The is a SERIOUS issue Mail 3.1 and IMAP mailboxes. Apple staff PLEASE read

I have an IMAP account with my ISP. I can see my inbox, but I can't see, or send items to Sent, Trash, Drafts, or any other folder I create for the purpose! Mail 3.1 is so daft, it will (after some prodding) create a new folder, on the server, but then says it doesn't exist!
And I'm not alone. There are a number of threads on this topic, but no solutions.
It works on my iPhone. It works on Webmail. It works on (ugh!) Entourage, but my beloved Mail app is now rendered absolutely USELESS! I'm going to have to use Thunderbird.
Please somebody from Apple reply and tell us how to fix this.

Hmmmm. On your iphone, do the folders in the hierarchy show under the inbox, or separately from the inbox? That is, is a path statement necessary? OK, assuming you've got that properly done, can you try the following?
Create a new folder, and call it something like "tempsent".
Go to Mailbox>UseThisMailboxFor and choose Sent.
It will disappear. Why? Because you're now using the "tempsent" folder as your "Sent" mailbox, and so it will show up as "Sent" in That is, whatever mailbox you use for sent messages will always appear in Mail as "Sent". Same for Trash, Drafts, and Junk.
But whatever was being used for sent messages before will now appear in your hierarchy under its original name, because it will no longer be being used as the Sent box.
Can you report back what happened when trying this?

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    Regards Jonoace U.k.

    !!! Creative jamais vai responder.
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    Mas por?incompet?ncia, pois nem suas novas placas funcionam direito, se era para vender est? mal.
    Problemas de memoria superior a 4 gb e tantos outros que Creative no tem respostas;
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    Realmente, antes era um sonho e orgulho possuir um produto CREATIVE, tornou-se um pesadelo e uma vergonha.
    Mas enfim o que fazer, apenas esperar um momento de honestidade por parte de Creative.
    Flavio Kern - Audigy 2 ZS
    Creative will never respond. So it would be fair if Creative would publish his inability to speak and that even where the plates Audigy would work in Vista and 7. But by incompetence, since neither her new adapter works right, if it was to sell is poorly. Problems of memory above 4 gb, and so many others that Creative does not have answers; Daniel and Pax Drivers are alternati'ves, but which also has many limitations. I honestly think this time Creative come publico do a serious story, and describe clearly the limitations of your cards by putting an end-point on expectations, frustrations and forgeries. It is shameful that onboard realtek cards like that boards Creative work better; Actually, before it was a dream and pride have a CREATIVE product, became a nightmare and a shame. But anyway what to do, just wait a moment of honesty from Creative.
    Flavio Kern-Audigy 2 ZS

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    ~ Josh

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  • "Apple Mail To Do" and IMAP

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    But that is only until the next time I reopen Mail. The next time I reopen Mail, Mail recreates a new copy of the "Apple Mail To Do" folder, but now nested within two "Inbox" folders (on my IMAP account). In attempt to solve this, I've tried various settings and changes and in so doing, I've tried to delete the folder(s), but all attempts were to no avail. Each time Mail reopens, the "Apple Mail To Do" keeps getting created and nested inside two, three, four, five, six, and more "Inbox" folders.
    Changing the preference settings in Mail to store Notes and To Do's "on my mac" has no influence on these happenings. My IMAP Path Prefix preferences is set to: INBOX. I'm afraid to change it to anything else because the last time I did that, Mail froze up my Inbox, automatically moved emails to unintended folders, and gave me an annoying pop-up every single time I opened Mail, asking me if I wanted to change my IMAP path preferences.
    I also noticed that when an Apple Mail To Do is created, I lose the unread mail count of my Inbox.
    But my dock unread count is accurate.
    I would love to use Apple Mail To Do, and I think for its integrated functionality (to be able to select a sentence in a particular email and make a To Do), it requires a folder in my IMAP email account. I don't know why it creates nested folders, but more importantly I'm just not sure how to go about resolving this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    In case someone else finds themselves in the same spot as I was, a fastmail pro (Rob) found a solution for this that works quite well. It's a long winded one, and I unfortunately don't quite have the time to go into all the details here, but it involves leaving the IMAP path prefix as "blank", and using alternate namespace IMAP ports. Rob has this detailed out in his blog at: k-ol-express-apple-mail-and-bis-users/
    and useful-for-blackberry-bis-users/
    For those that are not familiar with fastmail, imho, it is the way to go for professional imap emails. Lightning fast, 'customizable-galore', extremely reliable, and with an excellent support team. But more importantly they are very mac friendly, and works like awesome with Mac OS X Mail. For example, we have business email accounts hosted at fastmail, and I can share a designated "folder" of emails with 2 (or more) business partners, so much so that if one of us clicks an email, it comes up as being 'read' on all of our accounts, and with many many more functions. Really cool. Works well with family accounts (1, 2 or more users), and is simply customizable like crazy.
    They also have an awesome beta web-interface with heavy keyboard shortcuts, and they keep enhancing on it, increasing capability, efficiency and functions.
    Wow, I feel like a fastmail sales rep, heh?
    Anyway just wanted to post an update, that's all. Didn't mean to go on a tangent there.

