The Correct Way To Design A Layout?

Should i just select the AP DIV icon and draw my div tables and drag images and content into them? then style them? is this correct?
if not, what is the correct way? i do not want to use a pre made template

Should i just select the AP DIV icon and draw my div tables and drag images and content into them? then style them? is this correct?
Only if you want a complete mess on your hands later.  APDivs are not a good way to being a project. Here's why.
Why   do APDivs move?
DW is not a drag & drop application.  It's a web authoring tool.  As such, it's only as good as the skills YOU bring to the table.  The correct way to layout pages depends on the following:
a) your skills with CSS and X/HTML code,
b) your site's requirements,
c) intended target audience and
d) how much content you need to display on your site.
If your CSS and X/HTML skills are weakl, start by learning the basics first.  Or else DW will confound and frustrate you.
HTML & CSS Tutorials -
There is no shame in starting out with a pre-built CSS layout which is nothing more than a framwork or  empty table. You customize it the way you wish.  IMO, having a pre-built CSS layout to work with is far more efficient than staring at a blank page & not knowing where to begin.
Work your way through the following tutorials:  Post again later if you have specific questions.
Taking   a Fireworks (or Photoshop) comp to a CSS based layout in DW
From   Tables to CSS Web Design Part 1 -
From   Tables to CSS Web Design Part 2 -
Good luck,
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists
Message was edited by: Nancy O. - fixed a messed up link.

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    Hi all,
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    Order Number : xxxx ............................................................Gross : 999,999
    Order Date : xx/xx/xxxx ........................................................Discount : 999,999
    Customer : code - name.........................................................Tax : 999,999
    Salesman : code - name.........................................................Netto : 999,999
    (the dotted line represents spaces)
    Currently I do it with </afh:rowLayout> plus.. many..many </h:panelGrid>, so I am looking a better way. what is that ?
    Below is sample of my code :
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    Order Number.
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="400">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1Spno.inputValue}"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="60" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="text-align:right;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1Gross.inputValue}"
    inlineStyle="font-size:80.0%; text-align:right;">
    <f:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100"
    style="padding:1.0%; text-align:left;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.Valuta.inputValue}"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    SP Date
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="400">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1Spdate.inputValue}"
    <f:convertDateTime pattern="#{bindings.SphView1Spdate.format}"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="60" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="text-align:right;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1DiscBp.inputValue}"
    <f:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100"
    style="padding:1.0%; text-align:left;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.Valuta.inputValue}"
    Thank you very much,

    yes. The way to build such layouts is to nest containers

  • The correct way to do "custom layout" with ADF Faces

    Hi all,
    I need the capability to do custom layout of ADF Faces page (other than the default layout we got after we drag data controls). For example I need layout like below :
    Order Number : xxxx ............................................................Gross : 999,999
    Order Date : xx/xx/xxxx ........................................................Discount : 999,999
    Customer : code - name.........................................................Tax : 999,999
    Salesman : code - name.........................................................Netto : 999,999
    (the dotted line represents spaces)
    Currently I do it with </afh:rowLayout> plus.. many..many </h:panelGrid>, so I am looking a better way. what is that ?
    Below is sample of my code :
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    Order Number.
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="400">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1Spno.inputValue}"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="60" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="text-align:right;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1Gross.inputValue}"
    inlineStyle="font-size:80.0%; text-align:right;">
    <f:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100"
    style="padding:1.0%; text-align:left;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.Valuta.inputValue}"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    SP Date
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="400">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1Spdate.inputValue}"
    <f:convertDateTime pattern="#{bindings.SphView1Spdate.format}"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="10"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="60" style="font-size:80.0%;">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100" style="text-align:right;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.SphView1DiscBp.inputValue}"
    <f:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100"
    style="padding:1.0%; text-align:left;">
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.Valuta.inputValue}"
    Thank you very much,

    Unfotunately nesting layouts or creating custom layouts is the best approach at this time. You may want to take a look at the folloing library to replace of your verbatim tags.

  • Which is the correct way to program a Desktop Application???

