The disappearing keyword shortcuts.

Does anybody know what causes the keyword shortcuts to disappear from the "quick groups"?
This has happened to me on multiple occasions. I have used the shortcut option for keywords, because I find it very useful when I quickly group photos by keyword. Every so often, random shortcuts are removed from my list, and I have to re-enter them. I have not been able to find any correlation to any specific action, which causes this.
I have the latest version of iPhoto, 9.1.1. and the latest version of the OS. Plenty of memory also. One correlation is when iPhoto crashes, which I report to Apple every time, it is almost for certain one of the shortcuts will disappear. Could this be a memory leak issue?
Anybody else experiencing this problem? I am getting very frustrated with this.

It's not a memory leak as the keywords and their placement in the Keyword pane are kept in the iPhoto library database(s).
You can drag the keywords up from the general grouping below the Quickgroup area into the Quickgroup to restock those you want to be able to use key strokes for.
I believe that's happened to be occasionally. Don't remember as I just drag the keywords I want to use back up to the Quickgroup area and go on about my work.

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    Happy days!

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    What a mine of information I am today - I feel so worthy!
    PS - Single-click on the keywords in the event browser list view, not double-click (sorry).
    Message was edited by: andynick - Added the PS.

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    Try one or more of the following:
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    > Uninstall and Reinstall iTunes
    > Reset iPod (nothing will get deleted)
    > Look in My Computer (Windows 98, XP) OR Computer (Windows Vista or 7) and see if your iPod is in there.
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    example of what my keyword list would look like:
        Briere, Daniel
            Philadelphia Flyers
                Briere, Daniel
            Philadelphia Phantoms
                Briere, Daniel

    You cannot link keywords as you want. Each of those keywords is independent - they just share the same text.
    You can create smart collections which group all occurrences of that name. This is obviously duplication, so you would do it only when you need.
    I suggest you don't try to get too clever with using your keyword hierarchy to represent teams. Instead, use one keyword per individual person, a separate one for each team.You could have a top level keyword teams, and another for people, but don't structure things as you suggest as it leads to confusion about people. When you need to look at one team, use a smart collection that looks for images with Team X, Shot in year Y - the Library Filter  will then break the items down by keyword.

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    You should be able to copy them from there.

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    Unless things have changes, keywords are not hierarchical at all as a standard. The hierarchy in Ap is used just for managing keyword purposes only.
    So it works within Ap but not when exported. You will have to assign multiple keywords or reestablish similar scheme in whatever other app that your are exporting the image to.

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    ContactInfo c = new ContactInfo(); // problem is here because it erases the info in the class

    quedogf94 wrote:
    I need to access some information from a class using the getter, but I don't want to use the new keyword because it will erase the information in the class. How can I reference the class without using the new keyword.
    ContactInfo c = new ContactInfo(); // problem is here because it erases the info in the class
    Using new does not erase anything. There's nothing to erase. It's brand new. It creates a new instance, and whatever that constructor puts in there, is there. If you then change the contents of that instance, and you want to see them, you have to have maintained a reference to it somewhere, and access that instance's state through that reference.
    As already stated, you seem to be confused between class and instance, at the very least.
    Run this. Study the output carefully. Make sure you understand why you see what you do. Then, if you're still confused, try to rephrase your question in a way that makes some sense based on what you've observed.
    (And not that accessing a class (static) member through a reference, like foo1.getNumFoos() is syntactically legal, but is bad form, since it looks like you're accessing an instance (non-static) member. I do it here just for demonstration purposes.)
    public class Foo {
      private static int numFoos; // class variable
      private int x; // instance varaible
      public Foo(int x) {
        this.x = x;
      // class method
      public static int getNumFoos() {
        return numFoos;
      // instance method 
      public int getX() {
        return x;
      public static void main (String[] args) {
        System.out.println ("Foo.numFoos is " + Foo.getNumFoos ());
        System.out.println ();
        Foo foo1 = new Foo(42);
        System.out.println ("Foo.numFoos is " + Foo.getNumFoos ());
        System.out.println ("foo1.numFoos is " + foo1.getNumFoos ());
        System.out.println ("foo1.x is " + foo1.getX ());
        System.out.println ();
        Foo foo2 = new Foo(666);
        System.out.println ("Foo.numFoos is " + Foo.getNumFoos ());
        System.out.println ("foo1.numFoos is " + foo1.getNumFoos ());
        System.out.println ("foo1.x is " + foo1.getX ());
        System.out.println ("foo2.numFoos is " + foo2.getNumFoos ());
        System.out.println ("foo2.x is " + foo2.getX ());
        System.out.println ();

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    Hello Wontolla, I meant the Aperture main menu, there is a sub menu "View", see the Screenshot:
    Set all flags in the Metadata Display submenu as I did,  to show Metadata in Viewer and Browser, and then select "Customize"
    Pick the Metadata fields you want to display for all views.
    Make sure, that "Contents -> Keywords" is checked.

