Table for Different MM activities

Guys can any body guide me whcih are all the master tables which get updated during the following activities,
1. vendor evaluation tables
2.Quota arrangement tables
3. Pricing ( condition) tables
3. Release str. tables

1. vendor evaluation tables
  ELBK(Vendor Evaluation: Header Data)
2.Quota arrangement tables
  EQUK(Quota File: Header)
3. Pricing ( condition) tables
    KONH(Conditions (Header)),KONP(Conditions (Item))
4. Release str. tables
  T16FS has the release strategies.
T161S has the release indicator
T16FC has the release codes
T16FG has the release groups
venu gopal

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    THX Mat
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Carl Rutter,
    You have to creat 2 special production order for this item. when issue the component make sure you issue the stock as per the cosumption becaue one have 10mmx10mm and the another item have 50x50 in this case you issue component by square inch wise. for example 10*10 = 100 squre inch.
    50*50 = 2500 square inch so the cost will be approtionate. you can Use multiple uom method to obtain this, other wise you have covert into stock then you issue the component. If you want traxk size wise ,you can use batch option for Finishe goods.

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    with acount as
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    bcount as
      select count(*) as countb from dual  -- put your table name here
    ccount as
      select count(*) as countc from dual  -- put your table name here
    select a.counta, b.countb, c.countc from acount a, bcount b, ccount c;HTH,
    Edited by: Paulie on 25-Jul-2012 17:44

  • Execute BAPI for different input values and dispaly data in a table

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    String in = wdContext.currentperdataElement.getnumber();
    And I want to display the data in a single table. I want the result in a table for Bapi execution based on input parameters passed 10,20 30.
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    Thank you in advance.

    It seems that WDCopyService replaces content of node, rather then adds to content.
    Try this:
    Bapi_Persdata_Getdetailedlist_Input frelan_in = new Bapi_Persdata_Getdetailedlist_Input();
    final Collection personalData = new ArrayList();
    String fr1 = wdContext.currentE_Lfa1Element().getZzpernr1();
    WDCopyService.copyElements(wdContext.nodePersonaldata(), wdContext.nodeNewPersonaldata());
    for (int i = 0, c = wdContext.nodePersonaldata().size(); i < c; i++)
      personalData.add( wdContext.nodePersonaldata().getElementAt(i).model() );
    String fr2=wdContext.currentE_Lfa1Element().getZzpernr2();
    WDCopyService.copyElements(wdContext.nodePersonaldata(), wdContext.nodeNewPersonaldata());
    for (int i = 0, c = wdContext.nodePersonaldata().size(); i < c; i++)
      personalData.add( wdContext.nodePersonaldata().getElementAt(i).model() );
    wdContext.nodeNewPersonalData().bind( personalData );
    Valery Silaev
    EPAM Systems

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    Thanking everyone in advance for your help.

    If you want to update both outputs at the same time, you use a single shift register for the array index and wire it to the index array function to get the value. I've modified your last example to show how this would be done. I also cleaned up the wiring some. I also put the initialize and close outside the while loop so each is only done once. It also looks like the initialize function you are using needs to be modified. I suspect that it is a version that uses 'Old VISA Open'. This can cause problems. Open this VI and if the 'Old' is there, right click on it and select Replace and browse to the regular VISA Open on your palette. This will disconnect the string that used to be the gpib address. Delete the string control for address. Right click on the VISA reference and select Show Control. Go to the front panel and wire the VISA reference to the connector pane where the string control was. This should be the upper left most connector. Now you can use a VISA Resource Name on your VI's front panel.
    Step ‏87 KB

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    Does somebody know these tables ?

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    2. Field SUMNE does not exists in table AFVC, there is only the field SUMNR, so how can i find if some record
    is Network or Activity ??
    3. About table AFKO, i search with field PRONR = Project;
       but how can i link the Networks(Orders) with their
       corresponding  WBS ???
    Thanks a lot.
    I really need help !!

  • Problems using different tables for base class and derived class

    I have a class named SuperProject and another class Project derived from
    it. If I let SchemaTool generate the tables without specifying a "table"
    extension, I get a single TABLE with all the columns from both classes and
    everything works fine. But if I specify a "table" for the derived class,
    SchemaTool generates the derived class with just one column (corresponds
    to the attribute in derived class). Also it causes problems in using the
    Project class in collection attributes.
    JDO file:
    <package name="jdo">
    <class name="Project" identity-type="application"
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="table" value="PROJECT"/>
    <class name="SuperProject" identity-type="application"
    <field name="id" primary-key="true"/>
    java classes:
    public class Project extends SuperProject
    String projectSpecific
    public class SuperProject
    BigDecimal id;
    String name;
    tables generated by SchemaTool:
    Justine Thomas

