Tab Key Overkill

I'm trying to get my contact form working but noticed along the way that when I hit the tab key to move to different fields in the form (as I'm sure many end users will do) it starts selecting buttons in other parts of my flash site that I want it to stay away from.  In other words, I'd like the tab key movements to stay within the form fields section of my site.  Can someone point me in the right direction to remedy this?

If you want to exclude objects from tabbing, then you need to set their tabEnabled property to false.

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  • Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems n

    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

  • How do I use a Tab key to maximize a frame?

    How can I use a Tab key (vk_tab) pressed on the focused frame to actually maximize the frame... what action should it have attached to it?

    tab is the focus traversal key, so will be consumed before getting to your listener
    try this instead
         .addKeyEventDispatcher(new KeyEventDispatcher(){
            public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent e){
              if(e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED)
                if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB ) f.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
              return false;

  • Keyboard Control FAIL: Using TAB key on websites directs cursor to nowhere!!! Why?

    (using 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 MAC MINI, OS X Lion 10.7.5)
    I have always felt safer using the keyboard rather than mouse-clicking on search fields etc. (Open Firefox, hit command+L to the URL I want to go to, then hop to next field with TAB key).
    Most notably frustrating example is with using Google, this has not worked right for some time. Say that you to start to search for something on google "main page" and then it goes to the search results page... You go to edit your search or type your next search and the cursor is flashing inside (but off center) of the search field and inputting text is not an option. Also you may instictively hit ESC (while in search field) when you are being given suggestions you don't want, and then the cursor moves again to this no-man's land in between fields.
    The other KEYBOARD control issue that I have found is this:
    Sometimes you cannot Close Window or even Quit Firefox with the usual keyboard shortcut. Usually when a few windows or tabs are open, or when there is some pop-up survey etc. on page. You can usually ALT+TAB to another open program and then back, and then you can close window or application. But that seems really sketchy to me! This happens all the time on major websites. You can go File-> Close Window or File->Quit, but when you use the same keyboard command the file menu just flashes with an "error tone."

    The TAB key thing was the same in safe mode. Actually I should add/correct, regarding that google search example: when the cursor is in "inbetween fields" positions, actually it lets you type at the END of the text that you had typed in the field (even though the cursor is blinking before the text). and if you "Command A" to replace the text in the search field while cursor in this position, it instead selects all the rest of the text OUTSIDE the field. Just doesn't make any sense. I think this happens with fields on Facebook as well.
    That first issue is just very annoying because it comes up every day and I never get used to it. I would be actually be curious to hear from someone whom this DOES NOT happen to.
    The 2nd issue I mentioned occurs more randomly, and seems more definately a Firefox issue. (When you can only close a window or quit from the drop down menu with the mouse, Command W and Command Q just give an error beep)

  • In the expression editor dialog box my TAB key doesn't function correctly

    This is bizarre behavior that seems to have started recently.
    In Visual Studio 2012, an SSRS project, any expression editor dialog:
    The tab key doesn't work right.
    Open the expression editor and:
    * I see a blinking cursor and I can type in the expression box.
    * If I hit the tab key, the cursor disappears and I cannot type.  I appear to lose focus in the editor but focus doesn't appear to go anywhere else in the dialog box.
    * If I hit the tab key a 2nd time, the cursor is still gone and I cannot type. 
    * If I hit the tab key a 3rd time, I can finally type again and note that I am now
    3 tabstops in.  In other words it seems like the tabs were working but I lost the ability to type anything until I "tab" 3 magical times. 
    I can work around this by hitting tab key then grabbing the mouse and clicking where the cursor SHOULD be which returns focus to the text area.
    Hopefully this image helps clarify:
    Anybody know what is wrong?
    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
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    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 Code Analysis Spell Checker
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    Visual Studio 2012 SharePoint Developer Tools   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SharePoint Developer Tools
    ASP.NET and Web Tools   2012.3.41009
    Microsoft Web Developer Tools contains the following components:
    Support for creating and opening ASP.NET web projects
    Browser Link: A communication channel between Visual Studio and browsers
    Editor extensions for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    Page Inspector: Inspection tool for ASP.NET web projects
    Scaffolding: A framework for building and running code generators
    Server Explorer extensions for Windows Azure Web Sites
    Web publishing: Extensions for publishing ASP.NET web projects to hosting providers, on-premises servers, or Windows Azure
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    Microsoft Visual Studio extension to visualize aggregated summaries from the PreEmptive Analytics product.
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    Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer 
    Version 11.0.3369.0
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    Hi Bostaevski,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    According to your description, as you said that the cursor disappears and cannot type issue. It seems that the issue may be not Visual Studio the VS IDE issue.
    In addition, I find a similar thread about the
    Expression Editor Cursor Issue,
    please see:
    Therefore, I suggest you could also try to press alt with left and right arrow keys and check if it is works fine.
    Thnank for your understanding!
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Text Entry with Tab Key not advancing to next slide

