Text moves on publish

Since updating to 2014.0.1.30 my design and preview/publish sites don't match up.
Tested with Firefox, IE and Chrome.
When preview or publish, the text moves to the right of the screen. The text is not pinned or anything.
Everything works fine when publishing in the old 7.3 build 5.
As you can see in the three examples below the "next gallery" button moves to the right of the screen
In the preview, a second scroolbar shows up just under the pictures, besides the normal one that shows up on the bottom of the browser, I did not add this myself.
I want to use the new muse update but I can't really trust it to start editing my site in it.
The site is a simple horizontal scrolling portfolio website.
Please help
Thank you

I am actually very curious about the answer as well. Every time I try to publish a website my preview does not match with my design in Adobe Muse. See image below (just a random example I made ). Only made two rectangles and placed an image on the master page, that's it. The left image is my design in Adobe Muse, the right one is my preview.

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    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I just revisited your 'Schedule' page. If you pick "View Source" in the Safari 'View' menu you can see the HTML that iWeb built. The 'May 27' entry has one more 'space' char at its front that the 'May 26' entry. I don't see how that ever looks right whether in iWeb or a browser.
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    Thank you for your Reply.
    1. These elements are not on the Master Page because on the "About" page, two of the menu items are actually tooltips, not links, and on the other pages, they are text links.
    2. It happens in Preview as well.

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    Hi everyone,
    I'm really sorry for the delay. I took screenshots at each zoom where the type shifted. Here are the screenshots:
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    Did I ask what your connection to the internet is? You're uploading more than 2.8 megs just updating all your info so I'd imagine that should be fine. Does the file name have any special characters (anything other than letters numbers and one period?). The name shouldn't factor into it since a smaller .mov published, but again, this is a strange one so nothing can be ignored
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    If so, then it's starting to look more and more like something just doesn't like the fact that your movie is over 2 megs (since smaller movies WILL publish).

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    and thank you for the attenction.
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    Thank you very much.
    Best reguards.
    Stefano Bianchi

    Problem soved!
    You know what?
    You have to go in the Text propiety panel, select the "Anti
    Alias" menu, and - to mantain visibility of text in the swf movie -
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    Best things.

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    Well you heard wrong didn't you!
    Apple is discontinuing MobileMe, which is the hosting in favour of iCloud services which will not contain any hosting.
    iWeb is an app and as far as we know you can still continue to use it - it will still work so carry on using it if you are happy with it.
    If you want to look at other alternatives to iWeb, then others suggest RapidWeaver and Sandvox as being closer to iWeb - both are available via the Mac App store.
    Also Freeway Express and Flux 3 are worth looking at - more design freedom and you are not restricted to templates as with RapidWeaver.

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    Desktop view
    Smartphone view

    You can do it if you remove 2 <p> and replace it with just 1 <p> for both img and text. But, this is not recommended.
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    Add an all black image file sized 1280X720 (scaled) to the entire text track movie.
    Adjust the text track dimensions or scale it in the Movie Properties window to move it from the edge of the image track.

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    Thanks for your help.

    Are you using the default iWeb nav-bar that is created in Javascript and there for defaults to web-safe colours? I would get rid of it and create my own (it is very easy). Not only will this help with your problem but it will also improve the ability for search engine spiders to crawl your site as the links will be in HTML not javascript.
    DISCLAIMER: I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Go into iWeb and check that your text boxes are not overlapping each other. If they are, this can cause problems when publishing. Check that they do not overlap and re-publish and see what happens then.

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    Please help!!!!

    The movie is overlapping the footer. Go to the Inspector/Page/Layout pane and increase the height of the content of each movie page by 100 pixels, publish and try again.
    Click to view full size
    You can see the overlap by typing Command+A while viewing the movie page in Safari.

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    Now, when I have some text in a text box, or some images, and try to place a new image next to it, it causes the existing items to move!
    Please help me fix this, I'm desperate!

    To adjust the positioning of an object, tap on it to select, then tap the formatting icon (paint brush), tap Arrange and select the relational position you wish to use.
    This might help: http://help.apple.com/pages/ipad/2.2/#/tand6205cf6d

  • Div text moves

    Hi all... I'm running dreamweaver cs4. I'm having a problem
    with a div... I inserted a "draw ap div tag" and entered my text
    and it is exactly where I want it.. However, when I preview it in
    my browser, the text has moved... why would this happen?? Thanks in
    advance guys!!!

    Be aware that this page is a bit long in the tooth. I am
    waiting on my
    "round toit" to arrive so I can rewrite the LAWS. 8)
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "bregent" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gkp351$abt$[email protected]..
    > Absolutely positioned divs don't move - everything is
    moving around it.
    > This is
    > one of the best reasons not to use AP Divs for layout.
    You should only use
    > ap
    > divs once you understand how they work, and then use
    them only for
    > specific
    > functions.

  • Is it posible to make a figure or text move across the slide?

    i am using KN3 and need to know if is posible to move a figure or text across a slide.
    For instance, a textbox start on left upper corner and then it moves to right lower corner?
    it is possible to do?
    thanks in advance

    Steve Jobs did showcase that capability in his last address "It's Showtime". I am sure it will find its way into Keynote 4, due out in January (presumably). In the mean time, the only work around I can think of is as follows:
    Make five or more duplicates of the text you are trying to move
    1) Make your first copy of the text appear in the upper left.
    2) Introduce the next copy of the text slightly lower ad to the right with "dissolve in" at the same time as the first text dissolves out.
    3) Introduce the third copy of the text even lower and to the right with "dissolve in" at the same time as the second text copy dissolves out.
    4) Repeat this procedure until the last copy of the text "dissolves in" in the desired final location.
    The more copies of the text you make, and the less the distance between the two text boxes, will yield a smoother transition, creatiing the effect that the text box is moving.
    I did that recently with an image in a presentation and it looked quite nice. I used twelve copies to move an image from the left to the right

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