TextEdit background color

I C&P'd some text into a TextEdit page and it came out like this:
Can I change the background color? I know how to change text color, and I know I could change it to plaintext, but can the background be changed in rich text?

Can't be done. TextEdit will let you apply such changes while you have a plain text document open, even though it shouldn't. Save the file, close and reopen it, and you'll see anything you've done is gone and will display again as exactly what the file is; plain text.
Even using rich text as your default document type, you can pick a particular font to use as the default, but you can't set a color. The preferences will also let you set a font as the default for plain text, but only you will see the files that way since the font info is not written into the document. Anyone who receives your plain text files will see the font as whatever their default is.

Similar Messages

  • TextEdit Default Font/Background Color

    I'm hoping to set TextEdit to have all new plain text documents open with a specific font and background color.  When I make changes in the New Document tab of the application's preferences, clicking the "Change…" button by "Plain text font" allows me to set the display font, but any choices I make regarding colors seem to be completely ineffectual.  I could not find anything in other threads on the forum that would yield a solution.  Any advice?

    Can't be done. TextEdit will let you apply such changes while you have a plain text document open, even though it shouldn't. Save the file, close and reopen it, and you'll see anything you've done is gone and will display again as exactly what the file is; plain text.
    Even using rich text as your default document type, you can pick a particular font to use as the default, but you can't set a color. The preferences will also let you set a font as the default for plain text, but only you will see the files that way since the font info is not written into the document. Anyone who receives your plain text files will see the font as whatever their default is.

  • Custom Styles in TextEdit - Background Highlighting

    Hi, I defined a custom/'favorite' style for use in TextEdit which applies yellow background highlighting to selected text. (The style was added to the GlobalPreferences.plist file, as I'm on Snow Leopard). The issue is that when I highlight text and apply this style, it overrides any prior formatting like bold, italic, or underline, and reverts the selection to plain text when applying the background highlighting.
    I understand this is mechanically correct, because my user-defined Highlight style induces [plain text + yellow background color]. My question is this: is there any way to modify my defined style to preserve the original formatting of the text, adding only the background color without modifying the pre-existing text attributes? Basically I would like my bold, italic, underline, strikethroughs, font size, etc. to be preserved when applying a background color to selected text.
    For reference, I defined the style by electing to 'add to favorite styles' a selection from one of the similarly pre-formatted rich text files that's available, and did NOT include the font or the ruler as part of the style. I understand that I could create separate favorite styles for highlight+bold, highlight+italic, highlight+underline, highlight+strikethrough, highlight+[each font size], and all combinations thereof, but applying each different style to each subsection of text would be as cumbersome as reformatting each subsection as +bold, +italics, etc. after the highlight it applied and text style is reverted to default.
    I have extracted the NSFavoriteStyles section from the ~/Library/Preferences/GlobalPreferences.plist file and located the style I defined, it appears like this:
    Highlighter =     {
            NSBackgroundColor = <62706c69 73743030 d4010203 04050615 16582476 65727369 6f6e5824 6f626a65 63747359 24617263 68697665 72542474 6f701200 0186a0a3 07080f55 246e756c 6cd3090a 0b0c0d0e 5624636c 6173735c 4e53436f 6c6f7253 70616365 554e5352 47428002 10014831 20312030 2e3200d2 10111213 5a24636c 6173736e 616d6558 24636c61 73736573 574e5343 6f6c6f72 a2121458 4e534f62 6a656374 5f100f4e 534b6579 65644172 63686976 6572d117 1854726f 6f748001 08111a23 2d32373b 41484f5c 6264666f 747f8890 939caeb1 b6000000 00000001 01000000 00000000 19000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 b8>;
    What would I need to add to this string to retain existing text formatting when applying the style? It should be possible, as applying the 'Underline' style does not override an existing 'Bold' style, for example, but I don't see any commands in those styles that supplement the information that appears in my defined 'Highlighter' style.
    I also understand this may be pre-Lion specific, as I've heard the TextEdit program is now sandboxed in such a way as to prevent the definition of new styles. I'll have to try on my Mountain Lion machine when I have a chance. I appreciate any help, thanks!

