Task status window for downloading Windows support software is stalled at halfway done. What do I do?

I'm downloading the Windows software and it is stalled at the halfway point.

Assuming you need the BootCamp 5.Drivers
Just download and unzip the file  at http://support.apple.com/downloads/DL1638/en_US/BootCamp5.0.5033.zip which is Boot Camp Support Software 5.0.5033
Burn the contents to a DVD or Flash Drive
Then insert the DVD or Flash Drive in Windows and run setup as an administrator.

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    No problem.  For me, I spent the time downlaoding the drivers for Boot Camp 4.0 (form Lion), un-installed by Boot Camp 3.0 because it wouldn't upgrade, and then learned that Boot Camp 4.0 didn't support my old MacBok Pro.  I had to go back and install 3.0, then update to 3.1, 3.2 and finally to 3.3.  That took me about an hour and a half...  Oh well,  at least I already had most of those on disc ot downloaded...

  • Problems downloading windows support software

    Funny, I was doing a search for this problem was give this window to start a new discussion. Is this a hint?
    Anyway, I'm installing Boot Camp on my MacBook Pro running 10.8.2. Everytime I get to place where it's downloading the windows support software is stalls on me and I can't tell if it's going really slowly or has simply stopped completely. My internet speed is fast enough and Boot Camp is the only application running (not counting Safari to send this inquiry). Am I missing something here or is this a several hour download even with 6Mb of bandwidth?

    It could take several hours. The download servers are extremely slow. Look to the right under More Like This to see other similar discussions.

  • Can not download Windows Support Software on Bootcamp 5.0

    Hi guys,
    I'm running OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2 and Bootcamp 5.0.
    Recently bought Windows 7 Home Prof. and installed it already via Bootcamp.
    All nice and well so far
    Only when I'm trying to download the windows support software it starts with the download, but somewhere in the
    middle of it stops and comes up with the message that it could not download the file.
    I have tested my internet connection and it runs as usual.
    My questions are:
    1. Is there another place I can get windows support software for Mountain Lion 10.8.2 and download it manually?
    2. What's causing my problem?
    3. Is it possible to downgrade to an earlier bootcamp version if that solves the issue?
    Thank you & looking forward to your ideas.!

    PowerGlider wrote:
    I have the same situation, very frustrating. When I go to download the support software it stalls with the insallation bar at about 20% complete, then nothing, 20 minutes of nothing moving!
    I quit after 20 minutes. What's up with "support" software that doesn't work? If support doesn't work doesn't leave much confidence in anything else.
    Read This
    Thanks Bob.
    I finally got it working.
    In the end what was needed was a huge amount of patience.
    After about 6 attempts downloading the windows support software and burn it
    To a CD, I had another 5 attempts downloading and saving the file to an external
    Memory drive.
    Sometimes it got stuck at 20%
    other times the download bar went to 40-50% and then got stuck with the error message.
    During all my attempts I had the same network settings and I always was connected to my broadband Internet via wireless LAN.
    Initial time invested was 2-3 days as the waiting always took a lot of time until the error message showed up.
    I'm happy that my bootcamp windows finally has the drivers it needs,
    But apple should seriously consider to check their download servers as
    The next person who has to sit through this process will certainly
    Not speak that diplomatic about this experience.
    Try again, be patient, 20 mins is nothing.

  • Keyboard and Mousepad does not work after installing windows support software.

    I was able to successfully install windows 8.1 64bit on an late 2012 iMac. I went through the installation just fine with the mousepad and keyboard. I went into the desktop and open up the files and went to computer to download the windows support software. After it was done installing the windows support software, my mouse and my keyboard stopped working completely. I couldn't even click "finish" on the download. I turned the computer off by pressing the power button, then turned it back on. I held the option key and the Macintosh HD and Windows showed up. I turned the mousepad and keyboard back on and it was working again. So I clicked on Windows and as I enter the startup screen, the mouse and keyboard  stopped working again.
    Computer: iMac 21.5 in. late 2012
    Used Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit
    The keyboard and mousepad that I have is  bluetooth.

