Text sending duplicate text automatically

My phone sometimes (often) sends the same text a few seconds after I text the original. Any ideas why this might be happening and how to fix it?

I know how frustrating it can be to get duplicate messages, as it has happened to me too! It's most commonly a temporary issue, however continual concerns with this can caused by many variables like apps, software, network provisioning and more. I recommend erasing the entire messaging conversation then power cycling the phone. If the issue persists, its best to contact us directly or you can message me for assistance.
Thank you!

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    Lets stop the maddness so your friends only get signal messages when you send them. I know you moved from the Maxx to the M8. Did this start right away with the M8 or did it take a little bit of time? Do you use the native Messaging app that came with the phone or one that was downloaded from the Play Store?
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    You could try your sim in another phone and see if the same thing happens,most likely its your provider at fault here.
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
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    Can you check a couple of things?
    1. mentioned that the specific recipient wants plain text in Tools | Address book... 'prefers to receive mesages formatted as 'Plain Text' and click on OK to save changes.
    Is there a conflict..Have you checked that there is only one entry for that person. They are not somewhere else in another address book like Collected Addresses etc.
    re: 'Yet, the outgoing message is visualised as HTML both in my Thunderbird outbox and in the receiving inbox on a webmail system'
    2. Edit | Preferences | Composition | Send Options
    * Under 'Text Format' section. Have you selected to send emails as:
    * ''''Send the message in both Plain text and HTML''''
    * Then click on OK to save send options.
    * then click on ok to save Options.
    3. Edit | Account Settings | <account name > | Composition & addressing
    If you uncheck 'compose messages in HTML' and then click on OK to save changes, this will only allow you to compose messages in Plain Text.
    If you have this selected so that you can compose in html and also have set the option (see 2 above) to send the email as both HTML and Plain Text AND set the address book contact to prefer to receive Plain Text, then they should get Plain Text.
    You can select to 'compose messages in HTML' in the Account Settings as stated above, but you can swap to Plain Text for a specific email by holding down 'Shift' key and clicking on 'Write' button.
    Providing the settings (see 2 above) are set to actually ''send'' in both html and Plain text, you could send this to yourself and receive a plain text message no matter what the settings under 'View' > 'Message body As'.

  • How do I edit or remove text automatically added to a DITA layout?

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    I've been playing with the "New" DITA task/reference/concept templates as they open, and I'm troubled to see that text automatically appears in some places and I can't edit it or delete it. For instance, an <info> tag adds the text "ADDITIONAL INFORMATION". We may not want that text to appear in our layouts, or we may want to change it. At the very least, I'll need to demonstrate that I have control over text like this. 
    I've looked through Reference Pages, EDDs, DTDs, INIs, and several other places, and I can't nail down the source of the (potentially) unwanted text. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Hi ohnehosen...
    These strings are defined in the EDD, as autonumber text in the paragraph style, or on the reference pages. It sounds like you've checked all those places, but they *are* there. One problem that you may be running into with FM11 is that you're likely using DITA 1.2, and for DITA 1.2 there is a separate structure application for each topic type. That means you'll have different EDDs and templates to search through. If you modify an EDD you'll be needing to import that into the corresponding template.
    I strongly suggest that instead of modifying the default structure apps, you first clone the defaults to names of your own. Then you modify your custom apps and leave the default apps available unmodified for testing. You *will* break the apps at some point (everyone does), and without the default unmodified apps available for testing.
    If you don't need the DITA 1.2 model, you might consider using the DITA 1.1 apps, which (I believe) are just one app for all topic types.
    OR .. if you want a far simpler and reliable option for PDF publishing from DITA, you might check out DITA-FMx. This is a product that I sell, but it provides enhanced DITA authoring and publishing tools in FrameMaker ..
    Scott Prentice
    Leximation, Inc.

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    Message was edited by: Sarika Kedia

    Hi sarika,
    Welcome to SDN.
    1. first of all, such display of text,
       is not automatic.
       (it appears to be automatic)
    2. At design time,
       a) take one extra field for text
         and mark it as OUTPUT ONLY
    3. Then in PBO coding,
        call some module, and in that module
        write code
    4. The code should be to
       select from TEXT Table
       into the work area.
    CLEAR t510a.
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM t510a INTO t510a
      WHERE trfar = FIELVALUE.
    5. This will take care of
       displaying the text value of that field.
    amit m.