    This will be resolved in 2.3.4, to be released later this evening.
    In article <aofo2q$mih$[email protected]>, Justine Thomas wrote:
    I have a class named SuperProject and another class Project derived from
    it. If I let SchemaTool generate the tables without specifying a "table"
    extension, I get a single TABLE with all the columns from both classes and
    everything works fine. But if I specify a "table" for the derived class,
    SchemaTool generates the derived class with just one column (corresponds
    to the attribute in derived class). Also it causes problems in using the
    Project class in collection attributes.
    JDO file:
    <package name="jdo">
    <class name="Project" identity-type="application"
    <extension vendor-name="kodo" key="table" value="PROJECT"/>
    <class name="SuperProject" identity-type="application"
    <field name="id" primary-key="true"/>
    java classes:
    public class Project extends SuperProject
    String projectSpecific
    public class SuperProject
    BigDecimal id;
    String name;
    tables generated by SchemaTool:
    Justine Thomas
    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • How to create a view consisting of data from tables in2 different databases

    Using Oracle 10.2g
    I have 2 databases Gus and haggis on Comqdhb schema.
    glink indicates a databse link between Haggis and Gus
    In Gus there are tables student,subject,grade,school containing columns like upn...
    In HAGGIS there are tables student,grade,teacher containing columns upn...desc below.
    Create view in your HAGGIS database which will join all of the exam grades together. You should have one view which will produce the following relation :
    examGrade(upn, subject, examlevel, sn, grade,academicYear)
    so I need to create a view which gets the data from both the tables in both the databases.
    create view as examGrade(upn, subject, examlevel, sn, grade,academicYear) as select s.upn
    But i am not getting how to select a column from 2 tables in different databases
    I mean if i said
    select upn from comqdhb.student@glink,comqdhb.student;
    select upn from comqdhb.student@glink,comqdhb.student
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
    help me out,Thank you.

