Test Exchange Services on all servers one cmd

Guys is there any way i can run the below in one cmd as i tried but getting a below error  i am try to check the exchange services from one cmd let instead of simple script
foreach ($Server in $ExchServer)
echo $Server.name (Test-ServiceHealth $Server)
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>$ExchServer=Get-ExchangeServer | foreach ($Server in $ExchServer) {echo $Server.name (Test-ServiceHealth $Server)}
Unexpected token 'in' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:53
+ $ExchServer=Get-ExchangeServer | foreach ($Server in <<<<  $ExchServer) {echo $Server.name (Test-ServiceHealth $Serve
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (in:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken

Hi Jugal,
what you ran is not identical with what you posted. You can either try running the code you posted in bold, or ...
Get-ExchangeServer | foreach
{echo $_.name (Test-ServiceHealth $_)}
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    Dim oAPI, oBag
    Set oAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
    Set oBag = oAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
    strComputer = "."
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
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    If strDesc = "" Then
    strDesc = objService.Caption
    StrDesc = StrDesc & ", " & objService.Caption
    End if
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    Call oBag.AddValue("State", "OK")
    End if
    Call oAPI.Return(oBag)
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    And the Healthy Expression is:
    Property[@Name='State'] Equals GOOD
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    Workflow Runtime: Failed to run a process or script
    The process started at 11:25:%1 failed to create System.PropertyBagData, no errors detected in the output. The process exited with 1.
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    At the first point make sure that you are creating the service monitor in Authoring --> Management Pack Templates --> Windows Service.
    The place where we change is within the discovery part and not monitor. Search for the text what you entered as Service Name while creating the service monitor. You should see something similar to this,
    <Discovery ID="ServiceStateProbePage_5409ab4012384fb28dea99f892e28fec.DiscoveryRule" Enabled="false" Target="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.Computer" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">
              <DiscoveryClass TypeID="ServiceStateProbePage_5409ab4012384fb28dea99f892e28fec" />
            <DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.Win32ServiceInformationProviderWithClassSnapshotDataMapper">
                    <Value> </Value>

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    ' Monitor if automatic process is not running
    Dim oAPI, oBag
    Set oAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
    Set oBag = oAPI.CreatePropertyBag()
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
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    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
        & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root
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        If Not objService.Started = True Then
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            Call oBag.AddValue("Description", strDesc)
            Call oBag.AddValue("State", "BAD")
                Call oBag.AddValue("State", "GOOD")
        End If