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    Thanks in advance and it feels good to be back :D

    A general rule of thumb that I use it to think in layers...
    --GUI {What you show the use}
    --GUI code logic {local rules and edits}
    --WEB/Network {interface for multiuser}
    --BUSINESS RULES {rules and coding to make your business work}
    --DATABASE {where do you store your durable data}
    Granted, this is a very simplistic look, but it will get you a start a thinking process for your app.

  • Ok, does anyone know the correct way to do this

    Hi all
    would someone beable to explain the correct way of attaching dynamic text to a rotaing menu so that the text moves with the image as it rotates,
    I am now being told that in order to have dynamic text rotate/move I have to embed the font, by placing a text field on the stage outside my flash area and then set embedFonts property to true, and then apply a textformat.
    first, is this the correct way of doing it?
    second, can someone please explain(by breaking down into steps, as I am a newbie) how I go about setting embedFonts property to true and applying a textformat.
    what I have created;
    1.)I created a movieclip called 'textHolder' inside this has two dynamic text fields called 'headerText'  & 'bodyText'  <<<<< IS THIS CORRECT?
    2.)I have an xml file which will load the text in as well as the images with the rotating menu, see below;  <<<IS THIS CORRECT????
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <image name="image 1" path="img/img1.jpg"
        textHolder.bodyText="The hour of night is near, as the skies get blood-filled" />
    3.What I am missing is what script I need for the file, can anyone help here?
    so to break down.
    I have a rotating menu that is driven by xml, that loads images on the menu. I would also like to load text to the left of each image, and have the text be fixed with the image as it rotates.
    I can post the as, but I would like to know if the above is correct first, if you would like to see the main script please say.
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    (this is my previous post:  but I feel its got lost a little along the way)

    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import soulwire.ui.CircleMenu;
    public class Main extends Sprite
      //————————————————————————————————————————————— CLASS MEMBERS  VALUE
      public var circleMenu:      CircleMenu;
      public var xmlLoader:      URLLoader;
      //——————————————————————————————————————————————— CONSTRUCTOR
      public function Main()
      circleMenu = new CircleMenu( 300, 32, 14 );
      circleMenu.x = 150;
      circleMenu.y = 300;
      addChildAt( circleMenu, 0 );
      // Use URLLoader to load XML
      xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
      xmlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
      // Listen for the complete event
      xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLComplete);
      xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("data.xml"));
      /*for (var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++)
        // MyMenuItem can be a symbol from your library
        // or any class which extends DisplayObject!
        var item:MyMenuItem = new MyMenuItem();
        item.txt.text = 'Menu Item ' + (i + 1);
        item.txt.mouseEnabled = false;
        item.buttonMode = true;
        item.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onMenuItemClick );
        circleMenu.addChild( item );
      circleMenu.currentIndex = 4;*/
      // Enable the mouse wheel
      stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheel );
      // Set up the UI
      ui.spacingSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.radiusSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.minAlphaSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.minScaleSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.scaleSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.itemsSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.spacingSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.radiusSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.minAlphaSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.minScaleSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.scaleSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.itemsSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      //———————————————————————————————————————————— EVENT HANDLERS
      private function onXMLComplete(event:Event):void
      // Create an XML Object from loaded data
      var data:XML = new XML(;
      // Now we can parse it
      var images:XMLList = data.image;
      for(var i:int = 0; i < images.length(); i++)
        // Get info from XML node
        var imageName:String = images[i].@name;
        var imagePath:String = images[i].@path;
      //  var textInfo:TextInfo = new TextInfo(); 
    //      textInfo.headerText.text = images[i].@headerText; <<<<THIS IS WHAT i HAVE TRIED, GET ERRORS SO COMMENTED OUT
    //    textInfo.bodyText.text = images[i].@bodyText;
    //    addChild(textinfo);
        var sp:Sprite=new Sprite();    <<<<<<<< THIS IS SCRIPT JUST ADDED
        var tf:TextField=new TextField();
        var ldr:Loader=new Loader();
        // Load images using standard Loader
        var loader:Loader = new Loader();
        // Listen for complete so we can center the image
        loader.load(new URLRequest(imagePath));
        // Create a container for the loader (image)
        var holder:Sprite = new Sprite();
        // Same proceedure as before
        holder.buttonMode = true;
        holder.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onMenuItemClick );
        // Add it to the menu
      private function onImageComplete(event:Event):void
      var img:Loader = event.currentTarget.loader;
      img.content["smoothing"] = true;
      img.x = -(img.width/2);
      img.y = -(img.height/2);
      private function onMouseWheel( event:MouseEvent ):void < 0 ? : circleMenu.prev();
      private function onMenuItemClick( event:MouseEvent ):void
      circleMenu.scrollToItem( event.currentTarget as DisplayObject );
      private function onSliderChange( event:Event ):void
      switch( event.currentTarget )
        case ui.spacingSlider:
        circleMenu.angleSpacing = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.radiusSlider:
        circleMenu.innerRadius = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.minAlphaSlider:
        circleMenu.minVisibleAlpha = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.minScaleSlider:
        circleMenu.minVisibleScale = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.scaleSlider:
        circleMenu.activeItemScale = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.itemsSlider:
        circleMenu.visibleItems = event.currentTarget.value;