  • Lost Mail from Sent and Inbox mailboxes in 10.3.9 to 10.4.3 uprgrade?

    I upgraded a couple of days ago from 10.3.9 to 10.4.3. I have now noticed that all old Mail messages from before the upgrade are not retrievable-- emails both sent and received. For all messages in this POP account prior to two days ago, I get a message that reads: "has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it."
    I tried to rebuild the sent mailbox, but that only made the sent messages disappear.
    Any advice on how can I recover the messages? I don't know if the mailboxes were too large (they seem to be under 1GB), or have somehow have been corrupted in the upgrade?

    I've had the same problem. Have you fixed your problem. Any advice? Your post has not been answerded. Thanks.

  • Mail can't find IMAP mailboxes after server upgrade from 10.3- 10.4

    For the past several years I've been running an IMAP server on my home network to allow me to keep all my mail in synch no matter which of my Macs I'm accessing mail from. (Bernard Teo's Postfix Enabler has been an amazing tool. See: ) Well, since I'm adding a RAID to the backup hardware on the same server later in the week, I decided to finally upgrade the server from Panther to Tiger. I can send and receive mail just fine. (I upgraded to MailServer from the site listed above.) However, all of my IMAP folders other than the associated inboxes have vanished, according to Now, when I check ~/Library/Mail the folders are still visible, and a quick Get Info tells me that they aren't empty. How do I get Mail to notice these folders?
    A shot of the offending folder should appear below:
    867 DP G4, Powerbook 1.67   Mac OS X (10.3.8)  

    More info: I've tried a variety of paths to the mailboxes, and this is the only one that has yielded anything. Still, it ain't usable, yet.
    867 DP G4, Powerbook 1.67   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Mail closes automatically and re-marks messages as NOT Read

    After I open Mail and start to read messages, it closes automatically without warning and re-marks all messages I read as NOT read. I have tried resetting and even Restoring but still the same. How can I fix this problem?

    I have exactly the same problem on my iPod Touch (latest) which has developed in the last few days. Before that there were no problems since I bought it in September (with Mail or anything else). I can download mail without trouble on my computer, and all the other apps on the iPod work fine, including internet access. I have checked the software is up-to-date and also restored the settings via the iTunes summary page. I've also deleted almost all e-mails on the webmail page of my ISP. Still the same.

  • Can i set  the same email account as POP on MacBook and IMAP on iPhone and iPad?