    ാ㰊敭慴渠浡㵥敇敮慲潴⁲潣瑮湥㵴䴢捩潲潳瑦匠晡䡥䵔≌ാഊഊਊ⼼敨摡ാ㰊潢祤戠捧汯牯∽昣晦晦≦ാ㰊楤㹶昼湯⁴楳敺㈽映捡㵥牁慩㹬楈㰬是湯㹴⼼楤㹶਍搼癩㰾潦瑮猠穩㵥′慦散䄽楲污㰾是湯㹴渦獢㭰⼼楤㹶਍搼癩㰾潦瑮猠穩㵥′慦散䄽楲污䠾癡⁥潹⁵敳湥琠敨洠湡条浥湥⁴慰正ഠ琊浥汰瑡⁥潦⁲਍敳癲捩⁥潭楮潴楲杮‿湉琠敨琠灯漠⁦桴⁥慮楶慧楴湯琠敲⁥湩琠敨愠瑵潨楲杮ഠ眊牯獫慰散‿晉礠畯挠敲瑡⁥敳癲捩⁥潭楮潴楲杮眠瑩⁨桴瑡漠敮椠⁴楷汬ഠ愊瑵浯瑡捩ഠ搊獩潣敶⁲污慭档湩獥爠湵楮杮琠敨猠牥敶⁲湡⁤瑳牡⁴潭楮潴⁲桴浥‮畂⁴景ഠ挊畯獲ⱥഠ椊⁦潹⁵慷瑮琠潭楮潴⁲污敳癲捩獥漠污慭档湩獥愠摮爠獥慴瑲琠敨਍潴Ɐ愠ഠ猊牣灩⁴業桧⁴敢攠獡敩⹲㰠是湯㹴⼼楤㹶਍搼癩㰾潦瑮猠穩㵥′慦散䄽楲污㰾是湯㹴渦獢㭰⼼楤㹶਍搼癩㰾潦瑮猠穩㵥′慦散䄽楲污夾畯⁲捳楲瑰‬潤獥椠⁴潷歲漠瑵楳敤漠⁦਍灏⁳਍杍㽲⼼潦瑮㰾搯癩ാ㰊楤㹶昼湯⁴楳敺㈽映捡㵥牁慩㹬戼⽲ⴾ‭戼⽲㰾牢㸯湁敤獲ഠ䈊湥瑧獳湯戼⽲䴾捩潲潳瑦䴠偖ⴠഠ伊数慲楴湯⁳慍慮敧㱲牢㸯愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷潣瑮獯⹯敳㸢睷⹷潣瑮獯⹯敳⼼㹡⼼潦瑮㰾搯癩㰾戯摯㹹਍਍格⁲汣獡㵳猢杩㸢湁敤獲䈠湥瑧獳湯簠䴠捩潲潳瑦䴠偖ⴠ传数慲楴湯⁳慍慮敧⁲⁼瑨灴⼺眯睷挮湯潴潳献㱥搯癩ਾ††††††††††††椼灮瑵琠灹㵥栢摩敤≮椠㵤㜢㥦敥ㅣⴶ〷扥㐭㜴ⵦㄸ捦㤭㌵〳㉣慢慢弸瑡慴档敭瑮≳瘠污敵∽•㸯ਊ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††ਠ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䙥潯整≲ਾ††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳愢瑣潩獮㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳搢瑡≥圾摥敮摳祡‬敓瑰浥敢⁲㤰‬〲㤰㠠〺′䵁⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢湥⁵敭獳条≥ਾ††††††††††††††††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽敒汰≹渠浡㵥爢灥祬•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††敒汰੹††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敳慰慲潴≲㰾灳湡簾⼼灳湡㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽畱瑯≥ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽畑瑯≥渠浡㵥焢潵整•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††畑瑯੥††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††††††ਠ††††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽獵牥湉潦㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳產楮楦摥戭獡扥污⵬慣摲洭湩≩搠瑡ⵡ牰景汩ⵥ獵牥摩∽愶搱㜲敤㠭㑡ⵤ㔴愹㤭㌶ⵦㄸ敦㐹㑡户昵•慤慴瀭潲楦敬甭敳捲牡ⵤ畣瑳浯楬歮✽≻牨晥㨢栢瑴獰⼺猯捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣⽭潆畲獭支⵮单甯敳⽲桴敲摡㽳獵牥⸽湁敤獲㈥䈰湥瑧獳湯Ⱒ∠整瑸㨢⸢湁敤獲䈠湥瑧獳湯⌦㤳猻琠牨慥獤索㸧 †††††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瀢潲楦敬洭湩⵩潣瑮湥≴ਾ潍敤慲潴⁲†††††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶ਊ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 ††††††††† †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††㰠搯癩ਾ††⼼楬‾ †㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢敬牡㸢⼼楤㹶 †††㰠楬椠㵤戢㐷㙥搷ⴶ昳摣㐭㤷ⵡ愹ぢ㠭㉣搶ㅣㅦ慡∳挠慬獳∽敭獳条⁥㸢 †††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潃瑮湥䍴湯慴湩牥㸢 †††ਠ†††† †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧楓敤慢≲ਾ †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳椢潣坮慲灰牥㸢 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳猢慴畴⁳敭獳条䥥潣焠敵瑳潩敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††††椼杭挠慬獳∽捩湯†畱獥楴湯爠灥祬•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺椯⸱潳楣污献洭晳⹴潣⽭潆畲獭ⸯ⼮汧扯污敲潳牵散⽳浉条獥琯慲獮朮晩挿敶㵲┰搰〥≡愠瑬∽畑獥楴湯•㸯 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩潧瑵牥潢≸‾†††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩≧ਾ††††††††愼挠慬獳∽潶整灵牨晥楬歮•慮敭∽潶整灵•楴汴㵥嘢瑯⁥獡栠汥晰汵•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††椼杭挠慬獳∽捩湯瘠瑯略≰愠瑬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥琠瑩敬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯ㅩ献捯慩⹬⵳獭瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳⸮术潬慢牬獥畯捲獥䤯慭敧⽳牴湡⹳楧㽦癣牥〽〥╤愰•㸯 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湥浵敢≲猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹戠潬正∻〾⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠愯ਾ †††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮慬敢≬ਾ††††††††猼慰汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩汧扡汥琠灹≥ਾ††††††††††††††愼琠瑩敬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢楓湧椠潴瘠瑯㱥愯ਾ††††††††⼼灳湡ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††ਠ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䍥湯整瑮㸢 †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢湯慴湩牥㸢 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳戢摯≹䤾敲污祬氠潯楫杮映牯愠猠瑥椠⁴潦杲瑥椠⁴祴数猠牣灩整爠獥汯瑵潩桴瑡眠汩潭楮潴⁲污敳癲捩獥漠污慭档湩獥愠摮爠獥慴瑲琠敨⹭渦獢㭰吠楨⁳捳楲瑰琠潯慣敲漠⁦桴⁥潭楮潴⁲污敳癲捩獥漠污慭档湩獥瀠牡⁴敢潦敲甠杰慲楤杮琠㉒‮獁映牯椠⁴潷歲湩⁧畯獴摩⁥景传獰杍⁲⁉慨敶渠摩慥栠睯琠整瑳琠慨⹴䤠搠摩瑮眠楲整琠楨⁳捳楲瑰‬⁉慷⁳楧敶瑩映潲湡瑯敨⁲潳牵散‮戼⽲㰾牢㸯䐭湡⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠湩異⁴祴数∽楨摤湥•摩∽㝢攴㜶㙤㌭捦ⵤ㜴愹㤭扡ⴰ挸㘲捤昱愱㍡慟瑴捡浨湥獴•慶畬㵥∢⼠ਾ †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††††††† †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潆瑯牥㸢 ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捡楴湯≳ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽慤整㸢敗湤獥慤ⱹ匠灥整扭牥〠ⰹ㈠〰‹㈱㔺‹䵐⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢湥⁵敭獳条≥ਾ††††††††††††††††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽敒汰≹渠浡㵥爢灥祬•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††敒汰੹††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敳慰慲潴≲㰾灳湡簾⼼灳湡㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽畱瑯≥ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽畑瑯≥渠浡㵥焢潵整•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††畑瑯੥††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††††††ਠ††††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽獵牥湉潦㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳產楮楦摥戭獡扥污⵬慣摲洭湩≩搠瑡ⵡ牰景汩ⵥ獵牥摩∽〹㝢愵㝥挭戴ⴵ挴㠹㠭㐲ⴸ昹昴㕤㈴㜸㌹•慤慴瀭潲楦敬甭敳捲牡ⵤ畣瑳浯楬歮✽≻牨晥㨢栢瑴獰⼺猯捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣⽭潆畲獭支⵮单甯敳⽲桴敲摡㽳獵牥䐽湡畃浭湩獧Ⱒ∠整瑸㨢䐢湡畃浭湩獧⌦㤳猻琠牨慥獤索㸧 †††††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瀢潲楦敬洭湩⵩潣瑮湥≴ਾ††††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††††††††ਠ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††⼼楤㹶 †㰠氯㹩ਠ††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††氼⁩摩∽㝦㌹㜰㠹㔭㠸ⵣ挴㍢戭㔲ⵡ㘴㙢〹㥣ㄹ搷•汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧∠ਾ††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䍥湯整瑮潃瑮楡敮≲ਾ†††† †††ਠ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条卥摩扥牡㸢ਊ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捩湯牗灡数≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽瑳瑡獵洠獥慳敧捉湯†畱獥楴湯爠灥祬㸢 †††††††††††㰠浩⁧汣獡㵳椢潣焠敵瑳潩敲汰≹猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯ㅩ献捯慩⹬⵳獭瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳⸮术潬慢牬獥畯捲獥䤯慭敧⽳牴湡⹳楧㽦癣牥〽〥╤愰•污㵴儢敵瑳潩≮⼠ਾ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮畯整扲硯㸢††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮㸢 †††††††㰠⁡汣獡㵳瘢瑯略桰敲汦湩≫渠浡㵥瘢瑯略≰琠瑩敬∽潖整愠⁳敨灬畦≬栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††㰠浩⁧汣獡㵳椢潣潶整灵•污㵴匢杩湩琠潶整•楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺椯⸱潳楣污献洭晳⹴潣⽭潆畲獭ⸯ⼮汧扯污敲潳牵散⽳浉条獥琯慲獮朮晩挿敶㵲┰搰〥≡⼠ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶整畮扭牥•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡›汢捯㭫㸢㰰搯癩ਾ††††††††⼼㹡ਊ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩汧扡汥㸢 †††††††㰠灳湡挠慬獳∽潶楴杮慬敢祴数㸢 †††††††††††††㰠⁡楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴匾杩湩琠潶整⼼㹡 †††††††㰠猯慰㹮 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††† †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潃瑮湥≴ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潣瑮楡敮≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潢祤㸢楈䐠湡㰬牢㸯㰠牢㸯椠整浲⁳景琠獥楴杮琠敨猠牣灩ⱴ挠灯⁹桴⁥捳楲瑰琠⁡敳癲牥‬慣汬椠⁴整瑳瘮獢‬桴湥映潲潣浭湡⁤牰浯瑰琠灹㩥挠捳楲瑰挠尺整瑳瘮獢⠠牯眠敨敲敶⁲潹⁵慳敶⁤瑩⸩戼⽲‾晉琠敨敲猧渠祳瑮捡楴慣牥潲獲‬瑩猠潨汵⁤畲Ɱ愠摮愠獬湩礠畯⁲湩瑳湡散瀠潲楶敤猠浯⁥牰灯牥祴慢⁧畯灴瑵ⴠ挠畯瑲獥⁹景琠楨⁳楢㩴戼⽲‾慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯䐻獥牣灩楴湯焦潵㭴‬瑳䑲獥⥣㰠牢㸯☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰䌠污䉯条䄮摤慖畬⡥焦潵㭴瑓瑡♥畱瑯ⰻ☠畱瑯䈻䑁焦潵㭴
戼⽲‾渦獢㭰☠扮灳※汅敳㰠牢㸯☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰䌠污䉯条䄮摤慖畬⡥焦潵㭴瑓瑡♥畱瑯ⰻ☠畱瑯䜻住♄畱瑯⤻戼⽲‾戼⽲‾晉礠畯眠湡⁴潴瀠獯⁴桴⁥捳楲瑰甠⁰敨敲椠畦汬‬❩汬琠獥⁴瑩映牯礠畯‮戼⽲‾戼⽲‾潙❵敲爠杩瑨‬瑩椠⁳⁡畮獩湡散琠敨敲椠湳琧愠挠瑡档污焦潵㭴畁潴慭楴♣畱瑯※敳癲捩⁥档捥Ⱬ戠瑵猠牵⁥敷挠湡朠瑥礠畯獲眠牯楫杮㰮牢㸯㰠牢㸯䌠敨牥㱳搯癩ਾ††††††††††††椼灮瑵琠灹㵥栢摩敤≮椠㵤昢㤷〳㤷ⴸ㠵挸㐭扣ⴳ㉢愵㐭戶㤶挰㤹㜱彤瑡慴档敭瑮≳瘠污敵∽•㸯ਊ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††ਠ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䙥潯整≲ਾ††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳愢瑣潩獮㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳搢瑡≥圾摥敮摳祡‬敓瑰浥敢⁲㤰‬〲㤰ㄠㄺ‷䵐⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢湥⁵敭獳条≥ਾ††††††††††††††††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽敒汰≹渠浡㵥爢灥祬•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††敒汰੹††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敳慰慲潴≲㰾灳湡簾⼼灳湡㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽畱瑯≥ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽畑瑯≥渠浡㵥焢潵整•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††畑瑯੥††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††††††ਠ††††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽獵牥湉潦㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳產楮楦摥戭獡扥污⵬慣摲洭湩≩搠瑡ⵡ牰景汩ⵥ獵牥摩∽㘸㝣㥦㝣㘭㤶ⴶ戴㤱㠭戰ⴵ㤰㐲て㘳㕥㝢•慤慴瀭潲楦敬甭敳捲牡ⵤ畣瑳浯楬歮✽≻牨晥㨢栢瑴獰⼺猯捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣⽭潆畲獭支⵮单甯敳⽲桴敲摡㽳獵牥丽捩╫〲慍杤≥‬琢硥≴∺楎正䴠摡敧⌦㤳猻琠牨慥獤索㸧 †††††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瀢潲楦敬洭湩⵩潣瑮湥≴ਾ††††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††††††††ਠ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††⼼楤㹶 †㰠氯㹩ਠ††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††氼⁩摩∽㡡㥡㌶挴戭㔸ⵣ挴〳戭つⴶ晣晥㔲慢㕥㥣•汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧∠ਾ††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䍥湯整瑮潃瑮楡敮≲ਾ†††† †††ਠ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条卥摩扥牡㸢ਊ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捩湯牗灡数≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽瑳瑡獵洠獥慳敧捉湯†畱獥楴湯爠灥祬㸢 †††††††††††㰠浩⁧汣獡㵳椢潣焠敵瑳潩敲汰≹猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯ㅩ献捯慩⹬⵳獭瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳⸮术潬慢牬獥畯捲獥䤯慭敧⽳牴湡⹳楧㽦癣牥〽〥╤愰•污㵴儢敵瑳潩≮⼠ਾ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮畯整扲硯㸢††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮㸢 †††††††㰠⁡汣獡㵳瘢瑯略桰敲汦湩≫渠浡㵥瘢瑯略≰琠瑩敬∽潖整愠⁳敨灬畦≬栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††㰠浩⁧汣獡㵳椢潣潶整灵•污㵴匢杩湩琠潶整•楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺椯⸱潳楣污献洭晳⹴潣⽭潆畲獭ⸯ⼮汧扯污敲潳牵散⽳浉条獥琯慲獮朮晩挿敶㵲┰搰〥≡⼠ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶整畮扭牥•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡›汢捯㭫㸢㰰搯癩ਾ††††††††⼼㹡ਊ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩汧扡汥㸢 †††††††㰠灳湡挠慬獳∽潶楴杮慬敢祴数㸢 †††††††††††††㰠⁡楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴匾杩湩琠潶整⼼㹡 †††††††㰠猯慰㹮 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††† †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潃瑮湥≴ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潣瑮楡敮≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潢祤㸢桔獩洠杩瑨戠⁥潰獳扩敬☮扮灳※⁉潷汵⁤潬歯愠⁴桴⁥癥湥⁴慰桴椠獮整摡漠⁦⁡捳楲瑰瀠瑡⹨渦獢㭰吠敨猠牥楶散挠湯牴汯洠湡条牥眠汩潴獳漠瑵愠眠湩潤獷丠⁔癥湥⁴湩琠敨愠灰楬慣楴湯氠杯眠敨⁡敳癲捩⁥湵硥数瑣摥祬猠潴獰☮扮灳※桔瑡攠敶瑮张慭役栠癡⁥畳晦捩敩瑮瀠牡浡瑥牥漠瑵異⁴猨牥楶散琠捥湨捩污渠浡⁥獩眠慨⁴潹⁵潷汵⁤敮摥椠湡攠敶瑮瀠牡⥭ⴠ猠捵⁨桴瑡礠畯挠湡挠敲瑡⁥湡愠敬瑲映潲桴⁥癥湥ⱴ愠摮瀠捩灵琠敨渠浡⁥景琠敨猠牥楶散琠敲瑳牡⁴牦浯愠癥湥⁴慰浲㰮牢㸯戼⽲吾档捥桴獩‬獵⁥桴⁥牣浩潳渨睥攠敶瑮瘠敩敷⥲攠敶瑮瘠敩敷Ⱳ愠摮氠潯瑡琠敨氠杯⁳湡⁤桴湥琠祲琠敲牣慥整琠敨攠敶瑮戠⁹楫汬湩⁧⁡敳癲捩⁥湩琠獡慭慮敧⹲渦獢㭰匠浯⁥牡⁥牴捩祫戠捥畡敳漠⁦桴⁥敳癲捩⁥潨瑳瀠潲散獳‬桴獯⁥牰扯扡祬愠敲❮⁴潧湩⁧潴爠獥潰摮眠汥湵敬獳礠畯挠湡朠瑥琠敨猠牥楶散琠捥湨捩污渠浡⁥潴瀠獡⁳潴愠渠瑥猭慴瑲挠浯慭摮㰮牢㸯戼⽲夾畯挠湡猠敥椠⁦桴⁥癥湥⁴獩瀠牡浡瑥牥穩摥戠⁹潬歯湩⁧瑡琠敨堠䱍琠扡椠桴⁥癥湥⁴楶睥牥☮扮灳※桔牥⁥獩愠瀠牡浡瑥牥⁳汢捯桴瑡猠潨汵⁤慨敶猠浯⁥慤慴椠瑩㰮牢㸯戼⽲䤾⁦潹⁵敳⁥桴⁥敳癲捩⁥整档楮慣慮敭‬潹⁵慣畡桴牯愠爠汵⁥桴瑡挠灡畴敲⁳桴獩椠桴⁥污牥⁴潣瑮硥ⱴ愠摮映潲桴牥⁥楬歮愠琠獡桴瑡爠獥慴瑲⁳⁡敳癲捩⹥戼⽲㰾牢㸯桔⁥慬瑳琠楲正眠汩敢氠湩楫杮礠畯⁲潭楮潴⁲潴琠敨愠灰潲牰慩整挠慬獳☮扮灳※潹⁵潣汵⁤獵⁥楍牣獯景⹴楗摮睯⹳敓癲牥䌮浯異整⁲‭楳据⁥桴獩眠汩敧⁴汰捡摥漠污景礠畯⁲条湥⁴慭慮敧⁤敳癲牥⹳渦獢㭰传据⁥潹⁵慨敶琠敨挠慬獳映杩牵摥漠瑵⠠湡⁤湡⁹楤捳癯牥⁹潹⁵敮摥
