00;36
    .mka 00;36
    .mp3 00;36
    .mpc 00;36
    .ogg 00;36
    .ra 00;36
    .wav 00;36
    .axa 00;36
    .oga 00;36
    .spx 00;36
    .xspf 00;36
    I'm using zsh.
    Last edited by livinglifeback (2011-08-13 18:52:03)

    I myself just uses the standard colors and don't change them from default, but I do get the same colors for both ls and completion with this in .zshrc:
    eval `dircolors -b`
    zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}

  • Tab Completion within Terminal

    I'm currently studying the Peachpit book on OSX Support Essentials and have just arrived at the section concerning tab completion in the Terminal. According to the book, if I start from my home folder, then type P, and then press the Tab key, I should get all the choices available to me within the home folder that start with P. I tried this and it worked for me once. Now, however, after restarting, if I do the same thing, I get only one choice - PPCExplain, which is located in Developer/usr/bin/, and not in my home directory. Thinking a preferences must have gotten screwed up, I deleted the preferences for the Terminal, and restarted - still I get this one result and have no explanation of why this command worked as the book said it would and now it doesn't. I'm quite positive I'm starting from my user folder. Any idea what's going on here? Thanks.

    Your terminal is working correctly. In unix-based systems, tab completion is situation-dependent, and for the most part is relative to the root of the drive. If you open a terminal and type P<tab> it will list all commands that are included in your $PATH variable. The $PATH contains file locations (starting from the drive's root) for all the commonly used utilities. To see what the $PATH contains, type the following command in the terminal:
    echo $PATH
    This command will output something like: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin
    All the paths listed there are targeted when you enter a command. When you press "P<tab>" the system looks for something in these directories that begins with a "P". The terminal assumes "/usr/bin/", "/bin", and the other paths have already been entered, so typing "P" just completes the path from there.
    If you want to run the command "top" which shows all your running processes (similar to activity monitor) is located in the "/usr/bin" directory. Since that directory is in your $PATH, all you have to do is type "top" and press enter. For longer and unique commands you can use tab completion.
    Running "top" as described above is the exact same thing as running "/usr/bin/top". This is the command that is actually run, but having the rest of the file path in the $PATH variable makes it easier than having to type out the whole command.
    As for directories and user files, they're accessed from the root ("/") as well. If you want to access your user folder and show the contents in it via tab completion, start at the root of your drive, as follows:
    Press tab twice to show the available commands or paths. If you want to change your current directory to a new folder, type "cd" before the full file path, as such:
    cd /Users/username/Desktop
    Unix bases everything from the root of the drive as I explained above. However, there are some ways to simplify commands instead of having to type the whole command path before the command itself, or to target a specific file or folder without having to enter the path for the file/folder. These are the period, and the tilde keys: ".", "..", "~".
    To reference the current folder, use the ".", and to reference the parent folder type "..". To reference the user home folder type "~". Other than these options, everything is assumed to be referenced from the root of the drive "/".
    As such, you can change to your home folder these ways:
    cd ~
    cd /Users/username
    These commands perform the same function. The tilde (~) just indicates the current user's home folder, so you dont have to always enter "/Users/username" whenever you want to target something in your home folder.
    Lets take your home folder for example. I'll assume your home's name is "jcoyle".
    If you want to reference your desktop, you are currently trying to do it by pressing "D" and the pressing tab. This wont work. To reference your desktop you'll need to start at the root, or at some of the shortcuts provided by Unix (namely the tilde):
    /Users/jcoyle/Desktop (references from the full path)
    ~/Desktop (references from the user's home folder)
    Continue to press tab to see all the available targets in the desktop folder, and then enter part of the name of one of them and tab-complete it. You can list contents of folders this way.
    Getting back to the periods ("." and ".."), you can reference things relative to your current position. For instance, if you are currently in your Desktop folder, you can change back to your home folder by pressing "cd .." to go up one level. From there you can "cd" into your Movies folder, for example. Alternatively, if you are in your "Desktop" folder you can get to your "Movies" folder directly by typing "cd ../Movies". This tells the computer to go up one level and then target the "Movies" folder that should be there.
    Targeting files and folders like this in the Terminal, however, will not do anything unless the final targeted file is an executable binary file (such as a program). You must perform an action (via a program, ie: one of the commands like "cd") on the referenced path in order to do anything.
    Think about wanting to open TextEdit. You can open it by entering this command:
    If you are in the "Applications" directory, you can type the command above, or type:
    The period references the current directory ("Applications") and then continues the command from there.
    Say you want to open a file on your desktop called "file.txt" in TextEdit. With the TextEdit program, if you enter the full path of a target file after the command to open the program then the program will try to open that file. For instance, this full command will open the file "file.txt" in the TextEdit program:
    /Applications/ /Users/jcoyle/Desktop/file.txt
    Alternatively, this will work:
    /Applications/ ~/Desktop/file.txt
    (The tilde references the home folder)
    If you are currently in the Applications folder, then this command will also do the same thing:
    ./ ~/Desktop/file.txt
    (The period references the Applications folder itself, so you dont have to type the path before where you currently are located)
    Lastly, if you are in the Applications folder, then this command will also work:
    ../Applications/ ~/Desktop/file.txt
    (the double period references the folder above where you are. In this case it happens to be the root "/" folder, so the full path ends up being what's entered. However, imagine the TextEdit application is in your Desktop folder. In that case if you wanted to open the application (forget about opening files with it for now) you could type these commands (assuming you have just opened the terminal and are currently in your home folder):
    ~/Desktop/ (in this case the tilde is redundant, since you are already at your home folder)
    The last command invokes two instances of "..", which bring you back two folder levels. In this case, the first would move your reference from "jcoyle" up to the "Users" directory, and from there the second ".." would move you up to the root of the drive "/".
    I hope this long-winded explanation clarifies how paths work in Unix-based systems. Just that by default everything is assumed to be referenced from root, and the included file paths in the $PATH variable is why you see the files from those folders when you just press a letter and tab-complete it.
    It's very logical, but it can be a bit funky to wrap your head around.

