Tables work except in IE

I'm using nested tables to keep everything nice and tidy, and
it works when I view in Firefox or Navigator, but in IE it places
the swf file (home.swf) at the bottom, and puts gaps between my
navigation buttons. I've used tables in a similar manner before
without this problem, just can't figure it out. This is a school
project, so it won't actually be on a server. but here is the code
for the nested tables:
<table width="900" height="700" border="0" align="center"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
<td height="60" colspan="2" valign="top"><div
align="right" class="style1"><img src="images/title.png"
width="648" height="60"></div></td>
<td width="239" height="300" rowspan="2" valign="top"
src="images/logo.png" width="238" height="300"></td>
<td colspan="2" rowspan="9" valign="top">
<table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5"
classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,19,0"
width="600" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="images/home.swf"> // THIS
<param name="quality" value="high">
<embed src="images/home.swf" quality="high" pluginspage=""
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600"
<td height="210"><img src="images/trans.png"
width="200" height="200"></td> //TRANSPARENT PNG
<p> </p></td>
<td height="50" valign="top"
src="images/buttons/blank_btn_bar.png" width="238"
<td height="50" valign="top"
src="images/buttons/gear_Label.png" width="238"
<td height="50" valign="top"
href="fishing.html"><img src="images/buttons/fishing_btn.png"
name="fishingBtn" width="238" height="50" border="0"
<td height="50" valign="top"
href="hunting.html"><img src="images/buttons/hunting_btn.png"
name="huntingBtn" width="238" height="50" border="0"
<td height="50" valign="top"
href="kayak.html"><img src="images/buttons/kayaking_btn.png"
name="kayakBtn" width="238" height="50" border="0" id="kayakBtn"
<td height="50" valign="top"
href="contact.html"><img src="images/buttons/contact_btn.png"
alt="contact us button" name="contactBtn" width="238" height="50"
border="0" id="contactBtn"
<td width="239" height="50" valign="top"
href="reports.html"><img src="images/buttons/report_btn.png"
alt="fishing report button" name="reportBtn" width="238"
height="50" border="0" id="reportBtn"
<td width="239" height="50" valign="top"
src="images/buttons/blank_btn.png" name="blank_4" width="238"
height="50" id="blank_4"></td>

EM 989-BK wrote:
> A Page has been created with 3 columns, the middle
column is wider in IE than in Dreamweaver when viewed, this is also
the case once published to the web.

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    <desc>No description available at this
    <course id="3">
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    <duration>1 day</duration>
    <desc>This introductory level course covers all of the
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    <startdate>11 12 2008</startdate>
    <duration>3 days</duration>
    <desc>No description available at this
    <course id="5">
    <name>New! Introduction to Social Assistance and Case
    <startdate>11 18 2008</startdate>
    <duration>4 days</duration>
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    procedures for Abenaki’s Social Assistance and Case
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    <duration>2 days</duration>
    <desc>No description available at this
    <course id="7">
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    <duration>1 day</duration>
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    The reason its not working its because its "crashing" at the
    sort function in IE, I have no clue why.
    To be more specific,, this part of the SpryData.js
    if (this.unfilteredData)
    if (this.filterFunc)
    this.filter(this.filterFunc, true);
    Maby try to delete the setColumnType for your startdate, to
    see if that helps. Because your startdate is not a "valid" date
    string. (i think)

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    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_makt,
             matnr TYPE makt-matnr,
             spras TYPE makt-spras,
             maktx TYPE makt-maktx,
             maktg TYPE makt-maktg,
             celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl,
           END OF ty_makt.
    DATA : i_makt TYPE TABLE OF ty_makt.
    DATA : wa_makt TYPE ty_makt .
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    Hi Nagasankar,
                  MATNR TYPE MAKT-MATNR,
                  SPRAS TYPE MAKT-SPRAS,
                  MAKTX TYPE MAKT-MAKTX,
                  MAKTX TYPE MAKT-MAKTG,
                  CELLTAB TYPE LVC_T_STYL,  " Its Working perfectly fine..
                 END OF TY_MAKT.
              WA_MAKT TYPE TY_MAKT.
    Its working perfectly fine. if still you are facing any issue post your complete code.

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    Go to []
    In that go to SAP Support Portal ->Help & support tab ->Report a Product Error
    You would have to supply Customer number and User ID and it would allow you to create a case (incident).
    You can also call on our CIC numbers if you face any issues and they would be able assist you in creating an Incident.
    Americas : 1 866 8907686 (toll-free)
    support.bosapamerica@ (Remove the space)
    APJ: 1800 613459 (toll-free)
    EMEA: 08081012181 (toll-free)
    Hope that helps!!

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    every time I try to call or they call me, my phone beugs I can not immediatly to call, denied access the directory for 2 to 4 minutes after that it works again
      I tried all but nothing, everything works except the call
      I have an iPhone 4 Version 6.1.3
    thank you for your help

    That is the highest you will be able to go with 3g. You need 3gs or 4 to go any higher (multi processors and more memory needed).  Version 4.2.1 marks the end of your updates for that device.

  • Qualified Tables Working

    Hi All,
    How to Map the qualified fields in the qualified tables if the qualifier for that field is set to YES, because such fields are not reflected in the<b> import manager </b> for mapping only the fields whose qualifier is set to NO are visible.Thee problem is wen the qualifier for a field is set to YES you can feed the data only in the DATA MANAGER as these fields are only visible therewhich  become so much of a lengthy process if data is large.
    Can any one please explain the importance of the qualifier in the qualified table in layman terms, how to make the best use of it and please if possible give a short and sweet example for it.
    Thanxs in Advance.

