Table to webservices conversion

I need to convert Table data into wizdull files(wsdl format), please let me know how this can be achieved
Env : ODI, Oracle DB(11g R2), OS : Solaris

You can use create data service in ODI to make your table data accessible through web services interface. Please see Working with Data Services - 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

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    We are doing MDMP to Unicode on SAP 4.7 system.
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    by converting to target langauage ZH using SUMG t-code.
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    Hi Harshavardhan,
    Assumption: You have Chinese entries in table ADRC with ADRC-LANGU_CREA = EN
    Now you have to distinguish two problems:
    1) Chinese texts are stored in ADRC fields, which are NOT used for search help texts (most of the fields - e.g. ADRC-NAME1):
    These texts can be handled in two ways:
    a) Change LANGU_CREA = EN to LANGU_CREA = ZH for these entries (e.g. where ADRC-COUNTRY = CN) before the Unicode conversion (by the way, I would not use ADRC-LANGU, since this is the communication language, which does not necessarily comply with the code page of the entry).
    This needs to be done in a similar way as shown in z-reports described in  SAP Note 634839 ( although this specific fool-the-system case is not covered there - you have to adapt those examples)
    b) Use SUMG to repair the entries using language ZH (as you already did)  
    My favourite would be a), as this can be done before the conversion (Note that SUMG ineeds to be executed during downtime !)
    2) Chinese texts are stored in ADRC fields, which are used for search help texts (e.g. ADRC-MC_NAME1):
    a) If these entries were inserted / changed with logon language ZH, then point 1) applies
    b) If users logged on with logon language EN and created the entries, then most of these texts are destroyed already in Non-Unicode system. Then there is no automatic repair possible (at least point 1 does not work). Here my statement from before is valid:
    Those entries need to be generated again - e.g. if you do a dummy change on the name.
    According to my knowledge, this is a manual effort (either before or after the conversion) - but maybe it can be automized ...
    Best regards,
    Nils Buerckel
    SAP AG

  • Skipped tables during UNICODE conversion

    Hello everybody.
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    INFO: 2010-04-15 01:30:56 processPackage
    Unloading of 'AGKO' export package from database will be skipped.
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    Thank you in advanced.
    Best regards.
    Rubén Garcí

    The problem was related with Inplace method

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    DB02 counts total number of tables/indecies/views etc in database rather that just SAP tables/indecies/views in database.  The migration process recreates a fresh database and loads tables/indecies/views from source SAP dictionary.  This means table/indecies/views not part of database catalog or in source SAP dictionary don't get created.  This includes objects not owned by db catalog user or SAP connect user.  It also includes objects owned by sap connect user but not known by SAP dictionary.  Under normal operation of some databases, some tables get automatically created.  An example for oracle is PLAN_TABLE as a result of the EXPLAIN SQL command.  Did your source DDIC to db comparison tool show any objects in database but not in dictionary?  If so, these are connect user owned objects that were not migrated.  Does your source system have objects owned by non-db catalog, non-sap connect users (Eg DBA's)?  These wern't migrated.  
    You've already indicated that the SAP connect user counts in source and target are identical.  This is what you moved.

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    Note this
    Unicode Error : In the Unicode context, TRANSLATE... CODEPAGE/NUMBER FORMAT is not allowed.
    Before Unicode
    After Unicode
    Use class for Translate codepage to codepage.
    Data : g_codepage LIKE tcp0c-charco VALUE '1100'.
    CONSTANTS: c_unicodecp(4) VALUE '1105'.
    PERFORM translate_codepage USING g_codepage
    FORM translate_codepage USING P_G_CODEPAGE
    DATA: converter TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_obj.
    DATA: l_out TYPE string.
    DATA: l_fromcode TYPE cpcodepage.
    DATA: l_tocode TYPE cpcodepage.
    l_fromcode = P_G_CODEPAGE.
    l_tocode = P_C_UNICODECP.
    CREATE OBJECT converter
    incode = l_fromcode
    miss = '.'
    broken = '.'
    use_f1 = 'X'
    outcode = l_tocode
    invalid_codepage = 1
    internal_error = 2.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
    WHEN 1.
    MESSAGE ID 'FES' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '024' RAISING unknown_error.
    WHEN 2.
    MESSAGE ID 'FES' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '024' RAISING unknown_error.
    CALL METHOD converter->convert
    inbuff = P_T143T
    inbufflg = 0
    outbufflg = 0
    outbuff = l_out
    internal_error = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc 0.
    CASE sy-subrc.
    WHEN 1.
    MESSAGE ID 'FES' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '024' RAISING unknown_error.
    WHEN 2.
    MESSAGE ID 'FES' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '024' RAISING unknown_error.
    P_T143T = l_out.
    ENDFORM. " translate_codepage
    Reward if helps

