Thank you for contributing data to PPBM5

We just have posted the the 1000 entry on the PPBM5 web site.  Thank you all for contributing valuable information for users of this forum.  Not sure yet what will happen along the PPBM6 lines but it still is a dream that might happen.  In the meantime we do have 45 records of people testing CS6 with the PPBM5.5 version of our benchmark, you can see these results if you select the "Version" tab and clicking on the CS6 radio button.

You can use this link:
More information in
or in my profile at the left.
Oh, it looks like you already found it and thanked the-edmeister

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    Greetings ascnephew8,
    It seems your trackpad isn't working as you expect it to. Have you reviewed the trackpad settings in System Preferences? The following article provides trackpad setting details which may help:
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    De : gener7 <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Répondre à : "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date : mardi 9 septembre 2014 14:20
    À : jp <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Objet :  I want to activate Color Management Suite from purchase via internet photoshop, illustrator and indesign, how? thank you for your reply
    Download and install Bridge CC, then in the Bridge Edit menu > Color Settings choose the color settings you want to synchronize your CC apps to.
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    The billing date of the CC is 4th of every month & the billing cycle was already triggered before cancellation , you had coincidentally cancelled today only, there was a charge taken from your account which I have promptly refunded.
    The refunded amount shall be within 7 to 10 working days in your Bank , please be assured that you will not be billed further & the CC stands cancelled.

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    Dear customer, Thank you for using to make your scheduled direct debit payment. Please keep a copy of the confirmation below for your records.
    Scheduled Payment Confirmation
    Payment Date:
    Payment Amount:
    Confirmation Number:
    It's always a good idea to schedule your payment at least 3-4 business days prior to your bill due date to allow time for processing and avoid late payment charges If you find that you like the convenience of direct debit billing, why not  sign up   for automatic bill payment with Verizon every month? It's fast, free, and you'll never have to worry about missing a payment again.
    Thank you for allowing us to serve you. Sincerely,

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    Did you remove Quicktime X?
    On a normal install Quicktime 7 is installed in the Utilities folder and Quicktime Pro in the main Applications folder.
    You will need to reinstall OS X to get Quicktime X back if you have deleted it.
    I notice yor profile says 10.5.8. Quicktime X is only available on 10.6 and above.

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    hi Limnos,
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    This link shows how to do that -

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    Neither applies. Can anybody help?
    PS. This is my first approach to the support community so please bear with me!

    You might have better luck contacting the app's support or developers.

  • I ned help i need to start fresh new firefox dont know how to remove old profiles its totally ruined i can use it but not like suppose to thank you for your time

    there are so many things not working right i really do not know where to start
    if someone counld assist me PERSONALLY hands on that would be very much appreciated
    i just need to delete ALL old files the whole firefox
    and i need someone willing to have patients and understanding that will help me thats all i can say
    ive used firefox on and off 4 ever
    i like it over IE like 101% chrome is okay but not y choice
    firefox in my 46 year old eyes RULES!
    so if someone is willing to help me id love that
    im thinking ive deleted some file of very great importance
    PLUS i hate the Flash & Jave & Chrome errors that pop up
    PLUS : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555 : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555
    code I like this
    then there is on my space & other sites java is () Null or void
    im not a computer whiz
    but im not DUMB either
    i cant edit profiles and codes
    if i could id be one volunteer on here to help anyone N everyone i could
    on Superpoke pets
    it no longer allws me to go from inventory popular
    to ether stock left
    or lower to higher cost
    or higher to lower cost
    just an example
    this is frustrating to me ALL of it
    im ready to just throw my hans up n say 4 get the net
    please help me someone
    thank you for your time in this matter
    and have a wonderful rest of your weekend

    Managing Profiles

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    How can I enter my podcast in more than one category, to reflect the fact that it covers arts, education and society and culture?  Thank you for your time!

    You can have more than one category - this page shows you how the tags are formed:
    The Store will list only the first category and its sub-category at the top of the page. Like the first category, the others will in theory make your podcast available for searching by category. However searching just on the category in the iTunes Store is most unlikely to throw up your podcast. There are thousands of podcasts out there, and it would be quite impossible to display on one page the entire list for any category. What you see are 'featured' podcasts, chosen by Apple as being special; please see this Tech Note:
    Note that there is no way you can influence the selection other than making your podcast really special.
    If you have further questions about making your podcast it's better to ask them in the Producing Podcasts forum.

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