Technical guideline for ads

i'm thinking about  a technical guidline for ads that should be published within folios for iPad. v29 -> v31
What are the restrictions for html5, are there any¿
Has anyone already a sample to provide?

Hi Chiranthaka,
It is much easier to create a master page from existing HTML page in SharePoint site. You could copy and download an existed HTML file and modify it. Then you would upload it to your site and convert it to master page. At last, publish it so that all users
could see the new master page.
Should you have any specific question, let me know.
Rebecca Tu
TechNet Community Support
Hi Chiranthaka,
Rebecca is right. One of the improvements in SharePoint 2013 is the addition of the Design Manager, which allows you to easily create new masterpages and layouts.
First of all, you should create a new HTML design by your own, usign the HTML editor you prefer or using some web development kit as
Fluid baseline grid or
Then, you have to upload all your design resources to the masterpages library and finally customize the placeholders distribution with the snippets you can get through design manager.
Here is the overview of the design manager and all the steps to achive your masterpage from custom HTML.
Hope it helps!

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    Best practices don't really apply here. They are generally rules of thumb that you can apply without thinking too much and be pretty much right. Development is by it's nature too varied to allow that sort of best practice guidance.
    Having said that the main thing you should be concerned with around the choice of development approach in 2013 is the intended future of your client and the application. If they are making a move to the cloud you should be concentrating on the app model
    and rapidly phasing out farm solutions. If they are considering it then you can still consider using the more old-school options of farm solutions and sandboxed solutions. If they can't go to the cloud because of data security etc. then you are more or less
    free to use what you like.
    Also, try to move to client side processing wherever possible. MS are only going to make server side work less pleasant in future.
    Beyond that, get to some conferences and start chewing through some of the blogs on the topic.

  • Technical Specifiaction for the ABAP HR Functional Spec

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    As-Is Business Process
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    To Be Business Process
    Audit report to be run via the SRET report tree to check for duplicate plans, incorrect validity dates, and actives that are missing forms as well as terms that have forms that are not in completed status.   Should be able to save selections as a variant.
    Selection Screen
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    Template section:
          This section can be modeled after the selection screen in program Y_HRHAP_PDPGEN.  Each template is selected via drop down, and the plan end year is entered.  Drop down to choose template that shows form name. For development and career, the expected end year is 9999, which would be entered in the year for those 2 templates.  For the Performance plan, the current year is the end year, and would be entered. 
    Invalid Data Edits section:
       Checkboxes for:
    1)     duplicate plans
    2)     invalid validity dates
    3)     missing plans for active
    4)     terms with non completed plans
         Include the templates selected above for associates with the chosen selections.
         If duplicate plans checkbox is selected –
                If the plan year end on the screen is 9999, see if there is any associate that has more than one of this template in status not equal to ‘Complete’.  If so, output to audit report.
                If the plan year end on the screen is less than 9999 (i.e. 2007), then see if there is any pernr that has more than one of this template in a status that is not equal to ‘Complete’ with an validity end date of 12/31/yyyy  (where yyyy is the year on the selection screen).  If so, output to audit  report.
         If invalid validity dates is selected –
            If the plan year end on the screen is 9999, see if there is any pernr that has that template in status not equal to ‘Complete’ with an end date not equal to 12/31/9999.  If so, output to audit report.
                If the plan year end on the screen is less than 9999 (i.e. 2007), then see if there is any pernr with that template in status not equal to ‘Complete’ with an end date = 12/31/9999, or with an end date with a month and day not equal to 12/31.  If so, output to audit report.
         If missing plans for active is selected –
         See if there are any people in the selected population that do NOT have any of the selected templates in a status not equal to ‘Complete’  If so, output to audit report.
          If terms with active plans  is selected –
         See if there are any people in the selected population that DO  have any of the selected templates in a status not equal to ‘Complete’  If so, output to audit report.
          Appraisee Pernr
          Appraisee Name
          Template name
          Validity Dates – begin date and end date
          Status / Substatus
          Appraiser Pernr
          Appraiser Name
          Message :
              Duplicate plan
              Invalid Validity End Date
              Missing plan
              Plan not completed.
          For missing plan error, the fields for validity dates, status/substatus, appraiser pernr and appraiser name will be blank.

    Hi IB!
    Please check the following links for docu:
    Check this for ESS:
    I hope it was in time!
    Have a nice day!
    Best regards,

  • Error While Creating Technical System for SNC

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    when I checked the list of components in SLD, I found SNC is there under product "SCMSNC" but this product is not in the list of products.
    Please help me how I can get "SCMSNC" product in the product list.

