Tags shown as document files

Since upgrading to Mavericks and allocating many folders with newly named tags the Finder sidebar shows document icons with no colours. How do I change back to the coloured icons please?

No, I want the coloured dots which appeared after installing Mavericks before I tagged my folders and renamed some of the tags.
This is what I have now:

Similar Messages

  • Instance variable to hold the element of a tag in the xml file

    Hi I have an xml file that is handled using this parser
    <attr id="MY_NAME" >
    this parser hanled the above tag but now I want to have it handle
    <attr id="MY_NAME" desc="GOOD">
    but I need to create an instance variable to handle the desc element in the attr tag .
    Can some one help me out as this is not my file and I am having trouble to do please......
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
       The SupportMatrix class provides static variables and methods to simplify
       the determination of whether or not a given attribute is supported for a
       certain object type (queue manager, channel, etc.), depending on the version
       and platform of the queue manager to which it belongs.
       The SupportMatrix class may not be instantiated. Its constructor is private.
       An instance of the class is created internally in the static initializer so
       that the XML parsing methods are available.
       A corresponding XML document, SupportMatrix.xml, is parsed to create the various
       HashMaps which contain the version/platform dependency information. A number of
       inner classes are used to represent the various elements of the XML matrix
       Here's a sample document:
       <!-- The supportmatrix tag opens the document -->
         <!-- Objects are keyed by classid. "1" is the classid of a queue manager object. -->
         <object classid="1">
           <!-- Versions group attributes according to the queue manager version where they
                were introduced. The "base" cmdlevel encompasses all versions up to 5.1. -->
           <version cmdlevel="base">
             <!-- Attributes are defined by the attr tag. -->
             <attr id="MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME">
               <!-- Support elements define the platform-specific requirements for an attribute. -->
               <support platforms="UNIX,WINDOWS,OS400,VMS,NSK" maxlen="48" type="MQCFST"/>
               <support platforms="MVS" maxlen="4" type="MQCFST"/>
             <attr id="MQCA_Q_MGR_DESC">
               <!-- Specific attribute characteristics, most notably maximum len for string parms,
                    are defined in the support element. As shown in the following example, it may
                    apply to all platforms. -->
               <support platforms="all" maxlen="64" type="MQCFST"/>
             <!-- Support elements are optional. -->
             <attr id="MQIA_PLATFORM"/>
             <attr id="MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL"/>
           <!-- The version element may 'include' other versions. Note that object elements
                may also refer to other objects via the 'include' parm of the object tag.
                This is to allow common attributes (especially for queues and channels) to
                be shared by multiple definitions in order to reduce some of the
                redundancy. -->
           <version cmdlevel="520" include="base">
       The inner classes, and their hierarchical relationships are as follows:
         SupportObject - corresponds to the <object> element. Stored in a static HashMap, and
                         keyed by classid.
           VersionObject - corresponds to the <version> element. Stored in a HashMap instance
                           variable of the SupportObject class, keyed by cmdlevel.
             AttributeObject - corresponds to the <attr> element. Stored in a HashMap instance
                               variable of the VersionObject class, keyed by attribute name.
               PlatformObject - corresponds to the <support> element. Stored in HashMaps belonging
                                to the AttributeObjects, keyed by platform. A single PlatformObject
                                instance is created when the support tag is encountered. The
                                "platforms" attribute of the support element is then processed. For
                                each platform in the comma-delimited list, an entry is added to the
                                collection of PlatformObjects. This is to greatly simplify later
       In order to support the 'include' feature of object and version elements, certain
       functions are recursive. If the attribute to be validated is not found for the passed
       cmdlevel, the 'parent' VersionObject is consulted by means of the 'include' value. If
       the chain of VersionObjects has been exhausted and the attribute in question has still not
       been located, the next SupportObject in the chain is consulted in a similar fashion.
    public class SupportMatrix extends DefaultHandler {
        /** The objects collection holds all the SupportObjects, keyed by classid. */
        private static HashMap objects;
        /** xmlFile will name the xml document to be parsed. Note that using the
            default class loader expects the string to be the path to the file. It must
            NOT begin with the '/' character. */
        private static String xmlFile =
        private Stack stack;
        /** This static initializer allocates the static objects collection, creates an
            instance of the SupportMatrix class for xml parsing purposes, and initiates
            the parse operation to populate the collection. */
        static {
            objects = new HashMap();
            // Create a parser and process the xml doc
            SupportMatrix handler = new SupportMatrix();
            InputSource is = null;
            try {
                is = new InputSource(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(xmlFile));
                XMLReader xmlReader =
                xmlReader.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces", true);
                if (is == null) {
                    System.err.println("No input stream, dammit");
            } catch(Exception e) {
        /** Private constuctor, used only for XML parsing. */
        private SupportMatrix() {
            stack = new Stack();
        /** Add a SupportObject instance to the objects collection. */
        private void addObject(SupportObject obj) {
            String key = obj.getClassId();
            objects.put(key, obj);
        /* DefaultHandler methods                                              */
        /** Not used. */