    It's been a while and I'm not sure you're still listenting to or interested in this.
    Anyway I finally had some time to play with and come up with an implementation via system services.
    There are three files to make the service, whose codes are listed below.
    • main.m (wrapper executable)
    • main.rb (service body)
    • make (bash script to make .service from source)
    # Recipe
    1) Create the three plain text files (in utf8) by copy-pasting codes listed below and place them loose in a new directory, e.g., ~/Desktop/work.
    2) Issue the following commands in Terminal, which yield a package named TextHighlightServices.service in ~/Desktop/work.
    * You need to have gcc installed, which comes with Xcode.
    cd ~/Desktop/work
    chmod ug+x make
    3) Move the TextHighlightServices.service to ~/Library/Serivecs
    4) Log out and log in to let the new service be recognised.
    (This may not be necessary for .service, but I'd play for safety. Also you may use the following command in Terminal instead of re-login, if necessary:
    # in 10.5
    # in 10.6
    /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs -flush
    5) Done.
    # Usage
    If everything goes well, you'll see two services named "Text Highlight - Add" and "Text Highlight - Remove" in Services menu in TextEdit when you select some text in rich text mode. (In 10.6, services only appear in its applicable context, while in 10.5, they may yet appear in non-applicable context and be grayed-out.)
    Invoke the serivces on selected rich text via menu or keyboard shortcuts and see if it works. Keyboard shortcuts are currently defined as Command-9 for highlight and Command-0 for unhighlight.
    You may change the menu item names, keyboard shortcuts and highlight colour by changing the values in the #properties section at the beginning of make file. (Or you may directly edit Info.plist file in the package. But 'make' is instant and it'll be faster to re-make the package than to edit it manually)
    # Notes
    • Highlight and unhighlight are implemented as two services and you cannot assign one keyboard shortcut, e.g., Command-Y to both to toggle highlight state. (One 'toggle highlight service' is possible but you need to re-write the code as such)
    • Keyboard shortcut is case-sensitive. E.g., J means Command-Shift-j.
    • If keyboard shortcut is ignored, it is most likely that the key is already used for something else.
    • This service is written to terminate itself if idle for ca. 20 seconds. It will be re-launched on demand. To keep the service running is not a problem, usually, but I noticed this rubycocoa code constantly uses ca 1.1% CPU and decided not to let it waste energy. If you rewrite the code in Objective-C proper, it would be 0.0% CPU usage in idle.
    • Tested with 10.5.8 and 10.6.5.
    # Files
    // file
    //     main.m
    // function
    //     wrapper executable to run Contents/Resources/main.rb
    // compile
    //     gcc -framework RubyCocoa -o PROGNAME main.m
    #import <RubyCocoa/RBRuntime.h>
    int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
        return RBApplicationMain("main.rb", argc, argv);
    # file
    #     main.rb
    # function
    #     to provide text highlight services
    require 'osx/cocoa'
    include OSX
    class Services < NSObject
        attr_reader :last_invoked
        def init()
            @last_invoked = NSDate.date
        # utility method
        def highlight_pboard_colour(option, pboard, colr)
            # int option : 0 = remove bg colour, 1 = add bg colour
            # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
            # NSColor colr : background colour for highlight
            raise ArgumentError, "invalid option: #{option}" unless [0,1].include? option
            @last_invoked = NSDate.date
            # read rtf data from clipboard
            rtf = pboard.dataForType('public.rtf')
            # make mutable attributed string from rtf data
            docattr = OCObject.new
            mas = NSMutableAttributedString.alloc.objc_send(
                :initWithRTF, rtf,
                :documentAttributes, docattr)
            rase ArgumentError, "zero-length rtf is given" if mas.length == 0
            # add or remove background colour attribute
            r = NSMakeRange(0, mas.length)
            if option == 1
                    :addAttribute, NSBackgroundColorAttributeName,
                    :value, colr,
                    :range, r)
            elsif option == 0
                    :removeAttribute, NSBackgroundColorAttributeName,
                    :range, r)
            # make rtf data from mutable attributed string
            rtf = mas.objc_send(
                :RTFFromRange, r,
                :documentAttributes, docattr)
            # write rtf data to the clipboard
                :declareTypes, ['public.rtf'],
                :owner, nil)
                :setData, rtf,
                :forType, 'public.rtf')
        # service method 1 : highlight rtf
        def highlight_userData_error(pboard, udata, error)
            # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
            # NSString *udata : space delimited string of red, green, blue, alpha components to define background colour
            # NSString **error
            # set background colour from given user data
            r, g, b, a = udata.to_s.split(/\s+/).map {|x| x.to_f}
            colr = NSColor.objc_send(
                :colorWithCalibratedRed, r,
                :green, g,
                :blue, b,
                :alpha, a)
            # add background colour to rtf
            self.highlight_pboard_colour(1, pboard, colr)
        # register ruby method as objc method
        objc_method(:highlight_userData_error, 'v@:@@^@')
        # service method 2 : un-highlight rtf
        def unhighlight_userData_error(pboard, udata, error)
            # NSPastedBoard *pboard : pasteboard passed via service
            # NSString *udata : space delimited string of red, green, blue, alpha components to define background colour
            # NSString **error
            self.highlight_pboard_colour(0, pboard, nil)
        # register ruby method as objc method
        objc_method(:unhighlight_userData_error, 'v@:@@^@')
    class AppDelegate < NSObject
        def init()
            @services = Services.alloc.init
            @timer = NSTimer.objc_send(
                :timerWithTimeInterval, 5.0,  # periodic check interval [sec]
                :target, self,
                :selector, :idle,
                :userInfo, nil,
                :repeats, true)
            @TTL = 20.0  # time to live in idle [sec]
        def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notif)
                :addTimer, @timer,
                :forMode, NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
        def applicationShouldTerminate(sender)
        def idle(timer)
            if @services.last_invoked.timeIntervalSinceNow < -@TTL
    def main
        app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
        delegate = AppDelegate.alloc.init
    if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME    # = if this file is the primary ruby program currently executed
    # file
    #    make
    # function
    #    to make PROGNAME.service package from main.m and main.rb
    export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8
    # properties
    HIGHLIGHT_MENU_ITEM="Text Highlight - Add"
    UNHIGHLIGHT_MENU_ITEM="Text Highlight - Remove"
    HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR="1.0 1.0 0.6 1.0" # R B G A in [0.0, 1.0]
    # make package directories
    rm -rf "${PROGNAME}".service
    mkdir -p "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/{MacOS,Resources}
    # make PkgInfo
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}.service/Contents/PkgInfo"
    # make Info.plist
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Info.plist
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
    # make version.plist
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/version.plist
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
    # make ServicesMenu.strings
    mkdir -p "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
    cat <<EOF > "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ServicesMenu.strings
    /* Services menu item to highlight or unhighlight the selected text */
    # copy *.rb in Contents/Resoures
    ditto *.rb "${PROGNAME}".service/Contents/Resources/
    # compile wrapper executable
    gcc -framework RubyCocoa -o "${EXECPATH}" main.m
    It is fun to play with rubycocoa.
    And glad if this helps.
    Good luck,
    http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENTATION/Cocoa/Conceptual/SysServices/SysService s.pdf
    Message was edited by: Hiroto ( fixed 'make' to './make' in Recipe 2, sorry)