桴湥樠獵⁴摡⁤⁡慴歳琠潹牵挠獵潴偍琠慨⁴慴杲瑥⁳桴⁥慳敭挠慬獳☮扮灳※慍敫琠敨琠獡慨敶愠瀠牡浡瑥牥琠慨⁴獩漠敶牲摩慥汢⁥桴瑡瀠捩獫甠⁰桴⁥污牥⁴潣瑮硥⁴慤慴‬湡⁤桴湥爠晥牥湥散⁳桴⁥灡牰灯楲瑡⁥癥湥⁴慰浲琠慰獳琠⁡敮⁴瑳牡⁴潣浭湡⹤戼⽲㰾牨挠慬獳∽楳≧䴾捩潲潳瑦䌠牯潰慲楴湯⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠湩異⁴祴数∽楨摤湥•摩∽㡡㥡㌶挴戭㔸ⵣ挴〳戭つⴶ晣晥㔲慢㕥㥣慟瑴捡浨湥獴•慶畬㵥∢⼠ਾ †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††††††† †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潆瑯牥㸢 ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捡楴湯≳ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽慤整㸢敗湤獥慤ⱹ匠灥整扭牥〠ⰹ㈠〰‹㨳㘵倠㱍搯癩ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭畮洠獥慳敧㸢 †††††††††††††††††††††㰠楤⁶慶畬㵥爢灥祬㸢 †††††††††㰠⁡牨晥∽慪慶捳楲瑰瘺楯⡤㬩•楴汴㵥刢灥祬•慮敭∽敲汰≹爠汥∽潮潦汬睯•牵㵬栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††††删灥祬 †††††††††㰠愯ਾ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳猢灥牡瑡牯㸢猼慰㹮㱼猯慰㹮⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠楤⁶慶畬㵥焢潵整㸢 †††††††††㰠⁡牨晥∽慪慶捳楲瑰瘺楯⡤㬩•楴汴㵥儢潵整•慮敭∽畱瑯≥爠汥∽潮潦汬睯•牵㵬栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††††儠潵整 †††††††††㰠愯ਾ††††††††⼼楤㹶ਊ†††††††††††††† †††††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢敬牡㸢⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳產敳䥲普≯ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽湵晩敩ⵤ慢敳慢汬挭牡ⵤ業楮•慤慴瀭潲楦敬甭敳楲㵤㜢慣搲㘶ⵢ晡愸㐭㙢ⴴ㌸㠷ㄭ㘶攲㔵戹戴∳搠瑡ⵡ牰景汩ⵥ獵牥慣摲挭獵潴汭湩㵫笧栢敲≦∺瑨灴㩳⼯潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳湥唭⽓獵牥琯牨慥獤甿敳㵲慄╮〲潒敧獲Ⱒ∠整瑸㨢䐢湡删杯牥♳㌣㬹⁳桴敲摡≳❽ਾ††††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽牰景汩ⵥ業楮挭湯整瑮㸢 †††††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶ਊ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 ††††††††† †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††㰠搯癩ਾ††⼼楬‾ †㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢敬牡㸢⼼楤㹶 †††㰠楬椠㵤昢捤㄰㌵ⵢㄸ晣㐭㄰ⵣ〸㈴㐭㈲㘹㑣攴戶∳挠慬獳∽敭獳条⁥㸢 †††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潃瑮湥䍴湯慴湩牥㸢 †††ਠ†††† †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧楓敤慢≲ਾ †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳椢潣坮慲灰牥㸢 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳猢慴畴⁳敭獳条䥥潣焠敵瑳潩敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††††椼杭挠慬獳∽捩湯†畱獥楴湯爠灥祬•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺椯⸱潳楣污献洭晳⹴潣⽭潆畲獭ⸯ⼮汧扯污敲潳牵散⽳浉条獥琯慲獮朮晩挿敶㵲┰搰〥≡愠瑬∽畑獥楴湯•㸯 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩潧瑵牥潢≸‾†††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩≧ਾ††††††††愼挠慬獳∽潶整灵牨晥楬歮•慮敭∽潶整灵•楴汴㵥嘢瑯⁥獡栠汥晰汵•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††椼杭挠慬獳∽捩湯瘠瑯略≰愠瑬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥琠瑩敬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯ㅩ献捯慩⹬⵳獭瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳⸮术潬慢牬獥畯捲獥䤯慭敧⽳牴湡⹳楧㽦癣牥〽〥╤愰•㸯 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湥浵敢≲猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹戠潬正∻〾⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠愯ਾ †††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮慬敢≬ਾ††††††††猼慰汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩汧扡汥琠灹≥ਾ††††††††††††††愼琠瑩敬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢楓湧椠潴瘠瑯㱥愯ਾ††††††††⼼灳湡ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††ਠ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䍥湯整瑮㸢 †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢湯慴湩牥㸢 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳戢摯≹㰾㹰敂潬⁷獩琠敨猠牣灩⁴異汬摥搠物捥汴⁹牦浯琠敨洠湯瑩牯漠䍓䵏㈠〰‷偓‱桷湥椠⁴慷⁳潷歲湩⹧⸮戼⽲㰾牢㸯戼⽲✾䴠湯瑩牯椠⁦畡潴慭楴⁣牰捯獥⁳獩渠瑯爠湵楮杮⼼㹰㰊㹰楄䅯䥐‬䉯条㰠牢㸯敓⁴䅯䥐㴠䌠敲瑡佥橢捥⡴焦潵㭴位⹍捓楲瑰偁♉畱瑯⤻㰠牢㸯敓⁴䉯条㴠漠偁⹉牃慥整牐灯牥祴慂⡧㰩瀯ਾ瀼匾瑥漠橢卆⁏‽牃慥整扏敪瑣☨畱瑯医牣灩楴杮䘮汩卥獹整佭橢捥♴畱瑯⤻⼼㹰㰊㹰瑳䍲浯異整⁲‽焦潵㭴☮畱瑯※戼⽲匾瑥漠橢䵗卉牥楶散㴠䜠瑥扏敪瑣☨畱瑯眻湩杭瑭㩳焦潵㭴张㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰☠扮灳※愦灭※焦潵㭴楻灭牥潳慮楴湯敌敶㵬浩数獲湯瑡絥尡♜畱瑯※愦灭※瑳䍲浯異整⁲愦灭※焦潵㭴牜潯⁴戼⽲尾楣癭☲畱瑯⤻⼼㹰㰊㹰敓⁴潣䱬獩佴卦牥楶散⁳‽扯坪䥍敓癲捩⹥硅捥畑牥⁹ 戼⽲☾扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰⠠焦潵㭴敓敬瑣⨠映潲楗㍮弲敓癲捩⁥桗牥⁥瑓牡䵴摯⁥‽䄧瑵❯焦潵㭴㰩瀯ਾ瀼䘾牯䔠捡⁨扯卪牥楶散椠潣䱬獩佴卦牥楶散⁳戼⽲☾扮灳※渦獢㭰䤠⁦潎⁴扯卪牥楶散匮慴瑲摥㴠吠畲⁥桔湥㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※瑳䑲獥⁣‽焦潵㭴敓癲捩⁥焦潵㭴☠浡㭰漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩愦灭※焦潵㭴椠⁳潮⁴畲湮湩Ⅷ焦潵㭴㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯䐻獥牣灩楴湯焦潵㭴‬瑳䑲獥⥣㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯医慴整焦潵㭴‬焦潵㭴䅂♄畱瑯⤻㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰☠扮灳※汅敳㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※渦獢㭰☠扮灳※慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯医慴整焦潵㭴‬焦潵㭴佇䑏焦潵㭴
戼⽲☾扮灳※渦獢㭰䔠摮䤠⁦戼⽲举硥㱴瀯㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††††††椼灮瑵琠灹㵥栢摩敤≮椠㵤昢捤㄰㌵ⵢㄸ晣㐭㄰ⵣ〸㈴㐭㈲㘹㑣攴戶弳瑡慴档敭瑮≳瘠污敵∽•㸯ਊ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††ਠ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䙥潯整≲ਾ††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳愢瑣潩獮㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳搢瑡≥圾摥敮摳祡‬敓瑰浥敢⁲㤰‬〲㤰㤠〺‷䵐⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢湥⁵敭獳条≥ਾ††††††††††††††††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽敒汰≹渠浡㵥爢灥祬•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††敒汰੹††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敳慰慲潴≲㰾灳湡簾⼼灳湡㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽畱瑯≥ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽畑瑯≥渠浡㵥焢潵整•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††畑瑯੥††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††††††ਠ††††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽獵牥湉潦㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳產楮楦摥戭獡扥污⵬慣摲洭湩≩搠瑡ⵡ牰景汩ⵥ獵牥摩∽〹㝢愵㝥挭戴ⴵ挴㠹㠭㐲ⴸ昹昴㕤㈴㜸㌹•慤慴瀭潲楦敬甭敳捲牡ⵤ畣瑳浯楬歮✽≻牨晥㨢栢瑴獰⼺猯捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣⽭潆畲獭支⵮单甯敳⽲桴敲摡㽳獵牥䐽湡畃浭湩獧Ⱒ∠整瑸㨢䐢湡畃浭湩獧⌦㤳猻琠牨慥獤索㸧 †††††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瀢潲楦敬洭湩⵩潣瑮湥≴ਾ††††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††††††††ਠ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††⼼楤㹶 †㰠氯㹩ਠ††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††氼⁩摩∽昴㤶㝥搶㌭挲ⴰ挴㔹愭㠴ⴰ㘰㐱愴〳敦㈴•汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧∠ਾ††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䍥湯整瑮潃瑮楡敮≲ਾ†††† †††ਠ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条卥摩扥牡㸢ਊ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捩湯牗灡数≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽瑳瑡獵洠獥慳敧捉湯†畱獥楴湯爠灥祬㸢 †††††††††††㰠浩⁧汣獡㵳椢潣焠敵瑳潩敲汰≹猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯ㅩ献捯慩⹬⵳獭瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳⸮术潬慢牬獥畯捲獥䤯慭敧⽳牴湡⹳楧㽦癣牥〽〥╤愰•污㵴儢敵瑳潩≮⼠ਾ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮畯整扲硯㸢††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮㸢 †††††††㰠⁡汣獡㵳瘢瑯略桰敲汦湩≫渠浡㵥瘢瑯略≰琠瑩敬∽潖整愠⁳敨灬畦≬栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††㰠浩⁧汣獡㵳椢潣潶整灵•污㵴匢杩湩琠潶整•楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺椯⸱潳楣污献洭晳⹴潣⽭潆畲獭ⸯ⼮汧扯污敲潳牵散⽳浉条獥琯慲獮朮晩挿敶㵲┰搰〥≡⼠ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶整畮扭牥•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡›汢捯㭫㸢㰱搯癩ਾ††††††††⼼㹡ਊ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩汧扡汥㸢 †††††††㰠灳湡挠慬獳∽潶楴杮慬敢祴数㸢 †††††††††††††㰠⁡楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴匾杩湩琠潶整⼼㹡 †††††††㰠猯慰㹮 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††† †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潃瑮湥≴ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潣瑮楡敮≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潢祤㸢牔⁹桴獩㰺牢㸯㰊牰㹥楄䅯䥐‬䉯条ഠ匊瑥漠偁⁉‽牃慥整扏敪瑣☨畱瑯䴻䵏匮牣灩䅴䥐焦潵㭴
