Template location after import

I tried importing a template in OVM 3.0.2
It downloaded template into the following location:
After import completed, .tgz template is not in tmp folder and
it is not shown in GUI server pools -> Templates also.
Can someone please help me.

Yes, Jobs tab shows import operation failed.
02/28/2012 01:36:37:868 PM) Async operation failed on server: xyz. Object: cfgFile_0004fb0000140000a2c11a7841dc15e6, PID: 26462, Server error message: Template import error: No VM configure file found.
I am trying to import "Oracle VM 3 Templates (OVF) for Oracle Linux 6 Media Pack v2 for x86_64 (64 bit)"
to create a guest domain.
This package/template contains following files as mentioned in template readme file:
|- OVM_OL6U1_x86_PVHVM.mf
|- OVM_OL6U1_x86_PVHVM.ovf
|- System.img
so clearly it does not have vm.cfg
Am I importing a wrong template? I just want to create a domU
and install Oracle Linux 6.

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    If I make a change in a mapping in Dev, export the mapping and import into Prod, the table references within the mapping have lost their locations and I need to edit the mapping and point them to the correct locations.
    Any way around this or explaination of why it is happening ?

    Hi Paul,
    try to import the mappings using "match by name" and not "match by universal identifier".
    The default import mode is "match by universal identifier". If your location on prod has an identifier different from the one on dev, it will not be found during import.
    If you import using "match by name", owb will look for a location on prod with the same name as the location on dev.

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    I actually bought Greenfinder and vCaddy (Golf GPS apps both in app store) and did extensive testing yesterday. You can see my full review here.
    Bottom line - Could be a great alternative to a SkyCaddy or similar device
    Message was edited by: dhy8386

  • Master slide after importing

    Hello Captivate-community,
    We have some projects which are made with Captivate 6.x and we would like to import the slides into a new Captivate 7-template.
    After importing all slides are set to master slide "chapter".
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    Did you create a custom theme in 6 that had those master slides? Did you use that theme in Captivate 7? You can also copy/paste master slides if you want.

  • Appset not appearing after import

    Hi Friends,
    We are on bpc75nw sp04.
    Custom appset(A) is correctly imported into target system. I'm able to see in backend(BW), but in fron-end(BPC admin/BPC excel) not appearing. Could any one suggest, what might be reason? How to know install user id of BPC system?
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    Log:  import ended with warning.
       Start of the after-import method RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) APPS (Activation Mode)
       Start After Import for AppSet XXXX in Client 500 for RFC MDX PARSER
       Import Step UPDPTAB completed without errors
       Import Step ADMIN_DEF_UPD completed without errors
       Import Step APPS_ADD completed without errors
       After Import method for AppSet XXXX finished successfully
       Start of data checker messages
       The file service structure is correct.
    Dimension ACCOUNT's master is empty!
    Dimension ACCT's master is empty!
    Dimension CATEGORY's master is empty!
    Dimension CHANNEL's master is empty!
    Dimension COST_COMP's master is empty!
    Dimension C_ACCT's master is empty!
    Dimension C_CATEGORY's master is empty!
    Dimension TIME's master is empty!
       BPF: Validation error; No template access is defined for template "Sales Flow"
       BPF: Validation error; member item "REGION 2" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; hierarchy "PARENTH1" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; member item "REGION 1" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; hierarchy "PARENTH1" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; member item "REGION 2" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; hierarchy "PARENTH1" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; member item "REGION 1" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; hierarchy "PARENTH1" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; member item "INDIA" is not in drive dimension "LOCATION"
       BPF: Validation error; No template access is defined for template "SALES_PLANNING FLOW"
    End of data checker messages
       End of after import methode RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT (Activation Mode) - runtime: 00:19:35
       Start of the after-import method RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) APPS (Delete Mode)
       Nothing to delete.
       End of after import methode RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT (Delete Mode) - runtime: 00:00:00
       Post-import method RS_AFTER_IMPORT completed for APPS L, date and time: 20110207110512
       Post-import methods of change/transport request BQ1K900069 completed
            Start of subsequent processing ... 20110207104537
            End of subsequent processing... 20110207110512
       Execute reports for change/transport request: BQ1K900069
          on the application server: sparbdb
        Ended with return code:  ===> 4 <===

  • Could not able to see my customized BP after Importing

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    I customized the Business Package and stored the content in my folder and transported the Business Package to Local (on Desktop) and Server (in server: C:\usr\sap\J2E\SYS\global\pcd\Export).
    I did not deleted the Standard BP from PCD/Migrated Content
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    I could not able to see the Customized BP in PCD….. , Whether that Standard BP should be deleted before Importing
    What is the Default location it stores after importing?
    Plz help me to solve this issue its very urgent.

