The remember passwords wont stay checked which means I have to reenter every password

firefox is not remembering passwords, when I close and restart firefox the box for remembering passwords becomes unchecked

The website is using autocomplete=off to prevent Firefox from saving the name and password.
You can remove autocomplete=off with a bookmarklet to make Firefox save the name and password.

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    hello laurabo, firefox won't save your passwords when you've set it up to run in permanent private browsing mode ("never remember history" in the options > privacy panel).
    [[Settings for privacy, browsing history and do-not-track]]

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    Two ways to store a password.
    Keychain or a cookie.
    The "remember me" is a cookie and you can search and delete it if needed.
    The Keychain is under the control of that user account and is password protected.
    Both methods should protect your data as long as you have some type of "log on" when starting your computer. If your Mac has only one account and you've set it up to automatically log in then other (very smart) people could view the cookie file. But most of them scramble sensitive data and even a smart user would find it difficult to find.
    Tiger's version of Safari also include a "Private Browsing" feature (under the Safari menu).

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    Yes each aplication has 3 fact tables:
    FACTWB:Real time storage, when you send data it is stored here and this is linked to the FACTWB partition in OLAP which is a ROLAP partition to enable real time updates of the data.
    FAC2: Short term storage. If too many records are in the FACTWB the aplication becomes slow because these records need to be queried by the OLAP engine everytime new records are send to the database. To clean up te real time storage you can do a lite optimize, which will move the FACTWB records to the FAC2 partition. this lite optimize can be done even when users are in the system.
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    Evertime you run a reort, SAP BPC is looking at all 3 partitions and combines the data of the 3 partitions to present the correct value in your report. Remember that BPC is posting differences in the WB and not the final values. So if you have for example a record with 10 in the FAC2 partition and you send 12 to the database for that intersection, BPC will post only 2. When running a report it combines the 10 and the 2 which makes 12.
    Hope this makes it more clear.
    Edited by: Joost Hoppenbrouwers on May 6, 2008 12:19 PM : Seems that James and I where writing pretty much the same post at the same time

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    It is possible that there is a problem with the files key3.db and signons.sqlite that store the encrypted names and passwords in Firefox.<br />
    Rename the files key3.db and signons.sqlite in the Firefox profile folder.<br />
    You can add .old to the file names (key3.db.old and signons.sqlite.old) or move them to another folder to make it possible to undo the action.<br />
    You need to set a new Master Password after renaming or deleting key3.db and all currently saved passwords are lost.<br />
    If that has worked then you can remove the renamed files that are no longer needed.
    * "Troubleshooting" in
    If you see passwords in the Password Manager (Tools > Options > Security: Passwords > "Saved Passwords") then you can save the existing passwords with the Password Exporter extension before removing the files and re-import them afterward.
    * Password Exporter:

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == installed 3.5

    Thanks for the advice. In my case, it is sufficient to '''uncheck''' " Saved passwords".
    ('''''Preferences -> Privacy -> Clear History when Firefox closes -> Settings -> Saved Passwords''''').
    Great to have Sync. :)

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    Take a look at []. It will show you how to view the saved password and delete it

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    hi Gryse, in the scenario you've described it is not possible to bring up the remember password dialog again, also firefox won't even have your credentials in memory anymore (your login status on the site is stored in a cookie that the website has set on your computer).
    please contact the account settings on the website and see if they offer to change the password or send a reset link to a mail address used to register or else contact the support of the website.

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    what can be difference between FF and other browsrs?

    Do you mean names and passwords in the Password Manager or do you mean that you are no longer logged on to (remembered by) websites after closing and restarting Firefox?
    There is a difference between remembering the name and password in the Password Manager and a "remember me" check box on a web page to log you in automatically.<br />
    The latter usually involves the creation of a special "remember me" cookie that is stored on your computer and that is send to the server.<br />
    If that "remember me" cookie is removed or gets corrupted or is not send to the server then the server won't remember you anymore and you need to sign in once again.

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    Now, no matter what I do, I cannot get it to use the new password! What I mean is that when I go to the Network in question, click the tiny pencil shaped button, type in the correct password, click Add, then Apply, I come back to check what the new saved password is and it's still the incorrect password. Instead of saying it was connected, it would show full bars but say Self-Assigned IP.
    Despite this, the computer did have the correct password filled in elsewhere. In the 802.1X section of the Advanced Network Preferences there is a User Profile named after the Network that has the correct password in it. This has been true during periods where it was working, as well as during times when it wouldn't connect.
    I've tried deleting the wireless network from my list of remembered networks and then re-adding it with the correct password. When I do this, it comes back with the incorrect password already filled in! Maddening.
    I've tried unchecking the box that says "Remember all networks this computer has joined", this worked with limited success, allowing me to connect again, but then, half an hour later, it stopped working and won't even suffice as a temporary fix anymore. To the pit with this!
    To get online and type this I went to Keychain Access, thinking that is how my computer was remembering the incorrect password and thus, repeatedly filling it in. However, deleting all mention of this Network there had no effect. It was only after deleting some authenticated certificates that I was allowed to reconnect. I haven't the faintest idea why this made it work, the Network Preferences is still refilling in the incorrect password no matter what I do, but for some reason it is working... as of now.
    While I was typing this, I lost connection again... I returned to Keychain Access and did all the things mentioned above, now I am posting this before I am forced to do so again.
    Thank you.