        public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {}
        /** Not used. */
        public void endDocument() {}
        /** For the version, object, and attr elements, pop the top element of the stack. */
        public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
            if (localName.equals("version") || localName.equals("object") || localName.equals("attr")) {
        /** Not used. */
        public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {}
        /** Not used. */
        public void startDocument() {}
        /** Most of the work is done here. Create the appropriate inner class instance for
            element; for object, version, and attr, push the element onto the stack so that
            child elements may be added to their collections as needed. */
        public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName,
                                 Attributes attributes) {
            String include = attributes.getValue("include");
            if (localName.equals("object")) {
                SupportObject obj = new SupportObject(attributes.getValue("classid"), include);
            } else if ( localName.equals("version")) {
                VersionObject ver = new VersionObject(attributes.getValue("cmdlevel"), include);
            } else if ( localName.equals("attr")) {
                AttributeObject a = new AttributeObject(attributes.getValue("id"));
                //String desc = StringFactory.getString(attributes.getValue("desc"));
                //if(desc != null)
                   //     a.setAttribute();
                String readonly = attributes.getValue("readonly");
                String exclude = attributes.getValue("exclude");
                if (include != null && exclude != null) {
                    Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, "include and exclude are mutually exclusive, exclude value ignored");
                    exclude = null;
                if (include != null) {
                    a.setCondition(include, true);
                if (exclude != null) {
                    a.setCondition(exclude, false);
                if (readonly != null)
            } else if (localName.equals("support")) {
                String platforms = attributes.getValue("platforms");
                String readonly = attributes.getValue("readonly");
                String maxlen = attributes.getValue("maxlen");
                String type = attributes.getValue("type");
                int attrType = 0;
                if (type != null) {
                    if (type.equals("MQCFIN")) {
                        attrType = CMQCFC.MQCFT_INTEGER;
                    } else if (type.equals("MQCFIL")) {
                        attrType = CMQCFC.MQCFT_INTEGER_LIST;
                    } else if (type.equals("MQCFST")) {
                        attrType = CMQCFC.MQCFT_STRING;
                    } else if (type.equals("MQCFSL")) {
                        attrType = CMQCFC.MQCFT_STRING_LIST;
                    } else if (type.equals("EXBIN")) {
                        attrType = MqcConstants.EXCFT_BINARY;
                    } else if (type.equals("EXPCF")) {
                        attrType = MqcConstants.EXCFT_PCF;
                PlatformObject p = null;
                if (readonly == null) {
                    p = new PlatformObject(platforms);
                } else {
                    p = new PlatformObject(platforms, readonly.equals("y"));
                String exclude = attributes.getValue("exclude");
                if (include != null && exclude != null) {
                    Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, "include and exclude are mutually exclusive, exclude value ignored");
                    exclude = null;
                if (include != null)
                    p.setCondition(include, true);
                if (exclude != null)
                    p.setCondition(exclude, false);
                if (attrType != 0)
                if (maxlen != null)
        public static boolean isExported(int attribute, TopologyModelNode node) {
            String name = ResourceManager.getAttributeName(attribute);
            return isExported(name, node);
        public static boolean isExported(String attribute, TopologyModelNode node) {
            // Find the qmgr node to fetch platform and cmdlevel
            TopologyModelNode qmgr = node.getModel().getQMgrNode(node.getAddress());
            // If there's no qmgr for this node, it must be one of 'ours'.
            if (qmgr == null)
                return false;     // None of 'our' objects can be exported to MQSC.
            String classId = node.getClassId();
            String cmdLevel = qmgr.getAttributeValue("MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL");
            String platform = qmgr.getAttributeValue("MQIA_PLATFORM");
            return isExported(attribute, classId, cmdLevel, platform, node);
        public static boolean isExported(int attribute, String classId, String cmdLevel, String platform,
                                         TopologyModelNode node) {
            String name = ResourceManager.getAttributeName(attribute);
            return isExported(name, classId, cmdLevel, platform, node);
        /** Determine if an attribute is exportable. The attribute name, the classid of the object to
            which it belongs, plus the command level and platform of the queue manager are all needed
            to make this determination.
            Start by finding the AttributeObject for the combination of attribute, classid, and
            command level. If we can't find the AttributeObject, we assume that the attribute
            is not exported. Otherwise, find out if it is exportable for the selected platform.
        public static boolean isExported(String attribute, String classId, String cmdLevel, String platform,
                                         TopologyModelNode node) {
            AttributeObject attr = getAttributeObject(attribute, classId, cmdLevel);
            if (attr == null) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return attr.isExported(platform, node);
        public static boolean isSupported(int attribute, TopologyModelNode node) {
            String name = ResourceManager.getAttributeName(attribute);
            return isSupported(name, node);
        public static boolean isSupported(String attribute, TopologyModelNode node) {
            // Find the qmgr node to fetch platform and cmdlevel
            TopologyModelNode qmgr = node.getModel().getQMgrNode(node.getAddress());
            // If there's no qmgr for this node, it must be one of 'ours'.
            if (qmgr == null)
                return true;
            String classId = node.getClassId();
            String cmdLevel = qmgr.getAttributeValue("MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL");
