Télécommande Icom8500 problème variable hexa

Je cherche à télécommander un ICOM 8500. (il y a un topic ici http://forums.ni.com/t5/Discussions-de-produit-de-NI/conversion-en-hexa/m-p/821160#M25265, mais un peu vieux)
Je sèche sur le réglage du gain:
Je veux envoyer le commande suivante (en hexa):
FEFE 4AE0 1401 0255 FD (avec la partie en rouge variable de 0000 à 0255 par glissière).
Le problème est que j'arrive uniquement à mettre en variable l'hexa de ma valeur (par ex. pour 0255: 3032 3535).
Comment faire ???
Et question supplémentaire (mais moins importante), est-il possible avec la glissière, d'avoir l'échelle de 0 à 100, mais d'envoyer les valeurs de 0000 à 0255 ???
Merci de vos réponses
Résolu !
Accéder à la solution.

Bon et bien, j'ai testé, ça fonctionne impec, mais......
J'avoue avoir un petit problème dans la compréhension du "code" attendu par l'Icom (une partie hexa, une partie chaîne mais en format hexa enfin... non) bref, je suis un peu perdu.
Du coup, j'ai le même problème cette fois là avec le vi que vous aviez fait il y a quelque temps pour quelqu'un d'autre
Parce que du coup, on obtient un chaîne, et là, rebelotte, il faudrait que j'ai:
"9078563412" en chaîne, qui soit convertit en "9078 5634 12" en hexa.... et encore une fois je sèche...

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    Find Out How?
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    Here the solution

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    Thanks. I'll try that link now. But, I 'd like to know why the command works when I copy paste / type it, but not when I store it in a variable and then execute it.
    When you copy/paste or type it into the console command line, the parser is interpreting it in
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    When you read it back from a variable, the parser is interpreting it in
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    This article by Keith Hill explains more about the differences:
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    Test Entry 1
    Test Entry 2
    Test Entry 3 
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    required by parameter 'Message'. Specified method is not supported.
    At line:1 char:211
    + ... yServer -Message $OutText
    +                    ~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Write-EventLog], Parameter
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Comma
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    Here is how we write to the event log from a batch file.  It is easy and more flexible than howyou are doing this:
    eventcreate /?
    eventcreate /L application /SO MyApp /ID 99 /D %messagetext% /S MyServer
    Adding one big block of text to the event log is not how the EL can work.  The message size is limited.
    The Event Log should not be used as a general tracing log on a regular basis.  It should be used to log errors that are critical and to log critical small pieces of information.
    Why use batch if you have access to PowerShell. It is far less flexible and muc harder to manage.

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    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
    Last edited by haiku (2012-02-01 14:19:00)

    haiku wrote:var=$(cut -d: -f1 foo)
    var=`cut -d: -f1 foo`
    The first two are both 'right' (in bash) but the first is the preferred syntax (in bash).  I think sh only understands the second.  I've never used quotes in a situation like this, but it seems to work.  That said, maybe the problem is the command itself, because all variations work for me:
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    $ cut -d: -f1 foo
    $ D=$(cut -d: -f1 foo)
    $ echo $D
    genmon1a genmon2
    $ D=`cut -d: -f1 foo`
    $ echo $D
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    $ D="$(cut -d: -f1 foo)"
    $ echo $D
    genmon1a genmon2
    $ D="`cut -d: -f1 foo`"
    $ echo $D
    genmon1a genmon2
    It might help if you could give us some of the 'bigger picture' too: what you are trying to do overall, the contents of foo, what you are trying to do with the variable, etc.
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    Okay, then you'll need to repost in the Scripting Guy's forum here:
    This forum is specifically for PowerShell.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,830+ strong and growing)

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    Thank you for your time and effort,
    Michel turcot

    You have a global variable, or a package variable that you hardcode, for example:
    You set this off, but default. When you want to debug, you have to remember to set it to something else, like TRUE.
    Then, in whichever trigger you want, you can reference it:
    if :GLOBAL.DEBUGGING = 'TRUE' then
    -- do debugging stuff.
    end if;
    It's a bit tedious, because you have to remember to change the code when you want to debug or not.
    Robin Zimmermann
    Forms Product Management

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    we have done variable substitution method in DEV, but it not reflecting in QA.
    also tell me wht r the things we need to change manually after importing the object into INT and QA?

    Hi Chirag,
    Tank you very much.
    we are using CMS for this transportations in XI.
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    Now, I open the that Scenario in ID of QA.
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    What abt file name scheme?
    If we use FCC and to get File Name as dynamic form PayLoad Values.
    For that we can use Variable Substitution Method using percenatge simbles.
    And we have to check the check box for Variable Substitution Method Enable.
    After checking the check box, we have to give variable names and values from PayLoad data.
    now my doubt is,
    Whethere we have to change the following manually or not.
    1) Taget Directory
    2) File name scheme
    3) FTP Server Name
    4) User ID (FTP)
    5) Pasword
    6)Check Box (for Variable Substitution Method Enable)
    7)For this Variable Substitution Method, variable names which we used for  FIle Name Scheme and its values   right.