    I am using Captivate 1 to create a screen that has a text
    entry requiring the user to press the Tab key as the Shortcut Key.
    The users are having to press the Tab key multiple times to get the
    course to advance to the next slide. There does not seem to be a
    rhyme or reason to which text entries this occurs in, nor does
    there seem to be a pattern to the number of times or forcefulness
    in which the Tab key must be pressed, though more aggressive key
    presses have yielded better results. Sadly, requesting the users
    bang the Tab key with as much force as they can muster is not a
    viable option.
    Here are things I have tried:
    Decrease length of slide
    Increasing active time of the text entry
    Adding/removing playback control
    Deleting and recreating text entries
    If anyone has any idea what can be done to correct this
    problem, it would be much appreciated.

    Hi berrylicious877
    The following has worked for me in Cap1, so try it and see:
    Add the text entry box and include the submit button.
    Make the submit button transparent and edit text to a full
    stop at the smallest available font size (Captivate won't accept a
    submit button without something typed in and a full stop is the
    smallest thing available display wise)
    On the submit button, set the shortcut key to "Tab".
    My reasoning was that the shortcut key on the text entry box
    "activates" the box, thus allowing input and the shortcut key on
    the "submit" button "deactivates" the box so that the slide can
    move on as required.
    Please let us know if this helps.

  • Using the tab key in a list and keeping a table format when copying and pas

    when I transfer a table from a microsoft word document or PDF file to the pages document, it does not keep the table and only the data inside the table. how do I keep the table?
    Also, how do I keep the numbers from indenting when I do a list. for example, if I need to indent part of the sentence for writing specifications of something, I want to use the tab key to move away from the first part of the sentence, but it moves everything and not just my marker.

    Not if it decides the list is a list, it can't.
    The app never "decide that a list is alist". It does what you ask it to do.
    Of course, if you refuse to disable the preference which automatically treats a paragraph as a new list entry I can't help you.
    If the datas are stored as a list, the bullets are not part of the datas themselves so they will not be copied.
    As I already responded the "Copy" tool doesn't copy attributes.
    We have to choose:
    we are using lists and the bullets can't be copied
    we are using text arranged in columns and, if we put bullets, these bullets may be copied.
    It's not me which wrote:
    +In Textedit, it's very easy:+
    +Tab, Bullet, First Column, Tab (or Tab x2 to get everything aligned), Second Column, etc.+
    To do the same thing in Pages
    Bullet, Tab, First Column, Tab (or Tab x2 to get everything aligned), Second Column, etc.
    It's what was displayed in my screenshot and really I don't see what is more complicated.

  • How to determine the positioning order when using tab key?

    in my jspx-page i want to define the order which the cursor jumps when the user is using the tab key.
    i don't know how to? in html there i can use tabindex. which way i must go?
    Any help is appreciated.

    I found that tabindex is not applicable. But i think it is an important point for better handling.
    Is there no easy way to do it?

  • Firefox 3.6.11 does not respond on mouse, only Tab key and space bar

    HW: Lenovo R61i.
    OS: MS Win-XP PRO, ver 20002, SP3
    Internet Explorer is diabled in:
    Contol Panal|add/remove programs|add/remove windows components
    All other programs responds om USB mouse or the little joy-stick between G, H and B-keys.
    Removed FF, booted and reinstalled FF 3.6.11.
    Mouse works a couple of cliks - then Tab key and Space bar is the only tool.
    By the way - living in Norway, means No version og FF :)

    Getting very tired of this problem which is becoming much more frequent. I love the FF browser, but lately after I have been on line for a while, the browser stops responding to mouse clicks and I have to use the task manager to shut the program down and then reopen it to get it to work. From what I've been reading in the forums, this is not an uncommon problem. I've done all the recommended fixes and nothing works. Please fix this!!

  • Problem with Tab Key in JFileChooser when Details view is selected.

    Hi all,
    Iam using a JFileChooser in my application.When i click Details option in the JFileChooser the files with the size,Type and modified date are displayed.
    When i am using tab to navigate through the JFileChooser,when the tab enters the area where the files are listed with details,the tab is not comming out of the File List area,instead it is traversing with in the files.How do i come out of the File List area using Tab key.I wanted to make a functionality similar to Windows FileChooser where in if we press Tab it goes to the file list and the next tab focus to Text field and so on.
    Is it possible using JFileChooser??
    Pls Help me,
    Thanks and Regards,

    looking at other threads, I think you will
    have to get the button and modify/remove the tool tip
    as you which.
    this thread might help you, at least the way to get the components in the file

  • Why can't I use the tab key to highlight links on a webpage?