  • Tables and webservices

    I have created a webdynpro application based on a webservice. This webservice creates a quotation in a legacy system. The quotation/webservices has one header line and several item lines.
    I imported the WS in the NW Dev Studio 2.0.9 and have the structures and methods available to read and create a quotation.
    Reading was simple with the NW Dev templates for “Form”, “Table” and “Action Button” I created the view and it works fine. ( I also have a quotation list view and from that view I can navigate on row selection to the quotation view.)
    Now I want to create a new quotation. The view looks almost the same but I don’t know how to add, modify and delete items to the table. The CarRental example looks the same but it adds the items to the table via the WS. I want to compose the complete set of header and item data first and then call the WS.
    I can’t figure out how to use the wdContext object to do this. There is hardly any documentation about this.
    Does anyone know of a good sample how to do this?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Hello Jacco,
    Have you checked out the tutorial "How to implement context programming and data binding" dynpro tutorial and sample applications.faq#q-18
    Hope that helps!
    Best regards,

  • Expose Table as Webservice

    I am trying to create a internal web service that will return a recordset based on filter.
    Platform JDev 10g
    1. Made Database connection.
    2. Created new application. (JSP, Struts, EJB)
    3. Created Model Diagram. (Which Diagram should I create.)
    If I choose web service Diagram I cannot drop my table view onto diagram.
    4. ? using When I drag the Table onto the Diagram. Do I create a EJB or Java Class. I ask this because only Java Classes can be made into WS.
    What steps do I need to take to expose a table as a webservice???

    You can't publish a table as a web service directly,
    You'll need some code that access the table and then you'll publish this code as a Web service.
    The code can be a simple Java class doing JDBC calls, a BC4J component, and EJB or even a PL/SQL stored procedure that you publish as a web service.
    Here are some tutorials that might help:
    For PL/SQL
    For BC4J
    for EJB
    More on

  • Converting Tables Using FM Conversion Tables

    Hi All,
    I need to convert a table from unstructured FM to the HTML-like format:
    <td><para>Cell 1</para></td>
    <td><para>Cell 2</para></td>
    <td><para>Cell 3</para></td>
    <td><para>Cell 3</para></td>
    However, it seems I'm missing something because I cannot make FM to wrap <para> in <td>. If I setup the conversion this way:
    TC: P:CellBody ---------------- td
    TR:td+ ---------------- tr works like a charm, but the content is inserted directly to <td>. If I try to define:
    TC: P:CellBody ---------------- para
    TE: E:para ---------------- td
    TR:td+ ---------------- tr
    ... it doesn't work. What am I missing?
    Thanks in advance,

    When you have something like:
    TC: P:CellBody
    The "TC:" part defines the table component that will be tagged. The "P:" part is only a qualifier. So when you have:
    TC: P:CellBody ---------------- para
    This says literally, "tag all tables cells with the para element IF it has a child paragraph with the CellBody format." I think you are expecting it to wrap the child paragraph itself, which isn't the case. It is still affecting the table cell only, just with a qualifier.