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    cat Udata
    while read line
         echo "**********************************"
         echo "Process $LineNum"
         echo "Code is     >>  $line"
         echo "Results are: "
         eval "$line"
         (( LineNum++ ))
    done < hmregraw
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    grep '\tA.:' Udata
    The \ is not printing and in eval it is trying to run
    grep 'tA.:' Udata
    which is wrong. The line being read into the while loop from hmregraw has the \ removed. How can I preserve those backslashes? Is there a way I can do this with out modifying the other departments or creating another duplicate file?
    Thank You.

    The 'read' is removing the \
    Try using read -r
    See man bash

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    variables provided by me on the computer object. I see the computer object built and i see the custom variables on the computer object:
    Name Value
    In the task sequence the last step is to "Run Command Line":
    cmd /c netsh int ip set address name="Ethernet0" static %ipAddress% %netMask% %gateway% & cmd /c netsh int ip set dns name="Ethernet0" static %dns1% & cmd /c netsh int ip set dns name="Ethernet0" static %dns2% index=2
    When the TS gets to that step it doesn't substitute the variables in the command with the computer variables listed above. Looking at the smsts logs after the deployment is complete I see lines stating:
    Set Command Line:...
    Start executing command line:...
    Executing command line:...
    ProgramName = ...
    All of those lines show the command exactly as it is above with the %variables% intact.
    The command immediately fails with the error:
    Invalid address parameter (%ipAddress%). It should be a valid IPv4 address.
    Does anyone have a suggestion on why the TS isn't using the variables? I found this article https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb693541.aspx but its for 2007 not 2012. I wasn't able to find something comparable for 2012.

    I don't know why anyone here thinks you *need* sccm osd to achieve fully automated customizations.
    Customer selects base image (2008 r2 core, 2008r2 gui, 2012 r2 core, 2012 r2 gui), which should be thin and with zero customizations anyway,
    vaai accelerated clone creates vm,
    ip addr/gateway/dns config is injected with powercli,
    customers config management engine agent of choice is installed via powercli script injection/execution (we have puppet users, ConfigMgr users, saltstack users, IEM users, Cheff users),
    the clone completes in ~2 minutes and a VM is presented to the customer in less than 5 minutes 
    Deploying windows VMs via SCCM OSD is not only slow, but requires dev work on the customer side to get things rolling which wastes everyone's cycles including your own

  • How to declare a bind variable with 'date' data type in command prompt?

    how to declare a bind variable with 'date' data type in command prompt?
    sql>variable q date;
    when i execute it show list of datatypes

    As Lokanath said, there are no DATE bind variables.
    You can use a VARCHAR2 bind variable, and convert it to a DATE in your SQL statment.
    If you're using SQL*Plus, consider a substitution variable. It won't be as efficient as a bind variable, but it will be as convenient.
    For example:
    DEFINE  first_entrry_date = "DATE '2010-06-20''
    SELECT   ...
    WHERE   entry_date >= &first_entry_date

  • Passing variables to CONNECT command

    I am on Oracle 8.1.6.
    Here is my incomplete sample code :
    set serveroutput on
    var passw varchar2(200);
    define login = 'CDM1';
    sql_stmt VARCHAR2(200);
    emp_schema varchar2(10) := 'CDM1';
    emp_passw varchar2(10) ;
    :passw := aps_sec_pkg.get_pw('cdm1');
    dbms_output.put_line ('password is --'||:passw);
    emp_passw := :passw;
    dbms_output.put_line ('password is --'||:passw);
    How do pass variables to the CONN command so that
    conn $emp_schema/$emp_passw
    will work.
    Define command does not accept variables.
    How can I accomplish this ?