਍敓⁴䉯条㴠漠偁⹉牃慥整牐灯牥祴慂⡧ഩഊഊ猊牴潃灭瑵牥㴠☠畱瑯⸻焦潵㭴ഠ匊瑥漠橢䵗卉牥楶散㴠䜠瑥扏敪瑣☨畱瑯眻湩杭瑭㩳焦潵㭴张ഠ †☠浡㭰☠畱瑯笻浩数獲湯瑡潩䱮癥汥椽灭牥潳慮整ⅽ屜焦潵㭴☠浡㭰猠牴潃灭瑵牥☠浡㭰☠畱瑯尻潲瑯捜浩㉶焦潵㭴ഩഊ匊瑥挠汯楌瑳晏敓癲捩獥㴠漠橢䵗卉牥楶散䔮數兣敵祲张ഠ †††⠠焦潵㭴䕓䕌呃⨠䘠佒⁍楗㍮弲敓癲捩⁥䡗剅⁅瑓牡䵴摯⁥‽䄧瑵❯䄠䑎匠慴瑲摥㴠映污敳焦潵㭴ഩഊഊ䤊⁦潣䱬獩佴卦牥楶散⹳潃湵⁴朦㭴〠吠敨਍਍潆⁲慅档漠橢敓癲捩⁥湩挠汯楌瑳晏敓癲捩獥ഠഊ †਍晉猠牴敄捳㴠☠畱瑯☻畱瑯※桔湥ഠഊ †††猠牴敄捳㴠漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩൮䔊獬൥ഊ †††匠牴敄捳㴠匠牴敄捳☠浡㭰☠畱瑯ⰻ☠畱瑯※愦灭※扯卪牥楶散䌮灡楴湯਍湅⁤晩਍敎瑸਍††††慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯䐻獥牣灩楴湯焦潵㭴‬瑳䑲獥⥣ഠ †††䌠污䉯条䄮摤慖畬⡥焦潵㭴瑓瑡♥畱瑯ⰻ☠畱瑯䈻䑁焦潵㭴ഩ䔊獬⁥਍਍††††慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯医慴整焦潵㭴‬焦潵㭴䭏焦潵㭴ഩഊ䔊摮椠൦ഊഊ䌊污䅯䥐刮瑥牵⡮䉯条ഩഊ㰊瀯敲㰾牨挠慬獳∽楳≧栾瑴㩰⼯灏䵳牧爮⽵⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠湩異⁴祴数∽楨摤湥•摩∽昴㤶㝥搶㌭挲ⴰ挴㔹愭㠴ⴰ㘰㐱愴〳敦㈴慟瑴捡浨湥獴•慶畬㵥∢⼠ਾ †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††††††† †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潆瑯牥㸢 ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捡楴湯≳ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽慤整㸢桔牵摳祡‬敓瑰浥敢⁲〱‬〲㤰㌠㌺‱䵁⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢湥⁵敭獳条≥ਾ††††††††††††††††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽敒汰≹渠浡㵥爢灥祬•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††敒汰੹††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敳慰慲潴≲㰾灳湡簾⼼灳湡㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽畱瑯≥ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽畑瑯≥渠浡㵥焢潵整•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††畑瑯੥††††††††††⼼㹡 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††††††††ਠ††††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽汣慥≲㰾搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽獵牥湉潦㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳產楮楦摥戭獡扥污⵬慣摲洭湩≩搠瑡ⵡ牰景汩ⵥ獵牥摩∽昹戲慥挲ㄭ晤ⴶ昴㠹愭搴ⴲ㍥扤慦㡢搶愵•慤慴瀭潲楦敬甭敳捲牡ⵤ畣瑳浯楬歮✽≻牨晥㨢栢瑴獰⼺猯捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣⽭潆畲獭支⵮单甯敳⽲桴敲摡㽳獵牥䄽敬數╹〲桚牵癡敬╶〲┭〲ㅇ∴‬琢硥≴∺汁硥祥娠畨慲汶癥ⴠ䜠㐱⌦㤳猻琠牨慥獤索㸧 †††††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瀢潲楦敬洭湩⵩潣瑮湥≴ਾ潍敤慲潴⁲†††††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶ਊ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 ††††††††† †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††㰠搯癩ਾ††⼼楬‾ †㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢敬牡㸢⼼楤㹶 †††㰠楬椠㵤㌢㤵晤戳ⵦ改搶㐭㤲ⴰ㥢㔲㔭愴㠲攸㍤挳∴挠慬獳∽敭獳条⁥㸢 †††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潃瑮湥䍴湯慴湩牥㸢 †††ਠ†††† †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧楓敤慢≲ਾ †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳椢潣坮慲灰牥㸢 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳猢慴畴⁳敭獳条䥥潣焠敵瑳潩敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††††椼杭挠慬獳∽捩湯†畱獥楴湯爠灥祬•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺椯⸱潳楣污献洭晳⹴潣⽭潆畲獭ⸯ⼮汧扯污敲潳牵散⽳浉条獥琯慲獮朮晩挿敶㵲┰搰〥≡愠瑬∽畑獥楴湯•㸯 †††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩潧瑵牥潢≸‾†††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩≧ਾ††††††††愼挠慬獳∽潶整灵牨晥楬歮•慮敭∽潶整灵•楴汴㵥嘢瑯⁥獡栠汥晰汵•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††椼杭挠慬獳∽捩湯瘠瑯略≰愠瑬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥琠瑩敬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯ㅩ献捯慩⹬⵳獭瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳⸮术潬慢牬獥畯捲獥䤯慭敧⽳牴湡⹳楧㽦癣牥〽〥╤愰•㸯 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湥浵敢≲猠祴敬∽楤灳慬㩹戠潬正∻〾⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠愯ਾ †††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮慬敢≬ਾ††††††††猼慰汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩汧扡汥琠灹≥ਾ††††††††††††††愼琠瑩敬∽楓湧椠潴瘠瑯≥栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢楓湧椠潴瘠瑯㱥愯ਾ††††††††⼼灳湡ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶㰊搯癩ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††ਠ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䍥湯整瑮㸢 †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢湯慴湩牥㸢 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳戢摯≹吾慨⁴潷歲摥䜠䕒呁℡‡桔湡潙ⅵ℡渦獢㭰㰠牢㸯戼⽲圾畯摬琠敨敲戠⁥⁡慷⁹潴愠摤漠潴琠楨⁳捳楲瑰琠敨愠楢楬祴琠焦潵㭴硥汣摵♥畱瑯※牯☠畱瑯椻湧牯♥畱瑯※散瑲楡敓癲捩獥‮⹩⹥眠⁥慨敶愠猠牥楶散琠慨⁴敲楳敤⁳湯猠浯⁥畯⁲敳癲捩獥琠慨⁴獩猠瑥琠畁潴戠瑵搠敯⁳潮⁴潣獮慴瑮祬爠湵‮獉琠敨敲愠眠祡眠⁥潣汵⁤慨敶琠敨猠牣灩⁴杩潮敲琠楨⁳敳癲敩愠摮渠瑯琠牨睯漠瑵愠汁牥㽴戼⽲㰾牢㸯汁潳⠠⁉湫睯䤠獡楫杮愠氠瑯愠摮䤠爠慥汬⁹灡牰捥慩整椠⥴栠睯栠牡⁤潷汵⁤瑩戠⁥潴愠摤琠敨愠楢楬祴琠桴獩猠牣灩⁴潴琠歡⁥桴⁥焦潵㭴瑓灯数♤畱瑯※敓癲捩⁥湡⁤畲⁡敎⁴瑓牡⁴条楡獮⁴瑩㰿牢㸯戼⽲ⴾ慄㱮搯癩ਾ††††††††††††椼灮瑵琠灹㵥栢摩敤≮椠㵤㌢㤵晤戳ⵦ改搶㐭㤲ⴰ㥢㔲㔭愴㠲攸㍤挳弴瑡慴档敭瑮≳瘠污敵∽•㸯ਊ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††ਠ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䙥潯整≲ਾ††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳愢瑣潩獮㸢 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳搢瑡≥吾畨獲慤ⱹ匠灥整扭牥ㄠⰰ㈠〰‹㨱㔲倠㱍搯癩ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭畮洠獥慳敧㸢 †††††††††††††††††††††㰠楤⁶慶畬㵥爢灥祬㸢 †††††††††㰠⁡牨晥∽慪慶捳楲瑰瘺楯⡤㬩•楴汴㵥刢灥祬•慮敭∽敲汰≹爠汥∽潮潦汬睯•牵㵬栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††††删灥祬 †††††††††㰠愯ਾ††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳猢灥牡瑡牯㸢猼慰㹮㱼猯慰㹮⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠楤⁶慶畬㵥焢潵整㸢 †††††††††㰠⁡牨晥∽慪慶捳楲瑰瘺楯⡤㬩•楴汴㵥儢潵整•慮敭∽畱瑯≥爠汥∽潮潦汬睯•牵㵬栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††††儠潵整 †††††††††㰠愯ਾ††††††††⼼楤㹶ਊ†††††††††††††† †††††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢敬牡㸢⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳產敳䥲普≯ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽湵晩敩ⵤ慢敳慢汬挭牡ⵤ業楮•慤慴瀭潲楦敬甭敳楲㵤㤢戰㔷敡ⴷ㑣㕢㐭㥣ⴸ㈸㠴㤭㑦摦㐵㠲㤷∳搠瑡ⵡ牰景汩ⵥ獵牥慣摲挭獵潴汭湩㵫笧栢敲≦∺瑨灴㩳⼯潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳湥唭⽓獵牥琯牨慥獤甿敳㵲慄䍮浵業杮≳‬琢硥≴∺慄䍮浵業杮♳㌣㬹⁳桴敲摡≳❽ਾ††††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽牰景汩ⵥ業楮挭湯整瑮㸢 †††††††††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††††⼼楤㹶ਊ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 ††††††††† †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††㰠搯癩ਾ††⼼楬‾ †㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳挢敬牡㸢⼼楤㹶 †††㰠楬椠㵤搢㑣㔳㈴ⴶ㈲摢㐭慡ⴴ换ㄵ㌭摡㔷昸愸㙥∸挠慬獳∽敭獳条⁥愠獮敷≲ਾ††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条䍥湯整瑮潃瑮楡敮≲ਾ†††† †††ਠ††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽敭獳条卥摩扥牡㸢ਊ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捩湯牗灡数≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽瑳瑡獵洠獥慳敧捉湯†畱獥楴湯愠獮敷敲≤ਾ††††††††††††椼杭挠慬獳∽捩湯†畱獥楴湯愠獮敷敲≤猠捲∽瑨灴㩳⼯ㅩ献捯慩⹬⵳獭瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳⸮术潬慢牬獥畯捲獥䤯慭敧⽳牴湡⹳楧㽦癣牥〽〥╤愰•污㵴儢敵瑳潩≮⼠ਾ††††††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮畯整扲硯㸢††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶楴杮㸢 †††††††㰠⁡汣獡㵳瘢瑯略桰敲汦湩≫渠浡㵥瘢瑯略≰琠瑩敬∽潖整愠⁳敨灬畦≬栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺氯杯湩氮癩⹥潣⽭潬楧⹮牳㽦慷眽楳湧湩⸱☰浡㭰瑷敲污㵭潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯愦灭眻敲汰㵹瑨灴╳愳㈥╦昲潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㈥䙦牯浵╳昲湥唭╓昲扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥㈥浦湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶╲昳潦畲╭搳灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮㈥瀶潲╦搳敲畱物摥㈥猶潴䥁㌥ㅤ☰浡㭰灷䴽䥂䙟䑅卟䱓愦灭眻捬瑸洽捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㈥洴捩潲潳瑦㸢 †††††††††㰠浩⁧汣獡㵳椢潣潶整灵•污㵴匢杩湩琠潶整•楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牳㵣栢瑴獰⼺椯⸱潳楣污献洭晳⹴潣⽭潆畲獭ⸯ⼮汧扯污敲潳牵散⽳浉条獥琯慲獮朮晩挿敶㵲┰搰〥≡⼠ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潶整畮扭牥•瑳汹㵥搢獩汰祡›汢捯㭫㸢㰲搯癩ਾ††††††††⼼㹡ਊ††††††⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳瘢瑯湩汧扡汥㸢 †††††††㰠灳湡挠慬獳∽潶楴杮慬敢祴数㸢 †††††††††††††㰠⁡楴汴㵥匢杩湩琠潶整•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴匾杩湩琠潶整⼼㹡 †††††††㰠猯慰㹮 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ⼼楤㹶 †††††㰠搯癩ਾ†††† †††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潃瑮湥≴ਾ††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潣瑮楡敮≲ਾ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽潢祤㸢瀼☾瑧圻畯摬琠敨敲戠⁥⁡慷⁹潴愠摤漠潴琠楨⁳捳楲瑰琠敨愠楢楬祴琠焦潵㭴硥汣摵♥畱瑯※牯☠畱瑯椻湧牯♥畱瑯※散瑲楡敓癲捩獥㰮牢㸯戼⽲夾獥㰮牢㸯⼼㹰㰊㹰瑳䍲浯異整⁲‽焦潵㭴☮畱瑯※戼⽲匾瑥漠橢䵗卉牥楶散㴠䜠瑥扏敪瑣☨畱瑯眻湩杭瑭㩳焦潵㭴张㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰☠浡㭰☠畱瑯笻浩数獲湯瑡潩䱮癥汥椽灭牥潳慮整ⅽ屜焦潵㭴☠浡㭰猠牴潃灭瑵牥☠浡㭰☠畱瑯尻潲瑯捜浩㉶焦潵㭴㰩瀯ਾ瀼匾瑥挠汯楌瑳晏敓癲捩獥㴠漠橢䵗卉牥楶散䔮數兣敵祲张㰠牢㸯渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰⠠焦潵㭴䕓䕌呃⨠䘠佒⁍楗㍮弲敓癲捩⁥䡗剅⁅瑓牡䵴摯⁥‽䄧瑵❯䄠䑎匠慴瑲摥㴠映污敳焦潵㭴㰩瀯ਾ瀼㰾牢㸯晉挠汯楌瑳晏敓癲捩獥䌮畯瑮☠瑧※‰桔湥⼼㹰㰊㹰潆⁲慅档漠橢敓癲捩⁥湩挠汯楌瑳晏敓癲捩獥㰠牢㸯猼牴湯㹧晉漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩氦㭴朦㭴☠畱瑯倻牥潦浲湡散䰠杯⁳湡⁤汁牥獴焦潵㭴䄠䑎漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩氦㭴朦㭴☠畱瑯吻灹奥畯卲牥楶散串浡䡥牥♥畱瑯※桔湥⼼瑳潲杮㰾牢㸯渦獢㭰渦獢㭰㰠牢㸯晉猠牴敄捳㴠☠畱瑯☻畱瑯※桔湥⼼㹰㰊㹰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰猠牴敄捳㴠漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩㱮牢㸯汅敳⼼㹰㰊㹰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰匠牴敄捳㴠匠牴敄捳☠浡㭰☠畱瑯ⰻ☠畱瑯※愦灭※扯卪牥楶散䌮灡楴湯戼⽲䔾摮椠㱦牢㸯戼⽲䔾摮椠㱦牢㸯敎瑸⼼㹰㰊㹰猼牴湯㹧晉猠牴敄捳☠瑬☻瑧※焦潵㭴焦潵㭴吠敨㱮牢㸯渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰䌠污䉯条䄮摤慖畬⡥焦潵㭴敄捳楲瑰潩♮畱瑯ⰻ猠牴敄捳
戼⽲☾扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳※慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯医慴整焦潵㭴‬焦潵㭴䅂♄畱瑯⤻戼⽲䔾獬㱥牢㸯渦獢㭰慃汬漠慂⹧摁噤污敵☨畱瑯医慴整焦潵㭴‬焦潵㭴䭏焦潵㭴㰩牢㸯湅⁤晩戼⽲㰾猯牴湯㹧汅敳⼼㹰㰊㹰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰䌠污䉯条䄮摤慖畬⡥焦潵㭴瑓瑡♥畱瑯ⰻ☠畱瑯伻♋畱瑯⤻⼼㹰㰊㹰湅⁤晩⼼㹰㰊㹰戼⽲䌾污䅯䥐刮瑥牵⡮䉯条㰩牢㸯戼⽲㰾牢㸯朦㭴汁潳⠠⁉湫睯䤠獡楫杮愠氠瑯愠摮䤠爠慥汬⁹灡牰捥慩整椠⥴栠睯栠牡⁤潷汵⁤瑩戠⁥潴愠摤琠敨愠楢楬祴琠桴獩猠牣灩⁴潴琠歡⁥桴⁥焦潵㭴瑓灯数♤畱瑯※敓癲捩⁥湡⁤畲⁡敎⁴瑓牡⁴条楡獮⁴瑩㰿牢㸯戼⽲夾畯挠湡甠敳琠敨猼牴湯㹧漠橢敓癲捩⹥瑓牡却牥楶散⤨戼⽲㰾牢㸯⼼瑳潲杮䘾牯攠慸灭敬㰺牢㸯戼⽲㰾牢㸯晉挠汯楌瑳晏敓癲捩獥䌮畯瑮☠瑧※‰桔湥⼼㹰㰊㹰潆⁲慅档漠橢敓癲捩⁥湩挠汯楌瑳晏敓癲捩獥㰠牢㸯晉漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩氦㭴朦㭴☠畱瑯倻牥潦浲湡散䰠杯⁳湡⁤汁牥獴焦潵㭴䄠䑎漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩氦㭴朦㭴☠畱瑯吻灹奥畯卲牥楶散串浡䡥牥♥畱瑯※桔湥戼⽲☾扮灳☻扮灳※戼⽲䤾⁦瑳䑲獥⁣‽焦潵㭴焦潵㭴吠敨㱮瀯ਾ瀼☾扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳※瑳䑲獥⁣‽扯卪牥楶散䌮灡楴湯戼⽲䔾獬㱥瀯ਾ瀼☾扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳※瑓䑲獥⁣‽瑓䑲獥⁣愦灭※焦潵㭴‬焦潵㭴☠浡㭰漠橢敓癲捩⹥慃瑰潩㱮牢㸯湅⁤晩戼⽲㰾瑳潲杮漾橢敓癲捩⹥瑓牡却牥楶散⤨⼼瑳潲杮㰾牢㸯戼⽲䔾摮椠㱦瀯㰾牨挠慬獳∽楳≧栾瑴㩰⼯灏䵳牧爮⽵⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠湩異⁴祴数∽楨摤湥•摩∽捤㌴㐵㘲㈭戲ⵤ愴㑡戭㕣ⴱ愳㝤㠵㡦敡㠶慟瑴捡浨湥獴•慶畬㵥∢⼠ਾ †††††††㰠搯癩ਾ††††††††††††搼癩ਾ††††††甼汣獡㵳栢獩潴祲㸢 †††††††††㰠楬ਾ††††††††††††猼慰汣獡㵳琢灹≥倾潲潰敳⁤獡愠獮敷⁲祢⼼灳湡ਾ††††††††††††††愼挠慬獳∽畡桴牯•牨晥∽瑨灴㩳⼯潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯㐺㌴瀯潲楦敬洯歩╥〲楥敳獮整湩㼯祴数昽牯浵愦灭爻晥牥敲㵲瑨灴⼺猯捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣⽭潆畲獭支⵮单搯扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴⼷潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥昿牯浵漽数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩≧爠汥∽潮潦汬睯•楴汴㵥䄢潢瑵䴠歩⁥楅敳獮整湩㸢猼慰㹮楍敫䔠獩湥瑳楥㱮猯慰㹮愼扢⁲汣獡㵳愢晦汩㸢潍敤慲潴㱲愯扢㹲⼼㹡 †††††††††††㰠灳湡挠慬獳∽慤整㸢畓摮祡‬敓瑰浥敢⁲㌱‬〲㤰㜠〺‸䵁⼼灳湡ਾ††††††††††⼼楬ਾ††††††††††氼㹩 †††††††††††㰠灳湡挠慬獳∽祴数㸢慍歲摥愠⁳湡睳牥戠㱹猯慰㹮 †††††††††††††㰠⁡汣獡㵳愢瑵潨≲栠敲㵦栢瑴獰⼺猯捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣㩭㐴⼳牰景汩⽥慤据浵業杮⽳琿灹㵥潦畲♭浡㭰敲敦牲牥栽瑴㩰⼯潳楣污琮捥湨瑥洮捩潲潳瑦挮浯䘯牯浵⽳湥唭⽓扤ㅢ㔷㑣㠭捥ⴰ㐴㜲㤭ㅤⴰ㌹㈸㐰ㄴ㐴㝥洯湯瑩牯愭汬眭湩潤獷猭牥楶散⵳湯洭汵楴汰ⵥ敳癲牥⵳湡ⵤ敲潣敶㽲潦畲㵭灯牥瑡潩獮慭慮敧慲瑵潨楲杮•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷琠瑩敬∽扁畯⁴慄䍮浵業杮≳㰾灳湡䐾湡畃浭湩獧⼼灳湡㰾扡牢挠慬獳∽晡楦≬㰾愯扢㹲⼼㹡 †††††††††††㰠灳湡挠慬獳∽慤整㸢敗湤獥慤ⱹ匠灥整扭牥ㄠⰶ㈠〰‹㨶㘴倠㱍猯慰㹮 †††††††††㰠氯㹩 †††††㰠甯㹬 †††㰠搯癩ਾ †††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢獥慳敧潆瑯牥㸢 ††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽捡楴湯≳ਾ††††††††††††搼癩挠慬獳∽慤整㸢牆摩祡‬敓瑰浥敢⁲ㄱ‬〲㤰㈠㔺‵䵁⼼楤㹶 †††††††††††㰠楤⁶汣獡㵳洢湥⁵敭獳条≥ਾ††††††††††††††††††††††搼癩瘠污敵∽敲汰≹ਾ††††††††††愼栠敲㵦樢癡獡牣灩㩴潶摩⤨∻琠瑩敬∽敒汰≹渠浡㵥爢灥祬•敲㵬渢景汯潬≷甠汲∽瑨灴㩳⼯潬楧⹮楬敶挮浯氯杯湩献晲眿㵡獷杩楮ㅮ〮愦灭眻牴慥浬猽捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣♭浡㭰牷灥祬栽瑴獰㌥╡昲㈥獦捯慩⹬整档敮⹴業牣獯景⹴潣╭昲潆畲獭㈥敦⵮单㈥摦扢㜱挵ⴴ攸っ㐭㈴ⴷ搹〱㤭㠳〲㐴㐱攴┷昲潭楮潴⵲污⵬楷摮睯⵳敳癲捩獥漭⵮畭瑬灩敬猭牥敶獲愭摮爭捥癯牥㌥晦牯浵㌥潤数慲楴湯浳湡条牥畡桴牯湩╧㘲牰景㌥牤煥極敲╤㘲瑳䅯╉搳〱愦灭眻㵰䉍彉䕆彄卓♌浡㭰汷硣㵴業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景╴㐲業牣獯景≴ਾ††††††††††††敒汰੹††††††††††⼼㹡 †

