Themes for FCE

Anybody know how to get themes for FCE or can it be done. Also is their a way after completeing a project in iDVD can it be imported over to FCE. I just wonder don't use iDVD.

There are no canned Themes in FCE.
There are a few Generators but i don't think that's what you are referring to.
Companies such as Digital Juice supply backgrounds, intros etc.
Also is their a way after completeing a project in iDVD can it be imported over to FCE. I just wonder >don't use iDVD.
Not directly from iDVD to FCE. You could however copy the DVD to DV tape then import or use a third party conversion application to convert the Mpeg2 files (DVD) to an FCE friendly QuickTime like DV.

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    Thank you    

    Assuming you purchased QT Pro, you can always download it again at no extra charge by logging in to your Apple account.
    Regarding FCE, there is no way to download & install the product.  You need an original FCE install disk and your FCE serial number.
    Final Cut Pro X (aka FCPX) can be purchased & downloaded from the App Store.

  • Xmas is Coming! Would You Like 50 FREE Video Tutorials for FCE/FCP?

    Ripple Training produce some excellent tutorials on CD.
    However, they also give away over 50 video tutorials for FCE/FCP.
    Many of them are for FCP BUT (most) also apply to FCE.
    They deal with each topic in a short and punchy style. I found them easy to follow and learned some useful quick tips.
    They are QT movies which can be downloaded so that you can use them whenever you want. (Allow about an hour to download them all - you have to do them one at a time). I found it quicker to download all of them (except for a few dealing with multi-camera work etc.) rather than viewing them on the website to sort them out.
    Hope you find them as useful as I did.

    Just a couple of additional points for newcomers:-
    1. The estimation of an hour (or so) to download them all refers to Broadband (ADSL). Normal "Snailmail" internet will take around 10 hours!
    2. To download each lesson choose File>Save Page As. A window will appear saying it will be saved as a QuickTime Movie on the Desktop. Click Save.

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    Live Type needs to Render the Movie, (cmd-R) before you can export the movie.
    Although when you render the movie it gets exported as a .mov in the animation codec which has the alpha channel that allows you to place your titles over photos.
    Of course once you render your movie you can export it in another codec if you like., but you don't really need to for FCE.
    You do need to make sure that you don't render the background though

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    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Sorry I should have mentioned it.
    All for NSTC and the original is a recording done by GoToMeeting. It is a Windows Video Media Standard 9.
    Usually I have to then play it and capture it as we don't want the full screen. I capture it with Snap Pro X, The result of that is an Apple Animation Millions IMA 4:1. with FPS of 10.
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    I have MPEG Streamclip but it has so many options, not sure what to use.
    I have looked all over for something that talks about formats to use and have found nothing as they all seem to think the original Video is being imported from a camera.
    Thanks for the response.

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    Depending on your needs a DSLR might be a good way to go. You can get a Canon T3i for around $600. It's a great camera, I've outlined the pros and cons I've found after working with everything from bottom-of-the-line Rebels to the 5D Mk III. I love them for what I do, but you'll have to try one out and see for yourself.
    The cons:
    Battery consumption. My canon battery lasts about an hour of shooting at the most. Buy lots of batteries and keep them charged!
    Overheating. They do warm up quick and they will overheat in sunlight. Have some sort of shade for them and you'll be fine!
    12 minute record time. Shooting at the highest quality, you cannot shoot more than 12 minutes at a time. If you're doing an interview, you will be taking lots of breaks.
    No autofocus. If you shoot scripted material this is no problem, as you should be manually focusing anyways. However, keep in mind that most DSLR's do not have proper autofocus during recording. Those that do have a LONG way to go before they will really be useful. These cameras are just not made to do it.
    The benefits are:
    Shooting MOV format, though it is compressed in H.264 which is not very edit friendly. You can do it, just make sure that once you finish editing your sequence, change your sequence settings to Apple Intermediate Codec and re-render the whole sequence before you export.
    Interchangeable lenses. You get the whole lineup of Canon lenses to choose from, plus any other companies lens with an adapter.
    Depth of field. The larger image sensor lets you blur out your background for cinematic looks that add another level of professionalism.
    Low Light performance. Large sensors also are great in dark conditions as they capture much more light, giving better colors and lower noise.
    SD card recording. They're fast, reliable and cheap. You can buy 10 and just keep switching them out once they're full, no dealing with tapes or discs.
    Plus, you can shoot stills too! I know its a lot of information but I hope it helps!

