The Store takes my money but doesn't give me my downloads!

I bought and downloaded three things last night. Then I upgraded my iTunes to the new version. I downloaded 4 more things this morning and I keep getting an error message:
Unable to Check for Purchases.
iTunes store is temporarily unavailable. Try again later.
It's later, and it still ain't working.
To test:
I have disabled my firewall
I ran a repair on my iTunes
I deleted my preference files and reset all my prefs
I disabled all Windows security/firewall settings
Still no luck
When I go to my iTunes store account, I am also unable to check my purchase history. I get another error that the iTunes store is unavailable. There is nothing else wrong with my connection. I am able to download files from Audible and they go right into my iTunes library.
This is very frustrating, esp since I'm going to Greece on Tuesday and was buying stuff to listen to on the plane.
Any help would be appreciated.

Are you running any of Symantec's (Norton) or McAfee's Internet security products or anything similar, or an antivirus/antispyware application? There have been reports that some such utilities treat an upgrade to iTunes as a new application and can block the application from connecting. So you have to go in and reset the utility to allow iTunes. The same thing can happen if you upgrade the security product (this has particularly been a problem with recent McAfee upgrades).
Check the settings for your utility. If iTunes is still listed, remove and re-enable the exception for iTunes (consult your utility's documentation for the appropriate procedure).
Hope this helps.

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