Tcode to check the Inbound BAPI

Hi all,
Can anyone tell me, whether there is any Tcode to check what BAPI's came into SAP system like we have WE02 to check for IDOC's (Outbound or Inbound).
Thanks in advance.

You can use transaction BAPI to find all BAPI function module available.
Also you can use transaction SE37 to browse all BAPi function module by typing functino module BAPI*.
Hope this will help.
Ferry Lianto

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    As stated above, there isn't a plant field in the maintenance plan (only maintenance item, hence the reference ot IP17)
    However, it is quite common to use the maintenance plan Sort field as a plant field by customising the table settings for each plant.

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    You can try by this way
    Switch on the trace for your userid in ST01 and start editing.
    Once you authorization check failed, switch off the trace and execute the log. there you will get all the details related to your authorization to the queries.
    when you are editing query in query designer means, you cannot get authorization check failed in SU53.
    Please try this.
    Hope this would help you to analyse more.

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    And yes the FM RH_GET_TASKS_OF_EVENT gives you the list of tasks for a given BO-terminating event combination. Pass the parameters for this FM as folllows,
    CLSTYP = 'BO'
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    Hi Bob ,
    You can get that informaiton from table E070 .
    For suppose if you moved the trasports to production then open this table in production and u can see the list of
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    Edited by: santosh on Mar 18, 2010 6:52 PM

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    Hi Abhinav,
    There are no IDOCs generated in R/3 for replication. R/3 system calls BAPI and Function modules remotely on CRM system which are part of the Adaptors provided for middleware.
    Try to deregister the outbound queues in R/3 (Transaction SMQS) and see if you get an entry in the Outbound Queue (Transaction SMQ1). I have not tried this.
    If you don't get any entry in the outbound queue then definitely there would be some FM at R/3 end which would be calling CRM system remotely.
    <b>Reward points if it helps.</b>
    Amit Mishra

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    Try OSS note 114814.

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    Good Day.
    How can I change the status putaway in the inbound delivery using FM or BAPI?
    Thank You.

    This question wasnt answered

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    Kindly Suggest me,
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hello Ganesh
    I think you are going completely astray with you z-function module for IDoc processing.
    If you look at TABLES parameter METERREADINGRESULTS (type BAPIEABLU ) of BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD you will find many of the requested fields already:
    EABL-ABLESER(Meter reader number)
    Field EABL-ZMESSAGE appears to be custom field (at least I cannot find it on ECC 6.0). If this field was added using include CI_EABL then you probably can get these values into the BAPI using the EXTENSIONIN parameter.
    Check routine CHECK_UPLOADRECORDS in the BAPI which allows two extension structures:
    Not surprisingly BAPI_TE_EABL contains the include CI_EABL.

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    HI Frndz,
    problem is solved by using following customizing settings
    SD/function/requirement availability/availability check/default (OVZJ)
    Change the field "Rule availability" to the required value. You receive a list of the possible values using the possible entries pushbutton. Rescheduling is regarded as background processing. If you want to allow partial deliveries, choose the value 'E'.

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    Currently, in the Client's company, the process of receiving goods from purchase orders looks like that (SAP-wise):
    - create a purchase order,
    - receive goods using MIGO and automatically create an inbound delivery,
    - pack the delivery and post goods receipt.
    Recently, some patches have been installed, including one described by note 1602047 (which basically enforces checking confirmation control keys if goods receipt assignment and goods receipt relevance are activated for inbound deliveries). Note says that it only affects two-step stock transfer and creation of automatic inbound deliveries using SPED output but it seems it also affects other basic processes like PO receipt in MIGO.
    Now, when using the old control key (that had MRP-Relevant and GR-Relevant fields checked), the system is unable to automatically create an inbound delivery after the goods receipt is posted with MIGO (with message VL148 - Not possible to create an inbound delivery). I learned that this is because the "GR Assignment" field must be checked in the confirmation control key so it's possible to automatically create aninbound delivery after receiving a purchase order in MIGO.
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    Is there any way to skip this check so the process would remain the same (this model has been working fine for few years in the Client's system) and the inbound delievery would be created automatically after posting the receipt in MIGO?
    Thanks in advance,