  • Best export settings for FCE 4

    How do I export from FCE 4 to iDVD so that the video quality is good? I've tried exporting in multiple formats and all of them are horribly pixelated.

    Thanks for the details.  Now we can respond on what the problems are.
    Basically, you have put incompatible media in a sequence not designed to handle even one of the media types you are using.
    Your sequence is NTSC DV 720x480 4:3 aspect ratio.  That would be fine if you were using QuickTime NTSC DV clips.  But you aren't.  You are using a QuickTime .dv clip (sorry, but that really is a difference) plus two H.264 1920x1080 16:9 clips.
    H.264 is an extremely compressed format, is not a format appropriate for editing, and FCE is not designed to edit H.264 material.   I 'get it' that you were able to import & manipulate the H.264 clips in FCE, but H.264 is not an editing format and FCE really can't work with it.  That is a big part of the reason you are getting undesirable results.
    It is always a challenge to combine very different types of video in a single sequence.  You basically have two choices with FCE: all QuickTime/DV-NTSC (or QT/DV-PAL) ... or all QuickTime/Apple Intermediate Codec.   The former gives you 4:3 standard def video; the latter gives you 16:9 highdef video.  Given that you are combining 4:3 material with 16:9 material you have to make a choice of which aspect ratio you are going to 'live with' in the final video and make decisions in advance about converting the source media to either all QT/DV-NTSC or all QT/AIC before you import the material into FCE.
    You appear to have chosen 4:3 as your final aspect ratio (because your sequence setting is DV/DVCPRO-NTSC) and I assume you have cropped your 16:9 clips to fit.  If that is the case, then I'd suggest that all your source media clips should be converted to QuickTime/DV-NTSC (.mov files, not QuickTime .dv files) before importing them into FCE.  MPEG Streamclip is an excellent utility to do that conversion.
    On the other hand, if you want a 16:9 final aspect ratio because 2 of your 3 clips are 1920x1080 then you should convert everything to QuickTime/AIC before importing into FCE;  but you will then have to live with one of your clips being 4:3 and therefore appearing windowboxed in the 16:9 video frame.  I would not suggest enlarging (scaling) 4:3 video to cover a 16:9 video frame because it will really soften and perhaps pixellate that portion of the video.
    I appreciate this may not be the news you wanted to hear, but it is the way things are.

  • Can anyone recommend a camcorder for FCE HD?

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    I have a brand new 27" imac and a budget of around £500 for the camcorder.
    Any recommendations and reviews greatly appreciated. This Apple list of compatible cameras is a little vague and quite short, I don't know how often they test new cameras etc.

    Sony or Panasonic work just fine.
    You must get a camera that produces standard AVCHD and interlaced footage.
    Alot of cameras can produce progressive and interlaced and simply require configuring for direct use for FCE.
    I use a Panasonic HDC-SDT750 with no problems. The 700 series are fine.
    Newer models and names change regularly, so if you have got a short list in mind post them here and we can advise on specific models and suitablilty with FCE.

  • Good HD camera for FCE - Sanyo? Canon? Sony?

    I'm looking for a good HD camera for FCE (1920 × 1080 pixels; no tape, no HDD--just Memory).
    Is anyone here using the Sanyo Xacti VPC-HD1010?
    I could only find sample videos of the older HD1000 here:
    Is the quality of the HD1010 better?
    Or can someone recommend Canon (HF100?) or Sony?

    Please have a look at these cutouts of your examples:
    During horizontal movements it doesn't look very good too. Why...?
    I looked for other 1920 x 1080 sample movies on Vimeo, and most of them looked MUCH better than yours:
    (I could only watch the MOVs and MP4s -- no MPGs, AVIs and WMVs -- where can I find the right plugins for QT...?)
    ========== MP4 ========== : aadff6d1&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE! 75b79139&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE! de439e7d&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE! 058a9157&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "Camera Settings: FXP (of course), 24P, Cine. No post processing was done other than inverse telecine to get the true 24p"
    PLAYS FINE! a70b197d&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "This exportation is on Sony Avc codec. Vimeo has problems with this codec upload: the message "holding pattern" appears at least during a few hours."
    PLAYS FINE! 3aa0e7af&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "convert from MTS to MP4 with sony vegas 8.0"
    PLAYS FINE! e536e317&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "1080p 30p 17MBps FXP mode - converted from MTS to MP4 with sony vegas 8.0"
    PLAYS FINE! 9ed8e744&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE!!! 802e2aaf&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE!!! 68dc7053&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    QT CRASHES! bfef21a1&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "This was Auto W/B and 30p. I'm finding that I like 30p over 60i. Tried 24p cinema, and it just looks washed out and lower frame rate - not very 'cinema'."
    ("like the 30p mode better than the 60i. My preferred mode is 24i in "cinema" setting, which gives a very "film-like" look."
    => "The file is not a movie file")
    ========= MOV ========== : d90bd02c&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "Filmed in 30 P mode, 17 Mb/sec, Auto WB (a bit off sometimes) - Imported with Voltaic, edited with iMovie HD 6.0, exported to quicktime"
    ========== MPG ========== : 2ae3104c&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 eff8d00c&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 1d430766&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 d6b1dea7&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    ========== AVI ========== : f465ab1a&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 e63f94af&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 14ec95aa&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 4f257560&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 b32fbfa5&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    ========== WMV ========== : d93fbef5&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    So the Canon HF100 seems to be a really good camcorder,
    but it may be difficult to find the best export settings in FCE...?

