Taking apart my 8830

My 8830 has a broken USB plug on it.  I cannot recharge or synchronize it.  I neet to replace the plug. 
I've managed to remove the 4 screws under the battery, the two side pieces.  But the face, and back seem to be hinged at the top of the pĥone.  I don't  dare force it too much. 
Can anyone tell me how I can remove the face and back, so I can access the USB plug?

jtminqc wrote:
Can anyone tell me how I can remove the face and back, so I can access the USB plug?.
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    once the dust settles
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    Back to the main topic....Yo should be fine without them. Also, if you must need them, your old ones work just fine. There is no glue holding them, they just snap in, and they should be fine to reuse. I have no clue why they would write somthing so obsurd.
    Derek =]

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    This topic has been moved to MSI All-In-One and barebones PC series.

    Guess this should be moved to all in-one pcs. my bad!

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