    Can you please explain it little bit clearly?
    I think you first create product, then SWC and then try to create Technical system.
    While you will create the Technical system, in the last step it will ask you for installed products.
    There you can specify ur product.

  • FAQ: User Interface Guidelines for CRM 2007 are now available

    The CRM UI Concept Team has made the UI Guidelines for CRM Web Client User Interface (CRM 2007 UI) available to the BPX community:
    This document provides an overview of the on-premise as well as the off-premise versions of the SAP CRM Web Client User Interface (UI). It contains the properties and principles of the SAP CRM Web Client UI that are already committed and available. For planned features, refer to the corresponding specification documents.
    The information in the guidelines starts with general topics, followed by details. The sections are organized with high-level topics like Page Types and Navigation Schema first, followed by the consecutive sections describing which building blocks and elements of the UI populate the various pages. A section typically starts with one or more screenshots of a central UI element with a generic explanation. The subsequent sections explain the detailed aspects of each element.
    We hope that you will find this information useful.
    Enjoy the new CRM UI! [UI Guidelines for CRM Web Client User Interface (CRM 2007 UI)_ |]
    Edited by: Zhaojie Liu on Jun 10, 2009 10:08 AM

    not sure why your download stops.. you can also try to download via this link: [|] (Document is 17,4MB of size)
    Here the guidelines also have been posted together with an article about the CRM 2007 Web Client UI.
    Hope this helps
    Best regards

  • User Interface Guidelines for CRM 2007 are now available

    The CRM UI Concept Team has made the [UI Guidelines for CRM Web Client User Interface (CRM 2007 UI)|] available to the BPX community:
    This document provides an overview of the on-premise as well as the off-premise versions of the SAP CRM Web Client User Interface (UI). It contains the properties and principles of the SAP CRM Web Client UI that are already committed and available. For planned features, refer to the corresponding specification documents.
    The information in the guidelines starts with general topics, followed by details. The sections are organized with high-level topics like Page Types and Navigation Schema first, followed by the consecutive sections describing which building blocks and elements of the UI populate the various pages. A section typically starts with one or more screenshots of a central UI element with a generic explanation. The subsequent sections explain the detailed aspects of each element.
    We hope that you will find this information useful.
    Enjoy the new CRM UI!
    Feel free to provide your feedback.
    Edited by: Florian Weigmann  on Jul 17, 2008 9:14 PM

    not sure why your download stops.. you can also try to download via this link: [|] (Document is 17,4MB of size)
    Here the guidelines also have been posted together with an article about the CRM 2007 Web Client UI.
    Hope this helps
    Best regards

  • Technical system for idoc

    i am doing a file2idoc scenario.i want to crete a technical system as web-as-abap.but we are having  we are having both abap & xi .here those are having  different host in this scenario i am using idoc as receiver will i use hostnbame of abap or xi in  technical system(web-as-abap)??

    Hi Michal,
    Thanks for reply.
    Regd Logical System, i did like this.
    T-Code: SALE
    Copied 'Logical System' name which is assigned for Client 800.
    and While creating SLD,
    Technical System: ( for Receiver IDOC)
    1.Web As ABAP
    2.Web AS ABAP Name (SID): FIC ( i don't know where to find SID , somebody asked me to give my R/3 System name.
    Note:Other guy told me like this to find SID, T-Code:SM51
    There will be name Seperated by 2 Underscores, the part next to 2nd underscore is SID. So, in my R/3 System, its like FIC_FIC_00, but when i tried to give 00 as SID, its not accepting, so i gave FIC)
    Installtion Number:    (i gave)
    Database hostname: FIC
    3. In next page Instance Number:00
    4. In next page Host Name: FIC and clicked Add
    5. Client: 800
    Logical System: T90CLNT090 ( which is from T-Code Sale)
    Business System:
    1. New_BS_IDOC
    2. Selected the Technical System created above.
    Still cannot find in "Adapter Specific Identifiers"
    <i>>>>you need to have logical system for your r3 business system (which you put in header mapping - sender service of the receiver agreement)</i>
    do i need to provide, receiver Buss System for Sender Service of Receiver Agreement?
    and i looked at weblog given, i am unable to find anything under T-Code IDX2, its empty..
    Any Sugg?

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    Installation of new java instance for ADS (or) using the one available inthe portal java instance depends on the following factors:-
    1) How much extra load can the existing java instance handle
    2) What is the user case and expected load for ADS in the customer landscape?
    3) Whether ADS will be used exclusively for portal ?
    Following link may give you a better idea of whether to use ADS within applicaiton portal (or) use standalone ADS

  • Need Technical FieldName for VAT

    I need technical name for VAT field for using purchase register report.