  • Plug ins for FCE 4

    Hi everyone
    Theres a few issues with quality in imovie. And i understand that FCE is better for creating dvds. I have FCE4 which I use for more detailed editing ( surf films ) but I also have a video booth business ( interactive wedding guestbook ) and the themes and transitions in imovie are perfect for this.
    I was told yesterday that I can get plug ins for FCE4 which could give me themes and titles and stuff ( looking for wedding themes really) or some funky themed transitions like in imovie. Think they said it was magic bullet. Does anyone know if this is possible.
    Also is there away to drag in multiple transitions in FCE4 ( preferably different transitions ) rather than put them in individually ?
    Many thanks

    Have you been to the Red Giant website to see what they have available for FCE?
    As for applying multiple transitions at one time, first set the transition you want to use as the default transition. Next, set the Timeline playhead where you want the first transition to go. Select all of the clips to the right of the Timeline playhead to which you want to apply the same transition. Drag the selected clips from the Timeline to the right-hand side of the Canvas window. A hidden menu will appear as you get near the right side. Drop the selected clips on the "Overwrite w/Transition" box.

  • Apple Support for FCE HD - $200 per call???

    i had what was probably a minor issue with editing in final cut express hd today. So naturally, i called applecare. They told me that it had been past the 90 days given to us for support from the point of purchase. Fine. However, the apple support representative went on to tell me that Applecare does NOT support pro applications and that i have to pay $199 per incident? I paid $299 for the product itself! Last i checked, i-pods were selling pretty well and i don't think steve jobs needs that money! Is apple serious? Where do they get off charging $200 for a ONE TIME PHONE CALL? Just because FCE HD is a "pro" application, apple can't assume that everyone who purchases this product is a "pro" from the start!
    Where else am i supposed to get phone technical support for FCE HD??

    These forums are here to give you technical advice. Admittedly it is not over the phone but it is FREE and lasts for ever.
    Also you will have the collective knowledge of numerous people not just the one "expert" you happen to be speaking to.

  • How do I leverage a custom theme for Outlook 2013?

    Microsoft has a problem. They use the term "theme" in Office in 2 different ways: 1) the 3 background colors you can choose of the Office applications and 2) a collection of colors, fonts, and layout that can be customized and defined by the user
    for the applications.
    I know how to create a theme in PowerPoint and save it as a default for all new presentations. Allegedly you can you this across Office applications but this is where it breaks down (as far as my user experience goes).
    I've created a theme in PowerPoint. It has my custom colors. I want to use that same collection in Outlook.
    I can apply it on a email by email basis (Options menu for an email), but I want the default email (new or reply) to use that custom theme. I see my theme in the drop down menu under a heading of Custom, but there isn't a way to set it as default
    (behavior differs from PowerPoint here).
    So I look under the Outlook File menu, then Options and select Mail. You can change stationary, but the custom theme isn't an option there.
    Then there is Styles under the Format Text menu when in a new email. There are color options and font options, but again, no way to leverage the work I did in creating the custom theme.
    Searching on customizing themes for Outlook only gets me answers on the first use of the word theme, not the latter.
    Is there no way to you the theme I created for Outlook 2013?

    Its very simple - if you want a product that remains consistent and does not change its layout every few years, that is fully customizable, and will remain being supported by subsequent operating systems, then get an open source product running in an open
    source OS. It seems that you can no longer rely on MS to provide consistency, stability, or support for their own products. 
    When will MS realise that customer familiarity with their products is their intellectual property, like branding, which you would never trash every five years. Imagine that MS wanted to change their name to a new company name, or their Outlook brand to Inlook
    - it would never happen. So why is thee trade getup and arrangement changing so often and against what their customers want? Is it to justify thee new products? Maybe with cloud and 365, they will finally be happy and stop mucking about with what works (after
    they change everything back to '95 /XP format?).