            String platform = qmgr.getAttributeValue("MQIA_PLATFORM");
            return isSupported(attribute, classId, cmdLevel, platform);
        public static boolean isSupported(int attribute, String classId, String cmdLevel, String platform) {
            String name = ResourceManager.getAttributeName(attribute);
            return isSupported(name, classId, cmdLevel, platform);
        /** Determine if an attribute is supported. The attribute name, the classid of the object to
            which it belongs, plus the command level and platform of the queue manager are all needed
            to make this determination.
            Start by finding the SupportObject for the classid. If it isn't there, we make the assumption
            (for now) that the attribute is supported. The only classids for which this can occur are
            broker, agent, and the various container objects.
            Propagate the isSupported request to the chain of SupportObjects (based on 'include' values)
            until we get a 'true' result or we run out of SupportObjects. */
        public static boolean isSupported(String attribute, String classId, String cmdLevel, String platform) {
            if (attribute == null)
                return false;
            SupportObject obj = (SupportObject)objects.get(classId);
            // If the object type isn't even in the support matrix, we interpret that to
            // mean that it's a Broker or Agent, in which case all attributes are supported
            // at present.
            if (obj == null)
                return true;
            boolean result = false;
            while (result == false && obj != null) {
                result = obj.isSupported(attribute, cmdLevel, platform);
                if (result == false && obj.getInclude() != null) {
                    obj = (SupportObject)objects.get(obj.getInclude());
                } else
                    obj = null;
            return result;
        /** Locate an AttributeObject for a given attribute name, object type, and command level.
            This is a helper function for the getMaxLen and getType methods. */
        private static AttributeObject getAttributeObject(String attr, String classID, String cmdLevel) {
            AttributeObject result = null;
            SupportObject obj = (SupportObject)objects.get(classID);
            while (result == null && obj != null) {
                result = obj.getAttr(attr, cmdLevel);
                if (result == null && obj.getInclude() != null) {
                    obj = (SupportObject)objects.get(obj.getInclude());
                } else
                    obj = null;
            return result;
        /** Determine the maximum length for a given combintation of attribute name, object type,
            command level, and platform. If the AttributeObject can't be found, or if the length
            hasn't been set, return -1. */
        public static int getMaxLen(String attr, String classId, String cmdLevel, String platform) {
            AttributeObject a = getAttributeObject(attr, classId, cmdLevel);
            if (a == null)
                return -1;
            return a.getMaxLen(platform);
        /** Determine the PCF parm type for a given combintation of attribute name, object type,
            command level, and platform. If the AttributeObject can't be found, or if the length
            hasn't been set, return -1. */
        public static int getType(String attr, String classId, String cmdLevel, String platform) {
            AttributeObject a = getAttributeObject(attr, classId, cmdLevel);
            if (a == null)
                return -1;
            return a.getType(platform);
        /** Inner class to contain platform-specific info for an attribute. */
        class PlatformObject {
            /** This instance variable will contain the comma-delimited string of all
                platforms to which this object applies. */
            private String platform;
            private int maxlen;
            private String condition = null;
            private boolean include;
            private boolean readonly;
            private boolean lenSet;
            private int attrType;
            private boolean typeSet;
            public PlatformObject(String p, boolean readonly) {
                platform = p;
                this.readonly = readonly;
                lenSet = false;
                typeSet = false;
            public PlatformObject(String p) {
                this(p, false);
            public void setCondition(String condition, boolean include) {
                this.condition = condition;
                this.include = include;
            public boolean isReadonly() {
                return readonly;
            public boolean isExported(TopologyModelNode node) {
                if (condition != null) {
                    boolean test = false;
                    try {
                        test = Utilities.evaluateCondition(node, condition);
                    } catch (Exception e) {}
                    if (include ^ test)
                        return false;
                return !readonly;
            public void setLen(int len) {
                maxlen = len;
                lenSet = true;
            public void setType(int type) {
                attrType = type;
                typeSet = true;
            public String getPlatform() {
                return platform;
            public int getMaxLen() {
                if (!lenSet)
                    return -1;
                return maxlen;
            public int getType() {
                if (!typeSet)
                    return -1;
                return attrType;
        /** This class represents a specific MQSeries attribute. It can optionally contain
            instances of the PlatformObject class as needed. When the 'platforms' collection
            is empty, the attribute is supported on all platforms. It is also possible to
            include a PlatformObject for the 'all' platform, if specific attribute characteristics
            need representation. When the 'platforms' collection is non-empty, it will include one
            entry for each platform where the attribute is supported. */
        class AttributeObject {
            private String attribute;
            private String attrValue;
            private HashMap platforms;
            private String condition = null;
            private boolean include;
            private boolean readonly = false;
            public AttributeObject(String a) {
                this(a, false);
            public AttributeObject(String a, boolean readonly) {
                attribute = a;
                platforms = new HashMap();
                this.readonly = readonly;