    In previous versions of FF and in other browsers, I can use the tab key to navigate through all the links on a webpage - I can't seem to do this with FF5, the tab key will only highlight the address bar, search bar, and any form fields within a webpage.
    Using the tab key to navigate through links on a page is an accessibility feature, and I often use it to show hidden skip links at the top of a webpage for users who prefer to use the keyboard over a mouse and for assistive technologies.
    Is this something that can be turned back on in preferences? Or is there a reason why it was removed from this version?

    It can be fixed in Mac OS X Tiger preferences (Keyboard -> "all controls") or try a ctr-F7

  • How do you navigate dialogue boxes using the tab key in Photoshop CS6 on Mac OS X Mavericks?

    I know that seems really 101 and obvious, but I worked in Photoshop on a PC for many years, and using the tab key to navigate through every field/radial button/dropdown menu/etc. was never an issue. On the Mac OS X however, it only navigates through certain fields within a dialogue box. And before the guaranteed suggestion to change my Mac OS X Keyboard preferences to allow full keyboard access to "All Controls" instead of "Text Boxes and Lists Only", I have already tried this setting which did not resolve my issue.
    Does/has anyone out there worked between both platforms and had this issue as well? I'm a Mac guy through and through, but I must say, this is the one thing that I think PC has a slight edge on. It's incredibly frustrating to have my keyboard workflow interrupted because I can't simply tab over to a certain field that is in a dialogue box which I'm currently working in...
    Here are my details:
    Photoshop CS6 (13.0.6)
    Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
    Applies to all filetypes as the issue is regarding dialogue boxes and not files themselves.
    No error message.
    Normal use.
    It works on PC, but not on Mac.
    2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 Processor
    8 GB of memory
    719 GB of space available on my main HD
    This has never worked in any version of Photoshop I have used on any version of Mac OS X, but has worked consistently on every version of Photoshop that I have used on every version of Windows I've used (up to Windows 7)
    I hope this provides enough information to get the ball rolling on this. I fear that there is no answer that will resolve the issue, but before I throw in the towel, I figured it was worth trying this forum since my web searches have turned up absolutely nothing of help.
    Thanks in advance for your time and help.

    Thanks for your input.  Since Safe Mac's Adware Removal tool has done a very good job of cleaning out the junk and
    letting me run better, I'm happy for now.
    However, I appreciate your judgement and I am working on evaluating Safari vs FireFox vs Chrome.  I've had some trouble using FireFox with
    LastPass which works very well under Chrome.  But that is only one data point.  Most of my Ram troub;e os related to the number of windows
    and tabs I open.  I've tried comparing the three browsers for how back each reacts.
    I multiply windows and tabs because as I surf the web, I discover things I want and don't want to lose them.  However, I need a tool more useful
    and structured than bookmarks to be able to record things of interest to make them easy to return to and find later.

  • Tab key and lookup table

    How to use the 'Tab' key to open a lookup table, E.g. BP Code, Name?
    Alternatively, how to use the 'Tab' key to call a formatted search? I hope to follow the standard in SBO and do away the Shift-F2.
    I am using VB and 2004B. Your input will be appreciated.

    I think you can mimic every user action with UIAPI.
    Therefore, e.g. in Sales Order Form you activate the BPCode item (.Click) and hit Tab (.SendKeys(vbTab)).
    You could also try clicking the the iconitem ("67") next to BPCode.
    If you want to assign a Choose From List (CFL) to an item of your choice using UIAPI then you should wait for 2005.
    Shift-F2 is standard in SBO UI for launching FSs, why would you like to disable it?
    If you want to enable tabbing to kick-off an existing  FS, then you should capture the tabbing event (et_KEY_DOWN) in your item and then use SendKeys for sending Shift-F2 to keyboard.

  • AdvancedDatagrid Tab Key issue

    Hello, I have an advancedDatagrid which contains many editable column (InpuText) and each column has an itemrender. I see that the normal TAB key navigation behaivor disapear, can any one told me what's the best way to keep the Tab (shift+Tab) navigation behaivor between editable cells ? Thank you

    I am having a simular problem. The software I am training
    requires the user to use tab between fields. I changed the shortcut
    key on text entry boxes. Somewhere on this forum (I cannot find it
    now) I found a workaround that had me change the HTML file
    Between the writeDocument <object> </object>
    tags, add the following '<param name="SeamlessTabbing"
    when I publish without quiz reporting this worked fine. (it
    matches the html of the other lines in the writeDocument But when I
    publish with quiz reporting in AICC the HTML codes between the
    writeDocument is different.
    '<param name=quality value=high> \n'+
    I altered the code I show above to match the html written by
    captivate with no results. Any thoughts?