  • How can a text background color be saved?

    How can a text background color be saved in TextEdit?

    Care to share which OS you are using?

  • Scripting Background color for DDlist selections

    I'm working on a form and am attempting to script a change in background color. I've done some scripting before, but I'm a fairly new user of LiveCycle Designer.
    I have a drop-down list in my form.  The selections made in the drop-down form correspond to a list of procedures for that selection - I have each of these "check lists" bordered by a rectangle object type.
    I would like to make it so that when a certain selection is made, the corresponding rectangle object changes it's fill color to gray (RGB 153,153,153), so that the procedures are easily identified.
    I've read several forum listings for similar procedures, but I must be missing something in my script - because it's not working.
    A better example of what I'm trying to do:
    When I choose "Duplicate Payment" from the "Remediation Reason" drop down list, I want the corresponding rectangle (Object name "DupPmt") to change color to gray, so it appears that the entire list of procedures for "Duplicate Payments" is shaded.
    I would like this change for each of the different choices in the drop down list.
    I attempted to post alink to a sample of my form, but I'm unable to log in to Acrobat.com (it keeps giving me an unexpected error after I log in).
    Can anyone help me with this, please?

    Niall - thank you for your help.
    I'm still in need of help, as I haven't quite got it figured out yet.
    I reviewed another forum posting of yours that gave a user a more complete scripting, and I hope that you can do the same for me.
    That posting was as follows:
    You can change the background colour at runtime with this script in the exit event:
    var vName = this.somExpression;
    var fieldObj = xfa.resolveNode(vName + ".ui.#choiceList.border.fill.color");
    if (this.rawValue == "January") {
         fieldObj.value = "255,255,225";
    else if (this.rawValue == "February") {
         fieldObj.value = "255,225,225";
    else if (this.rawValue == "March") {
         fieldObj.value = "225,225,255";
    else {
         fieldObj.value = "255,255,255";
    /* Check the type of object and change the .ui reference:
         Date field =      #dateTimeEdit 
         Dropdown =      #choiceList 
         Checkbox =      #checkButton 
         Text field =      #textEdit 
         Numeric field =     #numericEdit
    I think this is similar to what I want - except that I want to run it on a change event and I'm trying to make a selection in the drop down list object that will change the color in the rectangle object.
    Here's what I have, but it didn't work when I previewed it:
    event activity="change" name="event__change"><
    script contentType="application/x-javascript">if (this.rawValue == "Duplicate Payment"){Rectangle1.value.rectangle.fill.color.value = "153,153,153"; }
    I'm at a pretty low beginner level for javascript, so I'd appreciate if anyone can give me a more complete example.

  • Paste from clipboard loses background coloring

    I have a short piece of text on the system clipboard, to which I have applied various styling properties (font size, font family, font color, and background color).  I can see these fine when I view the clipboard contents, like this:
    However, when I do a paste, the background color gets lost (ALMOST all the time).  I have tried pasting into many of the text-handling apps I have (Word, Pages, Text Wrangler, TextEdit, etc., etc.).  In Word I have even tried Paste Special, which seems to say that it will use the formatting properties it finds.
    But, alas, none of these apps present the background coloring.  However, when I tried a paste into the Notes.app I did get the background color.  (Yeah!)
    Why are all these other apps losing the background color and (more importantly) is there a way to get paste in these other apps (esp. Pages or Word) to correctly render the background color from the clipboard?

    You're probably doing something wrong, because I can get this to work normally.
    Have you installed the filter in the document correctly? Have you looked [java tutorials for text components|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/generaltext.html]?
    Anyway, both your code and java tutorials one forgot to check 'str' for null at replace function. As describe in the API:
    API wrote:
    text - Text to insert, null indicates no text to insertTry posting a SSCCE that demonstrates your problem.

  • How to give Common Background color for all JPanels in My Swing application

    Hi All,
    I am developing a swing application using The Swing Application Framework(SAF)(JSR 296). I this application i have multiple JPanel's embedded in a JTabbedPane. In this way i have three JTabbedPane embedded in a JFrame.
    Now is there any way to set a common background color for the all the JPanel's available in the application??
    I have tried using UIManager.put("Panel.background",new Color.PINK);. But it did not work.
    Also let me know if SAF has some inbuilt method or way to do this.
    Your inputs are valuable.
    Thanks in Advance,

