Tableview - get changed data event???

Hello all,
I have defined a popup with a tableview inside. Table is getting populated and has the folowing structure:
FLAG - checkbox - editable
DESCRIPTION - char50 - noneditable
DATE - date - noneditable
Is there a way of defining an event that would get triggered when the user has changed 1 row (clicked on the checkbox)? I need to update the field DATE when that happends.
I'm not using row selection at all.
Please let me know of any ideas,
Alin Moigradeanu.

Hi Alin,
When a check box is checked Get_V_XXXX method is triggered. Put below code in Get_V_XXXX so that server round trip would be triggered. And then you can write your code in appropriate method (may be DO_PREPARE_OUTPUT) to set date or else create an event handler method EN_ONROW_SELECTED and set date there.
  CASE iv_property.
  Set the field type
    WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_fieldtype.
      rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_checkbox.
    when if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_server_event.
      rv_value = 'ROW_SELECTED'.
Please let me know if this helps.

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    METHOD on_data_check .
        node_spfli                          TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        node_sflight                        TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        itab_sflight2                        TYPE if_display_view=>elements_sflight.
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    this code is ..get all data(changed and not changed)
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    Edited by: Ki-Joon Seo on Dec 27, 2007 6:04 AM

    To get only the changed data in the ALV grid of a WD, you need to capture the "ON_DATA_CHECK" of the ALV grid.
    To this please do the following in the ALV initialization of the ALV table settings :
    You may also do this:
        lr_table_settings->set_data_check(            IF_SALV_WD_C_TABLE_SETTINGS=>DATA_CHECK_ON_CHECK_EVENT)
    The above two ways would depend on when do you need to check for the changed data. If you want to check the data as soon as it is entered, then use the first method. Else, use the second method.
    You need to register an EVENT HANDLER for this event.(You may do this in your VIEW or Component Controller).
    In this Event handler, you would find an importing parameter R_PARAM which is a ref type of      IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_DATA_CHECK.
    The attribute T_MODIFIED_CELLS of this interface IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_DATA_CHECK will contain the modified cells of the ALV with the old & new values.

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    Dear Friend
    Thank you for an answer.
    It was settled.
    Best regards.

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    Check program RPUAUD00 .
    Change pointers log data only on selected infotypes in order not to overload system. PCL4 is also selective in this respect but I am not sure about that, so you need to look for futher info in this regard.

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      Have u created the change document properly and is the changes getting logged in the table or not.........
    in transaction SCDO you need to create a change object and according to that...
    check the change document in table from where the date if coming in its further characteristics of that table where the date is that changes are logged for that date.
    and then where you are changing u need to call the function module name generated in scdo transaction in your program after the changed make to logg the changes and then chek in cpos and cdhdr tables and use them to use changes.
    example is....
    wa-yh1316_name   = 'Fff
    wa-yh1316_age = '16'.
    INSERT into ztest01 values wa.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    objectid = 'yh1316_name'.
              objectid                      = OBJECTID
              tcode                         = 'SE38'
              utime                         = SY-UZEIT
              udate                         = SY-DATUM
              username                      = 'SAPDEV02'
    *         PLANNED_CHANGE_NUMBER         = ' '
             OBJECT_CHANGE_INDICATOR       = 'I'
    *         PLANNED_OR_REAL_CHANGES       = ' '
    *         NO_CHANGE_POINTERS            = ' '
             UPD_ICDTXT_Z_TABLE            = 'I'
              n_ztest01                     = WA
              o_ztest01                     = WA
             UPD_ZTEST01                   = 'I'
              icdtxt_z_table                = ICDTXT_Z_TABLE

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    Thank you very much in advance.
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    Zyker wrote:
    I hope someone will be able to direct me to a few specified classes meant for what I need.youll have to research how to get the sound from a source (with targetdataline).
    then you have to analyze the sound data. there are no magic classes to do that for you.

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    I have tried to search an existing post to solve this ALV problem, with key words 'ALV' and 'refresh', but I don't find the good one... so sorry if the problem have already been solved.
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    CALL METHOD grid1->set_table_for_first_display
                   is_layout        = gs_layout
                   is_variant       = gs_variant "&see below
                   i_save           = x_save     "&see below
                   I_BYPASSING_BUFFER = 'X'
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                   it_fieldcatalog  = GT_field_cat_entete[].
    2) User edit values from cells from ALV.
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    Have any suggestions? Thank you for your help.
    Best Regards,

    Hi all,
    I have just solved my problem...
    I have found this one into SE38 / BCALV_GRID_EDIT fifth program.
    data: l_valid(1) type c.
    call method grid1->check_changed_data importing e_valid = l_valid.

