Template and child pages do not match

Hi, there are several issues here and I'm pretty sure they're linked so I'll tell you them all. I was recently editing my website and I was changing the title of a page a created. I noticed that after I changed the name, when I clicked off it it just went back to the default title in the template. I then looked up how to sort and I think I changed a few bit of coding (I can't remember what though, sorry. It seemed to work. Then I decided to add another page which I listed in the navbar... when I got round to pressing save on the template, this happened....
I'm sorry to sound so vague but I can't really remember what I did. Anyway, it says this for nearly every page when you save the template. I've noticed some of the coding on the template and the child pages do not match. This is the code on the template.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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and this is the coding for another page. The index for example.
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    <p>The Mowhay Radio is a new amateur radio station hosted by Gabriel Lucas-Green and based in Cornwall which   broadcasts a variety of musical genres. Tune in <strong>every Friday night from    7:30pm (GMT)</strong> to hear your favourite tracks played and maybe even some you haven't heard before!</p>
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Is there any way I can just create a new template to match the pages already created?
Sorry if I sound silly but this is my first post on these forums and I'm not really sure what you need to know.

You can do everything, (and I mean absolutely EVERYTHING) in a regular HTML page that you can do in a DWT, and you don't have any of the parent/child/editable/non-editable/nested/nesting region problems that you will get with DWT's until you are very highly proficient at coding HTML and know exactly how to lay one out from the start so these things don't happen.
DWT's are good for putting together a "mockup" to show a client, and have a good idea of the layout you will eventually use. They are also good for a teaching tool (the only time I ever created one was part of a class). If you have a group of people working on a site together, they are helpful too, but if none of the above apply, just make a plain HTML page and "Save As" when you need to make additional pages from it.

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    Did you define a local site folder in DW?
    Templates won't work if your site isn't defined.
    Nancy O.

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    I have tried thank you. However...it is still not working.
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        Re: Spry tool tip does not work in template or child pages within an editable region. Why not?
        created by altruistic gramps in Spry Framework for Ajax - View the full discussion
    If you have a look at the following simple document with a tooltipTooltip trigger goes here.
    Tooltip content goes here.
    you will notice that a couple of lines have been placed in the HEAD section of the document. When using DW templates, the HEAD section is usually not editable, hence the error mesaage. By default, your template should have an editable region in it just before the closing tag. It looks like this: <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" > <! TemplateEndEditable --> Dreamweaver should be able to find that editable region and insert the
    <script> tag there automatically. Because you don't have an editable region like that in the <head>, open the master template, and paste the code above just before the closing </head>
    tag. Gramps
    Edited to remove personal data

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    Can you please insert that form onto a blank page with no template around it and test it? There seems to be a problem in javascript validation.
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    if(why != ""){alert(why);return false;}
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    I believe you are referring to sub menu items which links to child pages.
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    You're sure you have set BOTH the input and output settings to 44.1 16 bit?
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  • Regarding : Material document data and PO data do not match (Plant)

