The best and cheapest way to turn iPhone 4 white?

I have a Black iPhone 4 32GB on O2 and was looking into sending it into someone for them to professionally replace all my black parts with OEM White Apple parts and was wondering who would be the most reliable and cheap option?
I also want to replace my central metal frame and antenna part of my phone and was wondering if it could be done for less than £60?
Please help!!!!

If you don't want to purchase third-party software to do this...easiest way, then you'll have to either copy/paste to Notes & sync the Notes to your computer, or take screen shots. Both of those methods are time consuming, but are free. I'm not aware of any "free" software that will do what you want.

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    I'd tried to reply yesterday to your question but for some reason it didn't go anywhere and I got a red message box in the Discussion post area with "error." After trying three times, including  log-out, clear cookies from browser (and history) and back in, I still was unable to add my post with links to resources for your Mini, here. And the last time I tried that, the copied text also went missing as I found it gone after considering to make a Text document of it, for later posting.
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    Google search.
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    I got an early version of Silverfast with the scanner, but since I was getting such good results without it, I never tried it. What are it's advantages?
    Since I don't have any experience with the Epson scan software I really can't compare, but you can get full details on the Lasersoft SilverFast scan software here:
    I have a Plustek Opticfilm 7600I Ai 35mm scanner that came bundled with SilverFast Ai. The biggest advantage is Multi-exposure function which takes two or more scans at different exposure levels and combines them to increase Dmax range. Dmax is where virtually ALL scanners fall short, except expensive ($5,000+) drum scanners. By extending Dmax with Multi-exposure the shadow areas (slide film) of the image have reduced noise and blocking. I couldn't even begin to scan Kodachrome slides without it! B&W negatives have lower contrast range, but Multi-exposure will surely improve the highlight detail (i.e. Negative images). There are also a number of different dust spot removal functions, including ICE. You need to check if ICE is actually supported on the target scanner and I believe it is not as effective with B&W negatives due to silver halide grain type. You' have to sort out the benefits of SilverFast that are applicable to B&W negatives versus the scanner manufacturer's software. IMHO the scanner bundles that include Silverfast (Epson 750-M) are the best bang for your buck. Some people swear by Vuescan:
    The benefit is that it is cheaper ($79.95) and I believe it can be used with multiple scanners. SilverFast requires a separate license for each scanner. Some links:
    Opinions on which is best vary more than the weather! IMHO for 35mm color film work SIlverfast Ai pulls the best capability out of my scanner. Here's a 3600dpi scan (4,833 x 3,240) of a 35mm Fujichrome Provia 100 slide showing a 100% crop (557 x 386). I use IT8 Ektachrome and Kodachrome calibration slides with SilverFast to create custom film profiles. It doesn't get any better than this, at least with 35mm film (double-click on the picture to see 1:1).
         Crop (557 x 386)
         Full Image (Olympus OM2 with Zuiko 28mm F2 lens @ F5.6)

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    cheers for that, Winclone was the one I couldnt remeber, I remeber an issue I had ages ago about a NTFS partition, I see Winclone is ok with this now is that correct?
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    There are several programs mentioned in various strings here. I stumbled on PQ DVD to pod converter and it works very well. You can download a trial version from the link below. It restricts conversion time but is enough for most music video lengths and free. If you want the full version it's about 34 bucks. I use the same hadrware and softaware as you by the way.

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    It's easy to delete that partition. See >
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    Also, please use an ordinary size font. This looks like you're screaming.

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