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    Hello Vitor
    Not all functions and data are externally accessible. Only those business objects (e.g. like sales order, customer, material) for which BAPIs are available (transaction BAPI ) can be accessed via RFC.

  • Tableview getting refreshed when changing data in the rows

    Hi Gurus,
    Iu2019m doing a BSP with MVC. The requirement is as below.
    In the main page there is a button u2018Create Orderu2019, to create a sales order, once I click this button, another screen (pop up) comes up and within that I have a Tableview display with the below fields with the data of 20 records.
    Material no
    Delivery Date
    Here user is allowed to choose the quantity and delivery date by selecting each row.(with MULTISELECT option in BSP)
    The issue is after I select first row and change the quantity and date, and if I click on second row, the Tableview gets refreshed to enable the second row to be editable and the changes what I did on the first row are also refreshed.
    So i want the Tableview not to be refreshed when selecting the multiple rows. So that I can keep the changes I make to the quantity and date fields Can you please suggest any method.

    Hi Srinivas,
    You need to capture the value entered by user in Quantity and date field and update the internal table with these values for the current selected row.
    For ex.
    The tableView code is like:
                          <htmlb:tableView id                  = "material"
                                     headerText          = "<%= otr(Z_SUS/HEADER_TEXT_MATERIALS) %>"
                                     headerVisible       = "true"
                                     design              = "alternating"
                                     onRowSelection      = "MyEventRowSelection"
                                     selectionMode       = "MULTILINEEDIT"
                                     width               = "880"
                                     filter              = "SERVER"
                                     emptyTableText      = "<%= otr(Z_SUS/EMPTYTABLE_MATERIALS) %>"
                                     iterator            = "<%= iterator %>"
                                     table               = "<%= gt_materials %>" />
    In eventhandler OnInputProcessing :
    DATA: lt_fields type tihttpnvp ,
               ls_fields like line of lt_fields.
    call method request->get_form_fields
                  fields = lt_fields
    Now the internal table lt_fields contains all the editable cell values , just update the internal table of your tableview with these values.
    You can try these threads
    [Thread-I.|Re: Retrieve changes made in tableView]
    Search the forum for more information on this.

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    I don't know what I'm doing that's different from before. The only things I can think of are (a) something has changed in the iPhoto update, or (b) the SilverFast software stores the scanning date in some part of the EXIF that iPhoto can read but not change. I don't have tools to examine the EXIF unfortunately.
    What to do?

    Chris, I have run into the same problem.
    Try this:
    Open an event with more than one photo in it.
    Adjust the date of one or more photos. The event date does not update.
    Delete any one photo. The event date now updates to match the above date change.
    Undo the delete photo. The event date stays matching.
    Change the date of any photo again. The event date updates now every time.
    If you close the event and reopen it, you have to start over with the delete one photo thing.
    I don't understand it but it works here.
    I also have had the problem of events not sorting themselves in order of the dates when VIEW, SORT, BY DATE is selected. This seems to affect only the events were photo date changes had been made. Using the delete thing seems to keep the events in order.
    Another funny thing: When I put photos into iMovie the times in iMovie show as 7 hours off the photo time.
    I think Apple owes us an update to iLife!

  • Get change document data

    How do we get the change document data to be used in a workflow,
    I have made entry in swec , there i associated the change object and my zbo delegeted from standard bo and specified the event as "on change". now i want to send a mail using this changed data.
    I have two options either i use an exit fm to trigger the mail or use a workflow to trigger tha mail, but how do i use the changed data that i get from cdhdr, i need to specify these fields in tha mail body.
    or if i choose to use an exit fm how to do it.

    Create a new background method in the ZBO to get all the required details from CDHDR and CDPOS tables. Export them from the method as separate variables or as an internal table.
    Create a task in the workflow to execute this method before the sendmail step. Once the data is exported from the method, it is going to be available in the workflow container and so you can use the same in the SENDMAIL step.
    Hope this will help.

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    The as yet empty Event library shows 2005. (top left in FCP X) I can't figure out on how to change that. I assume it's a date ?
    thank you

    Hi Ram,
    We will  load delta Intial with data transfer every weekend , and we run delta everyday , because we do delta init with data transfer with selections say ( 01.20011 to 12.2003 ) every weekend , hope I need to create new delta infopack  with new data selections say ( 01.2004 to 12.9999) only  to get update data in Infocube.
    Please correct me if I am wrong .

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