    Hi Gurus,
    Please go through this BAPI program.
    While uploading it is giving an error ' Material document data and PO data do not match (Plant) '.
    Please help regarding this issue.For all Other moment types it is working fine except this 351 moment type.
    dATA: i_excel TYPE truxs_t_text_data. "work table for excel upload
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_itab OCCURS 100,
          mvt_type(3), "Movement Type
          plant(4), "Plant
          pur_doc(10), "Purchase Document No
          po_item(3), "Purchase Document Item No
          material(18), "Material Number
         lfmng(13), "Quantity
          batch(10) TYPE c,
          vfdat TYPE vfdat,
          END OF it_itab.
    DATA: it_goodsmvt_head TYPE TABLE OF bapi2017_gm_head_01      INITIAL SIZE 100,
          it_goodsmvt_code TYPE TABLE OF bapi2017_gm_code         INITIAL SIZE 100,
          it_goodsmvt_item TYPE TABLE OF bapi2017_gm_item_create  INITIAL SIZE 100.
    DATA: wa_goodsmvt_head LIKE LINE OF it_goodsmvt_head,
          wa_goodsmvt_code LIKE LINE OF it_goodsmvt_code,
          wa_goodsmvt_item LIKE LINE OF it_goodsmvt_item.
    DATA: w_mat_doc  TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc,
          w_year     TYPE bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_errmsg_goodsmvt OCCURS 10.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapiret2.
    DATA: END OF it_errmsg_goodsmvt.
    DATA : obj_type LIKE bapiache09-obj_type,
           obj_key  LIKE bapiache09-obj_key,
           obj_sys  LIKE bapiache09-obj_sys.
    DATA: v_date1 TYPE sy-datum.
    DATA: v_date2 TYPE sy-datum.
    DATA: w_lines TYPE i.
    DATA: errflag.
    PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE  rlgrap-filename.
          field_name = 'P_FILE'
          file_name  = p_file.
    Start-of-selection processing
          i_line_header        = 'X'
          i_tab_raw_data       = i_excel
          i_filename           = p_file
          i_tab_converted_data = it_itab[]
          conversion_failed    = 1
          OTHERS               = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      LOOP AT it_itab.
        REFRESH it_goodsmvt_head.
        REFRESH it_goodsmvt_item.
        CONCATENATE it_itab-docdate6(4) it_itab-docdate3(2) it_itab-docdate+0(2) INTO v_date1.
        CONCATENATE it_itab-postdate6(4) it_itab-postdate3(2) it_itab-postdate+0(2) INTO v_date2.
        wa_goodsmvt_head-pstng_date = v_date2.
        wa_goodsmvt_head-doc_date   = v_date1.
       wa_goodsmvt_head-ref_doc_no = it_itab-delnote.
    wa_goodsmvt_head-pr_uname   = sy-uname.
        APPEND wa_goodsmvt_head TO it_goodsmvt_head.
    Maintain it_goodsmvt_code
        wa_goodsmvt_code-gm_code    = '04'.
    Maintain it_goodsmvt_item
    *LOOP AT it_itab.
    IF wa_goodsmvt_item-po_number IS INITIAL.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-po_number    = it_itab-pur_doc.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-move_type    = it_itab-mvt_type.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-MOVE_PLANT      = it_itab-plant.
            input  = it_itab-material
            output = it_itab-material.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-material     = it_itab-material.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-stge_loc     = it_itab-lgort.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-po_item      = it_itab-po_item.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-entry_qnt    = it_itab-erfmg.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-ENTRY_UOM_ISO    = it_itab-uom.
       wa_goodsmvt_item-po_pr_qnt    = it_itab-lfmng.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-batch        = it_itab-batch.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-expirydate   = it_itab-vfdat.
       wa_goodsmvt_item-NO_MORE_GR   = 'X'.
        wa_goodsmvt_item-mvt_ind      = 'B'.
        APPEND wa_goodsmvt_item TO it_goodsmvt_item.
            goodsmvt_header  = wa_goodsmvt_head
            goodsmvt_code    = wa_goodsmvt_code
            materialdocument = w_mat_doc
            goodsmvt_item    = it_goodsmvt_item
            return           = it_errmsg_goodsmvt.
    Process of commit work
        IF it_goodsmvt_head[] IS NOT INITIAL.
          DESCRIBE TABLE it_goodsmvt_head LINES w_lines.
        IF it_goodsmvt_item[] IS NOT INITIAL.
          DESCRIBE TABLE it_goodsmvt_item LINES w_lines.
              wait = 'X'.
        RETURN        =
          CLEAR errflag.
          READ TABLE it_errmsg_goodsmvt INDEX 1.
          IF it_errmsg_goodsmvt-type EQ 'E'.
            WRITE:/'Error in function', it_errmsg_goodsmvt-message.
            errflag = 'X'.
            WRITE:/ it_errmsg_goodsmvt-message.
          IF errflag IS INITIAL.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              WRITE:/ 'Error in updating'.
              WRITE:/ 'Material Document created successfully and the Document Number for the Material',
                      wa_goodsmvt_item-material,'is:', w_mat_doc, w_year.

    Just wanted to post that in my case this was the error of MVT_IND field in item table. When I made it from 'B' to blank then it worked.
    Mine is solved....