            public void setCondition(String condition, boolean include) {
                this.condition = condition;
                this.include = include;
            public void setReadonly(boolean readonly) {
                this.readonly = readonly;
            public boolean isReadonly() {
                return readonly;
            public void addPlatform(PlatformObject p) {
                for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(p.getPlatform(), ","); st.hasMoreTokens() ;) {
                    platforms.put(st.nextToken(), p);
            public PlatformObject getPlatform(String platform) {
                PlatformObject p = (PlatformObject)platforms.get(platform);
                if (p == null)
                    p = (PlatformObject)platforms.get("all");
                return p;
            public String getAttribute() {
                return attribute;
            public int getMaxLen(String platform) {
                PlatformObject p = getPlatform(platform);
                if (p == null)
                    return -1;
                return p.getMaxLen();
            public int getType(String platform) {
                PlatformObject p = getPlatform(platform);
                if (p == null)
                    return -1;
                return p.getType();
            public boolean isSupported(String platform) {
                if (platforms.isEmpty()) {
                    return true;
                if (platforms.containsKey(platform)) {
                    return true;
                if (platforms.containsKey("all")) {
                    return true;
                return false;
            public boolean isExported(String platform, TopologyModelNode node) {
                if (readonly) {
                    Log.log(Log.DEBUG, this, attribute + " is readonly, returning false");
                    return false;
                if (condition != null) {
                    Log.log(Log.DEBUG, this, "Testing condition = " + condition);
                    boolean test = false;
                    try {
                        test = Utilities.evaluateCondition(node, condition);
                        Log.log(Log.DEBUG, this, "Condition result is " + test);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.log(Log.ERROR, this, "Condition through an exception");
                    if (include ^ test)
                        return false;
                if (platforms.isEmpty()) {
                    return true;
                PlatformObject p = getPlatform(platform);
                if (p == null) {
                    Log.log(Log.DEBUG, this, platform + " not found for " + attribute + ", returning false");
                    return false;
                return p.isExported(node);
        /** This class represents a specific value of a queue manager's command level. A
            given instance of this class may 'include' a 'parent' instance through its
            include instance variable. The traversal of the parent/child hierarchy is
            delegated to the SupportObject class, since that is where the collection of
            VersionObjects lives. */
        class VersionObject {
            private String cmdLevel;
            private String include;
            private HashMap attributes;
            public VersionObject(String cmdLevel, String include) {
                this.cmdLevel = cmdLevel;
                this.include = include;
                attributes = new HashMap();
            public void addAttr(AttributeObject attr) {
                attributes.put(attr.getAttribute(), attr);
            public AttributeObject getAttr(String attr) {
                return (AttributeObject)attributes.get(attr);
            public String getCmdLevel() {
                return cmdLevel;
            public String getInclude() {
                return include;
            public boolean isSupported(String attr, String platform) {
                AttributeObject obj = (AttributeObject)attributes.get(attr);
                if (obj == null) {
                    return false;
                } else
                    return obj.isSupported(platform);
        /** This class represents an MQSeries object type, as identified by its classid, e.g.
            queue manager or local queue. This class implements an include facility similar to
            that described for the VersionObject. The traversal of that hierarchy is delegated
            to the static isSupported method, because the collection of SupportObject instances
            is a static variable of the SupportMatrix class. */
        class SupportObject {
            private String classId;
            private String include;
            private HashMap versions;
            public SupportObject(String classId, String include) {
                this.classId = classId;
                this.include = include;
                versions = new HashMap();
            public void addVersion(VersionObject obj) {
                String key = obj.getCmdLevel();
                versions.put(key, obj);
            public String getClassId() {
                return classId;
            public String getInclude() {
                return include;
            public boolean isSupported(String attr, String cmdLevel, String platform) {
                boolean result = false;
                VersionObject obj = (VersionObject)versions.get(cmdLevel);
                if (obj == null)
                    obj = (VersionObject)versions.get("base");
                // I don't actually know what it means if obj is null at this point.
                // It probably can't happen.
                if (obj == null)
                    return false;
                while (result ==  false && obj != null) {
                    result = obj.isSupported(attr, platform);
                    if (result == false && obj.getInclude() != null) {
                        obj = (VersionObject)versions.get(obj.getInclude());
                    } else
                        obj = null;
                return result;
            public AttributeObject getAttr(String attr, String cmdLevel) {
                AttributeObject result = null;
                VersionObject obj = (VersionObject)versions.get(cmdLevel);
                if (obj == null)
                    obj = (VersionObject)versions.get("base");
                // I don't actually know what it means if obj is null at this point.
                // It probably can't happen.
                if (obj == null)
                    return null;
                while (result ==  null && obj != null) {
                    result = obj.getAttr(attr);
                    if (result == null && obj.getInclude() != null)
                        obj = (VersionObject)versions.get(obj.getInclude());
                        obj = null;
                return result;

