TableLayout... better than GridBagLayout and easier to boot.

Just in case any of you haven't seen this, if you go to and do a search on TableLayout, you'll find a very powerful easy to use and dynamic layout that I feel is far better than any other layout for most tasks. It automatically resizes components to the cell sizes, you can position them within cells, expand them across cells, and dynamically add/remove and hide/show cells (for both columns and rows) at any time. This last one I think is great because it avoids things like having to create two JPanels, one for a short form, and one for a much more involved form. I suppose there might be other ways, but with TableLayout, you simply supply the long form, hide the rows/cells you don't need for the short form, then show them again if the long form is desired. It is simple to use too. Much like a spread sheet or JTable, you just position a component into a container with a TableLayout into an appropriate defined cell in x,y fashion.
Give it a try. Post some feedback here.

Sure, its easy to use.
One question,
I have a couple of components that I have in a panel. I have used the option FILL, to make all components the same size. This result in that the last component get a bigger space then the others. If I make the window smaller it first resizes the last component til it is the same size as all the others. If I make my panel even smaller, the last component gets a bigger space then the others again.
Is there a way to always have the same size of the components ?

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    Apple did not erase iChat.
    Messages in Mountain Lion is iChat +
    The plus bit is the fact you can iMessage iOS devices.
    All the other features that were in iChat are still there.
    If you upgraded Lion to get to Mountain Lion then in System Preferences > Mail, Contacts and Calendars you probably list all the iChat Accounts (Screen Names and IDs).
    You may need to enable them for Messages.
    They should also show up in Messages Menu > Preference > Accounts
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    Windows Menu > Buddies (Or using CMD + 1 Keystrokes)
    In the General Section of the Preferences you can Unlink these Buddy lists.
    The Green icons or highlight a Buddy and then using the Buddies Menu or the icons at the Bottom of the Buddy list can be used the same way to start Video or Audio Only chats.
    The iMessage "Account" is only for texting iOS devices or other people using their Apple ID on a Mac in Messages.
    It is an account "in addition to" rather than "taking over from" the services that iChat can join.
    9:22 PM      Thursday; December 6, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
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    If you go into settings -> mail and then go in to each of your accounts and select "advanced" from the bottom of the list, you can change your preferences for emptying the trash bin, which I think as a default is set as "never". There is an option to empty it every day, so this should avoid you having to manually delete each email from the trash bin.

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    Funny ... as my wife worked on her masters a couple years ago, Cal State Fullerton would not allow ANY citations from the Internet.
    But here's some background info for you ...
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    Good luck with your research.
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    Athens, Greece

    Some of the apps shown in adverts / videos have been downloaded from the App Store, they don't come pre-installed e.g. the Facebook app is a free download the app store : 'official' Facebook app.
    To upload photos to Facebook you can use the above app - you can't, for example, use Safari on the iPad to upload content to sites.
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    Thank you for your prompt response - I did as you said and did a drag and drop into the iTunes window - it imported and got my album art from the net. When I started Itunes with the shift key down I was prompted to choose a library but since I copied over the media folder and not the library folder I was unable to select that so I guess I will have to create a new library and add in all the music, videos, etc. unless I wait for my laptop and export the library or at least that seems to be the case? In short, all my data (iTunes media folder) is on my external drive and can be added to the blank iTunes screen but I can not choose a library folder. Is there anyway around completely making all those playlists again? I am not sure my laptop will survive the shop with data intact and really hate to start over on those.
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    This is whith regard to the 1.3Bios being better than the 1.52B Bios.. because it would let you run in turbo mode...
    Ok i've spent the last 60mins testing and i came up with the following..
    With the 1.3Bios.. no matter what memory timings u set... it does'nt show in CPU-Z and it does'nt make a difference in the memory bandwith scores...
    For example my ram was rated at 2.5-3-3-8 .. i changed it to 2.5-2-3-8 .. it did'nt change and my scores remained the same..
    Going from Slow to Fast to Turbo.. did'nt incrase my scores.. actually.. donno how.. but i got a decrease in scores..
    The only thing that was noticable was that MSI core-center overclocks the CPU a lil more than what is set in BIOS..
    1.52B BIOS
    With the 1.52B Bios... u can change the memory timings and it does show in CPU-Z and it makes a massive difference with Sisoft sandra.. 250mbps more..
    What u set in the bios .. u get with the 1.52B.. Corecenter does'nt mess around and overclock it more..
    Going from Slow to Turbo did give me an increase in scores.. slightly..
    Im now running Ultra-Turbo.. and i get a sisoft bandwith score of 5250Mbps at 3.21G..
    So infact i think the 1.52B is better than the 1.3 . I don't have a Radeon so i donno how these bios's work with the cards cause i've read about some problems... I'm getting one soon so 'ill post some info about that in a fortnight..
    I personally think this board is great.. atleast the one i have.. never had a problem.. had it for 3 months.. i have a revision 1.. no DOT sticker.. and just the Neo2-S version... I've used Spectec 333 on this board too (dual) had no problems..
    Wish i had some DDR-500 so i could test whether this board can do 1:1 above 250...whether it has a 1:1 limitation above 285 like some other boards.. that is my only doubt.. anywayz.. i hope atleast some of u are sailing as smoothly with this board as i have..
    Get some nice ram .. this Twinmos Dual channel kit DDR400 with the Twinmos chips are really great.. and i recommend it..