  • Aging report and Control account value not matching

    Hi All
    The value what i am getting from   Vendor liabilities aging and Control account is not matching  for the same dates, all my parameters or selection criteria are same
    Same report if i am taking for the current date it giving correctly,
    If i am trying for a previous day the problem is happening
    How can i solve this issue

    Please check if the transactions are done for different Control Accounts and both the account balances are included in the Aging Report.
    Also, check that ALL the customers/vendor groups are taken.
    Make sure that you are running the backdated aging with the checkbox as mentioned in the Note 800294.
    If still facing problems may be you can provide with more details as to what the control account balances and what is the Aging, difference.
    PS: Check if there is any manual journal entry is created in the control account?
    Kind Regards,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

  • Status 51 material document data and po data do not match(vendor)

    i am using we19 to try an inbound idoc mbgmcr(receipt for po)
    i put in gm_code 01
    movement indicator B(goods receipt for po)
    vendor 3815
    PO 4500015241
    PO Order Item 00030
    Movement type 101
    qty in unit of entry  1
    iso code unit of measurement pc
    on the po screen i see the po item and qty to be delivered is 75
    when i run the inbound idoc i get
    status 51 material document data and po data do not match(vendor) but as i say on the po inquiry screen i see the po vendor item with 75 to be delivered
    what am i missing????????????????

    thank you
    i put in the leading zeros and got rid of that problem
    now i am getting status 51
    posting only possible in 2004/07 and 2004/06
    but in the posting date i use 07/02/2004  i have tried several dates in the period but get the same error
    any ideas?
    thanks you

  • Shuffle play no longer works properly and the artwork does not match after iOS5 upgrade.

    When I use shuffle play, my ipod touch stops playing after one or two songs and the artwork does not match the song. 

    i have what sounds like the exact problem; thought it might be related to a) my recent replacement phone, or b) my recent upgrade to OS 5.0.1

  • HR iViews are not getting displayed and showing "Page can not be found".

    I am facing an issue in the EP 7 wherein all the standard HR iViews are not getting displayed and showing "Page can not be found".
    We have added S_SERVICE autorisation object to user used for the relative JCO as well by looking at other similar forums but that did not help.
    I have attached last part of log from file application.log under "F:\usr\sap\EP1\JC01\j2ee\cluster\server0\log"
    #0002A537D2A6006A0000027300001C4C00046E3590936E5F#1247076244733#/Applications/WebApplications#sap.com/irj#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Administrator#12374##n/a##b7291b106be911de8d8a0002a537d2a6#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_27##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Plain###application [irj] prt: init#
    #1.5 #0002A537D2A6007A0000001200001C4C00046E35AAA74D33#1247076682222#/Applications/WebApplications##com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Guest#0##n/a##cf997d306af811dec69d0002a537d2a6#Thread[Finalizer,8,system]##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Plain###application [irj] prt: destroy#
    #1.5 #0002A537D2A6005F0000026C00001C4C00046E35C2814813#1247077082383#/Applications/WebApplications#sap.com/irj#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#SKhatkale#12460##n/a##a7cb51e06beb11de8bd70002a537d2a6#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_6##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Plain###application [irj] prt: init#
    #1.5 #0002A537D2A60075000002BD00001C4C00046E35C3AD4359#1247077102039#/Applications/Xss#sap.com/tcwddispwda#com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.generation.DelegatingComponent#SKhatkale#12464##rrisep1p01_EP1_14481150#SKhatkale#b6d348006beb11deb9780002a537d2a6#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_31##0#0#Fatal#1#com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.generation.DelegatingComponent#Plain###You do not have the authorization to start service sap.com/pcui_gp~xssutils/XssMenu.#
    #1.5 #0002A537D2A6007A0000001300001C4C00046E35DDE07029#1247077541575#/Applications/WebApplications##com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Guest#0##n/a##cf997d306af811dec69d0002a537d2a6#Thread[Finalizer,8,system]##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Plain###application [irj] prt: destroy#
    #1.5 #0002A537D2A600650000024600001C4C00046E36B6DBE4D0#1247081181950#/Applications/WebApplications#sap.com/irj#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Administrator#12873##n/a##37e186606bf511de8bf20002a537d2a6#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_0##0#0#Info#1#com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.runtime.context.ServletContextImpl#Plain###application [irj] prt: init#
    Please let me know if anybody has come across such scenario before.
    Edited by: Suhas Khatkale on Jul 8, 2009 10:09 PM

    This issue is now resolved. We followed up with SAP and they suggested to update the component EP-PSERV to latest patch which was earlier to patch 1. Later on we upgraded it to patch 4 and this resolved the issue.