    Hi Sanjay,
    There is no need to delete the Standard BP from PCD/Migrated Content.
    After customizing the business package and storing the content in your own folder, you have to add all objects to new transport package(by right clicking on main folder)then export it and download the epa to your local system.
    After importing the epa in some other portal, BP will sit under same path you have specified while creating business package(PCD).In sense, it will create the same PCD structure when you import epa in some other portal.
    You might have done some mistake while creating transport package and exporting it to your local system. You might not have added all object to new transport package.
    Hope this is of some help. Do write back in case you need further clarification

  • Using Office 2013 group policy template to define Trusted Locations and Template Locations doesn't work

    User Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates
    - Using Office 2013 group policy template to define Trusted Locations and Template Locations doesn't work
    Microsoft Word 2013/Word Options/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations
    - Allow Trusted Locations on the network: 
    - Trusted Location #1: 
    Path:  //server/sharedfoldername   [Edit:  Path:
    Date: June 10, 2013
    Description: Trusted Location
    Allow sub folders: Enabled
    The policy appears to apply to the client correctly by adding the following registry key and values:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\office\15.0\word\security\trusted locations\location1
    allowsubfolders: 1
    date: June 10, 2013
    Description: Trusted Location
    Path:  //server/sharedfoldername  [Edit: Path: 
    However, when you open Word Options/Trust Centre/Trust Centre Settings…/Trusted Locations
    There are no trusted locations listed under ‘Policy Locations’
    I have tried setting similar settings for setting the Shared Templates folder location and just like the trusted locations policy, the registry keys are created properly in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies however word doesn’t
    seem to recognize these either.
    This used to work flawlessly using the administrative templates for Word 2007 and 2010. Has anyone been able to get these policies to apply successfully, or know why office doesn’t recognize these settings from the Policies registry

    This would have been an easy solution to the issue.  Unfortunately it isn't the problem.  This question was originally posted on another Microsoft site and
    was transferred here and when it was transferred the path's changed from the original post: 
    \\server\sharedfodlername to //server/sharedfoldername.  (I will edit the question to show up as it did in the original post) Not sure how that happened.  This
    is still an issue that I haven't been able to get working correctly.
    As it turns out the 'New from Template' interface Word 2013 has developed is very bulky with large thumbnails and is not very customizable nor practical for an office
    that has a large number of templates.   Because I am unsatisfied with the display and performance of the 'New' template chooser I sought after a solution to change the way word creates a document from a template in another thread: 
    http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2013_release-word/how-can-you-change-the-display-of-templates-in/d49194b9-a6b4-4768-8502-7d7b50e9dd65 working through this issue with Jay we were able to develop
    some VB script with handles a very large number of templates in a list view and it works much faster than the built-in Word interface.  The above thread is how I've worked around trying to define a shared template location and I am quite happy with it.

  • Error after import external webservice(RFC) wsdl url to Process Composer

    Hi all,
    I try to use RFC webservice in my BPM as below:
    1. Expose RFC as webservice using CAF (import external service RFC and then create application service use this external service)
    2. Define Destination in NWA.
    3. Create a Process Composer project, and import the external webservice(RFC) wsdl file as service interface in the project.
    After importing, i get error : the port type specified for the ...binding is undefined. Check port type name and ensure it is defined.
    If i import another external service, not RFC (such as business object), there is no error.
    My system is NWCE 7.11
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Sinh Nguyen Van on Jul 20, 2009 8:29 AM

    Hi Bharath,
    Below is content of wsdl url and error message, thanks
    Error message:
    The 'zfm_rfc_caf_as' port type specified for the 'zfm_rfc_caf_asBinding' binding is undefined. Check the 'zfm_rfc_caf_as' port type name and ensure it is defined.
    wsdl url :
    - <definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" targetNamespace="http://www.sap.com/caf/demo.sap.com/s00_caf_rfc/modeled/zfm_rfc_caf_as" xmlns:b0="http://www.sap.com/caf/demo.sap.com/s00_caf_rfc/modeled/zfm_rfc_caf_as">
      <import namespace="http://www.sap.com/caf/demo.sap.com/s00_caf_rfc/modeled/zfm_rfc_caf_as" location="http://sinhnv-lap:50000/zfm_rfc_caf_as/zfm_rfc_caf_asBeanImpl?wsdl=binding&mode=ws_policy" />
    - <service name="zfm_rfc_caf_as">
    - <port name="zfm_rfc_caf_asBindingPort" binding="b0:zfm_rfc_caf_asBinding">
      <address xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" location="http://sinhnv-lap:50000/zfm_rfc_caf_as/zfm_rfc_caf_asBeanImpl" />
    Edited by: Sinh Nguyen Van on Jul 22, 2009 4:18 AM

  • I have a password problem. After importing data and settings from one MacBook Pro to a new one, I have to put my iCloud password in when re-starting, but the password from the old computer in when waking the computer from sleep.

