The Reader Wi-Fi skips pages, appears to be frozen or the dictionary opens while turning pages.

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If your Reader™ turns pages by itself, does not respond to touch or opens the dictionary refer to the following information:
Install the latest firmware version (PRS-T1 Only).
If you swipe the screen and hold your finger on the screen, you will turn multiple pages continuously. This is the swipe and hold gesture designed to flip through pages quickly.
If you try to swipe a page and use 2 fingers instead of one, you will activate the Zoom option. If you are unaware that you did this, the reader may appear frozen. However, it is just in Zoom mode. Press the back button to exit Zoom mode.
NOTE: When your Reader Wi-Fi is in Zoom mode, the screen will have a box in the lower-right corner of the screen. The box will appear every time the screen it touched until you exit zoom mode. The box looks this:
If you rest your thumb on the bottom corner of the screen while swiping, you may also activate zoom mode.
If you tap on the screen without swiping or too long before swiping, you may activate a pop-up menu for other options or the dictionary. If this is not intentional, be sure not to tap and hold when swiping.
You can also use the supplied stylus for more precise touchscreen operation.
Operation with the stylus makes it easier to select small items or specific areas of text.

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