    Thank you for the reply will follow up the code format
    Create views in your HAGGIS schema database which will join all of the exam grades together. You should have one view which will produce the following relation :
    examGrade(upn, subject, examlevel, sn, grade,academicYear)
    I understand that there wont be duplication when we use conditions
    If i query
    select count(upn)
    from   comqdhb.student@glink I get 9000
    but after the union
    create view examGrade(upn, subject, examlevel, sn, grade,academicYear)
    select distinct s.upn as upn
    ,                  g.subject as subject
    ,                  g."LEVEL" as examlevel
    ,                  g.grade as grades
    ,                  '9364097'
    ,                  to_number(g.academicyear) as academicyear
    from             comqdhb.student s
    ,                   comqdhb.grade g
    where           s.upn=g.upn
    select            s.upn
    ,                   sb.subject
    ,                   g.elevel
    ,                   g.grade
    ,                   s.acyr
    from              comqdhb.subject@glink sb
    ,                   comqdhb.student@glink s
    ,                    comqdhb.gradevalues@glink g
    ,           sc,
    ,                    comqdhb.studentingroup@glink sg
    ,                    comqdhb.teachinggroup@glink tg
    where            sb.sid=tg.sid
    and                tg.gid=sg.gid
    and                sg.upn=s.upn
    and                g."LEVEL"=tg.elevel
    and      ; returns
    count(upn) from exam gradeIt gets stuck actually sometimes it returns
    932002 some results.
    Another problem i am having which i am trying to solve and written up my ideas but haven't been getting the expected results.Hope you can help.Thank you.
    All children take exams at the age of 16 called a General Certificate of SecondaryEducation (GCSE).
    They have to study and take exams in Mathematics, English and Science, and can take other subjects such as History, French, Art etc. Most students will study between 5 and 10 different subjects before taking their GCSEs.
    For each exam, a student is awarded a grade from A*, A, B,C,D,E,F,G,U,X An A* grade is the best grade achievable and an X is the worst grade.
    In order to analyze how students have performed, each grade is mapped to a numeric value as follows:
    Grade Numerical score
    A* 8
    A 7
    B 6
    C 5
    D 4
    E 3
    F 2
    G 1
    U 0
    X 0
    Now why i need this avgGCSE is because i have to create a view containing avgGCSE of the students it is used in the next question where a condition is avgGCSE is between 6.5 and 7
    In order to calculate the avgGCSE the idea is to calculate the grades of the students and map the grades to their corresponding scores/values
    add them all up and div by the total no of grades to get the avg.
    desc comqdhb.STUDENT@glink;
    I have a opinion that xgcse in STUDENT table refers to the avgGCSE which i want to calculate as when i asked my professor as to what xgcse he said that he forgot to take it out of the table and it is not necessary while creating avggcse.
    select *
    from comqdhb.student@glink
    where xgcse<6.5; Displaying a result
    1011 KIMBERLY ABBOT 07-JUL-79 f none 3.93500948 2 2
    select *
    from comqdhb.student@glink
    where xgcse between 6.5 and 7 and upn = 1386; Displaying a result
    1386 STEPHANIE AANNESSON 15-JAN-79 f none 6.88873 2 2 so if xgcse is the avgGCSE then upn 1011 has avggcse<6.5 and 1386 has avggcse >6.5
    my idea was backward strategy like so now if we find out upn 1368 has suppose xgcse(avggcse)>6.5 how to extract the avggcse for the particular upn We need to map grades from GRADEVALUES to grade in STUDENTINGROUP and map upn from studentingroup to upn in student to output the values for the corresponding grades from GRADEVALUES
    select grade
    from comqdhb.studentingroup@glink
    where upn = 1011;
    8 rows selected. Mapping each grade to the corresponding value and calculating we get
    32/8=4 total(values to corresponding grades)/no of grades.
    But the xgcse for upn 1011 is 3.935 and i am getting 4!! maybe xgcse isn't avggrade but ? is the procedure by me correct for calculating avggcse
    select grade
    from comqdhb.studentingroup@glink
    where upn = 1386;
    11 rows selected. grade to the corresponding value and calculating we get
    79/11=7.12 total(values to corresponding grades)/no of grades.
    But the xgcse for upn 1011 is 6.88... and i am getting 7.12!!
    But another problem
    when i say
    select   g.value,g.grade
    from     comqdhb.gradevalues@glink g
    ,        comqdhb.studentingroup@glink sg
    where    g.grade=sg.grade
    and      sg.upn=1011;
      100 B
      100 B
       80 C
       60 D
       40 E
       40 E
       40 E
       20 F
        6 B
        6 B
        5 C
        4 D
        3 E
        3 E
        3 E
        2 F
    16 rows selected.
    select   distinct g.value,g.grade
    from     comqdhb.gradevalues@glink g
    ,        comqdhb.studentingroup@glink sg
    where    g.grade=sg.grade
    and      sg.upn=1011;
         2 F
       100 B
         6 B
         3 E
        60 D
         5 C
         4 D
        80 C
        40 E
        20 F
    10 rows selected. I am getting only 8 for the query
    select grade
    from comqdhb.studentingroup@glink
    where upn = 1386; here its becomming 10 and also its displaying values as 100 and ...
    select distinct *
    from   comqdhb.gradevalues@glink;
    LEVEL      GRADE           VALUE
    a          A                 120
    a          B                 100
    a          C                  80
    a          D                  60
    a          E                  40
    a          F                  20
    a          U                   0
    a          X                   0
    g          A                   7
    g          A*                  8
    g          B                   6
    LEVEL      GRADE           VALUE
    g          C                   5
    g          D                   4
    g          E                   3
    g          F                   2
    g          G                   1
    g          U                   0
    g          X                   0
    18 rows selected. I was hoping if i could map the grades and get the values and calculate avggrade by total(values)/count(values)that would be it but here there are values like 100...
    select  sum(g.value)/count(g.grade) as avggrade
    from    comqdhb.gradevalues@glink g
    ,         comqdhb.studentingroup@glink sg
    where  g.grade=sg.grade
    and     sg.upn=1386;
    37.4375 the avggrade cant be this big and when i map each grade i obtained for 1368 like a to 7+b to 6 so on i get avggrade 7.12
    kindly help.
    Edited by: Trooper on Dec 15, 2008 4:49 AM

  • Leave Quota generation with diifferent rules for different countries

    I have the following requirement need help in achieving this.
    Employers must grant 10 days paid leave to employees that worked for six consecutive months from the time of hiring and who worked on not less than 80 per cent of all schedule work days. This paid leave may be taken consecutively or separately. Where an employee's application to take paid leave will hinder the normal business operations, the employer may require the employee to take such paid leave at a different time.
    The number of days of paid leave available to employees increases in proportion to employees' length of service as set forth in the below table.
    Years of Service  0.5  1.5  2.5  3.5   4.5   5.5   6.5+
    Paid Holidays         10    11  12   14    16    18    20
    The right to annual paid leave expires after two years. In other words, annual paid leave left over from one year may be carried over and taken the next year only. For example, if an employee is awarded 10 days paid leave after their first 6 months of employment; those paid holidays will become invalid after 2.5 years of employment. Use them or lose them.
    Simply put, holidays from one year can be carried over to the next year, but not to the third year. So, if you don't take your leave from one particular year within 12 months of that year ending, you will lose that first year's allowance.
    Employee can take leave encashment of holiday leave only when leaving their employer. It is not legal for companies to buy up the holiday leave of those still working for the firm.
    In my organization one PSG grouping has been used for all countries, it wont be possible to change the grouping now. In such a case how can we provide different rule for different country without customizing the Leave module.
    Do we have to use any PCR for this, if yes which??
    Edited by: Jailakshmi on Aug 3, 2011 7:16 AM

    Use QUOMO Feature to give different entitilement to employees.
    Leave entitlement as per seniority can be configured in base entitlement.
    Keep validity and deduction period for 2 years by using :Relative postion" option in validity and deduction period table.