    Originally posted by DeReD
    With the 1.3Bios.. no matter what memory timings u set... it does'nt show in CPU-Z and it does'nt make a difference in the memory bandwith scores...
    For example my ram was rated at 2.5-3-3-8 .. i changed it to 2.5-2-3-8 .. it did'nt change and my scores remained the same..
    Going from Slow to Fast to Turbo.. did'nt incrase my scores.. actually.. donno how.. but i got a decrease in scores..
    That´s wrong. RAM-Settings are displayed fine. Turbo does make a BIG difference in scores. About 15% more performance. In Games and in benchmarks like 3dmark and sandra, too.

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    Deepak Bhalla

    Yes they are compared in the sense that the class and function group are the containers, and the methods and function modules are the interfaces in which you interact with the encapsulated data. 
    Again if you are developing an application in which you are not forced to push the processing to differenet work processes,  then using classes/methods is preferrable. The reason I say this, is because anything coming from SAP will most likely be implemented as a class as opposed to a function group.  This is not to say that SAP will not create new function modules, because of course there still is a use for them.
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    Wahhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhhhhhh!
    Are you over your little tantrum now?  Do you want help you would like to continue to act like a toddler?
    If you want help, try telling us what happens when trying to send pics.  Any errors?
    If you want to whine... go somewhere else.

  • IDVD appears to produce better "hi-def to DVD" than DVDSP and Compressor.

    For the last 4 years I have used DVDSP and Compressor to burn DVDs from my HDV and AVCHD/ProRes 422 projects but have always been plagued by the well known less than perfect results.
    For some reason creating DVDs from HD material results in slightly lower quality than when using standard def media.
    Artefacts such as double-lining and aliasing have been discussed at length in the forums and weird and wonderful time-consuming solutions such as the Bonsai technique have been proposed.
    Recently I had reason to go back to iDVD and to my surprise the video quality appeared to be better than DVDSP's.
    Gone were the minor but  irritating artefacts I had become accustomed to.
    Instead I now get sharp smooth images.
    It's still early days and I don't know whether the results are due to the idiosyncracies of my editing/burning setup. The DVDs were played in both a Panasonic BD player together with a Panasonic DVD player and viewed on a Sony 40" HDTV connected with HDMI cables.
    Maybe if anybody has a few spare moments between projects they could test it out.
    Note that I have only tested this with iDVDs "Best Performance" setting which is suitable for DVDs up to 65 minutes long.

    I'm not sure you need another voice in this conversation…but here's my 2 cents.
    While I agree that iDVD can do a very good job of encoding HD to DVD specs, I can't think of any reason why it should be superior to Compressor. In fact, my experience has been the opposite; I get somewhat better (cleaner) results using Compressor and DVDSP. The principal reason is I can start with my saved presets and then  – like Michael mentioned…take a small test section and make adjustments if I see something that I don't like.  
    As for scaling, I do it first, then I make the MPEG as a separate step, (There was a recent thread about this questioning whether this added any value. No mater; it's the way I do it unless I don't have time.)
    Good luck.

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    So what? Do you want a prize for posting such an illuminating comment?

Maybe you are looking for

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