    Hey !!!!
    Try using F1 help and then F9 for field names.
    For EX ;
    To know the field name for PO, go to transaction me22n and then click on PO number then press F1 and then technical information (F9).For the field names and if lucky you will get the table name also.
    Abhinab Mishra

  • Can I migrate from WCS 7.0 to PI 1.2. If so, what are the guidelines for migration?

    Can I migrate from WCS 7.0 to PI 1.2. If so, what are the guidelines for migration? Do we have any Instructions/steps?

    Migration from WCS 7.0 to PI 1.2 can be  performed. If the customer wants to migrate data you need to first upgrade to  NCS 1.1.1  You can download NCS 1.1.1 from if you have a valid service  contract.
    For the migration step involving NCS an evaluation license is  sufficient.  You can obtain an NCS evaluation license from >  Get Demo > Network Mgmt Products > Cisco Prime NCS Evaluation License.  
    Instructions for migrating data from WCS 7.0 to NCS 1.1.1 are available in  NCS 1.1.1 Release Notes.  Do not upgrade to NCS 1.1.2 as this release is not  upgradeable to Prime Infrastructure 1.2.  If you are ordering a Cisco Prime  physical appliance (PRIME-NCS-APL-K9) be sure to select the NCS 1.1 image which  you can later upgrade to Prime Infrastructure 1.2 after you have migrated your  WCS data.
    There is a post in the support forum which can be refered.

  • Understand the technical base for Enterprise Services?

    Hi all,
    I am trying to understand what is the technical base for enterprise services and the restrictions when activating them. The best documents I have found are:
    Note 1566412 u2013 Enhancement package 6 for SAP ERP 6.0.
    Note 1359215 u2013 Technical prerequisites for using enterprise services
    sdn blog u201CDetermin the SOA readiness of your System with the ES Workplace (Part 1 and 2)
    EHP Master Guide -
    The documents are quite informative, however there are still questions. Maybe someone can shed some light of these:
    1.) Is my understanding correct that Enterprise services can have three different base u201Cmodulesu201D?:
    a. An EHP (with relation to a business function).
    b. The swc u201CESA ECC-SE 60xu201D (without relation to a business function). E.G. ES Bundle "Bank Communication Management".
    c. The SWC u201CSAP APPLu201D (without relation to a business function). E.G. u201CBusinessPartnerERPUpdateRequestConfirmation_Inu201D
    2.) Is it possible to activate enterprise services (bundles) that rely on business functions after a EHP installation or ONLY during the EHP installation?
    3.) Is it possible to activate enterprise services with base u201CESA ECC-SE 60xu201D after a EHP installation or ONLY during the EHP installation?
    4.) Is SWC u201CESA ECC-SE 60xu201D a u201Ctechnicalu201D business function, whose activation cannot be reverted either? If yes what effect has the activation von u201CESA ECC-SE 60xu201D on the current ERP customizing?
    5.) How do the Enterprise Services relate with Service Interface definitions from SAP Process Integration (XI Content)?
    Do I need the XI Content with the service interfaces in ES Repository (and SPROXY) only if the communication is B2B (with PI) or also if the communication is Point-2-Point (without PI)?
    Thanks for your feedback!

    Hi Chris,
    I'll try and provide answers where I can...
    1.) Is my understanding correct that Enterprise services can have three different base u201Cmodulesu201D?:
    I personally don't agree with this understanding. Enterprise Services would always relate to some or other business function, unless we have a different understanding of what "Business Function" means . What changes is how the Enterprise Services (or versions of them) are delivered.
    SAP APPL for example would be relevant to most of the enterprise services shipped with a standard ECC EHP*. So it will relate to the business functionality for the applications that are shipped with an ECC installation.
    2.) Is it possible to activate enterprise services (bundles) that rely on business functions after a EHP installation or ONLY during the EHP installation?
    I don't understand this question but I'll try and offer a generic answer. You can activate/use Enterprise Services whenever you want to as long as they are already available in your current installation. If they are only available in an EHP that you don't have yet then you will need to upgrade (but I also seem to recall some workarounds - SAP notes - as an alternative to upgrading).
    3.) Is it possible to activate enterprise services with base u201CESA ECC-SE 60xu201D after a EHP installation or ONLY during the EHP installation?
    You decide when you would like to activate it, it's generally after. SAP will ship them anyway.
    4.) Is SWC u201CESA ECC-SE 60xu201D a u201Ctechnicalu201D business function, whose activation cannot be reverted either? If yes what effect has the activation von u201CESA ECC-SE 60xu201D on the current ERP customizing?
    There is a tool call Impact Analyzer, read up a little on it. It allows you to do an impact analysis before activating. It might also help posting a separate thread on of the ECC functional forums here on SCN for more impact analysis. I'm not sure if the activation can be reverted.
    5.) How do the Enterprise Services relate with Service Interface definitions from SAP Process Integration (XI Content)?
    The XI Content is the design equivalent of the Enterprise Services as you see them in SPROXY. It's only relevant in certain cases, examples:
    - If you want to enhance standard SAP Enterprise Services
    - If you want to do additional transformation/s & routing.
    If you are planning P2P type communication, then the XI content is not relevant. One thing to be aware of though is if you have your backend ECC system connected to your PI ESR, the view that you get in SPROXY will reflect the SWC view of the ESR. So you might want to download the XI Content & import it into your PI ESR anyway.
    Regards, Trevor

