Terminal Help - History!!!!! Please Help!!!!!!

Hello, I was just wondering if anyone here who knows a bit about Terminal could give me some advice. At the moment when I open terminal and click the up arrow it scrolls through the last commands I typed in (I'm guessing this is the History - Well thats what I'm going to call it!). So I was wondering if there is either a command or option to delete this history - So as when I next open terminal and I click the up-arrow it will just be blank!. Hope someone can help me with this.
Thanks in Advance
Adam Jeffreys

And yes you should pursue this in the Mac OS X Technologies > Unix Forum

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    Is the history enabled?
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    Hi tjcarty,
       What Brant is trying to tell you is that you generally see the PS2 prompt, '>', when you fail to close a quote. However, you've made precision difficult. If you post the exact command that you executed, we might be able to help.
          God decided to take the devil to court and
       settle their differences once and for all.
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    hdiutil resize -size 2.6g ~/Desktop/my.dmg
    That did it.

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    Perfect. It took a little tweaking. First I had to create the "Extensions" directory again, and even then it wouldn't let me move a whole directory, just individual files. The "-R" command worked that out though.
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    R-W-X, R-X, R-X
    To do this, launch BatChmod and click the File button. Then navigate to the folder iTunes and click the Open button. Make sure the owner is set to the correct user name, and group as well. Check the Apply ownership and permissions as well as the Unlock checkboxes, then click the Apply button. You may need to reboot after this to verify that things are working properly.

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    okay does anyone know the command to compile a source file in terminal?

    Okay. I'm not sure which programming languages you're familiar with. Let's assume we're talking about C or C++. A source file is basically a (plain) text file that you (or someone else) has created. It'll have variables (and, I think, function definitions) declared first, followed by the actual code for the functions. For instance, a simple source file might look something like this (let's call this file hello.cpp):
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    main (int argc, char **argv)
    printf("hello, world \n");
    exit (0);
    The "#include" statements tell the compiler to include some standard code files that handle things like displaying text. The 'main' function is the first function that will be called when the program begins to execute. Basically, this program prints 'hello, world' in your Terminal window and then quits (the program basically ignores any input given when the program starts up.). I think it'll compile.
    Now, you can read the program, but computers don't operate on text files. The program has to be compiled into (what is known as) a binary file. This is basically a set of commands that your computer can understand and which looks like gibberish to most of us. The program 'gcc' will take your C or C++ source file and turn it into a binary file (or, as I referred to it before, a compiled program). So, after you create the plain text file above (I just use project builder, included with the developer tools. Any program that creates plain text files should work just fine), navigate to the folder containing your hello.cpp files and type
    gcc -g -Wall -o hello hello.cpp
    After a second, your command prompt should reappear, and you can type:
    'hello world' should appear under your command prompt. The command './hello' instructs the computer to run the program 'hello' that is found in the current folder (the '.' denotes the current directory, so you don't have to type out /users/you/...../hello).
    As for your second question, gcc should be able to compile any C or C++ files, which end in one of these: .c .cp .cpp .cxx .C .cc .c++
    I hope this helps.
    Dual 1.25 GHZ G4/FW 800   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    This may help http://www.dmxzone.com/go/16740/clearing-dreamweaver-s-cache/

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    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but as it's an operating system feature I'll give it a shot.
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    What I would like to know is there a mac equivalent?  So I can easily see options in terminal.

    There's really no consistancy.  It depends on the command.  Some actually do accept --help (e.g., gcc, grep -- probably all the gnu derived commands).  Some may look for -? and/or -h.  And some give you their general syntax if you make a syntax error on the command.  But to get a full description (well, hopefully a more full description), as Reed said above use the man command.

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    Hi, I have a little bit of a problem. My hard drive is unbootable, but still mountable. *My goal is to gain access to the hard drive, and copy everything on it to an external hard drive*. Note, because it's unbootable, I don't have a lot of options.
    Also, *the Firewire port on the machine is not working*. Thus, any file transferring must be accomplished over USB or Ethernet. I also have access another Mac, if that would be of any assistance. Now let me throw you some ideas here. (For the record, I don't know if any of this will help, but it's worth a try.) *I have booted the machine off the Leopard Install Disc. This now gives you access to several options:*
    *Startup Disk. Disk Utility. Terminal. System Profiler. Network Profiler.*
    Something tells me Terminal might be able to make some magic happen. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the voodoo commands that can be issued in it to get this plan into action. I hear rumors about something called Single User Mode, however I know very little about it (other than, if entering the wrong command, erasing your drive).
    So if anyone out there has any suggestion as to how to set this up, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

    How do you know the disk is mountable? Do you see it with Disk Utility when booted with the install disk? Try this, if you downloaded the 10.5.2 COMBO update before experiencing your problem. Boot with the install disk, select your language, select Disk Utility from Utilities->File->Open disk image, select the combo image, mount it, and try to run it, selecting the hosed HD. If you don't have the COMBO update, download it from http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/macosx_updates/macosx1052comboupdate .html, and transfer it to the HD via USB or ethernet from another computer. Since you don't have an operable FireWire port, using target disk mode (the preferred option) is out.
    If you can't do the above, then post your Terminal queries to the Unix forum under OS X Technologies where the Terminal and Unix gurus hang out. http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106388 and http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106237 describe single-user mode operations.

  • Installing 'ack' and terminal help

    hey, i'm trying to install ack: http://petdance.com/ack/ but the instructions on the site aren't working:
    curl http://ack.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ack-standalone > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755 !$
    at work yesterday i asked a linux guy for help to install it on my work machine, but i'm not totally sure how he did it and i can't recreate what he did at home now. i get the gist of what is supposed to be happening but no matter what directory i put as the target path it says either "No such file or directory" or "Permission denied." i've tried /bin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin, and created a directory /usr/local/ack but it still won't DL. i'm sure i'm missing something simple about terminal/unix but i've been trying to figure this out for hours over the past few nights and google is no help. i have tried prefacing the commands with sudo as well but still get the same responses. i appreciate any help, even if it's a pointer to material to read.

    Based on the curl line you displayed
    curl http://ack.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest/ack-standalone > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755 !$
    the file should be in $HOME/bin
    If you did not have a $HOME/bin already, then maybe it did not download.
    I found that when I ran the command, the *chmod 0755 !$ * failed. I had to manually run:
    chmod 0755 $HOME/bin/ack
    in order to make the script executable.
    If you do not want ack to be in $HOME/bin, then pick some other destination.
    Once you have the ack script and its permissions are -rwxr-xr-x make sure that the directory holding ack is in your PATH environment variable.
    Typically the 2 conventional locations for Unix commands you install would be $HOME/bin and /usr/local/bin either of which would need to be added to PATH

  • Terminal help plz

    i got a new computer today and i want to take a look at the entries that i have made to the terminal in the past on my old computer.
    in other words, is there a way to recall input that was put into the terminal in the past?

    Depending on what particular information you're looking to retrieve from Terminal.app on your previous Mac OS X system...
    Here are the Terminal plist settings, converted back to a readable XML file, and the defaults version:
    plutil -convert xml1 -o ~/x.x /users/{user}/library/preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist
    or via the defaults command...
    defaults read com.apple.Terminal
    For as much of the bash shell command history as is available and saved, that's here:
    cat ~/.bash_history
    For the login profile and other hidden login files...
    ls -al
    cat ~/.profile

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