    Are you the one who commented out the code you're looking for ?//String desc = StringFactory.getString(attributes.getValue("desc"));You just have to modify you AttributeObject class to hold a new field : String description. And then, it's up to you to create a new constructor or a new setter method.
    Btw, this is not a Swing related question.

  • I can't create a new tag while saving a file in Yosemite.

    The title pretty much says it all :-) As I try to type in a new tag while saving a file, the curser just blinks, and doesn't respond.  I can't create a new tag. I can click on existing tags, and they get added to the file, but the support page on tags says:
    To add a tag:
    Click on a recent tag that appears in the menu to link it your document. You can even add multiple tags.
    Click “Show All…” to see the all of the tags you have created. Then, click on a tag to add it.
    You can also add tag by typing. As you type in the Tags field, you’ll see matching suggestions from your existing tags.
    To add a new tag, just type it in the field.
    New tags you create automatically appear in other locations where tags are visible, such as in the Finder sidebar.
    The fourth bullet is the one I'm referring to. I think this might be a bug, but I can't find a way to report it. If it's not a bug, I would really appreciate some guidance.
    Here's some system info:
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
    Processor Name: Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
    Number of Processors: 1
    Total Number of Cores: 4
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 6 MB
    Memory: 8 GB
    Boot ROM Version: MBP81.0047.B27
    SMC Version (system): 1.69f4
    Yosemite version:10.10 (14A389)
    Thank you very sincerely for your time,

    What sort of file(s) are you trying to tag while saving?
    Have you tried saving the file first, then tagging it/them afterwards?

  • Transfering FCP Document files to a windows comp..I can't get it. Help!!!!!