  • What is the correct way to add behaviors to text?

    I seem to be having trouble adding behaviors properly.
    What I'd like to do is select a few words of text and apply a behavior to them, in particular the behavior Open Browser Window when a user clicks on the selected text. I've gotten this work in what I'm sure is not the correct way. The only way I can get it to work is if the text link also has an a href link set up (through the Properties Inspector) pointing back to this same page. Now if I simply select some text and go to add a behavior to it through the tag inspector panel a lot of my choices are greyed out. I'm not super code-savy but do I understand that these behaviors should / can only be applied to tags? 
    You can see samples of what I'm talking about here: In the luncheon schedule, click on the "more…" links and a new, small browser window should open. 
    How should I be applying these correctly?

    Pop-up Window in Dreamweaver (Behaviors Panel)
    1.  Insert an image or type some text.
    2.  Select it and go to the Properties Panel link field.  Browse for the file or type the full URL (
    3.  Go to the Behaviors Panel and hit the plus sign to add a new behavior.
    4.  Select Open Browser Window.
    5.  Browse to file or type the URL (Yes, a 2nd time).
    6.  Set the height, width and other optional attributes for your pop-up window. (See link below for details) .html
    7.  Hit OK.
    8.  Verify that the behavior's trigger event is onClick.  If it's not, click the event box to show other trigger options.
    9.  IMPORTANT!  Go back to the Properties Panel and replace the first URL in the link field with javascript:() which makes the primary link into a null link.  If you don't do this, the link will open twice: once in the pop-up window and again in the parent window.
    Save your page and preview in browsers.
    PS. It takes longer to explain all these steps than it does to do it.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • What's the easiest way to design business cards on a mac?

    what's the easiest way to design business cards on a mac?

    > If I understood him correctly, the Adobe salesperson I talked to
    > yesterday runs the Unix version of FrameMaker directly under OS X
    There is NO way to get the Unix (=Solaris) version of FM 8 to run
    under OS X. It's an executable compiled for the SPARC processor,
    and I don't think Apple has made a SPARC/Solaris emulator... :-)
    /Thomas Michanek

  • What is the correct way to create links to my website?

    My site is finally finished and I am now looking to list it on various directories on the internet to generate links to my site.
    When my site opens in a browser it shows up as
    I know this question has been asked many times on the internet but what is the correct way to post my link?
    I know I should be consistent and use www or not on every link but none of the articles tell me whether I should use http:// or not when linking.
    So for example, should I use...........
    and should I put /index at the end?
    Once I've decided on which link to use should I redirect all the other addresses to the main one?
    I'm pretty new to web design so I need some advice from some seasoned experts
    Thanks for taking the time to read my questions!