  • If you need help quickly... Guideline for posting an effective question.

    Whenever you have a question that you would like answered, do pose that question effectively.
    First, do not assume that because you have tried many, many times that your question is understood by someone else. What is obvious to you may not be for another. So please state in a very detailed and structured way what steps you have taken to cause your problem, how you can replicate this problem, under what circumstances on what hardware/software.
    The fact that you have nearly given up because of your problem does not mean that someone else can readily understand this problem. When you go to your doctor and say: "I have a pain in my stomach" he will ask you a lot of questions. Same applies here. Your doctor may need to know about any medication you have taken, your blood pressure, history, etc. If you want help, be as PRECISE and ACCURATE as possible.
    Second, this is a USER TO USER forum. So ranting will not help. What may help is a STRUCTURED approach to describing the problem you have.
    Third, do a thorough search of posts here, on other fora and with Google before repeating what has been asked a thousand times and has worn out the patience of regulars here, who have answered your question a dozen times already. Use the FAQ and the Wiki to find answers to questions that have been posed and answered repeatedly. Do not assume you are unique with your problem. Well, you are unique, the problem you have most likely is not.
    Fourth, realize that even though it may be highly frustrating to you to not be able to solve YOUR problem, by posting your question here, you are dependent on fellow editors to help you on their free time without compensation, so bear with them to help identify what EXACTLY is your problem. If you lack that decency, you may forfeit their help, so why did you come here?
    Fifth, consider your work flow in light of the purpose of Premiere, an editing package. If you have problems with rotoscoping, programming with APL, spreadsheets in general, word processing on a mobile phone, importing Panda bears into a local zoo, feeding nearly distinct whales in the Alps, or anything far removed from the purpose of PP, you may be better off in posting your question elsewhere.
    Everybody has to learn, has the right to ask questions and be helped.
    If everybody has the decency to pose their urgent, life threatening or other questions in a detailed, structured and comprehensible way, it will vastly improve the chances of speedy and helpful replies, without the need for sarcasm, bundles of to-and-fro posts without meaningful help, just wasting bandwidth.
    I know I have been rightly accused of such behavior, which was the result of sheer frustration with absolutely meaningless and often pointless questions without details, structure and the like. Maybe this can be a general guideline for posters on how to ask questions, in addition to Eddie's links and How to ask questions the smart way
    The most frustrating issues one can encounter are hangs, BSOD's (blue screens of death), system errors and other cases of seemingly random erros that require rebooting, restarting or similar actions, only to be confronted with the next hang, BSOD or system crash.
    These errors are often difficult to locate, due to the large variety of systems, components and driver or software versions in use. This is often further aggravated by sheer lack of expertise, understanding of what needs to be communicated in order for others to help solve the issue at hand. And that list is very long.
    So, in order to make it a bit simpler for the average user who encounters these problems, follow the following steps when posting a problem:
    1. Clearly describe the main problem in the topic, but be brief. Not so brief as to only say: "Help!" or "URGENT" or another meaningless statement but get to the point, like: "PP crashes on opening, requiring a reboot" or "Using DL the system hangs upon return to PP". You get the point.
    2. Briefly describe your hardware, software, OS and versions in use, including disk setup, video card and driver versions, etc.
    3. Describe source material, including codec (not AVI, which is not a codec), project settings and other relevant info.
    4. Describe as accurately as possible what you did, what steps you took, what happened at what moment and what you did to try to resolve it.
    5. Go to Start/Run, type in DXDIAG, enter and save all information to a TXT file. Include a link to that file in your post.
    6. Go to Start/Run, type in MSINFO32 (or similar for 64 bit OS), enter and save the results as a .NFO file. Include a link to that file in your post.
    7. Download Process Explorer , and either post a screen shot or a link to the results.
    8. Make a screen shot of the results of SpeedFan or HW Monitor and include that in your post.
    When you perform these basic steps, you avoid endless questions about your system and people may be able to help you faster.
    If you feel up to it, take a look at The Case of the Unexplained to start your own troubleshooting.
    Hope this helps to post more meaningful questions and get an answer much quicker.