    I have a password problem. After importing data and settings from one MacBook Pro to a new one, I have to put my iCloud password in when re-starting the new computer, but the password from the old computer in when waking the computer from sleep. I want to use my iCloud password on both computers consistently. How can I fix this?

    The only other place to change a password for the computer login is in Users & Groups preferences. But I don't really know enough here to fix your problem. You can try fixing the keychain:
    iCloud- Frequently asked questions about iCloud Keychain
    Tutorial: Resolving Keychain Issues
    If you can't access your keychain, or forget your password If you can't get into your keychain file because you've forgotten your password or the keychain file appears to be corrupt, there are a couple of options.
    First, if you've forgotten your password, you can use the "Keychain First Aid" utility to make the keychain password the same as the login password. This can be accomplished via the following process:
      1. Open Keychain Access (located in Applications/Utilities)
      2. Go to the "Keychain Access" menu and select "Preferences"
      3. Click the "First Aid" tab
      4. Make sure the "Synchronize login keychain password" box is checked
      5. Close the Preferences window
      6. Go to the "Keychain Access" menu and select "Keychain First Aid"
      7. Enter your username and password
      8. Click the "Repair" button
    The second option is to completely delete your keychain then recreate it. This routine is useful if your keychain appears to be corrupt or otherwise inaccessible. This can be accomplished as follows:
      1. Launch Keychain Access (located in Applications/Utilities)
      2. Click "Show Keychains" in the lower-left corner of the window.
      3. Select the problematic keychain from the left-hand pane.
      4. Navigate to the "File" menu and select "Delete Keychain '(name of keychain)'"
      5. Check all options for deletion and press "OK"
      6. Create a new keychain by going to the "File" menu, then "New" and selecting
          "New Keychain"
      7. You can now make this keychain your default if you desire by selecting it, then
          going to the "File" menu and selecting "Make '(name of keychain)' Default"
    Login as root and perform repair In some cases, problems with keychains can only be resolved when logged in as the root user.
    First, you want to enable the root user:
      1. OS X Mountain Lion: Enable and disable the root user
      2. OS X Lion: Enable and disable the root user
      3. Mac OS X 10.6: Enabling the root user
      4. Enabling and using the "root" user in Mac OS X
    After enabling the root user, and logging in under this account, again open Keychain Access. First attempt repairs using Keychain First Aid, and failing that, delete then recreate the keychain as described above while logged in as root.
    Persistently asked for stored passwords If you are persistently asked for passwords in various applications that you have specified should be remembered in a keychain, your "login" keychain may not be active for one reason or another.
    Navigate to ~/Library/Keychains/ (this is the Library folder inside your user's home folder). Find the file named "login.keychain" and double-click it.
    Failing that, select the "login" keychain within the Keychain Access application and make sure it is the default keychain by going to the "File" menu and selecting "Make 'Login' Default"
    Turn off Keychain synchronization in applications having problems If specific applications are experiencing issues when accessing password-protected material, the Keychain may be to blame.
    The above comes from an article published on MacFixit.com.

  • Messages not adviced in extern definition after import wsdl-file from WAS

    Hi friends,
    after importing the three wsld-files in repository (extern definitions) the messages are not adviced. The referendes to the files are fine, because the name is shown at the tab externe...
    But i´m not shure wheather i tool the right link ant Web Service Navigator. It is right to download the default SAP WSDL Files or the default one? Because in the SAP WSDL-files there will be an exception during import in XI repository (tag sap:useFeatur). What is the problem that the messages are not shown on the tab messages in externe definitions?
    Thanks in advance,

    I've the same problem. Here is my WSDL:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:apachesoap="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap" xmlns:impl="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" xmlns:intf="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:tns1="blablabla.de" xmlns:tns2="http://net.jboss.org/jmx" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:wsdlsoap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
              <schema targetNamespace="blablabla.de" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
                   <import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
                   <complexType name="MSOBean">
                             <element name="installationName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="requestId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="returnCode" type="xsd:int"/>
                             <element name="returnMessage" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <complexType name="MSIBean">
                             <element name="password" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="project" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="requestId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="userId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
         <wsdl:message name="actualizeRequest">
              <wsdl:part name="inData" type="tns1:MSIBean"/>
         <wsdl:message name="actualizeResponse">
              <wsdl:part name="actualizeReturn" type="tns1:MSOBean"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="MSService">
              <wsdl:operation name="actualize" parameterOrder="inData">
                   <wsdl:input message="impl:actualizeRequest" name="actualizeRequest"/>
                   <wsdl:output message="impl:actualizeResponse" name="actualizeResponse"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="MyServicesSoapBinding" type="impl:MSService">
              <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
              <wsdl:operation name="actualize">
                   <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
                   <wsdl:input name="actualizeRequest">
                        <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="http://blablabla.de" use="encoded"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="actualizeResponse">
                        <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices" use="encoded"/>
         <wsdl:service name="MSServiceService">
              <wsdl:port binding="impl:MyServicesSoapBinding" name="MyServices">
                   <wsdlsoap:address location="http://blablabla.de:8080/jboss-net/services/MyServices"/>
    No Idea.