    When you browse to and to do you get the same page?  Most hosts will automatically create a CNAME record for both 'www.example.tld' and 'example.tld' when the hosting account is created, but not all do.  If that second CNAME record is not created, then you must always use the "www" prefix.
    If the reference to your site is a text reference only, then you could just use '', but if it's a link you should always make the LINK part (the HTML href attribute's value part) as a fully qualified URL, i.e., 'http://www,' or '':
    <p>Click <a href="">here</a> to link to my site .</p>
    When a browser requests that domain from the server, the server will fetch the first file it finds with a 'default filename' (usually 'index.html' or 'index.php' or 'home.html' or...) and upload that to the browser, so there is no need to further specify the filename - the default is when no filename is given.
    Once I've decided on which link to use should I redirect all the other addresses to the main one?
    I'm not sure what you are asking here....
    I'm pretty new to web design so I need some advice from some seasoned experts
    In the immortal words of comedian Myron Cohen, "everybody gotta be somewhere".

  • Some questions about the correct way to recharge the zen micro batt

    Ok..i don't think this is convered in the FAQs.
    I copied this from the FAQ----At the present moment, the only possible way to avoid the standby loss is removing the battery after you finish listening to music. Gi'ven the wear and tear resulting, this is not really an option. It will help, though, if you prime your battery correctly, recharge it often (topping it up, not only resorting to full recharges), question--
    ) to preserve battery life span, shouldn't we wait for the player to die off complete, for example when it starts to display "low battery" before we recharge it's Does this post mean that we shouldn't actually wait for the battery to be complete;y drained off before a recharge? Does it mean we should always recharge, say when there's one bar left?
    2) Before doing any music transfer using the computer, should we always make sure the zen micro was fully charged first before the transfer since USB port also serves as a charger. I tried using a completely drained player before music transfer and the player stops charging after 3 hours, which shouldn't be the case because USB always take a longer time to charge (i was told twice as much) and true enough, after deplugging from the USB port, the player starts charging again. Note that this always happen, meaning i can never get a complete 5 hours charge using the USB. What is wrong? And after such charge from USB, i noticed that the battery life the next day is like one third of what it usually last when i charged it through a charger...
    I know this is a long post but can someone tell me the correct way of charging?

    immunophilic wrote:
    Ok..i don't think this is convered in the FAQs.
    I copied this from the FAQ----At the present moment, the only possible way to avoid the standby loss is removing the battery after you finish listening to music. Gi'ven the wear and tear resulting, this is not really an option. It will help, though, if you prime your battery correctly, recharge it often (topping it up, not only resorting to full recharges),
    This is from JazzMC's FAQ right? (I added a link to this a day or two ago from the main FAQ post) I hadn't spotted this before and I don't agree with most of this. The wear and tear is minimal, but it's more a case of practicality that removing the battery is a pain. Also priming is not really that important with Lithium Ion, and topping up won't make any difference to the battery drain.
    ) to preserve battery life span, shouldn't we wait for the player to die off complete, for example when it starts to display "low battery" before we recharge it's Does this post mean that we shouldn't actually wait for the battery to be complete;y drained off before a recharge? Does it mean we should always recharge, say when there's one bar left?
    Look in my Nomad Primer, which is essentially a distilled version of the information from BatteryUni' Top-up charges prolong the life of a Lithium Ion battery. These are all reference in the FAQ.
    2) Before doing any music transfer using the computer, should we always make sure the zen micro was fully charged first before the transfer since USB port also serves as a charger. I tried using a completely drained player before music transfer and the player stops charging after 3 hours, which shouldn't be the case because USB always take a longer time to charge (i was told twice as much) and true enough, after deplugging from the USB port, the player starts charging again. Note that this always happen, meaning i can never get a complete 5 hours charge using the USB. What is wrong? And after such charge from USB, i noticed that the battery life the next day is like one third of what it usually last when i charged it through a charger...
    Because of the Micro's design there will always be a difference in the amount of power it can pull via USB vs. the drain when copying files to it. USB is slower to charge than the mains adapter, but it should charge fully given time (which could be twice as much as using the mains adapter).
    There is a known issue with the battery draining on the Micro, but you should know this having read JazzMC's page. This is the reason the battery is so low the next day.

