Text File Name

I need to rename target txt file to for e.g <ORG_ID_1>.<ORG_ID_2>.<FILE_ID>.<REQ_VER>.<DATE_TIME>.DAT
and I also need to add this file name as the first record in the target file within tag for example <TAG><ORG_ID_1>.<ORG_ID_2>.<FILE_ID>.<REQ_VER>.<DATE_TIME>.DAT</TAG>.
How can I do this. I understand I can use the FILEMOVE object to rename the file also I can user refresh variable but how can I use this variable in the interface and how can I insert the value of this variable as the first record in the file within TAG.

You can use 2 interfaces and the refresh variable, the first one just with the record (I´m assuming that you declare the "target file" with one column). Plus you need to change the Resource Name of your target file to "directory_tree/#VARIABLE" (however be the name of your variable)
Interface 1
a) put the variable in the field, set to execute the mapping in the target and then you don't need a source datastore
b) Use the IKM SQL TO FILE APPEND and create the first line
Interface 2
a) Create your normal interface (source and target) using the same IKM but use the append option.
In this way you will get a variable target file name and plus, it will be possible use the variable as first line.
Good luck

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    Please see problem description in this thread: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/489492?tstart=0

    Seconded. Currently, I don't use this variable in this way, but I can envisage future scenarios where it would be a problem.
    And it seems a strange thing to miss out on ... (why would an INDD file behave different?)

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    But i not onli want to display the file name on the Tomcat command prompt. I must also able to call up a program to execute the command. If i used System.out.println(); it onli display the value on the console windows. But not executing it... anyway where i can do it???.

  • Identifying text file names and importing on single Excel sheet

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    bunch of text files depending on user demands...
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    text files covering whole year):
    Option Explicit
    Sub SearchFiles()
    Dim file As Variant
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim myWB As Workbook
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Dim newWS As Worksheet
    Dim L As Long, t As Long, i As Long
    Dim StartDateL As String
    Dim EndDateL As String
    Dim bool As Boolean
    bool = False ' to check if other versions are present
    StartDateL = Format(Calendar1, "yyyymmdd")
    EndDateL = Format(Calendar2, "yyyymmdd")
    ' I am using Userform asking user to select the date and time range of interet,
    ' However, I want to use only the date to filter the files having the name with that particular date
    file = Dir("c:\myfolder\") ' folder with all text files
    ' I need assistance with the following part:
    '1) How to filter and select the files between StartDateL and EndDateL_
    '(including files with that dates as well)?
    While (file <> "")
    If InStr(file, StartDateL) > 0 Then 'Not sure if the statements inside parenthesis is correct
    bool = True
    GoTo Line1:
    End If
    file = Dir
    If Not bool Then
    file = "c:\myfolder\20130115033100DataLog.txt" 'Just for a test that the code works as intended
    End If
    'This part for the selected text files to be loaded on a single Excel Sheet.
    Set myWB = ThisWorkbook
    Set newWS = Sheets(1)
    L = myWB.Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    t = 1
    For x = 1 To UBound(file)
    Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=file(x), DataType:=xlDelimited, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=True, Space:=False, Comma:=False
    Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
    WB.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Copy newWS.Cells(t, 2)
    t = myWB.Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row + 1
    WB.Close False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Rows("1:1").Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
    End Sub