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    when I run the scrip,Overflow text can auto Typesetting to the next page?
    thankS Supreme~

    Here's the script I use. Notice the complications getting the live area when other than rulers per spread is employed. The script automatically selects the final selection point in the story and moves to that page in the active window.
    //DESCRIPTION: Autoflow selected overset story
              if (app.documents.length > 0
                                  && app.selection.length == 1
                                  && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("parentStory")
                                  && app.selection[0].parentStory.overflows) {
                        app.doScript(fixOverset, undefined, app.selection[0].parentStory, UndoModes.entireScript, "Fix Overset");
              } else {
                        alert("There must be a selection that identifies the overset story.");
              function fixOverset(story) {
                        while (story.overflows) {
                                  var aDoc = story.parent;
                                  var lastTF = story.textContainers.pop();
                                  var lastPage = lastTF.parentPage;
                                  if (lastPage instanceof Page == false) {
                                            alert("Story ends on pasteboard; no action taken.");
                                  var master = lastPage.appliedMaster;
                                  var newPage = aDoc.pages.add(LocationOptions.after, lastPage);
                                  newPage.appliedMaster = master; // may not be necessary
                                  var liveArea = getLiveBounds(newPage);
                                  var newTF = newPage.textFrames.add({geometricBounds : liveArea, layer : lastTF.itemLayer});
                                  newTF.previousTextFrame = lastTF;
                                  if (newTF.insertionPoints.length == 0
                                                      && lastTF.insertionPoints.length == 0) {
                                            // allows for paragraph style with startParagraph on specific page side
                                            alert("Story is permanently overset.");
              function getLiveBounds(page) {
                        var rO = page.parent.parent.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin;
                        var bounds = page.bounds;
                        if (rO == RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin) return returnBounds(page, bounds);
                        var width = bounds[3] - bounds[1];
                        if (rO == RulerOrigin.spineOrigin &&
                                            (page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ||
                                                      (page.side == PageSideOptions.rightHand &&
                                                                page.parent.pages.length > 1)) ||
                                  (rO == RulerOrigin.pageOrigin &&
                                            page.side == PageSideOptions.rightHand &&
                                                      page.parent.pages.length > 1)) {
                                            bounds[1] = bounds[1] - width;
                                            bounds[3] = bounds[3] - width;
                        return returnBounds(page, bounds);
                        function returnBounds(page, bounds) {
                                  return [
                                            page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ?
                                                      bounds[1] + page.marginPreferences.right :
                                                      bounds[1] + page.marginPreferences.left,
                                            bounds[2] - page.marginPreferences.bottom,
                                            page.side == PageSideOptions.leftHand ?
                                                      bounds[3] - page.marginPreferences.left :
                                                      bounds[3] - page.marginPreferences.right
               function selectIt(theObj) {
                        var myZoom = app.activeWindow.zoomPercentage;
                        app.activeWindow.zoomPercentage = myZoom;

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    I have been sending duplicate emails inadvertantly recently.  It seems it's when I use mBox for mac (registered copy) in Mail to use my Hotmail with IMAP.
    I hadn't noticed it at first, but now I see everytime I send a mail I get 2 copies in my sent box.  I can turn off the store sent messages on server option to fix it (but that's the whole point of having IMAP!!), or I can turn off mBox for mac and it also seems to work (but then I can't use IMAP!).    I've also tried on the same machine from gmail, and iCloud accounts (MobileMe), and I had no issue at all.  I've also tried 2 different Hotmail accounts, and both of them send double messages every time I send. 
    I've searched for a loooooong time, and can't find anyone with a similar issue - but surely I'm not the only one?  I think anyone still using a hotmail account will eventually install something like mBox for mac if they've gone Mac recently - as I have.
    I checked the mail headers of the 2 mails, and they are quite different (masked where appropriate) -
    Mail 1 -
              From:   xxxxx <[email protected]>
              Subject:           Test 19th
              Date:           May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
              To:   yyyyy <[email protected]>
      Content-Type:           text/plain
      Content-Transfer-Encoding:           7bit
              X-Smtp-Server:           smtp.live.com:[email protected]
              X-Universally-Unique-Identifier:           fb14cd4f-e68c-43fa-8d0b-950df8394fde
              Message-Id:           <[email protected]>
              Mime-Version:           1.0 (Apple Message framework v1278)
    Mail 2 -
              From:   xxxxx <[email protected]>
              Subject:           Test 19th
              Date:           May 29, 2012 12:06:19 AM GMT+08:00
              To:   yyyyy <[email protected]>
              X-Originating-Ip:           [zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz]
              X-Originating-Email:           [[email protected]]
              Message-Id:           <[email protected]>
              Received:           from [] ([zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz]) by BLU0-SMTP71.phx.gbl over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Mon, 28 May 2012 09:06:21 -0700
      Content-Type:           text/plain
      Content-Transfer-Encoding:           7bit
              Mime-Version:           1.0 (Apple Message framework v1278)
              X-Mailer:           Apple Mail (2.1278)
              X-Originalarrivaltime:           28 May 2012 16:06:21.0350 (UTC) FILETIME=[D2B26460:01CD3CEB]
    I'm surprised I can't find anyone else with a similar issue.  I've submitted a support ticket with mBox/fluent factory, but I'm still not convinced it's their issue, and possibly a Mail on Mac issue.
    Does anybody have any suggestions?  Thanks for your help!