  • What is the correct way to set up a new Mac

    A friend of mine recently migrated from Windows and bought himself an iMac. He got the local Apple store to set up his iMac and migrate his data from his Windows to his iMac. I was  recently helping him set up a few a additional things on his iMac and was supprised to see how the Apple store had set up the machine.
    There was only one account set up on the iMac and all of the user data had been loaded into this admin account. Now I've only been a Mac user for about 5 years, but I was always taught create an admin account with no data on it and then set up a separate user account(s) which contain all the user data and these are used by the users to log in.
    Now my question is who is right the Apple shop or me? I would e intertested to hear any experts views on the correct way to set up an OSX machine. 

    Both of you. Either way is acceptable. However, for a single user machine there's really no need to have more than the admin account.

  • I would like to read a text file in which the decimal numbers are using dots instead of commas. Is there a way of converting this in labVIEW, or how can I get the program to enterpret the figures in the correct way?

    The program doest enterpret my figures from the text file in the correct way since the numbers contain dots instead of commas. Is there a way to fix this in labVIEW, or do I have to change the files before reading them in the program? Thanks beforehend!

    You must go in the labview option menu, you can select 'use the local
    separator' in the front side submenu (LV6i).
    If you use the "From Exponential/Fract/Eng" vi, you are able to select this
    opton (with a boolean) without changing the labview parameters.
    (sorry for my english)
    Lange Jerome
    "Nina" a ecrit dans le message news:
    [email protected]..
    > I would like to read a text file in which the decimal numbers are
    > using dots instead of commas. Is there a way of converting this in
    > labVIEW, or how can I get the program to enterpret the figures in the
    > correct way?
    > The program doest enterpret my figures from the text file in the
    > correct way since the numbers contain dots instea
    d of commas. Is there
    > a way to fix this in labVIEW, or do I have to change the files before
    > reading them in the program? Thanks beforehend!

  • I have a macbook air late 2010 and keep getting a warning that my hard drive is full and to delete things so I purchased a external hard drive (1TB) but I'm just not sure what the correct way to transfer and store files to the external drive is. First MAC

    I purchased a macbook air about 5 months ago and lately i keep recieving a warning that the hard drive or disk is full and that I will need to move items to trash in order to free up space on it. I purchased a external hard drive 1 TB but I'm very new to mac and ios and unsure as to how I'm suppose to transfer my files (video, pics, music etc.) from my mac over to the external hard drive in the correct way so I won't end up deleting them permenately or screwing anything up with my mac as far as the applications and programs being able to run. Am I supposed to just copy to the external hard drive and then move to and empty the trash? That's pretty much all I could come up with, but then what if i need or want to access that file again at a later time. Also, I have an i Phone and i pad so with i cloud it automatically syncs all my purcheses and if i delete something from itunes on my mac it deletes from my ipad.
    I'd appreciate any kind of input i think im just a little lost here. I have to say i love my Mac and wouldn't trade it for anything (except maybe a macbook pro w/more memory)... Is there something I'm missing???

    To free up hard drive space the best bet is to move data files that you don't need access to all the time. Likely candidates are music, video, and photos. Things like word processing and spreadsheet files can also be moved but they tend not to be very large and so don't free up much space. The problem with moving the above mentioned files is that iTunes and iPhoto need to know where the files are stored.
    Here's an article explaining how to move the iTunes folder. You can move the iPhoto library using the Finder but there is a slight complication. Start iPhoto, open the Preferences and click on the Advanced tab. The first option is "Copy items to the iPhoto Library". If this option is checked, copy the iPhoto library to your external folder (drag it from the Pictures folder to your external drive) and then delete it from your Picture folder. If this option is not checked, it is a bit more complicated and we'll need to talk a bit.

  • What is the correct way to add styling to drag-and-drop created calendars?