  • Pics missing after import

    I was importing pictures from my camera to iPhoto, the import finished....the pics were erased from my camera. Then iPhoto quit unexpectedly. When I go back into iPhoto my pictures that were just imported were no where to be found. Sad sad story.....can anyone think of a way to find them.....are they placed in any other location???
    Thanks for the help

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Open the iPhoto Library package and see if there's a folder in there titled "Import" or "Importing". If there is look in side and see if there are any files in it. If so move to the desktop, launch iPhoto and import the contents of that photo. If those are your missing file you're done.
    If not you may have to get a 3rd party file recovery application like MediaRECOVER to recover the deleted files from the camera's memory card. If your camera does not mount on the desktop you'll need to get a card reader. IMO using a card reader and not having iPhoto delete after import is the best way to go. I always let the camera reformat the memory card after uploading.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • Where can i get transport file for bc400's template programs to import

    where can i get transport file for bc400's template programs to import to miniwas
    would like to do the exercises for tw10 and tw12

    Thanks Spencer.
    I downloaded it, etc. and that didn't work. 
    It actually seems to work the same way as before I downloaded that driver, meaning, it prints but leaves it in the "# Document Pending" status.
    Since the wireless HP print server isn't working (No connectMgr.exe file) there's no connection and therefore the doc won't print.
    RE: Print/Server software out of date.  The software was working for many months after originally installing it on this laptop.  Then it just stopped.  Now it can't find the .exe file and that's odd.  
    If I could find that file I could just save it where it needed to be and I'd be good to go.
    Thanks for the help.
    Going to uninstall and reinstall again, just for fun.  I'll report back.

  • Vld-1134 on pluggable mapping after importing MDL

    After importing an MDL file and setting the oracle modules to the correct locations, I can deploy just anything in my target module, except mappings that include a pluggable mapping that references a view, which is correctly deployed on the target module ( validation raises vld-1134). Referencing that view directly from any mapping doesn't raise any problem.
    Are there aditional configuration steps required to succesfully validate thoose mappings ?
    Thanks in advance,
    Pedro Almeida

    Can you try synchronizing (inbound) the view to the pluggable mapping? Then try validating.

  • Blank slide after import

    After publishing a .CP file, I noticed I had left out a
    PowerPoint slide. I went back to the .CP file and imported the
    slide in question, but after the import process is complete, the
    imported slide is blank. In my troubleshooting of the problem, I've
    discovered that if I try to import slides from other .CP files into
    this problem movie, only one slide appears and that file is blank.
    If I create a new movie, I can import all of the slides from the
    movie that has the problem.
    Any ideas?

    As I said, I'm new to Captivate -- just a few hours'
    experience with this particular tool.
    My company is starting to create e-learning courses and one
    of the trainers created a 3-slide template for us to use. The first
    slide was a splash screen and the next two were created from
    PowerPoint slides using the company's template. He imported these
    three slides into Captivate and made a template there. That was the
    template I downloaded into Captivate.
    Then when I created additional slides using PowerPoint and
    tried to import them between his slides #2 and 3, the slide content
    only appeared in the thumbnails.
    When I clicked on that "ppt.png" line in the Thumbnail view,
    I noticed that the entire slide was selected. That's what gave me
    the idea that the PowerPoint template had somehow been imported as
    a graphic. Even when I imported slides with no template, the same
    thing happened if they were placed after slide #2. (What can I say
    -- beginner's luck, I guess.)

  • Delete from memory card after import

    I'm a fresh Lightroom newbie, and I am missing how to delete pictures from a memory card as I am importing them into Lightroom. This seems a glaringly obvious feature, so it must be hiding somewhere.
    The only options I can see in the "Import Photos" dialog are
    - Copy photos to a new location and import
    - Copy photos as Digital Negative (DNG) and import
    There doesn't seem to be an option to delete files after import, just various ways to eject the card.
    I've found one way if I choose "Import Photos from Disk" while in Lightroom, there I have a Move option, but why not from device? Every other photo importer has this.

    Thanks for your responses. I'll go ahead and use "Import photos from disk" and change to my card reader. I personally had no problems in my years reading & immediately deleting files from memory cards. I had a few instances where I inadvertently deleted a fresh imported picture on the computer, I used undelete utilities on the card in these cases.
    That said, I still think it would be a good feature. If the users want to do it (2 years of questions), just let them.

Maybe you are looking for

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