  • SSRS Webservice - Conversion Error on Method CreateSubscription - Powershell

    I am migrating subscriptions. I have two reporting servers. I am calling GetSubscriptionProperties on the source server and populating variables to pass into the method 'CreateSubscription' from the destination server. I am getting an error when I try to
    pass in the variables from the GetSubscriptionProperties output into the CreateSubscription: 
    "Cannot convert the 
    "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewWebserviceProxy.AutogeneratedTypes.WebServiceProxy1tserver_reportservice2005_asmx.ExtensionSettings" value of type 
    "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewWebserviceProxy.AutogeneratedTypes.WebServiceProxy1tserver_reportservice2005_asmx.ExtensionSettings" to type 
    I had to remove the -namespace from my proxy definition and define the types manually for the source objects to work with GetSubscriptionProperites, but am not sure what to do for the CreateSubscription issue.
    -----------------------------CODE BELOW-----------------------
    $ReportName = "Report"
    $ReportServerUriSource = "http://source/reportserver/reportservice2005.asmx";
    $global:ssrs = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportServerUriSource -UseDefaultCredential;
    $type = $ssrs.GetType().Namespace
    $ReportServerUri = "http://destination/reportserver/reportservice2005.asmx";
    $global:Proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportServerUri -UseDefaultCredential
    $type2 = $proxy.GetType().Namespace
    #Define Object Types for Subscription property call
    $ExtensionSettingsDataType = ($type + '.ExtensionSettings')
    $ActiveStateDataType = ($type + '.ActiveState')
    $ParmValueDataType = ($type + '.ParameterValue')
    $ExtensionSettingsObj = New-Object ($ExtensionSettingsDataType)
    $ActiveStateObj = New-Object ($ActiveStateDataType)
    $ParmValueObj = New-Object ($ParmValueDataType)
    $Description = $null
    $Status = $null
    $EventType = $null
    $MatchData = $null
    $Reports = ($ssrs.ListChildren("/", $true) | WHERE-OBJECT {$_.Type -eq "Report"});
    $ReportsD = ($proxy.ListChildren("/", $true) | WHERE-OBJECT {$_.Type -eq "Report"});
    FOREACH ($Report IN $Reports | WHERE-OBJECT {$_.Name -eq $ReportName})
    $Subscriptions = $ssrs.ListSubscriptions($Report.Path, $Report.Owner) | WHERE-OBJECT {$_.LastExecuted -gt [datetime]::parse("01/01/2014")}
    $DestinationPath = ($ReportsD | WHERE-OBJECT {$_.Name -eq $ReportName}).Path
    FOREACH ($Sub IN $Subscriptions)
    IF($Sub.IsDataDriven.ToString() -eq "False")
    $SubscriptionProperties = $SSRS.GetSubscriptionProperties($Sub.SubscriptionID.ToString(),` [ref]$ExtensionSettingsObj, ` [ref]$description, ` [ref]$ActiveStateObj, ` [ref]$status, ` [ref]$eventType, ` [ref]$matchdata, ` [ref]$ParmValueObj)
    $proxy.CreateSubscription($DestinationPath, $ExtensionSettingsObj, $description, $eventType, $matchdata, $ParmValueObj)

    You would have to declare a new object using the destination type...  I quickly threw something together.  Not sure if it would work... see below.  Part of me wonders if you need to go through all the work anyway.  The method is calling
    for values, not an object, per se.  Had you tried passing in the values of the object in question (e.g., $ParmValueObj.Value ... or ... $ExtensionSettingsObj.Value)?
    ###### Connect to web services
    $ssrsProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $webServiceUrl -UseDefaultCredential
    $ssrsProxyDest = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $webServiceUrl2 -UseDefaultCredential
    #Get Subscriptions
    $items = $ssrsProxy.ListSubscriptions($folderDestination)
    #Get the namespace type of destination web service
    $type = $ssrsProxyDest.GetType().Namespace
    #Create data types based on the proxy we connect to
    $SubESType = ($type + '.ExtensionSettings')
    #Create Property object
    $SubExtensionSettings = New-Object ($SubESType)
    $SubExtensionSettings.Extension = "ParameterValues"
    foreach($item in $items){
    #Declare some variables
    [ref]$ExtensionSettings = $null
    [ref]$Description = $null
    [ref]$Active = $null
    [ref]$Status = $null
    [ref]$EventType = $null
    [ref]$MatchData = $null
    [ref]$Parameters = $null
    #Get some subscription properties
    $results = $ssrsProxy.GetSubscriptionProperties($item.SubscriptionID,$ExtensionSettings,$Description,$Active,$Status,$EventType,$MatchData,$Parameters)
    #Copy from one object to another...
    $SubExtensionSettings = $ExtensionSettings
    Write-Host " ----- This is the original data ---------"
    Write-Host " ----- This is the copied data ---------"