    I transfered all the fcp document files to my windows desktop computer over the network to free up some space on my mac, thinking I would be able to use the files later on on my mac thru the network. The files aren't shown in fcp file types but in exec, it wont open using imovie or final cut pro. Just wondering if there's a way to make it work. In another words can u use a windows computer to store fcp document files and then access it from a Mac over a network?
      Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    For A, that's what you do when you install your PC. I think (but I'm no PC expert) there is a utility to convert from FAT32 to NTSC available in Windows.
    For B, I think it's available in server or pro versions of Windows, but I'm not sure.
    For C, try Connect to server in the Finder and type: afp:/at/YourPCname
    You can also try: afp://YourPCdnsName
    Or your PC's IP address (not this address): afp://
    Once you got your files back on the Mac, you can fix the destroyed file info with my File Fixers:

  • Importing XML Tags in a document

    I've been trying to import XML Tags in a .indd i created, using the Java API but it does not seem to work (the tags content don't update when i export the document as PDF).  I did the same actions in the InDesign CS4 GUI and it worked like it's supposed to.
    I ran the InDesign server using that command: InDesignServer -iorfile c:\ior.txt -pluginpath Server\Corba
    I included the .indd file, XML tags file and the Java code I wrote.
    Also, document.getModified() is FALSE, even after calling document.loadXMLTags(...).
    When I exports the tags, all I get is this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Root colorindex="0"><Tag colorindex="35"/></Root>
    document.countTextFrames() returns 4, which is what is expected.  However document.countXMLTags() returns 2, i'm guessing it's because all my tags are named <Tag...> (+ the <Root> element).  Could that be the cause of my problems?
    any help will be appreciated, thanks

    Import XML imports the entire XML file, including the tags and the content, into the document. In the UI, the result would be seen in the Structure View. You can then work with the imported tagged content.
    Load XML tags simply loads the tags into the tag list. In the UI, the result would be seen in the tags panel. (This command is also available from the tags panel.) No XML content is imported; only the tag list is populated. This is used when you just want the tags from a document, and you don't want the content. You can then tag new content using the same tags as the XML file.

  • My iTune music files are all shown as WMA files

    When I open iTunes, I was reminded that my default audio player was not iTunes. I previously did not want to use iTunes as default because I like to choose manually when I play audio files. But there have been a lot problems with my iTunes, I decided to use iTunes as default player. I changed the system setting to use iTunes as the default. But when I open up iTunes, I got that message. I clicked OK to choose iTunes as default player. The following warning tells me that I do not have the priviledge to do that.
    Most odd is that all my music files in iTunes Music folder are all shown as WMA files. Even the files I used iTunes to rip from my CD are shown as WMA. I suspect the Gates company somehow tweeked the XP not accepting iTunes as default player to frustrate less-a-computer-geeks like me.
    There is one more problem. The iTunes Music File folder is all messed up. Songs of the same album get spread out in different subfolders. Many songs of the same album show up in iTunes as individual albums in the coverflow view. It seems that I can't download any album art from iTunes.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Well if you have songs from the same album that are not being listed together in itunes theres one or the other happening and it depends on if all the songs are from the same artist or different artist
    Same Artist
    Lets say for example you have one album from....Madonna. So all tracks on the album are from the same artist. If these songs are not listing/grouped together something is wrong with the songs tags. The tags have to be EXACTLY the same on all tracks/songs of the album. You do this by rightclicking the song and hitting "Get Info"
    Different artist
    This is known as a compliation album, usually soundtracks and dance mix albums where you have one album and each song is by a different artist. In this case you need to highlight all tracks that are apart of the album THEN rightclick and hit "Get Info". At the bottom select "Yes" under compilation and hit OK, this will group all songs under the same album

  • Tags, no longer displaying file names and other issues

    I upgraded to Mavericks, MacBook Air.
    I need help sorting out what is going on with Tags.
    I have a screen shot, but uploading it to this post is another problem I have run into with Mavericks.  I click on the camera icon, click on upload file, and then I get a list of greyed out files, and am unable to select any of them.  Very unmac like.
    Back to the tag issue.  The tags are listed in the open finder window.  Most of the tags I have created, when selected, will display all the files with that tag, and show the file name or icon.
    BUT, one of my tags, which has over a thousand files, will not display the file names.  What is shown are a list of blank icons, and no file names.  The preview for each file still shows as it should when a file is selected, and the file name is listed in the preview.
    A picture is worth a thousand words, so I really wish I could have uploaded the screen shot!
    In addition, some of the files, e.g. a .pdf file, will show no icon, no file name, no file size, but will open when double clicked and dispaly the file name and a greyed out addition to the file name "-Locked".  Much weirdness.
    Tags have not been working well for me.  I have used colours extensively in the past for organization and now it seems to be a huge problem converting to tags.  What a painful transition from Mountain Lion!