    Have you checked it from Sounds yet. Please
    Right click the speaker icon
    Select Recording devices
    You should see a "tick", otherwise Right click it and enable it.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Hi, I've been trying for days to download Windows support software via Bootcamp assistant, but it always failed with message 'Can't install Windows Support Software because it is not currently available from the Software update server.' Any advice welcome

    I've been trying for days to download Windows support software via Bootcamp assistant but it always fails with message 'Can't install windows software because it is not currently available from the software update server.'
    Anyone else had problems or success with this?
    Thanks in advance.

    9thdoc wrote:
    I'm getting a similar but distinct error message in snow leopard: Download could not continue. "The windows support software is not available" and have no original snow leopard instal disc with me.
    Your issue is completely different. You are running Snow Leopard. There is no download for Windows Support software for Snow Leopard, hence the error you see. Snow Leopard Windows Support software is on the Snow Leopard installation disk.
    You need the Snow Leopard installation disk or a replacement for it.

  • How do I download the Windows Support Software for MacBook Mid-2010 ?

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    See, I can't find my OS X Install Disc. So I have to use, from within the Boot Camp Assistant, the "Download the Windows support software for this Mac" function, to be able to burn to DVD/install to a USB stick.
    Now, this function up until recently used to work completely fine - no issues at all. However I need to reinstall my Windows 7  (again, I know, Windows has quite a few problems but I really do need to use it for what I do - gaming, etc) again, and whenever I try this option in the last... week, I'd wager, it comes up with "Download could not be continued" and "The Windows Support Software is unavailable" errors.
    I've checked on this forum and some people are saying that Apple removed the support software for some Macintosh computers? What on Earth? What about us lot who don't have our OS X install discs anymore?! I don't think it's fair they've specifically gimped a functionality that was working fine until a bit ago for no apparent reason. It's just... stopped working. Is this for everyone?
    Is there some alternative I can use? I've tried everything. I don't have someone I could just borrow the OS X install disc from and I think it's rather unfair if they expect to me to shell out for an OS X install disc again when I could previously do what I wanted for free!!!

    The point isn't whether I lost them, the point is that I was able to use the Boot Camp Assistant previously fine to download the Win Support Software and put that on a USB stick (which has since been formatted for other usage).
    Since this was made available as an option, I haven't really had much need for the OS X install discs (Unless I really, really needed to reinstall OS X at some point but I have no reason to fear that right?). To claim this being "okay" because I've misplaced the discs is rather outrageous.

  • When I begin to attempt to download the windows support software in boot camp, it says the windows support software is unavailable. Is there any other place I can download it for a Macbook Pro 5,5 intel core 2 duo without the original CD?

    When I begin to attempt to download the windows support software in boot camp, it says the windows support software is unavailable. Is there any other place I can download it for a Macbook Pro 5,5 intel core 2 duo with snow leopard without the original CD?

    apart from the MacBook Air this feature is of no use for other Macs right now.
    Simply ingnore it (click "I already have the Drivers...) and continue with the installation.
    Sorry to say but you need the OSX Install DVD for the BootCamp Driver installation.
    The 3.0 version of the BootCamp Drivers is only avaiable on the disc.
    Later updates (3.1 and 3.2) can be downloaded from Apples Support website.
    Call Apple and ask for a replacement and they usually send you one for a small fee.
    And have the Serial-Number of your Mac at hand when calling.
    And since the OSX Install DVD can also be vital for maintenance and repair it is best to have one.
    The needed BootCamp Drivers are on the OSX Install DVD 1 that came with your Mac.
    Insert that disc while in Windows after the Windows installation to install the drivers.

  • How do I download the windows support software for my Mac? I am getting an error  message saying that the software is not available

    How do I download the windows support software for my Mac? I am getting an error  message saying that the software is not available

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    I do not recommend you to download the Windows support software through Boot Camp Assistant.
    Instead, you can download the Windows support software for most Macs from the Apple website. Go to this website, look for your MacBook Pro model and the Windows version you want to install, and follow its steps.
    To install Windows > http://manuals.info.apple.com/MANUALS/1000/MA1636/en_US/boot_camp_install-setup_ 10.8.pdf

  • How can I download Windows support software for Macbook1,1 with SL ?

    Macbook white 1st gen w/ Snow leopard.
    Bootcamp assistant quits with "The Windows support software is not available".
    How can I reach the drivers manually?