  • Word doc with excel table to pages conversion

    Im a new Mac user and am trying to convert a word doc to pages.  The stumbling block is that the word doc has an excel spreadsheet in it and pages converts this to a text box rather than a table.

    .cwk (Claris Works) covers several types of documents, now openable by several applications so I do not think you can do that automatically, you must export them in Claris/AppleWorks, then import them in apps of the younger generation. Pages can open, I think, only cwk files created as word processing in AW 6.x.x

  • How to populate the table using webservice

    i have created the web service from function module and  integrated this web service in interactive form using New data connection.
    I have drag and drop all field into the form table and test the form,but its not populate table.
    if any script need for this,
    Kindly explain in detail or give the sample code.
    Thanks in advance

    Dear folks
    M about to create a midlet
    application in which i need to populate my table
    with the current stock exchange values. Since these
    values get changed dynamically , I planned to use
    streaming. Since m new to streaming ,pls someone
    come up to guide me in right path. M using Canvas
    application. I appreciate all the repliesthats fine and funny....
    let me tell you something, in GCF everything you fetch through GPRS is bound to come as an inputstream and whatever request you send is passed as outputstream. so if you have worked with GCF, you have worked with streaming already. isn't it.

  • Table to cluster conversion

    I'm trying to convert a table containing the scan results from an Agilent 34980A to a cluster containing two other level of embedded clusters (as the switch_init cluster in the attached vi). The problem is if I use an array of cluster it would not be possible to label each cluster with the signal name (table first column). Also I'm not sure but I think clusters can't be labelled dynamically.
    The switch_init cluster is the format I would like to obtain.
    note: some unused code is present in the diagram as remnant of some trials.
    Scan Result to ‏21 KB

    richjoh wrote:
    You use the "XML__JKI" to create the schema, then that VI spits out clutter you clean up. You could try parsing the table into XML yourself... Who knows what in the JKI easyXML VI does? You may wind up with less code that does exactly what you layout.
    > You could try parsing the table into XML yourself.
    Yes, you can do that, but it's hard.
    > Who knows what in the JKI easyXML VI does?
    I do -- I helped write EasyXML.  Basically, it traverses over the LabVIEW data and parses or generates XML based on that LabVIEW datatype.  It essentially lets you generate or parse any XML data by simply creating a cluster with a structure that's similar to the XML data structure.

  • ANYBODY used the Currrency Conversion / Translation Rules Table yet???  Thx

    hi guys,
    here we have a easy three row table:
    Account Rate Type: AVG; Formula: [AVG]
    Account Rate Type: END; Formula: [END]
    Line 3: Account Rate Type: TRANS: Destination Account: XYZ;  >> Formula:[END]-[AVG]
    this works fine and great!!!!! differences within accounts of AVG and accounts of END between AVG to END rate are being posted in Account XYZ.
    here the is the requirement we trying to establish:
    for Line 3: using the AVG (of ACTUALS) and the AVG (of BUDGET) ... so different VERSIONS of the SAME ACCOUNT_1. We like to have the same differences (but differen versions) posted to XYZ account.
    what calculation do i put in the Formula field in the chart???
    anybody done this? got an idea? -
    thanks a lot, max  (BPC 7.0 NW)
    Edited by: Maximilian Weisheit on Jun 10, 2009 10:43 PM
    Edited by: Maximilian Weisheit on Jun 10, 2009 10:47 PM