  • Using Tab Completion

    I am just starting to work with command-line navigation in terminal. They say "tab completion" is a absolute time-saving feature.
    It worked for me the first time, but now it doesn't. At my home folder, I enter cd, then p and press the Tab key. After pressing the tab key a second time, it should display all choices beginning with p. Nothing happens. Any ideas?

    baltwo wrote:
    Hmmm! I have a simple bash shell set up and all I get is the alert sound. Maybe you're using another shell or have something else set that accounts for the discrepancy.
    Nope. I'm using the system default bash. If I try to complete something that isn't there, such as "cd p", I get an alert. If I try something that has possible completions, like "cd P", I get a list of the directories.

  • Link to directories containing index.htm

    I've got a question that I've been trying to figure out for
    some time. I'm fairly well versed with dreamweaver, but some of the
    server stuff is a bit hazy to me.
    Within dreamweaver, if I link to a subdirectory that has an
    index.htm page in it, the url explicity shows the page name (i.e. I want to make the links look like
    Now, while I know that this kind of link works fine once the
    site is on the server, when I navigate pages on my local copy of
    the site, the link simply opens the directory in an explorer
    So, without a solution, I either have to choose: working on a
    broken site locally that will work fine on the server, or just
    explicitly link to the htm files in each directory - I've chosen
    the latter, but it's BUGGING me!
    Extra Info:
    I currently edit all my websites locally with dreamweaver and
    then selectively upload files with another ftp client. My reason is
    that many of these websites that I work on are live and I don't
    want to be uploading files that I've just modified, but have not
    tested, b/c I might have accidentally fudged something.
    So, how can I configure my environment such that all links to
    directories containing index.htm file, open the file correctly both
    online and locally.