    I got an email account which is currently POP, it was setup on my MacBook, iPhone and iPad. Since POP cannot sync the read email, every time i have to read them on three devices - MacBook, iPhone and iPad, or it shows loads of unread mails.
    I heard IMAP can solve this problem, but after set the email account up as IMAP, loads of my emails lost! Luckily most of those emails are restored from Time Machine. IMAP is too dangerous, so i changed back to POP.
    Now i'm still surffering from read emails three times, i wonder anyway to fix this problem? can i set the email account as POP on MacBook and IMAP on iPhone and iPad?
    Many thanks,

    Normally, at least all smartphones I've used, do not delete things from the server. The Email programs on phones know enough not to delete emails you delete on the phone from the email server so you can still get them on your computer. I personally don't need or want all my emails on my phone. It is good to check emails and reply it ones that need a reply right then but otherwise I want them on my computers. Using IMAP on phone/pad may not act the same as POP and may interact with the server differently, deleting email I don't want on my phone from the server.
    I do have one IMAP email address on my phone, Google with Google Mail. All others access the servers with POP.

  • Mail for Exchange and multiple mailboxes

    Good day all
    I would like to know if I can have more than 1 mailbox syncd to my device.

    Go to your outlook web access website and click on the lock and then view certificate. The details and then you can save it in DER format to your desktop.
    Then go to this site: and insert through the browse button and then copy the link to your phone.
    Then you should be able to download it
    You can also go to your IIS default site on the exchange server and directory security and export your certificate under edit certificate.
    I have tried everything now. I can download my certificate and the valicert from GoDaddy, but the Nokia phone is still saying "do you trust this certificate" every time the phone syncs.
    Our firm have taken the E-phones away now and went over to windows mobile and all of them worked within 10 minutes without any errors.
    The funny thing is that when you try to call nokia, they wont help you with Mail for Exchange, and it is there program
    I know my GoDaddy certificate works on windows mobile phones, so It must be something with Mail for Exchange.
    Every guy I talked to about symbian phones have told me they always gives problems with SSL. I am a bit **bleep**, but can conclude that Nokia is for the private consumer.
    Best Regards
    Morten @ Denmark
    Message Edited by asp3200 on 02-May-2008 08:37 AM

  • I have a MacBook Pro 13inch 2.4GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo, 4Gb RAM, 250Gb HDD, NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics, SD card slot, up to 10 hour battery life)bought in October 2010 in the UK. The charger has stopped working. Which model and voltage do I need please?

    I have a MacBook Pro 13inch 2.4GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo, 4Gb RAM, 250Gb HDD, NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics, SD card slot, up to 10 hour battery life) bought in October 2010. The charger has been playing up for a while now - the light going out but coming back on when I move the cable a bit - faulty connection it seems. It has now stopped working at all.
    Apple UK charge a whopping £65 for a replacement - and the reviews are AWFUL for it!
    I need to know which one I need - 45w, 60w and 80w are listed - can someone tell me please? If I'm going to pay this price I want to make sure I get the right one!
    Also, is a genuine Apple one available on Amazon UK, does anyone know please?
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Meanwhile my battery is going down.....

    Thanks for that wjosten. Much appreciated.
    I've read here on Apple's site that the 85W version will work, as you say, and that it would run cooler with a 13" Macbook - I have a 13" MBP of course but assume this would be the same with mine. I wonder if running cooler is a good thing (it sounds as if it is) and it would be better for me to get the 85W version than the 60W one?
    Then I have to decide whether to pay the (extortionate as it seems to me, though I may be wrong) £65 from Apple (bearing in mind the rotten reviews here of the Apple product), or risk a cheaper alternative from Amazon UK, at around £20 (also with various rotten reviews)... Any suggestions? Please? :-)

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    Coincidentally I have had the same problem and I am also on Reliance network. I learnt the lesson in an expensive way (Read at Rs.17/min as this is the ISD rate of Reliance for calling to USA). I did mnp (mobile number portability, you oldie!) from Airtel to Reliance. So I had the inactive nano sim of Airtel. I took out the Reliance sim and inserted the Airtel sim into my iPhone 5s. By the time it was serching for the network, I quickly navigated to settings>phone and turned that damned dial assit off. That's it. Now when I inserted the Reliance sim and dialled the toll free numbers it was working perfectly, means free of cost. But I still wonder how come Reliance does not send the post call charge notification after the ISD calls? I had to call 198 to know about the balance deduction.

Maybe you are looking for