  • 'Secondary Logon' service for Windows servers - enable or not?

    Since have only one windows server working as 'TS server' to remote employes on our network and another 04 (one for SQL, another for Exchange, another for File and another for DHCP/DNS), can we disable that service on all servers except TS server or we can
    disable it on all??
    >>> There is some services that depends on it?
    interesting article:
    useful links:

    Windows Secondary Logon allows administrators to log on with a non-administrator account to perform administrative tasks without logging off by using Run as option. 
    Enabling/Disabling depends from one organization to another.
    Arnav Sharma | Facebook |
    Twitter Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members
    reading the thread.

  • Staging the NLB cluster Static port change of Exchange 2010 CAS or do it all in one day ?

    Here is the server deployment in my AD domain:
    Email flow and Outlook client connection go through the NLB cluster VIP email.domain.com.au which is served by the following server:
    PRODHT-CAS01 (HT-CAS Server Windows NLB node 1)
    PRODHT-CAS02 (HT-CAS Server Windows NLB node 2)
    Public Folder access through Outlook client goes through the following servers:
    PRODMBX01 (Stand-alone Mailbox Server 1) no DAG
    PRODMBX02 (Stand-alone Mailbox Server 2) no DAG
    Can I make the changes first on the first stack of Exchange Server set as below first:
    PRODHT-CAS01 (HT-CAS Server NLB node 1)
    PRODMBX01 (Stand-alone Mailbox Server 1) no DAG
    in order to test the Outlook email & Public Folder connectivity in the first week and then followed by the rest of the server set:
    PRODHT-CAS02 (HT-CAS Server NLB node 2)
    PRODMBX02 (Stand-alone Mailbox Server 2) no DAG
    would that cause the NLB or user email access problem?
    Do I have to make the changes all in one day for those four servers followed by the reboot?
    Reason of changing: The hardware load balancer (Riverbed) requires to have static RPC port to work properly.
    This is the article to change the Static port in my NLB cluster Exchange HT-CAS server role on Exchange Server 2010 SP2: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/864.configure-static-rpc-ports-on-an-exchange-2010-client-access-server.aspx
    Thanks in advance.
    /* Server Support Specialist */

    All the servers behind the load balancer must be the same.
    You can change the stand alone MBX server's RCA port as that traffic is not load balanced.
    Changing Exchange is straight forward, just be careful to enter the registry keys correctly and then check AB and RCA is listening on the new static ports after you restart the services.
    Microsoft Senior Exchange PFE
    Twitter:   LinkedIn:
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
    Many thanks for the suggestion. My goal here is to minimize any impact / email service downtime to the user while configuring the static ports.
    1. Do I have to dissolve the Windows NLB cluster after the static port configuration on both HT-CAS servers or can I still keep the NLB cluster?
    2. "All the servers behind the load balancer must be the same." Do you mean do I have to do the static RPC port the same day for all server set ?
    /* Server Support Specialist */

  • Replacing original all in one exchange server 2010

    I currently have exchange 2010 all in one without an Edge Server.  The HD is showing signs of failure so i want to move all these services to a new CAS Array and DAG.  I know how to set up the DAGs but was confused about the HT and CAS roles.  Currently
    the all in one also has lync 2010 integration which i want to move to the new array.  My question is how do i do all of this without interrupting the current setup until im ready to make the switch?  Currently i have port forwarding to my exchange
    server with 25 and 443 tcp ports pointing to it.  I will be creating a new exchange certificate using my internal enterprise root CA to point to the new outlook.xxxxx.net.  Currently my exchange cert is mail.xxxx.net with sub alternative of autodiscover.xxxx.net
    and mail.xxxx.net.  I dont want to mess with my current set up until im finished with this setup. i know my new cert should also have autodiscover.xxxx.net but would that mess with my current setup?  Do i install the same cert on the other CAS array
    member?  I now i have to point to the new RPC but i will wait till the end for that.  For lync integration, do i uninstall on the current all in one exchange server and install the components on both CAS array members? Do i install the HUB transport
    role on both CAS Array members and point the natted ip to the CAS array(SSL 443) and (SMTP 25) virtual IP?    I know this is a lot but if one of you can assist or point me to a guide i would really appreciate it. 

    sorry about that.  All my issues have been resolved minus one thing.  So im using Zen Load Balancer on my cas array which also is part of a dag.  From time to time outlook pops up a certificate warning about trust. The message varies from
    time to time by listing one of my exchange servers and then the other one the next time.  All i do is hit yes to accept and it disappears and outlook works fine.  My exchange certificate is from my internal CA and it only list autodiscover and my
    mail.xxxxx.net that points to my cas array(external facing) virtual ip.  I was told my certificate does not need to have my internal mail servers name only my external which is why i think i get the certificate warning.  Can you verify or provide
    some guidance?

  • Hp all-in One remote prints test page but cannot find printer for anything else

    The HP All-in-One application can print test pages on my 8610 but when I go to any document or photo and try to print I get the following message "This Printer is not available." I have checked and have the latest version of the HP All-in-one Printer Remote application and the HP Print Service Plugin applications from the Google Play store. I am using a Samsung Galaxy 5 running Android 5.0. If I print a page from my laptop using wireless to this printer, I can see the All-in-One application tracking my printer status so I know it can see the printer.  The app on the phone will show the status under the printer name going from Ready to Unavailable to Ready as a document is printed and then finished. I am printing directly with local WIFI and am not using the ePrint feature.

    Hello , Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I hope you have a pleasant experience here. I'd like to help you with the issues you are having printing from your Samsung Galaxy S5 to your HP Officejet Pro 8610 e-All-in-One printer. Firstly, do you have the printer plugged directly into a wall outlet? The printer has a power moderator built in, so if it is plugged into a power surge bar or battery backup it may be getting inconsistent power. This can cause all kinds of firmware glitches (like the printer status not being broadcast properly). If that doesn't immediately resolve the issue, please follow the steps below: Network Power Reset: Let's leave the router on and unplug the power cable (NOTE: Do not reset the router.), then do the same with the printer, and shut down the computer. After a full minute, plug the router back in, wait for it to fully power up, then plug the printer back in and wait for the wireless light to become solid. Once both the router and printer are on, go ahead and turn the computer back on. Doing this will refresh the network connection. Restore Network Defaults and Reconnect:  1. On the front panel of the printer, touch your wireless icon at the top2. Select Settings.3. Select Restore Network Defaults.4. Restart your printer.5. Once it's booted back up, touch the wireless icon again.6. Select Settings.7. Select Wireless Setup Wizard and follow the prompts to enter your wireless network details.8. Try enabling the web services again. Another thing I would suggest, would be to download the HP ePrint app, rather than the All-in-One Remote. The Remote is moreso suited for scanning to your phone from your product, so I would suggest trying the ePrint app (you can download it from the Play Store). If the issue persists after these steps, please answer the following questions so I'm better able to assist: Are you able to print reliably from any other devices on your network?What brand and model of router are you using?What is it that you are trying to print? (ie. E-mail, photo, document)What app are you printing from? (Some Android apps have a direct printing feature)I look forward to hearing back from you and working towards a resolution to this issue!Have a great weekend.

  • I have an HP Officejet 7210 all in one printer, have loaded Printer Pro to IPad, get successful test pages in the Print Pro App but can't print emails (or anything). error message is No AirPrinter found.  How can I get connected?