    It is not the fault of NetBeans' GUI builder, JPanels are opaque by default, I mean whether you use Netbeans or not.Thank you!
    I stand corrected (which is short for +"I jumped red-eyed on my feet and rushed to create an SSCCE to demonstrate that JPanels are... mmm... oh well, they are opaque by default... ;-[]"+)
    NetBeans's definitely innocent then, and indeed using it would be an advantage (ctrl-click all JPanels in a form and edit the common opaque property to false) over manually coding
    To handle this it would be better idea to make a subclass of JPanel and override isOpaque() to return false. Then use this 'Trasparent Panel' for all the panels where ever transparency is required.I beg to differ. From a design standpoint, I'd find it terrible (in the pejorative sense of the word) to design a subclass to inconsistently override a getter whereas the standard API already exposes the property (both get and set) for what it's meant: specify whether the panel is opaque.
    Leveraging this subclass would mean changing all lines where a would-be-transparent JPanel is currently instantiated, and instantiate the subclass instead.
    If you're editing all such lines anyway, you might as well change the explicit new JPanel() for a call to a factory method createTransparentJPanel(); this latter could, at the programmer's discretion, implement transparency whichever way makes the programmer's life easier (subclass if he pleases, although that makes me shudder, or simply call thePanel.setOpaque(false) before returning the panel). That way the "transparency" code is centralized in a single easy to maintain location.
    I had to read the code for that latter's UI classes to find out the keys to use (+Panel.background+, Label.foreground, etc.), as I happened to not find this info in an authoritative document - I see that you seem to know thoses keys, may I ask you where you got them from?
    One of best utilities I got from this forum, written by camickr makes getting these keys and their values very easy. You can get it from his blog [(->link)|http://tips4java.wordpress.com/2008/10/09/uimanager-defaults/]
    Definitely. I bit a pair of knucles off when discovered it monthes after cumbersomely traversing the BasicL&F code...
    Still, it is a matter-of-fact approach (and this time I don't mean that to sound pejorative), that works if you can test the result for a given JDK version and L&F, but doesn't guarantee that these keys are there to stand - an observation, but not a specification.
    Thanks TBM for highlighting this blog entry, that's the best keys list device I have found so far, but the questions still holds as to what specifies the keys.
    Edited by: jduprez on Feb 15, 2010 10:07 AM

  • Can I change the background color of a video thumbnail to view a silhouettes transparancy in Bridge

    I see this question asked a ton on here, and never EVER am I finding an answer.  I know in the past (Adobe CS 5) in Bridge you could view the transparency of a black silhouette image against a medium grey so you could see the content of the clip.  Adobe changed that with CS 5.5 & on, and never seems to want to answer question when we members ask.  PLEASE ADOBE ANSWER!!
    How can I view a black silhouette image in Bridge when Adobe had decided to make the transparency black instead of grey? (Ideally the transparency of a video file should show as a grid as it does in ALL OTHER Adobe products.
    PLEASE HELP.  We use bridge heavily in production to organize our assets, and this change not being addressed kills our asset searching time because we have to open each clip to view it, rather than being able to preview it, which is what the Bridge is for.
    P.S.  Do not tell me how to change the programs background color as this is not the question.  The question is how do I change the color of the transparency display for video clips.

    Hi Peter
    The associated FCM file provides us a clue as to Captivate's
    pedigree. What we know today as Captivate is a product that was
    born into the world and dubbed "FlashCam". This file contains
    information about margins. So FCM means, FlashCam Margins.
    If all you are doing is adjusting the colors a bit, you may
    copy the associated files to new names. Then modify the colors as
    desired and all should be well.
    Cheers... Rick

  • How to get background color in MVC programming

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to BSP.
    I am working in CRM 7.0 version and designing a view using MVC method in BSP.
    I have two doubts::
    1. How can i get background color in a view ?
    2. How can i attach a picture, that is in paint-brush, in background ?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Nitin Karamchandani.
    Edited by: Nitin Karamchandani on Jun 3, 2009 8:10 AM

    several html tags have the attribute bgcolor, like
    <body bgcolor="red">  or <body bgcolor="RRGGBB">  where RR, GG, BB is an hexadecimal value according to RGB color palette.
    you can also work with CSS and in this case you affect the attribute style, which is also available in several tags:

  • Trouble changing  background color. Using Dreamweaver CS4

    I can't get to change the back ground color [The greenish grey color] , within a table,  of a web page... Please see http://www.urefillit.com/index2.html  Can use some help here... Also I notice that the foliage background is slow in loading... Any suggestions as to what is causing the loading delay?
    Thanks in advance!!!!!
    Using CS4.........The Code is as follows:
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
    <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="F33B6715B987C15F0176AAFDA87BE459" />
    <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux (vers 25 March 2009), see www.w3.org" />
    <title>Urefillit manufactures and markets Octenol, Asian Tiger lure, and Kaboom replacement type products</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="Description" content="We are focused on providing high-quality products and a commitment to customer satisfaction - We will do everything we can to meet your expectations for the best priced and highest quality mosquito control and Kaboom replacement type products available on the market today" />
    <meta name="Keywords" content="Octenol, Lure, Asian Tiger mosquito lure, Kaboom refills, mosquito magnet mosquito killing machine" />
    <meta name="Robots" content="index, follow" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
            background-image: url(images/SambucusBlackLaceFoliage.jpg);
            background-color: #FFCC66;
    body.c7 {background-attachment:fixed}
    div.c6 {text-align: center}
    p.c5 {font-family: Arial; font-size: 70%; text-align: center}
    span.c4 {font-family: Arial; font-size: 70%}
    span.c3 {font-family: Courier}
    p.c2 {text-align: center}
    span.c1 {font-family: Courier; font-size: 120%}
    .c7 table tr .c11 {
            background-color: #F60;
            font-size: 18px;
    tr .c11 table tr td p {
            font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
            font-size: 16pt;
    .c7 table tr .c11 table tr td p {
            font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
            font-size: x-large;
    .c7 table tr .c11 table tr td p {
            font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
            font-size: 16pt;
    .c7 table tr .c11 #table2 tr th {
            background-color: #0F6;
    <script src="file:///C|/Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript">
    <style type="text/css">
    table.c16 {background-color: #FFD9B3}
    p.c15 {text-autospace:none;}
    th.c14 {background-color: #00FF99}
    td.c13 {background-color: #00FF99}
    th.c12 {background-color: #FF6666}
    h2.c11 {font-size: 120%}
    span.c10 {font-size: 150%}
    span.c9 {text-decoration: underline}
    div.c8 {font-size: 70%; text-align: right}
    td.c7 {background-color: #003399}
    p.c6 {text-decoration: underline}
    table.c5 {background-color: #FFCC66}
    td.c4 {background-color: #FFFFFF}
    div.c3 {text-align: center}
    table.c2 {
            background-color: #0F6;
            font-size: 18px;
    th.c1 {background-color: #FFFFFF}
    .c7 table tr th .c7 {
            color: #008040;
    .c7 table tr th .c7 strong {
            color: #000;
    .c7 table tr th .c7 {
            color: #000;
    .c7 table tr th .c1 strong {
            color: #008000;
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
            background-color: #FFCC33;
    th.c1 {background-color: #FFCC66}
    th.c11 {background-color: #FFFFFF}
    th.c11 {
            background-color: #F93;
            position: relative;
            left: auto;
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            right: auto;
            bottom: auto;
            visibility: visible;
            width: auto;
    .c7 table tr .c11 #table2 tr th .c2 a .c3 strong {
            color: #00F;
    .c7 table tr .c11 #table2 tr td a {
            color: #00F;
    .c7 table tr .c11 #table2 tr td a {
            color: #00F;
    .c7 table tr .c11 #table2 tr td p a {
            color: #00F;
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    <p><a href="AsianTiger.html"></a><a href="AsianTiger.html">Asian Tiger Lure</a></p>
    <th width="146" scope="col"><a href="Combolure.html">Combo Lure</a><br />
    (Octenol &amp; Lactic Acid)</th>
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    <p><a href="SkeeterVacLure.html">SkeeterVac Lure</a></p>
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    <p class="c2"><a href="mosquitomagnettroubleshootingguide.html">Mosquito Magnet</a></p>
    <p class="c2"><a href="mosquitomagnettroubleshootingguide.html">Repair Guide</a></p>
    <td width="145" align="center" valign="middle" scope="col"><a href="Kaboom.html">Kaboom</a><a href="/Kaboom.html">Replacement Tablets</a></td>
