Tabbing through TextFields

Is there a way so that tabbing through TextFields will leave the current contents highlighted by default?
For example:
X [ 12 ]
Y [ 34 ]
Where X and Y are labels and []'s are textfields. Say I tab to the field in front of X, I would like to have 12 completely highlighted so that I just type something to overwrite the contents.
Right now I have to type Ctrl-A to make the contents highlighted, then I can type something to overwrite the field, I just want to make so that the content is highlighted by default when I tab to that particular field.

Try using a FocusListener:
        final JTextField text = new JTextField();
        text.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() {
            public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {

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    I guess by QTP you mean HP Functional Testing 11. This is really something to take up with HP, it's the job of monitor software not to crash.

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    Are you really still running Firefox 3.6? Since it hasn't received any security updates for nine months, you may be putting yourself at risk.
    In my experience, tabbing through forms works just fine. Have you tested in Firefox's Safe Mode to see whether the problem is caused by a custom setting or add-on.
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    can i programmatically change this behaviour?
    i used the example program below to disable a part of the table.
    then i noticed this behaviour. hope its the same with arrays also.
    please reply with your valuable suggestions
    thanks in advance
    Kudos always welcome for helpful posts

    Please hav a look at the VI
    Kudos always welcome for helpful posts
    Attachments: ‏74 KB

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  • Tabbing through a form with multiple pages!!!!! FIX!!

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    1. You'll need to go to the "master page" and add as many pages as you have "body pages".
    2. Click the Object Veiw Tab and set the Occurence of the page to Max 1 and click the box with the instruction Include In Page Numbering.
    3. Do this for each page of the form that you have.
    4. The tabbing now should move from the 1st to 2nd to however many pages you have Master and Body Pages for.
    Glad I could figure this out! Goodluck!

    Thanks for the reply. Since my post to this topic I discovered some things about tabbing. With out adding another master page but just keeping the one and making sure that it's occurance is set to a minimum of one and including master page in the numbering it will work as long as the order of fields in the hierarchy tab matches the order in the position of the fields.
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    instead of going in order, the tab will go to:

    In the Heirarchy palette, if you change the Tab order No for one field, then rest of the form tab order wil lbe reset. This is a common functionality.
    When you go to View menu -> Show Tab Order, it will open up a splash screen with the simple instructions on setting the tab order.
    You can select the field in the Tab order palette on the left and drag it UP/ DOWN as needed to move it in the correct order.

  • Need help: Tab through DataGrid

    I have developed an application in which, I m able to tab through the buttons,textboxes, drop down and the AdvancedDataGrid on the page. But I m unable to tab through the buttons and checkboxes inside the AdvancedDataGrid, which are rendered through itemRenderer. Please let me know whether is it possible or not.
    If yes,please provide me with a solution.

    It should just work if the renderers are buttons and checkboxes.  If you've wrapped them in containers you'll need to have the containers implement IFocusManagerComponent and delegate focus to the buttons.

  • Adding 2  Tabs through EEWB

    Hello All,
              I have an issue. Can you please tell me how to add 2 new tabs through the EEWB. I have already added 1 tab through EEWB. Now when I am trying to add 2 tab, the news fields get added in the 1 tab.
    Please provide me some solution for that.
    Aashish Garg

    1. Create an entry for any standard tab in the screen flow in SPRO.
    There you have to assign a custom dev programm which calls the new dynpro
    2. Create the dynpro.
    In case of a dynpro with new tabel, just assign a single container on it.
    3. Create function modules for the dynpro.
    Assuming you have a ALV container on the new dynpro, create function modules which
    a) creates the ALV grid
    b) refreshes the ALV grid
    4. Create a custom dev Z Tables with required fields
    5. Assign Z Table field catalog to the ALV grid
    6. Handle data changes within the ALV
    7. Use
    a) CRM_INTLAY_GET_HEADER_GUID to receive the order information
    b) CRM_EVENT_PUBLISH_OW to raise a save event for CRMD_ORder
    c) CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN to add something to the order (input fields are enough)
    d) CRM_1O_INSTANCE_GET_UI to set action flag
    --> all this will give CRMD_ORDER the information that data was changed (your new data)
    9. Create function modules which will give you your data from the ALV grid
    10. Use a BADI ORDER_SAVE to store your data on the database
    I know it is quite short, but it should give you a hint.
    Please give me reward points if you find it helpful.

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