    @ Kokola
    Great staff!!! MBox Fluent Factory is very poor app.
    I was having problem with duplicated sent emails and cleaning up my inbox, sent items and deleting emails. Try to contact them via email for over 3 months and never got a reply!
    I just used the suggested configuration and my Entourage (email app for MAC) is working perfetcly. I can visualise all my online folders now!
    Thank you so much!
    mBox never addressed the issue and the duplicated emails reached new levels of annoyance but the good thing is that Hotmail and Outlook.com finally rolled out support for IMAP.
    Incoming Mail Server: imap-mail.outlook.com
    Outgoing Mail Server: smtp-mail.outlook.com
    No more duplication issues once you switch over, and no need for a third party (mBox)software to bridge the missing feature gap.

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    I am using FCPX 10.1.3. with Yosemite, and want to duplicate my project and its complete resources to a different hard drive.  When I click "duplicate", it automatically duplicates the project in its current hard drive, unlike the previous FCPX that gave you options. How do duplicate to a different hard drive?

    Since projects are now stored in events and events are stored in libraries, you need to create a new l;bray on that different drive or open an existing library on that drive. Then duplicate your project and move it to the new library. It will copy the media. Then use the Consolidate Project File command to round up any external assets; there may or may not be any.

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    At this time FormsCentral does not have the ability to send the PDF in the "Email Reciept", you can set up Email Reciepts to send the form filler a reciept with the form data, but it does not attach a PDF of the form. 
    FormsCentral is not compatible with Web Merge.

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  • Reimaging Computers and SCCM sending duplicate updates

    We image computers with Ghost and use the same computer name they originally had on the network once they are imaged.
    The intent of the latest image is to be fully updated to this point before it is pushed (Via Ghost) to the computers.
    We fully updated the image and pushed it out to a few test PC's and we are using computer names that are already on the Domain and in SCCM.
    The problem is SCCM thinks that our imaged computers need updates.
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    We want to assure that the images are updated and SCCM isnt pushing duplicates to the boxes.
    My guess is that SCCM believes it is talking to the old system vs the new one with the updates.
    Does anyone have any insight on how to fix this.
    Thank you in advance.

    The problem is SCCM thinks that our imaged computers need updates.
    This is really a question for the Configuration Manager Software Updates forum..
    but why do YOU think that a NEWLY IMAGED system would not need updates?
    I believe these updates are ones that the computers didnt get before they were imaged
    I'm intensely inclined to concur. Unless you made that image since Tuesday, August 13th, it's *impossible* that the image would be fully patched! Ergo any system built from that image is, by definition, NOT fully patched and WILL need more patches.
    We want to assure that the images are updated and SCCM isnt pushing duplicates to the boxes.
    Whether the images are updated or not has absolutely nothing to do with Software Updates.
    As for duplicate patches.. for almost 20 years Windows Update and it's associated enterprise products, all based on the Windows Update Agent, have successfully patched systems without sending duplicate updates to a client -- not ONCE! Why would you be concerned
    that an architecture that's existed for over a dozen years might suddenly screw your environment up when it hasn't done so in the previous dozen years? :-)
    My guess is that SCCM believes it is talking to the old system vs the new one with the updates.
    I think you're overthinking the situation. Your guess is totally inaccurate. A *NEW* system has a *NEW* identifier (GUID), and it's impossible to confuse a newly imaged system with a previously existing system.
    The *OLD* system, at worse, is orphaned in Configuration Manager and needs to be deleted.
    Does anyone have any insight on how to fix this.
    So your assumption is that it's broken???
    Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCSA, MCITP:EA, MCDBA
    SolarWinds Head Geek
    Microsoft MVP - Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing (2005-2014)
    My MVP Profile: http://mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/mvp/Lawrence%20R%20Garvin-32101
    The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of SolarWinds.

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