    On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 15:39:29 +0000 (UTC), "djkha0s"
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    >I've got a question that I've been trying to figure out
    for some time. I'm
    >fairly well versed with dreamweaver, but some of the
    server stuff is a bit hazy
    >to me.
    > Question:
    > Within dreamweaver, if I link to a subdirectory that has
    an index.htm page in
    >it, the url explicity shows the page name (i.e.
    > I want to make the links
    look like this:
    > Now, while I know that this kind of
    link works fine
    >once the site is on the server, when I navigate my local
    copy of the site, the
    >link simply opens the directory in an explorer window.
    > So, without a solution, I either have to chose working
    on a broken site
    >locally that will work fine on the server, or just
    explicitly link to the htm
    >files in each directory - I've chosen the latter, but
    it's BUGGING me!
    > Extra Info:
    > I currently edit all my websites locally with
    dreamweaver and then selectively
    >upload files with another ftp client. My reason is that
    many of these websites
    >that I work on are live and I don't want to be uploading
    files that I've just
    >modified, but have not tested, b/c I might have
    accidentally fudged something.
    > So, how can I configure my environment such that all
    links to directories
    >containing index.htm file, open the file correctly both
    online and locally.
    As to why Explorer is opening, I haven't a clue, but I also
    to link to /subfolder/index.htm. I point to the file in DW,
    then strip
    out the filename, leaving /subfolder/.

  • Set sales order status is complete after Billing document created

    Hi experts:
    Complete rule of item category 'TAN' is space.
    The Status will be set complete after Delivery  document is created.
    I want to change the rule to
    the status will be set complete after billing document is created.
    Han can I do it ??

    Go to VOV7, select the item category and execute.  There maintain "B" against the field "Completion Rule"
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Hyperlinks in word containing spaces are cut off in pdf generation

    We are using a mix of MS Word 2003, 2007 and 2010. All are experiencing the same problem when using Adobe products (Abobe Acrobat Pro 9, Adobe X, Adobe Elements) for the generation of a pdf document with respect to hyperlinks.
    When we have hyperlinks containing "spaces" they will get cut off in the resulting pdf document.
    Examples have formatting like this in Word data forms/Master Data Project.xls
    When we convert this in Adobe it cuts off the link after encountering the first space, like this (on the face of it the whole line looks like the one above, but the hyperlink shown when hovering over it has been cut like shown)
    In some cases the spaces are replaced with %20 (IE for example replaces spaces with these characters automatically). For those cases the conversion works just fine, and the whole line is maintained as a hyperlink also in the pdf (again, the line does not look like this in the pdf, but the link when hovering over it does)
    When we use the Save as function in Word 2007/2010 this replacement is done automatically. the links in the "word generated pdf" are not containing spaces,
    Is there any way to get this replacement done automatically when converting hyperlinks from Word to PDF? Repairing the links afterwards (which is possible, I know) is not a viable option when you have many such links in a word file.

    Sort answer: Use proper syntax and do not use the "space" character in any URL.
    "20" is hex for the space character (which is a "reserved" character in that it may have special meaning).
    If used out of context being "reserved" applications have to make something of a guess.
    Success is the %20. Sometimes success is not had.
    So, again, proper syntax - no "space" character in a URL (use the underscore).
    Some references for a starting point.
    Be well...

  • Spool filename that contains spaces

    Hi Folks,
    Does anyone know a technique for creating spool files that
    contain spaces in the path name?
    I have a script that I want to pass in a directory path as a
    parameter. The script then uses this directory as the path for
    dynamically created scripts which are run later in the main
    script, but SQL*Plus won't allow spaces in the path name.
    DEFINE P_DIR = '&1'
    SPOOL &P_DIR.script1.sql
    -- Dynamic SQL statements
    Called by plus80 @myScript 'C:\Documents and Setting\andy\'
    I've tried various combinations of single and double quotes
    around the variable references and even tried a HOST cd &P_DIR
    command, all to no avail. I'm sure I've seen this done
    somewhere before.
    BTW Using a batch file is not a possible solution :(
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    This is logged as a SQL*Plus bug, #898051. It used to work in SQL*Plus 3.
    If you have access to MetaLink you can view the complete text of the bug.
    -- CJ