    I am having trouble connecting to my school's wireless network. Initially I couldn't connect at all, but someone helped me by going into the Network Preferences and changing the password stored there (it was trying to use an earlier one that was used for the schools old network). That worked fine until I changed my password from the random numbers the school gave me to something I could remember.
    Now, no matter what I do, I cannot get it to use the new password! What I mean is that when I go to the Network in question, click the tiny pencil shaped button, type in the correct password, click Add, then Apply, I come back to check what the new saved password is and it's still the incorrect password. Instead of saying it was connected, it would show full bars but say Self-Assigned IP.
    Despite this, the computer did have the correct password filled in elsewhere. In the 802.1X section of the Advanced Network Preferences there is a User Profile named after the Network that has the correct password in it. This has been true during periods where it was working, as well as during times when it wouldn't connect.
    I've tried deleting the wireless network from my list of remembered networks and then re-adding it with the correct password. When I do this, it comes back with the incorrect password already filled in! Maddening.
    I've tried unchecking the box that says "Remember all networks this computer has joined", this worked with limited success, allowing me to connect again, but then, half an hour later, it stopped working and won't even suffice as a temporary fix anymore. To the pit with this!
    To get online and type this I went to Keychain Access, thinking that is how my computer was remembering the incorrect password and thus, repeatedly filling it in. However, deleting all mention of this Network there had no effect. It was only after deleting some authenticated certificates that I was allowed to reconnect. I haven't the faintest idea why this made it work, the Network Preferences is still refilling in the incorrect password no matter what I do, but for some reason it is working... as of now.
    While I was typing this, I lost connection again... I returned to Keychain Access and did all the things mentioned above, now I am posting this before I am forced to do so again.
    Thank you.

  • Why the restart firefox bubble does not show after installing an addon and the remember password bubble is closed (not now x)?

    When I go to a post login page, firefox offers to remember password.
    If this bubble is ignored (by pressing the x or by choosing the Not now option) and i download an add-on on that page that requires browser restart, the bubble of "restart now" which should get triggered after the installation of the add-on is not shown.
    Note: If i press on Remember password or never remember password on this site, the restart bubble shows.

    Possibly you could explain carefully what happens, listing the steps you take.
    As a test/example Would you be able for instance to recreate the problem with this forum as a login site with a password. And with for example this add-on

  • How do I add "exceptions" to the "remember passwords for sites" feature in Tools/Options/Security?

    I like when FireFox remembers and automatically posts user names and password when I go on to most sites. But there are some I do not wish to automatically be posted. However, when I select "Exceptions" within the Tools/Options/Security/Remember Passwords For Sites pathway, all I can do is see the sites that are exceptions. This facility doesn't seem to allow you to add a site (which would then become an exception). Please advise.

    Tools > Options > Security > Passwords: Exceptions
    Include those that you do not want to save passwords for, such as those regard banks, credit cards, or other financial institutions.
    To remove one already created use the "Saved Passwords" on that dialog,
    after supplying master password (twice if you view passwords),
    :Select the site and use "Remove" to remove the unwanted password.
    :Certainly hope you do assign a Master Password to provide some protection to your passwords.
    I like that '''about:permissions''' noted by xr417, it does same as above, but allows you to modify something already in system easier. Don't think I've seen that before. Did a search on bank and found an old account/password -- don't even want an old one there.

  • Can I get the "Remember Password" prompt back

    I searched an found almost the same question, but not quite.
    Even though I probably shouldn't I have been letting FF remember my passwords to a lot of websites that don't really matter . . . including a couple of "junk" freemail accounts that I use for newsletters and spam magnets.
    FF stopped remembering the password to one of my Yahoo accounts even though it still offers up the pw for the other one. Since security isn't really an issue with these and the convenience is awfully nice, is there a way to get the remember prompt back for the one account?

    The Yahoo log in website is using autocomplete=off to prevent Firefox from saving form data like name and password.
    You can remove autocomplete=off with a bookmarklet to make Firefox store form data like names and passwords.
    Note that Firefox won't auto-fill saved form data automatically when autocomplete=off is used, so you need to double-click the empty name field to get a drop-down list.

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