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    <p class="c3"><strong class="c2">All About Urefillit, LLC</strong></p>
    <p class="c3"><span class="c4">Urefillit, LLC prides itself on quality and consistency of its fine products, which are designed, made and manufactured in the USA. From production to quality control to final shipment, our highly trained team ensures the best quality, and reliable service for our customers. We are focused on providing high-quality products along with a commitment to customer satisfaction. We will do everything we can to meet your expectations for the best priced and highest quality mosquito lures, Kaboom replacement tablets, and bromine tablets available on the market today. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you will be happy with your purchase. Thank you for visiting our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again soon!</span><br /></p>
    <p class="c3"><img src="images/made_in_USA.jpg" width="221" height="228" alt="usa" /><br />
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    <p class="c6">REFUND POLICY: <span class="c5">Our number one goal is your satisfaction. If our product does not perform as advertised you may return then unused item for a refund. A 25% restocking fee may apply. Buyer pays the return shipping costs. Special and international orders items DO NOT qualify for a refund.</span><br />
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    <p class="c3"><strong class="c2">Using Octenol to Attract Mosquitoes<br /></strong><br /></p>
    <p class="c3">Octenol is an natural chemical that occurs naturally as a by-product of plants and some animals that eat a lot of vegetable produce. If carbon dioxide is mixed with octenol, it has been found to be an attractant to several mosquito species. There are other insects such as no-see-ums and biting midges that are also attracted to this scent. It has been proven to be a very effective product, especially for no-see-ums.<br />
    <br />
    <img src="images/12137165-cartoon-stop-mosquito.jpg" width="168" height="168" alt="mosquito" /><br />
    <br />
    Octenol is also a pesticide ingredient that is used to attract mosquitoes and biting flies. It does not kill the insects; it only attracts them. It can be used in combination with other products and devices that do kill them once they are successfully attracted to the device. It is important to be aware that non-pest insects are also attracted and destroyed by some of the devices.<br />
    <br />
    If octenol is ingested, there is a possibility for toxicity. It is not, however, harmful in the air to humans, pets, or the environment. It is vitally important that it is kept safely away from children to avoid the possibility of ingesting. Placement of the attractant and device utilized to catch biting insects should be carefully considered. It should be kept safely away from children and pets.<br /></p>
    <p class="c3">To be most effective in mosquito control, the attractant should be placed between the breeding grounds of the mosquito and the area where the people are located. There are range limits that the attractant will reach and this needs to be considered in the placement of the trap as well.<br /></p>
    <a href="http://www.startlogic.com/join/index.bml?AffID=626972&amp;cid=592'"><br /></a> ==============================================================
    <p><img src="images/americanatural_1875_97577.gif" width="234" height="118" alt="** PLEASE DESCRIBE THIS IMAGE **" /></p>
    <p>Considering buying a mosquito trap? If so, compare the following traps before you make a purchase:</p>
    <a href="http://www.bluerhino.com/BRWEB/Outdoor-Living-Products/Mosquito-Traps.aspx">SkeeterVac</a>
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    <div class="c3"><a href="http://www.mosquitomagnet.com/">Mosquito Magnet</a></div>
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    <div class="c3"><a href="http://www.megacatch.com/">Mega-Catch</a></div>
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    <div class="c3"><a href="http://koolatrononline.stores.yahoo.net/mosquito-control.html">Koolatron</a></div>
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    <div class="c3"><a href="http://www.mosquitocontroltrap.com/comparisons">Mosquito Trap Comparison Chart</a></div>
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    <p class="c8"><span class="c9">Urefillit, LLC<br />
    800 Shore Drive East<br />
    Oldsmar, Florida 34677-4402</span></p>
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    <h2>Your source for mosquito magnet and mosquito killing machine replacement products: Octenol, Asian Tiger lure and Kaboom.</h2>
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    Nancy O.