    Hi Prasad,
    <b>Where do we use the Qualified tables:</b>
    At times data is stored in such a way that duplication is unavoidable due to the storing mechanism and other factors. It may also happen that the data is sparse. The efficient way of storing data in such scenarios is the use of Qualified tables as it reduces the size of the main table and removes the unnecessarily created duplicates.
    <b>Difference between Qualified lookup table and Flat lookup table:</b>Flat lookup tables normally work on only a single field. It contains the set of legal values to which corresponding lookup field in the main table is assigned.
    E.g. suppose we have a flat lookup table for Material Group for an automobile manufacturing company. Here we have a fixed set of legal values that can be looked up into the main table (for example Cars, Bikes, SUVs, etc.)
    Qualified tables work on the combination of two types of fields where value of one or more fields (qualifiers) changes depending on the values of one or more other fields (non-qualifiers).
    E.g. suppose we have a field “Price” whose values varies with the region for the same product. Here we have a fixed set of related legal values (combination of fields) that can be looked up into the main table. (For example Product A has a price of $30 in Southern region whereas $40 in Central region, then we get a set like Product A | Southern | $30, Product A | Central | $40 in the Lookup Qualified table)
    <b>Watch out for the definition of Qualifiers and non-Qualifiers:</b>
    This was something which took a long time for me to hunt down.
    Qualifiers – are those fields whose values change based on the value of some other field(s) and whose value is different for each main table record
    Non Qualifiers – These fields are only the part of qualified lookup table, but they apply not only to the qualified table but also to each association of the qualified table record to the main table record. Simply speaking, they are the fields that will decide the values in the Qualifier (main table)fields.
    <b>Our Scenario:</b>
    Suppose we have been provided with the following source data –
    Manufacturer Name of Drug Region Price Storage Temp
    A Crocin North 280 27 Celsius
    A Crocin South 300 14 Celsius
    A Crocin Central 260 30 Celsius
    A Disprin North 380 30 Celsius
    A Disprin South 360 27 Celsius
    A Disprin Central 320 14 Celsius
    Values of ‘Price’ and the ‘Storage Temp’ field change based upon the ‘Name of Drug’ and ‘Region’ field values and also their values are different for each main table record; hence these should be madequalifiers in the qualified lookup table
    Since ‘Name of Drug’ and ‘Region’ fields are deciding the qualifier values hence these should be kept as non qualifiers in the qualified lookup table. ‘Manufacturer’ and ‘Price’ will be part of the main table.
    <b>Design of repository:</b>
    We will discuss only the design of the main table ‘Products’ and the Qualified lookup table ‘Prices’ as they are of our immediate concern.
    Field Field Detail
    Manufacturer Name- Manufacturer
    Type - Text
    Required – Yes
    Display – Yes
    Lookup[Price] Name- Lookup[Price]
    Type - Lookup[Qualified Flat] (multi-valued)
    Required – None
    Display – No
    Multi-Valued - Yes
    Lookup Table – Prices
    Field Field Detail
    Name of Drug Name- Name of Drug
    Type - Text
    Required – No
    Display – Yes
    Qualifier - No
    Region Name- Region
    Type - Text
    Required – No
    Display – Yes
    Qualifier - No
    Price Name- Price
    Type - Currency
    Required – No
    Display – Yes
    Symbol - $
    Decimal Place - 0
    Qualifier - Yes
    Cache - Yes
    Storage Temp Name- Storage Temp
    Type - Measurement
    Required – No
    Display – Yes
    Dimension – Temperature
    Default Unit – Celsius
    Qualifier - Yes
    Cache - Yes
    Note: Caching of qualifiers is strongly recommended as it dramatically improves search performance.
    Once the design of the repository is through, we now move on to the trickiest area – the one of the Import Manager
    Importing records:
    As per the standard practice, we load the lookup table first, here ‘Prices’ and then the main table ‘Products’.
    Loading the Qualified lookup table data:
    Select the corresponding tables in the source and destination hierarchy in the Import manager.
    Go to Map Fields/Values tab and Map the corresponding fields in the field mapping grid.
    Note: Here only two fields (non qualifiers)can b seen in the destination field grid, however in the repository design we have created four fields.
    The qualifiers (fields) never appear in the destination field of the qualified lookup table in the Import Manager.
    Go to Match Records tab and select the non-qualifiers as matching field and Add it as Combination.
    Select Import Action as Create as it is an Initial load of data.
    Loading the Main table data:
    Map all the source fields to corresponding fields in the repository.
    Notes: Here many fields in destination (including qualifiers (Q) which are defined in the qualified table and not in the main table of the repository structure in Console).
    Minimum required field mapping: All non-qualifier fields of the qualified lookup table should be mapped. Qualifier field (Q) is optional.
    Now we are left with one field (Lookup [Price]) in destination which is still unmapped and we have no corresponding field left in the source to map it with. For this, go to source field tab and right click to create compound field 
    Lookup [Price] will be available in the source field and will get automatically mapped to the corresponding destination field.
    Note: If any one of the non-qualifier fields of the qualified lookup table is not yet mapped, we are not allowed to create the compound field.
    Do the Record Matching and Import the data into Data Manager Client by selecting the appropriate Import action.
    Final Qualified data in main table:
    The data is available in the Data Manager.
    P.S. If there is only one non-qualifier in a scenario, then the Compound field is not created and direct one to one mappings suffice.
    Please award me points if u find trhis blog as a value addition.
    Thanks & Regards ,

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