  • I have an ipad mini 1st gen 64 gb (wifi only) and i have problem with some of my apps. These apps have lags when you play with them for a few seconds the apps are having lags are call of duty strike team, gta San Andreas and nfs most wanted.pleas help me

    I have an ipad mini 1st gen 64 gb (wifi only) and i have problem with some of my apps. These apps have lags when you play with them for a few seconds the apps are having lags are call of duty strike team, gta San Andreas and nfs most wanted.pleas help me

    I'm going to guess videos buffer for a while also...
    Two possibilities, one is you should close apps on the iPad, the other is your internet speed is not able to handle the demands of a high speed device.
    To close apps:   Double click home button, swipe up to close the apps.
    To solve internet problem, contact your provider.   Basic internet is not enough for video games and movies.   Your router may be old and slow.

  • PLEASE: How can I save my iphone texts and "notes" (not "the note") to my computer? I need them for reference and legal purposes. I have yet to find an app for this and iphone doesn't sync either one.

    I am brand new to using a Support Community -- I'm more of a in-person show me learner but...huge snowstorm and I don't want to
    to make an appointment at a Genius Bar, driving 15 miles, especially since I asked about this once before  and no one there was able to
    give me an "official" Apple answer .  I do hope I am posting my question (and plea) for help properly.
    LOL when I had my first lil' Mac Classic, over 20 years ago, my participation in the techno world was soooo much easier, simpler.
    My current situation: I have soooo many texts on my iphone and I haven't deleted many because I need the information contained in them for
    future reference and for legal purposes.  I would really like to find a means and way to save them other than on the phone itself.
    I've done searches for various apps yet I'm not finding what I think I would need.  It appears Apple does not sync the texts between the iphone and
    my MacBook Pro.
    Also I often use Notes for quick journaling as well as copy and pasting from other apps, usually inspirational, that I know I am going to want
    to read again (always with credit noted ) and these too are taking up space.  If I could email myself I would but the apps I'm using don't offer that and each day there is a new commentary -- no way to go "back".
    I am currently using OS 10.6.8 on my MacBook -- my disc drive doesn't work and upgrading has to be done at the Apple Store so I don't have iCloud yet.
    My iphone 4  is running OS 6.0.1 -- no upgrade until I'm at a wifi connection -- most of the time I'm using my personal hotspot.
    I'm a very busy self-employed Nana raising grandchildren and a great-grandchild.  I don't have a lot of time and certainly not enough for copying and pasting every text as well as note and emailing it to myself.  There has got to be a better, easier way, yes?
    I'd be most appreciative of any and all assistance here.  Oh, someone mentioned to me I ought to get a "stick" for downloading but were talking
    in a language I'm still learning. 
    Thank you!

    SkyDaughter29 wrote:
    My current situation: I have soooo many texts on my iphone and I haven't deleted many because I need the information contained in them for future reference and for legal purposes.  I would really like to find a means and way to save them other than on the phone itself. I've done searches for various apps yet I'm not finding what I think I would need.  It appears Apple does not sync the texts between the iphone and my MacBook Pro.
    Try the computer apps PhoneView (Mac) or TouchCopy (Mac & PC):
    Best of luck.

  • "Example on reading combined signals from a serial port and separating them for display purposes". I am a beginner in Labview and would appreciate if anyone help with that

    I am working on a wireless vital sign monitor. I have 3 signals; heart rate and temperature. I filter and amplify the signals before converting them into digital form. I then pass them via MAX232 before passing them to RS232 serial cable.
    I am therefore working on a program to receive the combined signal and separate them.
    I have come across serial read and write examples on but am looking for one where I can actually separate combined signals and display them separately.

    Reading the serial port will give you a string. How you divide the channels depends on how the data was formatted before it was sent over the serial channel.
    If you are designing the instrument, as it seems from your query, then you can set up any form you wish. If your data is always floating point numeric, you could use space or tab characters to separate data words. You could use and XML format. If the instrument is provided by a vendor, contact them for the protocol.
    If tabs are used between words and returns between sets of readings, the resutlant string can be interpretted by the Spreadsheet String to Array function in LV.
    Things to avoid are characters often used by serial communications systems as control characters. Carraige returns are
    often used as command terminators by serial protocols, but may also be used by the port.

Maybe you are looking for

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