    - Make a new Excel file
    - Open the VBA editor
    - Add a Userform
    - Place 2 text boxes and 1 command button on that form
    - Paste all code below into the code module of the form
    - Download this file:
    - In the VBA editor press CTRL-M and import that file
    - Save the Excel file in the directory that contain your text files
    - Run the form
    You can format the columns of the sheet as you like, e.g. column E:H should be a number with 5 decimal places. The top row can contain some headings. My code did not affect the formatting or the headings.
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    'Just a sample
    Me.TextBox1.Value = FormatDateTime(Now, vbGeneralDate)
    Me.TextBox2.Value = FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortDate)
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date
    Dim FS As New FileSearch
    Dim R As Range
    Dim ThisFile As Variant
    Dim ThisDate As Date
    Dim Data As Variant
    Dim Count As Long
    'Be sure we have 2 dates
    If Not IsDate(Me.TextBox1.Value) Then
    MsgBox "No start date"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not IsDate(Me.TextBox2.Value) Then
    MsgBox "No end date"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Convert to real dates
    StartDate = CDate(Me.TextBox1.Value)
    EndDate = CDate(Me.TextBox2.Value)
    'Time part given?
    If Fix(EndDate) = EndDate Then
    'No include all files for this day
    EndDate = EndDate + TimeSerial(23, 59, 59)
    End If
    'Correct order?
    If StartDate > EndDate Then
    ThisDate = EndDate
    EndDate = StartDate
    StartDate = ThisDate
    End If
    With FS
    'Same path as our file
    .LookIn = ThisWorkbook.Path
    .FileName = "*DataLog.txt"
    'Search all files sort by file name
    If .Execute(msoSortByFileName, msoSortOrderAscending) = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No data files found in " & .LookIn
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Clear previous data
    Set R = Range("A2").CurrentRegion
    If R.Row < 2 Then Set R = R.Offset(1)
    'Show the user that we are working
    Application.Cursor = xlWait
    For Each ThisFile In .FoundFiles
    'Get the date from the file name
    ThisDate = Filename2Date(ThisFile)
    'Between our dates?
    If (ThisDate >= StartDate) And (ThisDate <= EndDate) Then
    'Import at the end of the data
    Set R = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
    Data = ReadCSV(ThisFile)
    R.Resize(UBound(Data) + 1, UBound(Data, 2) + 1) = Data
    Count = Count + 1
    End If
    End With
    Application.Cursor = xlDefault
    If Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No files match your dates"
    MsgBox Count & " files imported"
    'Hide the form
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Function Filename2Date(ByVal Fullname As String) As Date
    'Convert e.g "C:\20130601142648DataLog.txt" to the date "01.06.2013 14:26:48"
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    i = InStrRev(Fullname, "\")
    If i > 0 Then Fullname = Mid(Fullname, i + 1)
    Fullname = JustNumbers(Fullname)
    If Len(Fullname) <> 14 Then Exit Function
    Filename2Date = _
    DateSerial(Mid(Fullname, 1, 4), Mid(Fullname, 5, 2), Mid(Fullname, 7, 2)) + _
    TimeSerial(Mid(Fullname, 9, 2), Mid(Fullname, 11, 2), Mid(Fullname, 13, 2))
    End Function
    Private Function JustNumbers(ByVal What As String) As String
    'Return only numbers from What (by Rick Rothstein)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, Digit As String
    For i = 1 To Len(What)
    Digit = Mid$(What, i, 1)
    If Digit Like "#" Then
    j = j + 1
    Mid$(What, j, 1) = Digit
    End If
    JustNumbers = Left$(What, j)
    End Function
    Private Function ReadCSV(ByVal Fullname As String) As Variant
    'Read a CSV file into an array
    Const LDelim = vbCrLf 'Line delimiter
    Const FDelim = ";" 'Field delimiter
    Dim hFile As Integer
    Dim Buffer As String
    Dim Lines, Line, Data
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    'Be sure the file exists
    If Dir(Fullname) = "" Then Exit Function
    'Open and read all data
    hFile = FreeFile
    Open Fullname For Binary Access Read As #hFile
    Buffer = Space(LOF(hFile))
    Get #hFile, , Buffer
    Close #hFile
    'Split into lines
    Lines = Split(Buffer, LDelim)
    'Split the first line and prepare the output
    'Note: I assume that all lines have the same number of fields
    Line = Split(Lines(0), FDelim)
    ReDim Data(0 To UBound(Lines), 0 To UBound(Line))
    For i = 0 To UBound(Lines)
    Line = Split(Lines(i), FDelim)
    For j = 0 To UBound(Line)
    'Parse the fields
    If IsDate(Line(j)) Then
    Data(i, j) = CDate(Line(j))
    ElseIf IsNumeric(Line(j)) Then
    Data(i, j) = CDbl(Line(j))
    Data(i, j) = Line(j)
    End If
    ReadCSV = Data
    End Function

  • Add date to new text file name and generic text in body

    Okay, I hope this is the right forum. To help manage and keep track of incoming assets/files and I created an Automator workflow with the following: "Get Selected Finder Items → Get Folder Contents → New Text File (w/Show this action when the workflow runs so I can give a unique name).
    This creates a text file with the folder contents listed in the body.
    I would like to know if I can do two things:
    1. Automatically add a date/time stamp to the Save as field so it will automatically have a unique file name?
    2. I also want to add text before the listed contents within the text file. (e.g.: Let's say the folder contents are Volumes/Mac HD/Generic_movie.mov. I want the final text to read:
    "The following file has been moved to the local volume at: Volumes/Mac HD/Generic_movie.mov"
    Is there a way to accomplish either one or both of these with Automator or AppleScripts?