  • Enter key instead of TAB key

    Hi folks,
    I'd like to make the ENTER key behave the same way as the TAB key in
    the system I'm developing. I thought I would be able to do it by setting
    the ENTER as a function key (using Window.SetAsFunctionKey), and
    then after detecting an ENTER key press, request focus on the current
    fieldwidget's 'NextTabField'. However, this attribute defaults to NIL unless
    you override the default TAB sequence. And I don't really fancy setting
    the Next and Prev TabField for every onscreen field.
    Anyone done this before using a simpler method?
    By the way, I don't really want to get into a long thread about whether it is
    good practice to bypass Windows (TM) standards or not. We require
    fast data entry, and keyboard entry is essential for that.
    Duncan Kinnear,
    McCarthy and Associates, Email: [email protected]
    PO Box 764, McLean Towers, Phone: +64 6 834 3360
    Shakespeare Road, Napier, New Zealand. Fax: +64 6 834 3369
    Providing Integrated Software to the Meat Processing Industry for over 10 years
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    The application we are building will replace legacy application and had similar
    requirements to accommodate the current users. We solved this problem by creating a
    special frame, appropriately named as the "Terminal Frame". It is distributed as
    part of the Scaffolds framework.
    The Terminal frame implements ENTER instead of TAB key. As you know the tabbing
    order in a terminal frame (top to bottom, left to right) is different than windows
    tabbing order (left to right, top to bottom). The Terminal frame solves the tabbing
    problem by constructing a "field traverse list" which includes all the fields in a
    window including nested views ordered according to their X,Y co-ordinates. It is a
    recursive method works on the same lines as described by Sakharov, Nickolay in
    earlier mail. The method also sets the NextTabField, PrevTabField references for
    each field in the traverse list.
    This framework is working very well for us. In a terminal frame world, you still
    have some user training issues as some of the fields (OutlineField, DropList,
    ArrayField, CheckBoxe etc.) behave differently for ENTER and TAB keys. But these
    are minimal compared to a complete change in style.
    Hope this is helpful.
    Good Luck,
    Duncan Kinnear wrote:
    On 22 Jun 99, at 23:47, Jeanne Hesler wrote:
    Do the math on this one. Be sure your users understand the cost and the
    lack of payback. I have no problem going against common practice when
    there is a good reason, but this reason just doesn't add up. Even if it
    did slow them down, which it won't, they would never lose enough time to be
    worth the work that it would take to implement.Jeanne,
    Thanks for your reply (even though it doesn't help me!).
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating we abandon the TAB key
    functionality in favour of the ENTER key. I just want to ADD the ENTER
    key as a navigational aid for our 'legacy' users (and we have many). If it
    is done right, there should be no need to tell the user about it. Their
    transition to the new product would be virtually painless.
    Since I posted my original question I've realised that the cost of
    implementation is actually fairly low. And this is why. I have just
    discovered that the default tab order defined by Forte (left to right, top to
    bottom) is essentially useless for most of the windows we will be creating.
    Therefore, we will need to override it by explicitly setting the
    "NextTabField" and "PrevTabField" attributes of our input fields in virtually
    every window. As I am writing the framework for our new product, I will
    have to implement the facility to do this in the framework itself. And if we
    have our tab order defined, then adding the ENTER key functionality is
    minimal extra effort (see my original post). In fact, if I implement it in my
    "CoreWindow" (the root of my windows framework inheritence tree), then
    no-one will ever have to deal with it again.
    The TAB key is not even much of a windows data-entry standard. Many
    of our customers have defined secondary systems using Microsoft
    Access, and it uses the ENTER key (along with the TAB key) to move
    from field to field. Will these customers not complain that they cannot
    use the ENTER key to move between fields if we don't implement it?
    As we do not have the resources to completely rewrite our existing
    COBOL system (over 2 million lines of code) in one go. We will be rolling
    out the new system module by module. This means that a lot of our users
    will be switching between the new windows interface and the text-based
    unix telnet sessions. When I switch back and forth between windows
    editors and 'vi' on the unix host, I experience first-hand how mixed
    navigational facilities can hamper productivity!
    Anyway, I was just hoping there might be a little setting somewhere in
    Forte to switch this on, but as no-one has pointed it out, it seems unlikely.
    Thanks again for your input, lively discussion is always welcome.
    Duncan Kinnear,
    McCarthy and Associates, Email: [email protected]
    PO Box 764, McLean Towers, Phone: +64 6 834 3360
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