  • Sales Order Unable to Use New Condition Tables for Tax Condition Type

    Dear All,
    I am currently working on SAP R/3 4.0. I have a new requirement for my tax where I need to create new condition tables other than the 4 standard SAP tables which are Customer/Material, Division/Customer, Departure Country/Destination Country, Domestic Taxes and Export Taxes. My new tables consists of Departure Country/Destination Country/Shipping Point/Tax Code. The requirement is that the tax code is based on the chosen destination country and shipping point. The problem I am facing now is that no matter what types of table I create or even I generate with reference to the standard table, the access sequence will only refer to the 4 standard SAP tables above. Even if I put my own table in the highest priority for the access sequence, the same thing happens. My sales order will only pick up date from the standard table.
    I wonder if anyone encountered the same problem as me.
    Kindly advise.
    Thank you.

    I suggest fist check a simple thing ,whether u have successfully determined shipping point for each line item ,it is possible that just adding a line item will not trigger shipping point determination . So after u update the shipping point on line level u can rerun pricing and check agian if u r getting it .
    Secondly for tax purposes I suggest   Try to have Customer and material tax classification approach  this allows to u have long term flexibiliy and also reduces your maintenance activity . As if u change or add number of shipping points and business changes using the sequence of shipping point ,the logic of just using shipping point will not work.
    In Tax classification u cna add new condition table for each new tax category and use it in different access sequences.
    This information can be passed on to FI using Different Tax code for Different combination.
    I hope this helps

  • Accessing tables from different schema in CDS and AMDP

    Hi All,
    We are working on a HANA system which has several schema replicated from SAP R/3/Non SAP systems. We have BW 7.4 SP9 deployed on the same system and accessing the HANA views using latest BW virtual objects such as Open ODS , Composite providers etc.
    We are also using the BW system for few ABAP based data processing developments. We are currently accessing HANA views in ABAP programs by creating dictionary views based on external HANA views.
    We would like to however use recent possibilities of CDS and AMDP for better life cycle management of ABAP based solutions. The open SAP course on this subject was of very good help. Thanks a lot "open SAP team" for that. I would however have few open questions,
    As I understand AMDP gives us full flexibility of writing sql procedures within ABAP development environment, but can we access tables from different schema into AMDP code. If yes, then sample code would help.
    If the answer of first question is yes, then how do we manage transports between development and production systems where the schema names would be different. Currently in open HANA developments, such transport is manged using Schema mapping.
    Can I also use different schema tables in CDS views.
    We are updating few tables in ABAP dictionary after applying processing logic in ABAP program as detailed in step 1. With the new approach using AMDP, can we directly update database schema tables which will give us an optimization advantage.
    New ABAP HANA program interfaces are quite promising and we would like to use them to optimize many data intensive applications.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Anil,
    I can only answer 1. and 2. (and would be interested into 3. as well):
    Yes you can access tables from a different schema and also HANA views. In this case no 'using' is needed.
              "SAP_ECC"."T441V" AS t,
              "_SYS_BIC"."tmp.package/AFPO" AS a.
        WHERE ...
    2. In this case, if you need schema mapping: You could use HANA (projection) views which just forward to a different schema, also see example.
    Best regards,

  • Table for finding out the User details

    Hi All,
    We need to create a KPI for number of hours a user has looged into a system. Is there any specific table where all the user related information is captured.If the information is not present in a table where  can we find the above information?Please someone help me out.....
    Also is it the same in all the systems or does this information differ from system to system?If it differs then how do we find the number of hours a user has logged in for a BW system, for a CRM system and for ECC system?

    USR01User master record (run-time data)
    USR02 Logon data
    USR03 User address data
    USR04 User master authorizations
    USR05 User Master Parameter ID
    USR06 Additional data per user
    USR07 Object/values of last failed authorization check
    USR08 Table for user menu entries
    USR09 Entries for user menus (work areas)
    USR10 User master authorization profiles
    USR11 User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10)
    USR12 User master authorization values
    USR13 Short Texts for Authorizations
    USR14 Surchargeable language versions per user
    USR15 External User Name
    USR20 Date of last user master reorganization
    USR30 Additional Information for User Menu
    USR40 Table for illegal passwords
    USR41 User master: Additional data
    USRCOBJ Object Filters for Exploding Product Structures
    USRM0 Material Master User Settings: User Screen Reference
    USRM1 Material Master User Settings: Organizational Levels
    USRM2 Material Master User Settings: Logical Screens
    USRMM User settings: material master
    Might be these can help you.

Maybe you are looking for