    With the backup completed, I followed your suggestion:
    "Go to your Finder "Go" menu hold the option key and choose Library. Then go to Preferences folder and trash these files:
    Then, restart, or log out and in again."
    The smart folders disappeared.  The original Tags named by colour are back on the list of Tags, and the problems remain unchanged.
    In the Tags I created for my file collection, call it the LotsOfFiles folder, there are no file names listed, none.
    However, when I changed the permissions on every file in the LotsOfFiles folder to Staff-Read & Write, then I was able to change, add, and delete Tags from the files.  Also, once the permissions were changed the file names appeared, after five minutes... so I edited this entry when I discovered the change.
    The files in LotsOfFiles have been collected since 1995, and have been saved to many computers and many backup systems.  They also have been used, saved, changed etc. in operating systems dating back to OS7, and almost every operating system up to 10.9.  They also are being used on different computers right now, one running OS 10.3.9. one running 10.7, and one running 10.9.  The computers all have different admin logins and info.
    But I still can't upload files to this forum!

  • Getting a document file from the transcribed audio file

    I would like to know how to get a "document" file from the transcribed files created by Soundbooth. The files created by SB have 'xml' or 'xmp' extensions and I do not know what to do with these files or how to "read" them.
    I am on a macbook pro MAC OS 10.5.5. I have latest versions of Word, and Final Cut Pro.
    Any help would be appreciated. This is my first foray into the world of Adobe products.

    The Transcript XML files conform to the XML Standards, and are a "marked up" text document containing several pieces of information. You can open the file in TextEdit (on Mac) or Notepad (on Windows) and you should be able to see what sorts of metadata is saved for each word in the transcription. Each transcribed word is stored in a data block, along with its timestamp, the duration of the spoken word, and some other metadata. This information is invaluable when importing the file into other applications or databases.
    Neither Soundbooth nor Premiere Pro support exporting the transcript without the additional metadata or XML tags right now, but since it's a basic text file, it should be a very simple chore for a script to parse that file and write out each transcribed word to a new file.

  • How Do I Use the Help Tag/Help Path in LabVIEW to Link to a Specific tag in an HTML File?

    Is there any way to point user to a tag in an HTML file when he click "Click here for more help" ?
    Message Edited by zou on 03-08-2007 02:38 PM
    George Zou
    a.png ‏18 KB

    I believe you are correct in saying that there is no way to link directly to a specific anchor tag within an html file from the context help.
    I would encourage you to visit our Product Suggestion Center if this is a feature you would like to recommend that our R&D team consider for future versions of LabVIEW.
    Is it possible for you to create a .chm file?  Or perhaps you could have some kind of "table of contents" at the top of your .html help file.  This would require an extra click by the user but may be an option for you.
    Simon H
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Finder got an error: Can't get item 1 of {document file "foo" ...}

    I have a lot of files in Corel Painter 8's RIFF format. I want to write a script that opens a file and somehow forces Corel Painter 8 to save the file as a GIF. GUI scripting may be some help with the latter; now I am concentrating on finding RIFF files and opening them in Corel Painter 8.
    I have a script that does a depth-first search of the folders starting at some root folder, using the Finder application to do the file-system stuff. It creates a list with
    set docs to every document file of pages_folder whose file type = "RIFF"
    as it loops through folders it adds to the list like this:
    set more_documents to every document file of a_folder whose file type = "RIFF"
    set docs to docs & more_documents
    My naîve mental model is that docs is a list of document-file objects. Next I have a loop that attempts to strip out files for which a GIF file already exists (and is no older than the RIFF document). This works by deleting non-matching items like so:
    if not isgifneeded then
    set docs to items 1 thru (i - 1) of docs & items (i + 1) thru (length of docs) of docs
    end if
    Finally it tries to open one of the files in Corel Painter 8 using the Finder:
    open item 1 of docs using "Corel Painter 8"
    This does not work. I get an error message
    Finder got an error: Can't get item 1 of {document file "bar" of folder "foo" of folder "blah" of folder "pdc" of folder "Users" of startup disk, ... }."
    It lists all of the files. (The error message appears in a sheet that extends off the bottom of the screen!) They are identified in the message as document-file objects. The curly braces are, I believe, the AppleScript notation for a list. I expect to be able to obtain the first element of a list with ‘item 1 of xs’. My assumption is that the Finder’s open command would expect a document file object, or at least would be able to cope with being asked to open a document. What am I missing here?
    PowerBook 12" without mini-DVI   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi Damian and welcome to Apple Discussions!
    One suggestion: try
    tell application "Finder" to open item 1 of docs
    (without 'using "Corel Painter 8"')
    As far as the Finder is concerned, "Corel Painter 8" is just a string of characters. And telling the Finder to open a file is just the same as double-clicking it: the Finder knows which app to use - as long as these are native Corel Painter 8 docs.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to delete document file in DMS