    There's probably an easier way but here's what occured to me...
    variable schema_bind varchar2(10);
    exec :schema_bind := 'MY_SCHEMA';
    column schema new_value schema_var;
    select :schema_bind as schema from dual;
    prompt &&schema_var;Richard

  • Command line with flash magic

    Hi :
    I want to control on flash magic application using command line with Labview, I look into this application and I see that I can send through command line all I need
    Please read what they said aboue using command lines  
    Before you can run FM.EXE on the command line you must set up your PATH environment
    variable to point to the folder FM.EXE is stored in. This is done automatically during
    installation, however you must restart your machine before the change to the PATH variable
    is recognized when using Windows 95/98/ME. You must restart your machine or log out
    then back in again before the change to the PATH variable is recognized when using
    Windows NT/2000/XP.
    Commands are passed to FM.EXE in the form or either directives or a Command File
    containing directives.
    The command line will have the following syntax:
    FM [directives]
    For example the following command line:
    Description:  Specifies the PC Serial (COM) communicating  
    Type:      Configuration
    Syntax:    COM(port, baudrate)
          port    The COM Port t
          baudrate :
    Output:    Connected
          Or: Connection failed: reason
          reason   The reason the
    Default:    COM 1, baudrate of 19200 (COM(1, 19200))
    Examples:         COM(1H, 9600)
                             COM(1, 0x2580)
                             COM(0x01, 2580H)
    I try to used this command line with Labview but I always get error attach see file please
    What I am doing wrong ?????
    error.JPG ‏66 KB

    Hi CofeeBreak,
    Thank you for your comment, but I was able to find the problem (didn't solve it yet): In the FM command line interface, calling a HEX file located in a folder with brackets in its name, such as "C:\hello_World(V1)\LabVIEW.hex" will not be recognized by the FM.exe, whereas "C:\hello_World_V1\LabVIEW.hex" will work just fine. In the Flash Magic GUI and Command Line Manual section on hex files there is no mention of that, my solution at the moment is to remove the brackets from folder names.

  • What is the difference between variable and Define

    these different declarations when it is done using the keyword "variable" and "define"
    and both of these are done OUTSIDE "DECLARE"
    VARIABLE g_monthly_sal NUMBER
    DEFINE p_annual_sal =5000
    -- I understand that p_annual_sal will be taken as a CHAR.
    -- ALSO IF DEFINE variable acts as macro variable, SO is it necessary to give it some value whenever we define it.
    if not what value would be substituted for it?
    OR does that mean whenever we want to specify data type for a bind varible we should use VARIABLE and
    when we do not want to specify type we use DEFINE?
    Edited by: user6287828 on Feb 24, 2009 11:03 AM
    Edited by: user6287828 on Feb 24, 2009 11:04 AM

    Both are SQL*plus commands. In a real programming environment you will not use such constructs (except a few rare scripting cases).
    The difference is how the construct is later used. DEFINE is more like a copy&paste string. Whereever the name of this substitution variable is found it will be pasted into the sql*plus session.
    VARIABLE creates a real variable. You can change the value and if follwos the usual principles of variables (including binding).
    Example can be found the docs:
    from the docs
    Where and How to Use Substitution Variables
    You can use substitution variables anywhere in SQL and SQL*Plus commands, except as the first word entered. When SQL*Plus encounters an undefined substitution variable in a command, SQL*Plus prompts you for the value.
    You can enter any string at the prompt, even one containing blanks and punctuation. If the SQL command containing the reference should have quote marks around the variable and you do not include them there, the user must include the quotes when prompted.
    SQL*Plus reads your response from the keyboard, even if you have redirected terminal input or output to a file. If a terminal is not available (if, for example, you run the script in batch mode), SQL*Plus uses the redirected file.
    After you enter a value at the prompt, SQL*Plus lists the line containing the substitution variable twice: once before substituting the value you enter and once after substitution. You can suppress this listing by setting the SET command variable VERIFY to OFF.
    Using Bind Variables
    Bind variables are variables you create in SQL*Plus and then reference in PL/SQL or SQL. If you create a bind variable in SQL*Plus, you can use the variable as you would a declared variable in your PL/SQL subprogram and then access the variable from SQL*Plus. You can use bind variables for such things as storing return codes or debugging your PL/SQL subprograms.
    Because bind variables are recognized by SQL*Plus, you can display their values in SQL*Plus or reference them in PL/SQL subprograms that you run in SQL*Plus.
    Creating Bind Variables
    You create bind variables in SQL*Plus with the VARIABLE command. For example
    This command creates a bind variable named ret_val with a datatype of NUMBER. See the VARIABLE command for more information. (To list all bind variables created in a session, type VARIABLE without any arguments.)
    Referencing Bind Variables
    You reference bind variables in PL/SQL by typing a colon (:) followed immediately by the name of the variable. For example
    :ret_val := 1;
    To change this bind variable in SQL*Plus, you must enter a PL/SQL block. For example:

  • Error in variables,plz help me

    I created a variable del_var.The sql query assosiated with this variable is.
    Delete from schema.file_name_table where rownum=1;
    After refreshing it.it is deleting first row in the table.But it is resulting in an error
    "17003 : null : java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index "
    Plz help me

    You can't use a 'Delete" command at a refreshing variable because at a refresch the variable need to receive a value back and the delete doesn't return value.
    Change the command to "select....."
    Does it make sense to you?

Maybe you are looking for

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