    I would like to know if I can do two things...
    This might address your first concern:
    *1) Get Selected Finder Items*
    *2) Get Folder Contents*
    *3) New Text File* -- select a destination folder and check *Show Action When Run*
    *4) Rename Finder Items:*
    Choose *Add Date or Time* from the popup
    Date/Time: select Created, Modified, or Current - Format: *Month Day Year*
    Where: *After name* - Separator: *Forward Slash*
    Separator: Space - check *Use Leading Zeros* (optional)
    *5) Rename Finder Items:*
    Choose *Add Text* from the popup
    Add: *" at"* -- put a leading space before "at" (without the quotes), and select *after name*.
    *6) Rename Finder Items:*
    Choose *Add Date or Time*
    Date/Time: Current - Format: *Hour Minute Second*
    Where: *After name* - Separator: Dash
    Separator: Space - check *Use Leading Zeros* (strongly recommended)
    +--- End of Workflow ---+
    Save the workflow as an application and use it as a droplet. Drop a desired folder onto the saved applet and enter a name when the dialog appears. The new text file, which will be found in the destination folder, should be appended with a date and time stamp, e.g., *"My Folder List 7/8/2010 at 23-54-09"*
    Tested using Mac OS 10.4.11 and Automator v. 1.0.5
    Good luck; hope this helps.

  • Preventing file extensions being added to variable text (File Name)-

    …when one imports one INDD file (v5 or 6) into another. We have the variable text specifications set to exclude file extensions. The .indd does not publish in the originating document.
    We use INDD import and the text variable "File Name" quite a lot.

    I think he's saying that when you open an ID doc, the filename variabe inside can be set to report just the name, but when you import that same doc into another ID doc, the filename variable shows the ".indd" extension.
    EDIT: Yes, that is (stupidly) how it seems to work. No idea how to fix it though. Suspect Adobe has to issue an update.

  • Select Correct Text File - Names Changing

    Eevery few hours my AS400 generates a text file. I am writing a program that will automatically take this file and convert it to an XML. The problem I am having is with the naming convention of the text file:
    "IR + 6 digit number which increments by one each time a file is generated + _ + The start date and time for the file +_to_ + end date and time for the file + .txt". For example IR000002_20070528141515_to_20070528170003.txt is the name of the second file generated which started at 14:15:15 on 28/05/2007 and ended at 17:00:03 on 28/05/2007.
    Each time my program runs I want it to read the latest file that has been generated. I know where the file will be found and how to select the file when it is generated with the same name each time but havnt a clue now that each file has a different name. Can anybody help? Can I use JFileChooser?

    You can use the lastModified() method of the File object to your benefit:
    import java.io.File;
    public class FindLatestFile {
            public static File getLatest(File thisDir) throws Exception {
                    long latestModDate = -1;
                    File latestFile = null;
                    if (!thisDir.isDirectory()) {
                            throw new Exception("Please pass in a directory.");
                    File[] fileList = thisDir.listFiles();
                    for (File f : fileList) {
                            if (f.lastModified() > latestModDate) {
                                    latestModDate = f.lastModified();
                                    latestFile = f;
                    return latestFile;
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                    try {
                            System.out.println("The latest file in the current directory is " +
                                            getLatest( new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") ) ) + ".");
                    } catch (Exception e) {

  • Adding own name in Receiver Text file in receiver FCC

    In my receiver file CC(using file content conversion)
    I want to add some names on the receiver text file name automatically.
    sender is R3 that is IDOC as MI.
    In that field called CURCY on one segment and country one segment.
    Now the receiver file name in FTP server (example)
    i want to get CURCY, COUNTRY field value on receiver file name in FTP server (it varies)

    I am getting error in my message monitoring like message are in HOLDING bec of mistake which i made in Receiver FILE CC
    as i said:
    I followed my help.sap.com link to do this req.
    In my receiver file CC(using file content conversion)
    I want to add some names on the receiver text file name automatically.
    sender is R3 that is IDOC as MI.
    In that field called CURCY on one segment and country one segment.
    Now the receiver file name in FTP server (example)
    i want to get CURCY, COUNTRY field value on receiver file name in FTP server (it varies)
    My message mapping is
    Source is IDOC occurence is 1
    Receiver File adapter: 0 to unbounded
    My message type on receiver is
    DT_Receiversub1 (under MT_receiver)
    COUNTRY (third value under DT_DT_Receiversub1)
    I have mentioned in receiver FILE CC advanced variable substitution like this:
    variable Name :    var1
    Reference:    payload:DT_Receiversub1,3
    I am not receiving my file in Receiver FTP server.
    The mesage are on HOLDING in message monitoring

