Text on a curve or circle

After three years away from Director, in the 3D world, I am
back working on a Director project again. It feels like I am
getting re-aquainted with an old friend. There is lots of catching
up to do.
My question is: How can I display text on a curve or circle.?
I remember that there used to be an Xtra that allowed this but I
can't find it. A search of previous post suggested using Flash. A
solution that uses imaging lingo would be useful since the text
will be rendered as a texture on a 3D object.
Thanks for your help.

Some times ago, I posted a script putting text on a circle.
It is a long one so I offer that you send a mail to:
to use this “crypted” mail address:
change PERIOD to .
change AT to @
change PERIOD to .
and please, don’t put the true address in a forum’s message.
I will be able to send you the script as an attachment.
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE 4 octobre 2005 16:40:51)

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    Pages doesn't have the ability to do it automatically, but you could do it manually with individual text boxes. The easiest way would be to use Art Text 2 by Belight Software to create the image & then insert it into Pages. There is a free "lite" version available in the Mac App Store.

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi dslemusp,
    You can use the global variable "CGI" in a DIAdem expression to supply the Current Group Index of the curve being plotted (even in expansion mode).  I prepared an example for you that shows this and attached it below.
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments
    dslemusp.zip ‏117 KB

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    PeterBreis0807 wrote:
    Indeed I will, for the benefit of +you amateurs+ who wouldn't know the difference between a drawing program and a burnt stick.
    I perfectly knows the difference between ArtText and vectorial programs.
    Just wish to say that ArtText is able to fit the needs of many users even if so called 'professionals' may laugh.
    During years, so called 'professionals' where laughing in front of AppleWorks
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 11 septembre 2009 10:11:11

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    Go to Solution.

    You enter them as you would on a keyboard....   such as a : ) for a smile, for sad, ;-) for a wink.
    SMS is text-only. Some mobile devices convert those to actual images, the BlackBerry does not.
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    Go to Solution.

    I have finally found a work around for this problem. I adapted the advice from the link here: 
    To clarify I was using a BB9300 3G Curve, with BB OS 6, with the latest BB Desktop version, running on a Mac Book Pro.
    You need to wipe the phone and reinstall the operating system for the handset in a way that possibly flashes the RAM on the phone, as it appears a large batch of phones were shipped with this bug.
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    2. Empty the Recycling/'Trash' Bin
    3. Remove the battery from your Blackberry and then connect to your machine via USB cable. The phone will display a battery with a red cross. The Desktop software should launch after the phone is connected.
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    Ofcourse Illustrator can do type on curve, and has many options.  Tell her to zoom in close if she is a new user, as she may be missing the path with the tool. I highlighted the correct tool below, incase she is usiong for example the area type tool mistakedly.
    The trial is a full working version, until expiration.

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    >...my printer needs the text converted to curves since they don't have the font that I used.
    Text is made of straight lines and curves. Your statement just doesn't make any sense.
    What I suspect is that your printer wants all
    type converted to
    outlines. If so, the information contained in the first two responses here (plus, perhaps, a little reading of the help file) should tell you all you need to know.

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    The help text icon is a grey circle with a question mark in it, which displays to the right of the page item.
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    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Look at your item label template

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    Kat in Canada

    You can try below two options and see if it does what you want
    - Use Text on Path Tool. For more info refer
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshopelements/using/WS287f927bd30d4b1f-deece6d12e28b17def- 7fff.html#WS5b9a9ff298eb77cc-1da27bd8130558d3d3c-7ffe
    -Other option would be to use text warp. See this video related to this

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    How to curve the text more precisely ?

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    and text curved in an arc across the top, but on the bottom of the
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    Fairly easy ...
    ..Trent Pastrana
    "leslieann1234" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ecr1im$2fd$[email protected]..
    > How can I have text curving inside my logo? I have an
    oval and text curved
    > in
    > an arc across the top, but on the bottom of the oval I
    want the text to be
    > curved in the form of a smiley face. Any suggestions?

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