  • Flexunit 4.1 beta 1 ant task fails if SDK or project dir contains spaces

    downloaded FlexUnit 4.1 beta 1 for its directory scanning and test loading support.  found a problem - if either the SDK dir (e.g. C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.0.0) or the project dir (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\flexuser\My Documents\mike\Adobe Flash Builder 4\AntFlexUnit4.1betaSampleCIProject) contain spaces, the flexunit ant task will fail, as the following output indicates:
    [flexunit] '+flexlib'
    [flexunit] 'C:\Program'
    [flexunit] 'Files\Adobe\Adobe'
    [flexunit] 'Flash'
    [flexunit] 'Builder'
    [flexunit] '4\sdks\4.0.0\frameworks'
    [flexunit] '-output'
    [flexunit] 'C:\Documents'
    [flexunit] 'and'
    [flexunit] 'Settings\flexuser\My'
    [flexunit] 'Documents\mike\Adobe'
    [flexunit] 'Flash'
    [flexunit] 'Builder'
    [flexunit] '4\AntFlexUnit4.1betaSampleCIProject\target\bin\TestRunner.swf'
    C:\Documents and Settings\flexuser\My Documents\mike\Adobe Flash Builder 4\AntFlex
    Unit4.1betaSampleCIProject\build.xml:72: Compilation failed:
    command line: Error: default arguments may not be interspersed with other options
    everything worked fine if i relocated both the SDK and project dir.  unfortunately most of our developers use SDK and project directories with spaces.
    what's the ETA for beta 2 ;-) ?  anxious to integrate this excellent new feature once the spacing problem is resolved.

    @mike - Ok I've updated my fork @ with the fix.  If you don't want to build from source, you can download the file from my fork and just pull the Ant task out to use temporarily.  You can find the artifact from my fork's build @ /artifact/
    Let me know if this works out for you.

  • Hierarchy function could not complete coz of missing space

    Hi All,
    Iam having a issue "<b>Hierarchy function could not complete because of missing space</b>" when iam expanding a hierarchy( with 37k lines) in report, rest of the hierarchies( with 34k, 36k lines) are fine.
    Even that hierarchy in question working fine after i refresh query, its giving that problem after few refreshes again.
    Can any body please advice me why this one happening like this.

    A couple of things I would check here :
    Try the same thing using the web and see if the behaviour is the same. This is to elimate that the excel is causing the problem. Second try to observe the system activity in both cases, when its working fine and the other when its not refreshing properly. Hierarchies do tend to take time in reporting depending on the data.
    Also check the cache settings and temp table space. You can work with basis to see if the temp table space needs to be extended.
    In addition, have multiple users try running the report and check how the hierarchy is behaving.

  • [SOLVED]mplayer tab completion with *.divx files

    I have some *.divx files. mplayer plays them fine, but the tab completion in bash doesn't work. So I'll either have to type the filename or do something like vim <filename>, go back and write mplayer instead of vim. That's getting pretty annoying, so I hope someone can help me
    Last edited by rine (2008-09-17 00:02:47)

    I assume you use the bash_completition script.
    The easy way is to rename the file to the actual container (avi, mkv, mp4, wmv, whatever)
    The hard way is to patch bash_completition:
    you should add the extensions you like to line 5895: for example
    _filedir '@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|ASF|vob|VOB|bin|BIN|dat|DAT|vcd|VCD|ps|PS|pes|PES|fli|FLI|viv|VIV|rm?(j)|RM?(J)|ra?(m)|RA?(M)|yuv|YUV|mov|MOV|qt|QT|mp[34]|MP[34]|og[gm]|OG[GM]|wav|WAV|dump|DUMP|mkv|MKV|m4a|M4A|aac|AAC|m2v|M2V|dv|DV|rmvb|RMVB|mid|MID|ts|TS|3gp|mpc|MPC|flac|FLAC|divx)'

  • After hitting the space bar in Finder no Quicklook

    On my Imac with OS 10.6.8 installed Quicklook stopped working completely. After hitting the space bar in Finder nothing happens at all. What could cause that problem?

    Upgrading will NOT fix a problem. That needs to be resolved first to the point you have a stable system. I'd recommend doing a SMC and PRAM reset, if it doesn't work the first time you may have to do it 2-3x. Also restart in Safe Mode (hold down the shift key when you hear the startup gong and continue holding it until the progress bar appears).
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and all peripherals.
    Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.
    Release the power button.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer.
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

Maybe you are looking for

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