    Whenever you have a question that you would like answered, do pose that question effectively.
    First, do not assume that because you have tried many, many times that your question is understood by someone else. What is obvious to you may not be for another. So please state in a very detailed and structured way what steps you have taken to cause your problem, how you can replicate this problem, under what circumstances on what hardware/software.
    The fact that you have nearly given up because of your problem does not mean that someone else can readily understand this problem. When you go to your doctor and say: "I have a pain in my stomach" he will ask you a lot of questions. Same applies here. Your doctor may need to know about any medication you have taken, your blood pressure, history, etc. If you want help, be as PRECISE and ACCURATE as possible.
    Second, this is a USER TO USER forum. So ranting will not help. What may help is a STRUCTURED approach to describing the problem you have.
    Third, do a thorough search of posts here, on other fora and with Google before repeating what has been asked a thousand times and has worn out the patience of regulars here, who have answered your question a dozen times already. Use the FAQ and the Wiki to find answers to questions that have been posed and answered repeatedly. Do not assume you are unique with your problem. Well, you are unique, the problem you have most likely is not.
    Fourth, realize that even though it may be highly frustrating to you to not be able to solve YOUR problem, by posting your question here, you are dependent on fellow editors to help you on their free time without compensation, so bear with them to help identify what EXACTLY is your problem. If you lack that decency, you may forfeit their help, so why did you come here?
    Fifth, consider your work flow in light of the purpose of Premiere, an editing package. If you have problems with rotoscoping, programming with APL, spreadsheets in general, word processing on a mobile phone, importing Panda bears into a local zoo, feeding nearly distinct whales in the Alps, or anything far removed from the purpose of PP, you may be better off in posting your question elsewhere.
    Everybody has to learn, has the right to ask questions and be helped.
    If everybody has the decency to pose their urgent, life threatening or other questions in a detailed, structured and comprehensible way, it will vastly improve the chances of speedy and helpful replies, without the need for sarcasm, bundles of to-and-fro posts without meaningful help, just wasting bandwidth.
    I know I have been rightly accused of such behavior, which was the result of sheer frustration with absolutely meaningless and often pointless questions without details, structure and the like. Maybe this can be a general guideline for posters on how to ask questions, in addition to Eddie's links and How to ask questions the smart way
    The most frustrating issues one can encounter are hangs, BSOD's (blue screens of death), system errors and other cases of seemingly random erros that require rebooting, restarting or similar actions, only to be confronted with the next hang, BSOD or system crash.
    These errors are often difficult to locate, due to the large variety of systems, components and driver or software versions in use. This is often further aggravated by sheer lack of expertise, understanding of what needs to be communicated in order for others to help solve the issue at hand. And that list is very long.
    So, in order to make it a bit simpler for the average user who encounters these problems, follow the following steps when posting a problem:
    1. Clearly describe the main problem in the topic, but be brief. Not so brief as to only say: "Help!" or "URGENT" or another meaningless statement but get to the point, like: "PP crashes on opening, requiring a reboot" or "Using DL the system hangs upon return to PP". You get the point.
    2. Briefly describe your hardware, software, OS and versions in use, including disk setup, video card and driver versions, etc.
    3. Describe source material, including codec (not AVI, which is not a codec), project settings and other relevant info.
    4. Describe as accurately as possible what you did, what steps you took, what happened at what moment and what you did to try to resolve it.
    5. Go to Start/Run, type in DXDIAG, enter and save all information to a TXT file. Include a link to that file in your post.
    6. Go to Start/Run, type in MSINFO32 (or similar for 64 bit OS), enter and save the results as a .NFO file. Include a link to that file in your post.
    7. Download Process Explorer , and either post a screen shot or a link to the results.
    8. Make a screen shot of the results of SpeedFan or HW Monitor and include that in your post.
    When you perform these basic steps, you avoid endless questions about your system and people may be able to help you faster.
    If you feel up to it, take a look at The Case of the Unexplained to start your own troubleshooting.
    Hope this helps to post more meaningful questions and get an answer much quicker.

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