    I have an HP OfficeJet 7210 all in one printer, have loaded Printer Pro and had a successful test while in Printer Pro.  When I try to print and email I get NO AIR PRINTER message,  How can I connect my printer to my IPad and print emails.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    If you're using the Printer Pro app, you're not going to use AirPrint services.
    They are not the same thing.
    Are you using the 'Open In' option to get the email into Printer Pro for printing?
    Once installed, Printer Pro appears in the "Open In..." list on your device. This lets you print documents from Mail, Safari, ReaddleDocs and many other applications on your iPad that supports this function.
    Using "Open In..." approach you can print files from many popular online storages: Dropbox, MobileMe iDisk, GoogleDocs. It just a matter of several taps to download your file via free Dropbox, iDisk or Google Docs application and send it to printer.

  • Setting up service monitoring on a group of servers, but only alerting when the service is down on all servers

    Hey All -
    I have the need to monitor one service that exist on 3 servers, but the service only runs on one of the servers at a time, and the servers are not set up as a cluster.  Any ideas around how to accomplish this?

    Create a service monitor as previously described and then create a distributed application and add the new service monitor for all servers to a component group. Then set the health rollup to Best state of any member - I think that should work...
    Further details around DA's 
    Hope this helps..

  • Need a list of all services, processes and servers

    Hi experts,
    i'm totally new to this but i need a list of all services, processes and servers. Is there a easy way to get them?
    I try to create a tool where you are able to virtually shutdown servers and then you can see what happends to the services and processes. Hope someone can help me.
    btw - sorry for my english

    i'm not sure if you all understand what i'm trying to do so i'll ty to explain it
    first i'll try to explain how i understand SOA
    - there are several servers on which the services run
    - a service is only runnable if his server is active
    - a process consists of several services
    - if one of these services isn't runnable anymore the whole process isn't runnable too
    - there are user who use one or more processes
    - if one of the used processes is not able to run the user will be affected
    the tool i'm trying to write should automatically import the descriped information (server-, service-, process- and userlists) from a given SAP-Systemand then you can switch virtually a server to see which services, processes and user would be affected.
    This would be fine if you want to shut down a server for maintance work or something like that.
    so i hope you understand my problem and you are able to help me
    again i want to excuse for my english and my wimpy knowledge about the SOA Architecture of SAP

  • Exchange Friend Links with ShenTop - One-Stop Chinese goods Procurement Service

    Exchange Friend Links with ShenTop - One-Stop Chinese goods Procurement Service
    Home page: The applicant must meet the requirements below:
    1. PR value of 3 or more;
    2. Alexa ranking within 100,000;
    3. More than 1,000 collected by Google;
    Our Link Address:
    1. PR value of 3 or more;
    2. More than 30,000 collected by Google;
    3. Text Link: Hotel Supplies;
    Contact: Aries Liu
    Email:[email protected]
    Welcome [url]http://shentop.net[/url] -  One-Stop Chinese goods Procurement Service ;  Your satisfaction is our utmost priority. By offering you China's largest one stop shopping platform for commercial equipment, we hope we can satisfy all your needs, such as corporate culture exchange, entrepenuerial experiences and insights, hotel merchandise, lobby equipment commercial electronics, wine cellar inquiries, lamp, light, ceram, Please feel free to google Shentop.net
    If you want to be the next entrepreneurs,make you business more stronger in future,lower cost is necessary ,google shentop.net,you will find it.

    @ adobe-admin (J.C.?):
    Thanks for fixing the "backslash" error. Accuracy is important, and doubly so when presented as an F.A.Q.
    The sad thing is how prevalent the usage of "backslash" is when a plain old slash is meant (generally, the "forward" attribute is assumed and unneeded), and by people who should know better. It's a direct result of people knowing just barely enough about the Windows file path naming protocols, and then applying the only terminology they're familiar with incorrectly to URLs.
    I went about 10 rounds—TWICE!—with a labyrinthian succession of people at the Discovery & History cable TV networks because they were saying "backslash" in voice overs whenever their commercials promoted their websites. It took some doing, but I finally got in touch with somebody who was savvy enough to recognize that it was a rookie mistake made by a clueless marketing copywriter. The voice over person just read the copy they were given, oblivious to the difference. It amazes me that it wasn't caught by somebody early in the recording/production process and rectified.
    They then had it correct for about a year, until new commercials started popping up with the same error. Unfortunately, the person I had talked to previously no longer worked for the History channel and I had to go through the process of finding someone who understood all over again.
    Yeah, you can call me a nitpicker with nothing better to do.
    But I've earned that dang badge, and I wear it proudly!

  • My HP Deskjet 1510 All-in-One Prints Test Page But not emails or Web Pages, ect

    My Deskjet 1510 All-in-One Printer is Hooked up. All tests show a Green Arrow, It is Turned on, and Online. It will Print a TEST PAGE, but nothing else. I have Run the HP DR Support program several times to no avail. No Error Codes or Signs appear. It simply will NOT WORK other than printing a TESTPAGE or Scanning Copies on the Printer/Copy Machine. Please Help. I have been trying to get it to work for a week. It IS a New Printer. I have tried it on 2 seperate Computers which work well with other Brands of Printers. One Runs Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit, Acer Aspire Desktop. The Other a Dell T5400 running Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit . Printer is set as DEFAULT. ALL SOFTWARE is UPDATED AND INSTALLED. It says it is installed properly, and that it is Hooked up Properly, Yet it will NOT work properly. Thank you.

    Welcome to the HP Community , I read through your post about the printing issues you have been having, and I hope to help you! Seeing how the printer will make copies and test print tells us that the printer itself is fine and there is no hardware issues. However, seeing how printing from two different computers will not work, flags a software problem on the computers. Please try out the steps below and get back to me with the results and we will go from there. If you did not install the Full Driver, run the HP Printer Install Wizard for Windows to search and install the complete driver and software. This will need to run on both computers individually. Manually restart the print spoolers on the computers:1. Click Start
    2. Type "Services" in the search field.
    3. Open SERVICES
    4. At the bottom, click "Extended View"
    5. Search for Print Spooler
    6. Right-click it and choose Properties
    7. Select as Automatic in the drop down box, close the Window
    8. Right click on Print Spooler and choose "Stop", wait until it stops and then right click again and "Start".
    9. Close out of Services and try printing from Notepad.10. Try printing from a web browser now, if there is a problem with the print, try a different web browser.  Show thanks for my reply to help you today by hitting the "thumbs up" icon below!I hope to hear from you, good luck! 

  • Cmd biee service windows left only one after win. cumulative security patch

    Customer (3-5456748787) reported that the cmd obiee service windows left only one (instead of the usual two) after applying window cumulative security patches.
    No change was made to the shortcut Start BI Services and they like to find out why they are getting one cmd window now.
    Customer installed the 11115 environment using Simple Install option.
    Everything else is working fine as normal. Any idea why and what caused the cmd window to disappear?
    I can't find vcap image for 11115 Simple Install option. Anyone has one environment that I can verify this?

    Hi Teik,
    I could not check this as I do not have any environment at the moment, but I think this is due to the changes in the installation modes.
    If I am right, the "Start BI Services" through the windows start menu, starts the BI weblogic servers and then the opmn and the nqserver processes. In Simple mode, there is only one weblogic server (Admin Server) and there is only one command window.
    I am sorry if I got this wrong.
    Hope this helps.
    Thank you,

  • I have an HP Photosmart C7250 All-in-one - Test Report - The wireless radio is not functioning

    I have an HP Photosmart C7250 All-in-one and the wireless feature does not work.  When I try to go through the Wireless Setup WIzard, the Test Report indicates the following - "The wireless radio is not functioning.  Contact HP Support".  Can you help me?

    Let's reset the printer.  Turn it off, hold the # and 6 keys while turning it back on.  Go to Setup > Network > Wireless Network Test afterward to see if it worked.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • HP C6150 All-In-One Will Not Print Black Text But Does Partial Test Print

    Hi.  Thanks in advance for any help anyone can proffer.
    I've read through the forum and I think there are some similar issues, but none exactly the same as ours.
    This HP C6150 does print pictures, but suddenly stopped printing black text.
    HOWEVER, the test prints will print in black with the Windows Logo, but will not print any associated text.
    Odd.  It just suddenly stopped printing.
    C6150 All in One - No other problems for two years.
    Using refilled ink cartridges from outside source. (not my decision)
    Ink is full.  No other changes made in last three days.
    Troubleshooting Steps:
    Uninstalled and then re-installed software in entirety.
    Put in 'new' (refilled) cartridge for black and magenta.
    Tried (not sure if successful) soft reset.
    Tried cleaning the print cartridge with 'Q-Tip' and distilled water.
    Have not yet spent money on new OEM print cartridges.  That is next step unless other suggestions merit.
    It may be the refilled cartridges, but they've worked so well in the past.
    The cartridge prior to the recent replacement was working fine and was not yet out of ink.
    The print head might be damaged.  But this should/would affect all black printing and this is not the case.
    Were the driver corrupt, the reinstall should have fixed it ... you'd think.
    So, we're looking for some suggestions prior to going out and getting a new printer.
    Thanks again, in advance, for constructive non-judgmental suggestions.

    The likely cause is the black ink is not printing at all.  When printing graphics (like the Windows Test Page) black is made from mixing the color ink.  I would suggest printing an internal diagnostic test page as shown in this page.  Does the black block print?  If not then clean the printheads as described here.  
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

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