  • Extract text file from a folder and read the content

    I have "n" no.of text files saved in a folder with automatically generated naming convention which include DD/MM/YYYY and also some measurement output value.
    Eg: 1) Die_1_DUT_outputvalue_DD_MM_YYYY.txt
        2) Die_1_DUT_outputvalue_DD_MM_YYYY_ABC.txt
    In the above files part of the 2nd file naming convention same as the first file (i.e. Die_1_DUT and DD_MM_YYYY) whereas outputvalue is different and an additional string named ABC is appended.
    Now I want to search the 2nd file based on matching the naming pattern with the 1st file (note: the outputvalue in the file name is different for both files) and so far followed this method
    1) Use a list folder with *.txt pattern to search all the text files and the output is a 1D array
    2) then use array to cluster and then flatten to XML function to have all the text file names as a string element (not 1D array)
    3) then pass the output of the 2nd step to the sting match pattern and use a regular expression to get the required file name
    4) send the output of the 3rd step to search 1D array to get the index and then get the file name and later use read text file to read the content of the text file
    And I am stuck at the 3rd step while sending an input as the regular expression to match the pattern as the outputvalue in the namming convention of the above two files is different is there any way I can actually extract the filename/file?
    Any suggestions?
    1.png ‏11 KB

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  • Help! Extra one line space in text file???

    halo, i am doing a program to download a created text file into pc... the download program is just retrieve records from database and write it into a text file... then i will pass that created text file name to another program, then it will prompt out the window message dialog box to allow user to save or to open the text file....
    now i want to know what will cause one extra line at the top of the downloaded text file??
    Here is my coding, assume the file name is file1...
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename=" + file2);
    int Read1;                              FileInputStream stream1 = null;                    try {                                   File f = new File("c:/mysql/data/mrs/download/" + file2);                    
         stream1 = new FileInputStream(f);               while ((Read1 = stream1.read()) != -1){               out.write(Read1);                         }//end while                              out.flush();                              }//end try</p>                                                                 finally {</p>                              if (stream1 == null){                    
         }//end if</p>
         }//end finally</p>

                                         response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=\"" +fileName);   
                                         OutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
                                         FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file);
                                         BufferedInputStream  bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
                                         InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(bufferedInputStream);
                                         int count;
                                         byte buf[] = new byte[4096];
                                         while ((count = inputStream.read(buf)) > -1)
                                              outputStream.write(buf, 0, count);

  • Where does this java program read a text file and how does it output the re

    someone sent this to me. its a generic translator where it reads a hashmap text file which has the replacement vocabulary etc... and then reads another text file that has what you want translated and then outputs translation. what i don't understand is where i need to plugin the name of the text files and what is the very first line of code?
    package forums;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    public class Translate {
    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
    if (args.length != 2) {
    System.err.println("usage: Translate wordmapfile textfile");
    try {
    HashMap words = ReadHashMapFromFile(args[0]);
    System.out.println(ProcessFile(words, args[1]));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // static helper methods
    * Reads a file into a HashMap. The file should contain lines of the format
    * "key\tvalue\n"
    * @returns a hashmap of the given file
    private static HashMap ReadHashMapFromFile(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    BufferedReader in = null;
    HashMap map = null;
    try {
    in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    String line;
    map = new HashMap();
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    String[] fields = line.split("\\t", 2);
    if (fields.length != 2) continue; //just ignore "invalid" lines
    map.put(fields[0], fields[1]);
    } finally {
    if(in!=null) in.close(); //may throw IOException
    return(map); //returning a reference to local variable is safe in java (unlike C/C++)
    * Process the given file
    * @returns String contains the whole file.
    private static String ProcessFile(Map words, String filename) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    BufferedReader in = null;
    StringBuffer out = null;
    try {
    in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
    out = new StringBuffer();
    String line = null;
    while( (line=in.readLine()) != null ) {
    out.append(SearchAndReplaceWordsInText(words, line)+"\n");
    } finally {
    if(in!=null) in.close(); //may throw IOException
    return out.toString();
    * Replaces all occurrences in text of each key in words with it's value.
    * @returns String
    private static String SearchAndReplaceWordsInText(Map words, String text) {
    Iterator it = words.keySet().iterator();
    while( it.hasNext() ) {
    String key = (String)it.next();
    text = text.replaceAll("\\b"+key+"\\b", (String)words.get(key));
    return text;
    * @returns: s with the first letter capitalized
    String capitalize(String s)
    return s.substring(0,0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);