    Please tell what is the bapi to delete only the document file .........
    Moderator message: please do some research before asking.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jan 11, 2012

    HI Paul
    Did you checked the similar thread like yours
    deleting file from AL11 Tcode

  • How do I move song files from the documents file to iTunes?

    I have a bunch of songs in the AIFF format in my documents file. I'd like to move them to my iTunes library, but I must be doing something wrong--many times. Since expecting different results from doing the same thing is a definition of stupidity, I have to ask for help instead of trying the same thing for the 42nd time.

    Use File -> Add to Library and navigate to the
    files you wish to select. You can also select a
    contiguous block by holding down the shift key as you
    click from first to last item in a list. Then press
    the "select" button. You aiff files should be added
    to the iTunes library
    It worked! and on my first try. And all at one time. Thanks a million. I still have to delete all the AIFF files and name the songs and artists in my iTunes library, but I'll do that tomorrow. For now, I'll just close out my day with this great achievement, thanks to you.

  • Moving my "My Documents" file, in its entirety, to new hard drive

    I've asked this before, and I have received responses, but I think I'd better ask again before I do it, because it seems iTunes and iPod are so user unfriendly that I could lose everything I have in the process.
    I just bought an external hard drive because my C drive is nearly full. I want to move my ENTIRE My Documents folder (which is very large due to music, photos and videos) from the C drive into this new hard drive (my H drive.) I was led to an Apple web site that supposedly tells me how do this, but at the end, the directions say, "After the folder has been copied, locate your original iTunes Music folder, and drag it to the Trash or Recycle Bin. Note: Don't remove the iTunes 4 Music Library files that may be in the same location as the iTunes Music folder." I assume those two files are the ones called "iTunes Library" and "iTunes Music Library", right? I don't know what the "4" means on the instructions. Now, does that mean that I cannot move my entire My Documents file onto the new external drive, just because this folder has to remain in the same site? The presence of these 2 files require that My Documents stays in my C drive? I just find that hard to believe. As you can tell, I am lost. Can I just drag and drop the entire My Documents folder from my C drive to my new H drive, and then somehow tell iTunes where everything is?
    Thanks in advance.
    Dave Schwartz

    The default location is c:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes. If you were to move the library files and the iTunes program was unable to locate your library it would attempt to create an new blank library file in that location as long as you haven't moved anything else. If your songs are on another drive they won't be affected but iTunes won't know where they are. If you follow the instructions for moving your iTunes Music folder in the Apple guide you should have no problems. I keep my iTunes Music folder on a second internal drive and used the article. The move went without a hitch. I used the same article you were using before I believe: Moving your iTunes Music Folder

  • How can I convert my Open Source document files into Word document files? I cannot download Pages since my Macbook Air does not have the most recent software.

    How can I convert my Open Source document files into Word document files? I cannot download Pages since my Macbook Air does not have the most recent software. I downloaded open office to my mac to try and save money. It worked well for a while. Now I get this pop-up message that asks me to "Reopen" and when I select the option, nothing happens. I cannot save my documents anymore and I cannot convert them to word. Help!

    dwb wrote:
    Does OpenOffice output Word documents by default or do you have to select it manually?
    You have 17 options to save as in Open Office, one of which is .doc  files,  yes it needs to be saved manually.
    You may be able to default to DOC, but have not tried same.
    Since Open Office is 99% same as Word, I use it, or Word, either one.  Open Office is a bit less buggy than Word 11'

  • Is it possible to color tag more than one file at a time?

    I have a Mac Book Air and I have just upgraded to OS X Yosemite.  I love the option to tag files by color.  However it is taking me FOREVER.  I was wondering if there was a way to tag more than one file at a time.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Hold the Command key and choose all the files you want to tag with the same color. Then, right-click one of those files and select the color tag, so all the files will be tagged with the tag you wanted.

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