    I have a working instance of a rich client calendar. I generated the view with the required fields (start, stop, provider, ...), put it into the App Module, and dragged it onto a JSF page to create a calendar.
    Next I created an activityScope object in a class called CalendarBean (no inheritance)
    Class CalendarBean()
    private HashMap<Set<String>, InstanceStyles> activityColorMap;
    +public CalendarBean() {+
    activityColorMap = new HashMap<Set<String>, InstanceStyles>();
    HashSet setEd = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setLen = new HashSet<String>();
    activityColorMap.put(setEd, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.ORANGE));
    activityColorMap.put(setLen, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.RED));
    Next, I linked this up as a backing bean and associated the ActivityStyles of CalendarBean to it:
    I populated some records in the database with properties "Work" and "Ed', but they show default blue.
    As I understand it, I need to do something with the getTags() method of the underlying CalendarActivity class, but I'm not quite sure how to do that.
    Took a stab at creating a class, CalendarActivityBean, that extended CalendarActivity, and pointed all the CalendarActivity references I had to the new class, but it didn't seem to fire (in debug), and I got into trouble, when inserting records, with
    public void calendarActivityListener(CalendarActivityEvent calendarActivityEvent) {
    currActivity = (CalendarActivityBean) calendarActivityEvent.getCalendarActivity();
    being an illegal cast
    What is the correct way to add provider-based styling to drag-and-drop create calendars?
    Ed Schechter

    A colleague of mine was kind enough to solve this:
    The calendar has ActivityStyles property = #{calendarBean.activityStyles}
    CalendarBean looks something like this:
    package com.hub.appointmentscheduler.ui.schedule;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    +public class CalendarBean {+
    private HashMap activityStyles;
    private String dummy;
    +public CalendarBean() {+
    +// Define colors+
    activityStyles = new HashMap<Set<String>, InstanceStyles>();
    HashSet setPending = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setArrived = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setApproved = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setCompleted = new HashSet<String>();
    activityStyles.put(setApproved, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.GREEN));
    activityStyles.put(setPending, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.ORANGE));
    activityStyles.put(setArrived, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.PLUM));
    activityStyles.put(setCompleted, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.LAVENDAR));
    +public void setactivityStyles(HashMap activityStyles) {+
    this.activityStyles = activityStyles;
    +public HashMap getactivityStyles() {+
    return activityStyles;
    Now, go into the Bindings tab on the calendar page, double click the calendar binding, and specify the column you've defined as the calendar's Provider in the Tags dropdown.
    Should show colors.

  • 1.4.2 - What is the correct way to format output in the

    With Java 1.4.2:
    What is the correct way to format output in the
    The following is incorrect, even though it is still used in the The JavaTM Tutorial at:
    System.out.formatThis returns "cannot resolve the method 'format'"
    Any detailed suggestions or information is greatly appreciated.

    The following is incorrect, even though it is still
    used in the The JavaTM Tutorial at:
    The whole format thing has been introduced in 1.5. The tutorial also states it's been "updated to 1.5.".
    That's all I've got to say for I don't know how you can format a PrintWriter, let alone a PrintStream, prior to 1.5. I'm not really sure there is any way. Any "legacy way", that is. There almost certainly are third-party API which achieve similar results.

  • OBIEE 11G Calculation the Correct Way

    Hi All,
    My requirement is like this that I want to calculate value Gross Profit which is simple Total Revenue - Total Expense. Now I want this to act as a Hierarchy i.e Gross Profit should be drill able to Total Revenue followed by Total Expenses. For this I created a Accounts Dimension table since no Drill Down facility is available on Fact Table(Therefore I had to move my Accounts to Dimension table rather than Fact Table). Now the problem is that there is no minus based aggregation present in OBIEE BMM layer because of which my all other sum based aggregation work correctly except where there is a negative based aggregation required like in the case of Gross Profit. Kindly Suggest what is the correct way to approach this problem. I am working on OBIEE 11g in this case.
    Warm Regards
    Abhishek Kapoor

    Financial reporting is difficult in BI because of the user preference of how to see signs on different accounts and requirements for adding/subtracting depending on the type of account.
    A few ways to approach:
    a. Use case statement to make total rev and total expense columns. Subtract to build a gross profit column. You can do this in the presentation services front end or the BMM.
    b. If you have opposite natural signs for rev and exp, you can create an account hierarchy in the account table which will net out to gross profit. Ex:
    Column 1 – account number
    Column 2 – hierarchy level 1, ex Gross Profit
    Column 3 – hierarchy level 2, ex Rev or exp
    Column 4 – account name
    c. Remember you can always build your own drilldown using navigation links to a report instead of the built-in drilldown.
    Good luck!

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