  • When converting word doc to pdf, my images with text only show the background color of the text box.

    I have a word doc that I am trying to conver to pdf.  I have jpegs with text boxes on top of them on one page.  It looks great on the screen but after I convert to pdf, the text boxes only have half the text, the first half of the text box is just white - the background color.  If I take the background color out of the text box, the text converts over fine but I need the background color.
    I have tried many things here on the print settings, standard, high quality print, unchecking the compression on the images.  Any help?

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    cover the Acrobat family of desktop products. Please visit the
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    desktop products:

  • Using CASE WHEN to change background color

    I've done this many times without any problems, but this time its a little different situation and I can't get it to work.
    I can use this CASE WHEN statement without any problems.
    NAME in
    (select EMP_REQUEST_NAME from OAX_PTA_LOGGER where
    EMP_ASSIST_NAME is null and
    JOB_NO = :P24_JOB_NO)
    '<span style="color:brown;background-color:yellow">'||NAME||'</font>'
    But I Cant Get This One to Work
    NAME in
    (select EMP_REQUEST_NAME from OAX_PTA_LOGGER where
    EMP_ASSIST_NAME is null and
    JOB_NO = :P24_JOB_NO)
    '<span style="color:brown;background-color:yellow">'||NAME_DISPLAY||'</font>'
    I'm sure that the problem lies with <"NAME" NAME_DISPLAY> but I can't find my way to a solution.
    Does anyone have any ideas for me?