    Thanks Ethans that was good explanation. So, we stayed within the version and the calculation worked fine. However, now I am wondering about the following:
    We take the [END]-[AVG] and we get the wanted result. let's say 1.5 - 1.3 = 0.2 ... So desitnation account will post 0.2. - Correct!
    Now if i run Currency Conversion / FX Trans again. it again takes 1.5 - 1.3 = 0.2 and it adds this 0.2 to the already noted 0.2 in the account = 0.4 in total. Run CC again an addiotional difference of 0.2 to the already there 0.4 which equals 0.6 total; and so on. It is adding on top what has been posted, not continiously just showing the difference in accounts.
    How do i modify that it is NOT adding, but everytime ONLY finding the difference?
    Thanks a lot, Max
    PS: Also I am wondering if anybody has detailed information on the Business Rule Table for Currency Conversion. - The BPC NW Help is rather light on the TABLE information.
    Edited by: Maximilian Weisheit on Jun 15, 2009 11:44 PM

  • BPS - Table for Conversion

    I have a manual planning input screen that we are keying data in for some Measures that have been set up.  One of our needs is to do a currency conversion outside the SAP delivered currency conversion.  What we need is a separate table, or something, to pull from for each measure.
    We are entering for both US & Mexico.  The Mexico values will need to be converted from Peso to USD.  They can't use the regular conversion tables because the estimates we are doing need differnt conversion rates.
    So lets say we have two measures.
    In this conversion table I am talking about I want the user to be able to enter a conversion factor (each week it will be different).
    Then, when the values for the Measures are entered into the entry screen, we want to be able to hit the function update key (much like the standard conversion function) and have it calculate the new amount based on this other table.
    Thanks,  Keith Johnson

    Hi Keith,
    Here we go again...;-)
    You have two options:
    1. Hold the non standard conversion rates in an InfoCube (the same as the other data or even better a separate InfoCube). The users can use BPS to enter the conversion rates. In order to calculate you can use a fox formulas (in a multi area).
    2. Use a database table to hold the conversion rates. Create your own data base table for the conversion rates and let the users enter the rates via se16 or a simple ABAP transaction. In order to calculate the data you need a planning function type exit so you can reed the data base table.
    I guess the first option is easier to customize.
    Best regards,
    Gerd Schoeffl

  • Conversion tables and table entries

    I'm working on a conversion table to move our legacy products from unstructured FM to DITA. I understand the basic concepts but I'm having a problem with the table cells.
    In my conversion table I have P:CellBody in the first row, mapped to entry with a qualifier of cellbody.
    I also have TC mapped to entry.
    The same holds true for P:CellHeading and TH.
    Consequently, my text is wrapped in two entry elements. The Show Element Context tab shows:
    I'm pretty sure it should be the same as above with only one entry element (and of course with the NoNames fixed which I think I know how to do; I just haven't gotten there yet).
    How do I avoid having my cells wrapped in two entry elements?
    Thanks in advance,

        I don't quite understand either what you are trying to do or what exactly is in your conversion table. Be aware, however, that FrameMaker will always create elements for the basic components that occur in your tables. The conversion table gives you limited control of how those elements will be tagged, but not whether the elements will exist.
       If your conversion table contains rows such as:
    You will indeed get nested entry elements. The outer one is the table cell itself and the inner one is the paragraph. FrameMaker does not permit a valid document to use the same element tag for both a cell and a container, so aside from the results not being what you wanted, they are not correct within FrameMaker.
    If your table cells contain single paragraphs and you don't want elements for both the cells and the paragraphs, your conversion table doesn't even need to mention the CellBody and CellHeading paragraph tags. In fact, if your table formats use CellBody as the paragraph format for cells in the body of a table and CellHeading as the paragraph format for cells in the table heading, your EDD doesn't even have to apply the paragraph formats.
    Another variation is to include a paragraph tag in a conversion table row for a table cell by combining TC: and P: to match table cells containing particular paragraphs. For example:
    creates cell elements named entry from table cells containing paragraphs tagged CellBody. The paragraph within such a cell is not wrapped in an additional element.
    One final comment is that TH: in a conversion table refers to the entire table heading; its children are heading rows. The table body analog of TH: is TB:, not TC:.

Maybe you are looking for

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