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    . Since of few weeks I can't do that anymore and it's very annoying. What can I do to get back to the former situation?
    Check, if you have the "Primary Only" option enabled. Then keywords will only be applied to the "Primary Image":
    See:                  Keywords or ratings are applied only to one of the selected images - why?
    Uncheck the little square button with the "1".

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    Delete the shortcut and make a new one. The 'real' application will probably be fine if you launch it from the Start/Programs menu.

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    Does anyone have an example using the Database Connectivity Execute Query vi and the LIKE keyword? I would like to do something like:
    SELECT TestNum, TestType FROM tests WHERE DeviceType ='Paul_AF125_Ver1' AND DeviceID = 'Test1' AND (TestType LIKE "Cyclic Voltammetry*")
    It works fine if I say LIKE "Cyclic Voltammetry" (without the *) but if I put the * in there, I get no records.
    I'm using Microsofts SQL Server Desktop Engine (comes with Access).

    Thank you for contacting National Instruments. I don't have an example program, but I did find some information for you.
    LIKE - similar to.
    Using the LIKE command, you can use the wildcard symbol %. To find names starting with J : names LIKE 'J%'; Ending in s ? name LIKE '%S'; You can use more than one % charactor too : names LIKE '%sam%'; Also, LIKE is not case sensitive.
    What you have written, may work if you change the wildcard syntax from * to %.

  • Warning  on use of the 'subtable' keyword

    I have previously given advice on this list about the use of the "subtable" keyword which could lead to kern pairs being unavailable. If you have used this keyword, please review the following.
    Class pairs in a kern feature are compiled as a lookup with a single subtable. The representation of the class pairs for a subtable looks like a big Excel spreadsheet, with all the left side pairs as the titles of the rows, and all the right-side pairs as the titles of the columns, and the kern pair values in the fields. As a result, every left side pair you name is kerned against every right side pair you name. Obviously, most of the fields are 0; there are non-zero values only where you specified a class pair kern value. Less obviously, all glyphs not named in a right side class are automatically assigned to right side class 0. This means that every left side class in the subtable is kerned against every glyph in the font ( with most of the kern values being 0).
    If you have a lot of left and right side class pairs, this subtable can get so large some of the offset values in the compiled lookup exceed the limit of 64K, and the lookup can't be built. The 'subtable' keyword is provided to help with this problem. It forces the class pair lookup to start a new subtable at the point where you put the 'subtable' keyword. If you have any degree of order in your class kern pair definitions, each of the subtables will then have fewer left and right classes, and the overall size of the lookup is smaller.
    My advice on using this keyword is:
    a) use it only if you have to because of a size oveflow problem, and
    b) there is not much use in trying to be smart about where you put it; it is usually simplest to put the first keyword more or less in the middle of the list of the class kern pairs. If this does not shrink the kern lookup enough, then put another 'subtable' keyword in the middle of each half of the class kern pair list, and so on.
    However, I omitted an important warning:
    c) any left side class can be used only within a single subtable.
    This is because each left side class in a subtable is by definition kerned against every right side class, and hence every glyph in the font because of class 0. It follows that a program looking for a kern pair will never look past the first subtable with a left side class containing the left side glyph. Moral: any left side class can be used only within a single subtable. If you put kern class pairs with that left side class in a subsequent subtable ( e.g; after a subtable break), those kern class pairs will never be seen by any program.
    My thanks to Karsten Luecke, whose struggle with an exanple of this problem showed that my previous advice on this list was incomplete.

    You say you're extending JTable but I see no hint of that.
    public class SpecialisedJTable extends JTable
        public SpecialisedJTable(TableModel model)
        public SpecialisedJTable()

  • Unable to publish in Swf format. Get error message: 'Swf compilation failed. Note: Please verify if any of the actionscript keywords is used as user variable name'. Anyone know how to fix?

    Unable to publish in Swf format. Get error message reads: 'Swf compilation failed. Note: Please verify if any of the actionscript keywords is used as user variable name'. Anyone know how to fix?

    Hi There,
    Can you tell me the Operating System and Captivate version you are using?
    Also can you confirm if you are getting this issue will this one project or all the projects? Try to copy paste this project on a new blank project and then try to publish.

Maybe you are looking for