    don't know if you found a solution, but we received the following message from SAP:
    The advent of the new version requires some attention to the users. It
    was necessary to avoid inconsistencies which in the past version the
    system was susceptible.
    Main Program SAPMM07M
    Source code of MM07MLVS
    sy-msgid VL sy-msgty E sy-msgno 148
    I have checked the process and through debugged I could confirm the
    following information SAP is providing to all similar incidents reportedfor us:
    Error message VL 148 is issued if in the confirmation control key used
    in the purchase order, the fields for MRP-relevance (T163G-KZDIS),
    GR relevance (T163G-WEREL) and GR assignment indicator (T163G-WEZUO)
    are not set.
    The correction of note 1602047 was necessary to avoid inconsistencies
    (table EKES) in the purchase order. Without having the GR assignment
    (T163G-WEZUO) set, there is no unique reference created between the
    purchase order history (table EKBE) and the inbound delivery
    confirmation (table EKES) at goods receipt which leads to a problem if
    several inbound deliveries exist for the same purchase order.
    If you set T163G-WEZUO to 'X', this assures that, for an inbound
    delivery, the confirmation record (EKES) belonging to this inbound
    delivery (EKES-VBELN) is also accurately updated at goods receipt.
    How to solve the issue?
    Use a confirmation control key with the GR assignment indicator set
    and then create the inbound delivery with VL31N. If you want to be able
    to create the inbound delivery with reference to a certain line item in
    the PO, use transaction VL34.
    If you still want to use transaction MIGO, there is the following
    - Create a purchase order without any confirmation control key
    - Create a goods receipt (GR) in transaction MIGO with reference to this PO and post the GR to a non-HU-managed storage location
    - Create a transfer posting with MIGO using movement type 311 to
    transfer the goods from the non-HU-managed storage location to the
    HU-managed storage location.
    As the transfer posting is an additional step for the user, the whole
    process could be automated using a partner storage location
    (T001l-PARLG) for the GR which then triggers (through a modification)
    the BAPI 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE' to create the transfer posting without
    user interaction.
    I hope to have satisfied you on the reason why it is now happening and
    also I believe you can explain to business that it is a new behavior
    necessary done from SAP side to avoid worse situations, we are aware of
    potential dissatisfaction it might cause. SAP Support is always
    available to clarify any issue.
    Sorry for not having a more positive answer.
    I hope it helps!

  • How to check the status of an IDoc in the Target system

    Hi Experts,
    we are using a self-made program to send Material and BOMs from Client A to Client B into the same ERP System.
    How can I check the status of an IDoc in the Target Client B (like BD87 - ALE Monitor) ?
    If you have some examples or Function, please give me the information.
    Rewards if helpful.

    Hi David
    As mentioned in the earlier reply you can check your status with tcodes:-BD87,WE02,WE05.What i guess from your querry is the staus of your idoc whether posted or not in target client B.Check in the target client for the message type which you are using (since its an program that means you must be using an customised idoc type or standard) .You might have maintained Basic type tcode:-WE30.Give in your messagetype,Basictype,Created at and executed using tcode :- BD87.The prerequisites are you need to create an Partner Profile(WE20) .For this you need to create to provide in your message type and Process code(we41,we42,we57).If you have to create an process code for customised one(se37) .You need to actuivate the idoc inbound processing .If you are using a file in your file make it sure the port is being maintained for the same to chek for unicode format in tcode :-WE21 (check or uncheck).
                    For standard BOM i recon you are using message type :-BOMMAT  and Processing code as:-BOMM.Its always advisible that instead of using an whole abap program you need to have an ETL tool that would take care of the extraction of data provided your client do have existing Legacy system in its place since it would be much faster and easier.

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    Hi ,
    I have a requirement for inbound IDoc, my scenario is like this , we have to process the ADRMAS03 idoc first. This idoc will contain vendor number in OBJ_ID field .After that we have to process CREMAS05 idoc, at the same time we have to validate the vendor 's existence (which is in OBJ_ID field in ADRMAS03 idoc) . If vendor does not exists we don't want to process the CREMAS05 .
    How to check whether the vendor is already exits when we process the CREMAS05 ?
    In which table, the vendor number will store when processing the ADRMAS03 ?

    Hello ,
    It is an SAP Standard Interface created through BDBG.  I would suggest you to create a similar interface using BDBG.
    1. First create an empty BAPI( Copy of BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE) say ZBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. Note the remove the logic of  your Z BAPI.
    2. Got to SWO1, create  a deleagtion of BUS2017 called ZBUS2017 and a new Z API  Method ZCREATEFROMDATA forr Z BAPI
    Release and Activate.
    3. Now go to BDBG and create an BAPI -ALE Interface.
    You can write the custom logic and validation in your Z BAPI - ZBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE and finally call the standard BAPI BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE  in it to post goods movement.
    Advantage :  1. one less enhancement for SPAU, next upgrade.
                         2. Interface is generated automatically , only you need to take care of your custom code in Z BAPI.

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