Terminal problem-weird appearance before name

When I open Terminal "n014h151" appears before my name
I never seen tihs before, usually its just Andrew$ or something simular.
I've been trying to use this comand sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash to empty my trash as i have a file in there about 78GB its my iphoto library and its taking forever to delete. i'm not having much luck. I'm wondering if something is wrong with my computer to have that weird combination of letters and numbers show up before the name.
Any suggestions and ideas would be apprecated

The default prompt is
hostname:current_working_directory username$
where typically what you initially see for current_working_directory is a tilda ~ which is Unix shorthand for your home directory.
The thing that confuses most home users is that the bash shell takes the current IP address, does a reverse DNS lookup to get the name associated with that address, and plugs that into the hostname field of the prompt.
This gives the expected results when there is no outside your Mac DNS name associated with your IP address, as the Mac DNS lookup code will then substitute the System Preferences -> Sharing -> Computer name.
However, every once in a while, the reverse DNS lookup returns a value, and you get some very strange results for hostname.
While confusing, sometimes annoying, it is harmless.
With respect to deleteng files from the trash, if you have a lot of file it can take awhile to delete each file.  If the space used by those files is a lot (and 78GB is a lot) AND you specified "Secure Erase" it can take a very long time to erase the contents of each file, before freeing the storage.
But having your hostname say n014h151 is harmless.
If you do not use Terminal all that much, just ignore it.  If you use Terminal enough that this kind of uncertanty bothers you, then you can tell 'bash' to use the prompt you want.
Try creating, or modify .bash_profile and adding:
PS1='$(networksetup -getcomputername):\W \u\$ '
NOTE;  the bash shell uses just one of the following, looking for them in the following order
If and only if one of these files exist.  You would choose to put the PS1 promot into the one that exists, or create a .bash_profile if non-of them exist.

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    Give right solution as early as possible.

    Have a look at below snote which actually speaks about the oracle error codes
    Snote :  546006
    within the Snote it says :-
    " If you cannot access a database file (for instance a data file, control file or RedoLog) for whatever reason, an ORA-270xx appears. The actual cause comes from additional error messages (usually in the operating system) that occur on ORA-270xx. "
    And as per your last update
    " ORA-00206: error in writing (block 3, # blocks 1) of control file
    ORA-00202: control file: 'D:\ORACLE\P02\ORIGLOGB\CNTRL\CNTRLP02.DBF' "
    i think there is problem accessing the database control file. Hence you  are facing the above problem.
    I think if you recreate your control file i think, it should resolve the problem.
    Hope it will be helpful to resolve your problem.
    Radhakrishna D S

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    3. Click AdbeRdr1013_en_US-1.dmg         Apr. 4 2012, 7:11 AM 73 MB Disk Image  Feb 27, 2013, 10:00 AM
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    5. Click this icon
    6. Open Adobe installer; double-click install Adobe reader; putting password to access; click next; Note: Application is already installed; click finish.
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      11.       www.forums.adobe.com

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       I am checking the routines for the transfer rules(0SRM_GLSPEND_INVOICE) in the ODS Object (0GLS_INV).
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    " L-LOCAL_ID"
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    subba reddy.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == About a month ago

    As stated in 1.:
    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve the problem.
    Obviously, it will not harm your computer provided you follow the instructions. However, if you don't post your results in the thread where you were given those instructions, then the person helping you cannot help you further. As he asks at the end, "please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created."

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    if they click on the inbox, then click on another folder, then click back on the inbox, they email shows up.  users are getting frustrated.  I cant find anything wrong.

    Are the users using any rules? Temporarily disable all rules in Outlook to check if the problem persists.
    You can also use Outlook in Safe Mode to determine if this is 3rd-party add-ins related:
    Press Win + R and type “outlook.exe /safe” in the blank box, then press Enter.
    If there’s no problem in Safe Mode, disable the suspicious add-ins to verify which add-ins caused this issue.
    For Exchange Accounts, please switch to Exchange Online mode to check the result.
    In addition, if you are using Remote Desktop Service, this problem may also be caused by the performance delay, try to optimize the RDS performance, check the result again:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    I am facing quite a strange problem.
    In SharePoint 2010 Record Center Template Site whenever i declare a document as a Record OR Hold the document "padlock" sign is not appearing before the Record.
    Although in case of Team Suite Template whenever declare a Record using In place Record management OR Hold the document "padlock" sign appears.
    Is it OOB beahvior OR am i missing some settings???
    Any comments on this would be appreciated.

    This is true in my virtual machine as well. I am able to edit data and meta data in documents that are on hold. This is because holds add meta data to documents and
    prevent document deletion but do not necessarily prevent editing.
    If you would like to prevent users for editing a document you will need to edit user permissions on that document itself; which can be done in the document drop down
    under 'Manage Permissions' in the Records Center library.
    Regards, Savoeurn Va Microsoft Online Community Support

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    I have the exact same problem with a caveat - I shouldn't be using one company's mail server to send invitations related to another company! A corporate resources no-no.
    It would be nice if each calendar could be associated with an email account.
    See http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=7539832&#7539832 for a full discussion. When iCal invokes Mail to send the invitation Mail uses the preference for 'Send new mail from' which in my case is the 'Account of last viewed mail'. So I can work around the problem by going to Mail, selecting the account that I want iCal to use and then sending the invitation.
    Message was edited by: Ed Gamble

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