    I've done this many times without any problems, but this time its a little different situation and I can't get it to work.
    I can use this CASE WHEN statement without any problems.
    NAME in
    EMP_ASSIST_NAME is null and
    JOB_NO = :P24_JOB_NO)
    (ignore this) span style="color:brown;background-color:yellow">'||NAME||' (ignore this)
    But I Cant Get This One to Work
    NAME in
    EMP_ASSIST_NAME is null and
    JOB_NO = :P24_JOB_NO)
    (ignore this) span style="color:brown;background-color:yellow">'||NAME||' (ignore this)
    I'm sure that the problem lies with <"NAME" NAME_DISPLAY> but I can't find my way to a solution. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

  • Problem with cfdocument and background colors with table borders

    i am having a great deal of difficulty with cfdocument
    rendering my tables with cells that have background colors. the
    background colors seem to bleed through the table border. a picture
    at 100% magnification can be seen at
    and at 1600% magnification at:
    i am attaching sample code of the what generated the pdf in the
    pictures. btw, i am running cfmx 7 with hot fix 2.

    Hi fresher4flex,
    Since you are using the item Renderer for the DataGrid Column try to apply the styles dynamically to the background of your itemRenderer by making using of the rollOver and rollOut events.

  • Background color for column heading

    I have 5 columns in my report and I would like to have different background color for column headings. How can I do this in report templates?
    I was looking at Column heading section-
    <th class="t10ReportHeader"#ALIGNMENT# id="#COLUMN_HEADER_NAME#">#COLUMN_HEADER#</th>
    How can I specify backgrund colors for all columns here?
    Thanks in advance

    G'day Karen,
    Thanks for ur reply.
    I have seen this note before, its not that the header colors have changed after latest SP was applied in our systems. Also the ABAP and JAVA stacks are in sync.
    Scenario is that we are trying to set up a new Portal theme for Enterprise Reporting with some specific color codes (hex codes).
    What i have observed is Characterstics Header background color is set up using the element "Background Color of Level 1 Column Heading ".
    While the Background color for Key Figures header is using element "Background Color of Level 2 Column Heading ".
    But the problem is element "Background Color of Level 2 Column Heading " is also used as the Background color for Standard Characterstics cell, so if we make it same the whole report of the same color, which we dont want.
    Requirement is to get the same Background color for Header cells (both Char. and Key Figure headers).
    Any further suggestions will be appreciated.

  • How to set background color for textarea

    Hi all,
    I have created an application in Apex 3.2.
    I am now able to disable the text fields, select lists and textarea.
    function disableDD()
      var v_ddays              = document.getElementById("P2_DELINQUENCY_DAYS");
      v_ddays.value            = "";
      v_ddays.disabled         = true;
      v_ddays.style.background = '#cccccc';
    }The background color thing is working for all the text fields, but the same is not working with the textarea.
    Any help please....

    There is no button involved in the following code, but it may
    be of use to you:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    private var origColor:uint;
    private function init():void {
    origColor = dc.getStyle("selectionColor");
    public function setBackGrdColors(newColor:uint):void {
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", origColor);
    var dayOfWeek:Number = dc.selectedDate.day;
    switch(dayOfWeek) {
    case 0:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 1:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 2:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 3:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 4:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 5:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    case 6:
    dc.setStyle("selectionColor", newColor);
    <mx:VBox horizontalAlign="center" verticalGap="20">
    <mx:DateChooser id="dc" textAlign="left"
    <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
    <mx:CheckBox id="sun" label="Sun"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="mon" label="Mon"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="tue" label="Tue"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="wed" label="Wed"/>
    <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
    <mx:CheckBox id="thu" label="Thu"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="fri" label="Fri"/>
    <mx:CheckBox id="sat" label="Sat"/>
    <mx:HBox width="300" horizontalAlign="center">
    <mx:Label text="Background Color" />
    <mx:ColorPicker id="cellColor"

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