  • Oracle Streams 'ORA-25215: user_data type and queue type do not match'

    I am trying replication between two databases ( using Oracle Streams.
    I have followed the instructions at http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/04-nov/o64streams.html
    The main steps are:
    1. Set up ARCHIVELOG mode.
    2. Set up the Streams administrator.
    3. Set initialization parameters.
    4. Create a database link.
    5. Set up source and destination queues.
    6. Set up supplemental logging at the source database.
    7. Configure the capture process at the source database.
    8. Configure the propagation process.
    9. Create the destination table.
    10. Grant object privileges.
    11. Set the instantiation system change number (SCN).
    12. Configure the apply process at the destination database.
    13. Start the capture and apply processes.
    For step 5, I have used the 'set_up_queue' in the 'dbms_strems_adm package'. This procedure creates a queue table and an associated queue.
    The problem is that, in the propagation process, I get this error:
    'ORA-25215: user_data type and queue type do not match'
    I have checked it, and the queue table and its associated queue are created as shown:
    sys.dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table (
    queue_table => 'CAPTURE_SFQTAB'
    , queue_payload_type => 'SYS.ANYDATA'
    , sort_list => ''
    , COMMENT => ''
    , multiple_consumers => TRUE
    , message_grouping => DBMS_AQADM.TRANSACTIONAL
    , storage_clause => 'TABLESPACE STREAMSTS LOGGING'
    , compatible => '8.1'
    , primary_instance => '0'
    , secondary_instance => '0');
    queue_name => 'CAPTURE_SFQ'
    , queue_table => 'CAPTURE_SFQTAB'
    , queue_type => sys.dbms_aqadm.NORMAL_QUEUE
    , max_retries => '5'
    , retry_delay => '0'
    , retention_time => '0'
    , COMMENT => '');
    The capture process is 'capturing changes' but it seems that these changes cannot be enqueued into the capture queue because the data type is not correct.
    As far as I know, 'sys.anydata' payload type and 'normal_queue' type are the right parameters to get a successful configuration.
    I would be really grateful for any idea!

    You need to run a VERIFY to make sure that the queues are compatible. At least on my I need to do it.
    src_queue_name => 'np_out_onlinex',
    dest_queue_name => 'np_out_onlinex',
    rc => rc, , destination => 'scnp.pfa.dk',
    transformation => 'TransformDim2JMS_001x');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Compatible: '||rc);
    If you dont have transformations and/or a remote destination - then delete those params.
    Check the table: SYS.AQ$_MESSAGE_TYPES there you can see what are verified or not

  • KE24 and KKBC_HOE balance does not match....

         We are facing a big issues at the end of the perio 2 of 2009. Our KE24 and KKBC_HOE balance does not match. We have ccompared/hecked all our previous months balance and there it was matching accurately. But for period 2, there is a mismatch.
    Could anybody pls suggest why there is a difference. Is it becuse that KE24 will show only the itmes which are settled and KKBC_HOC inclues both Settled and not settled items..
    Pls help on this......

    as you said check whether some transcation has happend but which are not settled.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Cannot get ITS SSO to work with EP6 Sp15

    I am having problems with SSO from EP6 to ITS (my EP5 to the same ITS works great). This is what I have done..... It is a R3 4.6C system so I wondered if any patches were needed....however I have got SSO working with the SAP Win GUI - so this tells m

  • How do I add a "Site Map" to my website?

    I must be dumb but I can't seem to figure out how to add a "Site Map" page to my website. I thought it would be neat to have it look like the the plan view with thumbnails of the pages and the graphic of how the pages flow....

  • Display Month name Year

    Hi, Which variable Displays Month name Year (Exaple: July 2007)??? Help will be gratly appreciated... Thanks...

  • Numbers formula problem (sorry for that boring title)

    So I have got the following table: A B C D E F G 2 4 3 9 7 8 1 What I want: A2 = A1 B2 = A1+B1 C2 = A1+B1+C1 D2 = A1+B1+C1+D1 I want that automatically, so that I can apply that to as many columns as I have. I want a formula for the first cell and th

  • Block Vendor Invoice FB60 not appear in MRBR

    Dear All,                Posting blocked vendor invoice doesn't appear in MRBR. Blocking is done in payment tab . pls advice Thanks