    Bootcamp assistant quits with "The Windows support software is not available".
    Doesn't make sense why it would tell you that. The 3.x drivers for both the 64 and 32 bit versions of Windows 7 can be downloaded from Apple's own site.
    64 and 32 bit 3.1 update drivers after applying the initial drivers from your Snow Leopard DVD within Windows 7:
    64 and 32 bit 3.2 update drivers:
    3.3 update drivers:

  • HT4407 I have already installed Window-7 in my Mac (64 bit). When I downloaded window support software I every time saw network error option on my screen. But network working very well and I can brows webpage. Will someone suggest me support for OSx Lion

    I have already installed Window-7 in my Mac (64 bit). When I downloaded window support software I every time saw network error option on my screen. But network working very well and I can brows webpage. Will someone suggest me support for OSx Lion .

    If I remember right there "may" be a problem if you have a proxie settings enabled.
    System Preferences/ Network/ Advanced/ Proxies. Can't remember which one or if it was an issue in 10.7 or 10.6. Just make sure their all unchecked and try again.
    You might try a search in these forums for more information. Different fix's for different issue's.
    Sorry I can't help more.........

  • Download windows support software for mac book air running Mac oS Lion.. too slow in bootcamp

    Hi guys,
    Do you know a site which I could download the windows support software for my mac book air running MAC OSX Lion. Using bootcamp takes a very long time and seems to be stuck. Any help is highly appreciated.

    Whart exactly are you having problems with?
    Installing Boot Camp, manually updating the B.C. Drivers, Apple software update updating the drivers, or Windows Software updates?
    You will or have a full Windows install. _ALL_ Microsoft Windows software is through Microsoft or 3rd partys. Apple just supplies the drivers for their hardware to be run in Windows.
    If you want to manually install the Boot Camp drivers then try here?:
    Underneath the hardrive picture is a link for _Downloads_, it shows up as an error in my browser but when i put in "Boot Camp" in the "Search Downloads" bar I got a large list.
    Hope that helps.....

  • Hi, where can I manually download windows support software for boot camp windows 7 installation, I am trying through boot camp but its like taking forever to download its been 5 hours but boot camp still have't completed the download

    can any one give me a link to download them manually

    create a Windows support software (drivers) CD or USB storage media
    Advanced Network: Proxy Settings, I uncheck "Auto Proxy detection" and make sure you have the interface you use selected and none others.
    "Go into System Preferences - Network - Advanced - Proxies  Uncheck "Auto Proxy Discovery", click OK, Apply"
    After Unchecking "Auto Proxy Discovery" I also had to Uncheck "Use Passive FTP Mode (PASV)" and then Restart Boot Camp Assistant.
    odiggy's comment and tried restarting Boot Camp Assistant. That did the trick, even though the Auto Proxy Discovery checkbox ended up the same as it started.  Windows support software is now downloading...  if you're downloading to an external drive make sure there's a least 1 GB of free space because the WindowsSupport folder is around 700 MB and presumably will grow with time.
    Also, Change Domain Name Servers to OpenDNS IP address servers - that should be at the router firewall rather than the OS but may be in both for some people. You may be using the defaults your ISP uses, save those if you want, and try these:
    Make sure you are not using LittleSnitch or Symantec (probably other 3rd party firewall)

  • Endless waiting for the windows support software to download

    absolutely uncomfortable speed when windows support software drivers downloading
    it seems to take a few days!!!
    ohhh, that expensive big data center...
    has anyone same problem?

    Go to the BootCamp community and read about how many have the same problem.
    Apple really doesn't want you to use Windows and only cranked up BootCamp to ward off the hackers who would have done it anyway like the "Hackintosh".

  • Windows support software download

    I'm trying to install windows on my mac via boot camp, I've tried downloading the windows support software but everytime the status bar gets half way across it just seems to hold there forever, I've even seen a movie in the elapsed time, help please.

    Hi Daniel,
    It’s possible, that the system is sleeping due to inactivity. Before your next download drivers attempt, click on the system preferences - energy, and select options for power cable that prevent sleeping ever. rerun the download drivers step and let us know.
    Screen dimming is ok, hard disk and or system sleeping could be impacting it.
    Don’t forget to return settings back to tree hugger mode or we love to not spend money mode when done.

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