    without what arguments?Without any arguments. If there are no arguments, there are no arguments of any kind. If you have a zoo with no animals in it, it's not meaningful to ask whether the animals which are not there are zebras or elephants.
    does it prompt me to give it a text file name?Apparently.
    when i run it this is all i get:
    usage: Translate wordmapfile textfile
    Press any key to continue...Right. And "wordmapfile" is almost certainly supposed to be a file that holds the word map, and "textfile" is almost certainly the file of text that it's going to translate.

  • Can we store procedure in a folder in text file using SQL QUERY

    I want to create a folder in D drive and give folder name as current date. After that create no. of text files based on how many procedure are,  text file name will be same as procedures name and insert a procedures inside the text files by using stored

    I want to create a folder in D drive and give folder name as current date. After that create no. of text files based on how many procedure are,  text file name will be same as procedures name and insert a procedures inside the text files by using stored
    You can use generate scripts wizard for this. It will by default give scripts in .sql format. You can then use a command line script to change all of them to .txt.
    Another option is to have SSIS package and use File SYstem Task to rename it to .txt
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Vote This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • Is it possible to output a report as a text file (.txt) in a Data Driven Subscription?

    Is it possible to create a Data Driven Subscription report as a text file output to a shared folder? Thanks.

    Hi Vicky:
    Thank you for your reply. I changed the config file in SSRS and it works. I managed to generate a text file with Data Driven Subscription as the report output in a shared folder. However is it possible not to have the "double quote" wrapping around
    the text. Do I need to modify the config file to remove the "double quote" and how. Thanks. 
    <Extension Name="XML" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.XmlDataReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering"/>
    <Extension Name="NULL" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.NullRenderer.NullReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.NullRendering" Visible="False"/>
    <Extension Name="CSV" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering"/>
    <Extension Name="PDF" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.PDFRenderer,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering"/>
    <Extension Name="TAB" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
    <Name Language="en-US">TAB (Tab Delimited Text File)</Name>
    <FieldDelimiter xml:space="preserve">[TAB]</FieldDelimiter>
    <Qualifier xml:space="preserve"></Qualifier>
    <Extension Name="RGDI" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.RGDIRenderer,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering" Visible="False" LogAllExecutionRequests="False"/>
    <Extension Name="HTML4.0" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.Html40RenderingExtension,Microsoft.ReportingServices.HtmlRendering" Visible="False" LogAllExecutionRequests="False"/>
    <Extension Name="MHTML" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.MHtmlRenderingExtension,Microsoft.ReportingServices.HtmlRendering"/>
    <Extension Name="EXCEL" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ExcelRenderer.ExcelRenderer,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ExcelRendering"/>
    <Extension Name="RPL" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.RPLRendering.RPLRenderer,Microsoft.ReportingServices.RPLRendering" Visible="false" LogAllExecutionRequests="false"/>
    <Extension Name="IMAGE" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.ImageRenderer,Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering"/>
    <Extension Name="WORD" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.WordRenderer.WordDocumentRenderer,Microsoft.ReportingServices.WordRendering"/>

  • Unix command to make list of file name

    Hi Gurus,
    I have seen post how to process multiple file from johngoodwin.blogspot.com.
    But what is the equlivalent command in unix to list all file names.
    I want one text file will contain all text file name and another text file will contain all csv filenames.
    Need some suggestion.Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi please follow below steps.
    vi yourfilename.sh
    then in edit mode put your command
    then save it by pressing esc : q (escape colon q)
    Now your file will be there. just run that script file in OS Command.But that file should be accessible or else give the full path for that script file.

  • How do I remove files names from my contact sheets in bridge?

    I'm creating a contact sheet in Bridge and I only want the pictures not the text file names on the final contact sheet.  How do I do this?

    I only want the pictures not the text file names on the final contact sheet.
    In the output panel are several options to select or deselect. In your case go the 'Overlays' and inhere deselect 'filename' and ' extensions' for not showing this info on your final contact sheet. You can also create a template when your final lay out is ready so you can easily return to this lay out when needed.

Maybe you are looking for