Thermocouple gives large incorrect reading.

Simple setup: type T thermocouple connected to a SCXI 1320 on a SCXI 1121 with the SCXI 1000 chassis. The chassis and the module are already recognized by the computer and the PCI-MIO-16E-4 card. The test virtual channel under Data Neighborhood (which is configured for T type, Referenced Single Ended, correct channel) outputs a reading of -6.1498e+008, which is slightly wrong since the thermocouple is at room temperature. Please help me.

Greetings Second Alias,
I would suggest to test a voltage source initially to see if you are able to read a correct voltage. Connect a voltage source across CH+ and CH- of the 1320 (or just short CH+ and CH- and connect one of the terminals to chassis ground in order to ground a channel). Then run a test panel on the PCI-MIO-16E-4 and enter the SCXI channel string to point to the correct channel on the SCXI-1121 (see link below for help on the SCXI channel string).
Valid SCXI Channel String Arrays under LabVIEW
If you are able to read the correct voltage, then you know you have all of the hardware correctly connected.
Next, I would make sure you have added the SCXI-1320 terminal block as an accessory to the SCXI-1121. The SCXI-1320 has a CJC sensor that is used to read thermocouples. I would test the CJC within the test panels of the PCI-MIO-16E-4 by entering the correct channel string (if the 1121 is in slot 1 the channel string for the CJC would be "ob0!sc1!md1!mtemp"...see link below for more info. on CJC channel string). At room temperature, you should read around 0.25 V from the CJC.
How Can I Address and Use Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) with SCXI Modules?
If you are reading the correct value for the CJC, then I would go back to testing the thermocouple. Make sure you are using "built-in" for the CJC within the virtual channel.
If you are still having problems, I would double check the jumpers on the SCXI-1121 to make sure they are configured correctly. Make sure the gain and filter jumper settings match the settings in MAX. Information on the jumpers can be found in the SCXI-1121 user manual.
SCXI-1121 User Manual
I hope this helps.
Todd D.
NI Applications Engineer

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    Best Regards,
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  • Thermocouple gives wrong reading

    I'm using thermocouple type T. I set up board PXI6221 board with Labview 7.1.
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    In your post you mentioned that you are having some trouble getting a thermocouple to read accurate readings when connected directly to a Data Acquisition (DAQ) board without any signal conditioning.
    Just as a quick refresher of how Thermocouples work, I would like to encourage you to check out this tutorial:
    Taking Thermocouple Temperature Measurements
    Essentially you will see that a Thermocouple measurement will be a very small signal (max of about 20 mV), requires a cold junction temperature, and because of the signal size it is subject to a lot of noise leakage.  Other factors such as an incorrect CJC value could cause problems with the actual accuracy of the device.
    Essentially in your situation, the first thing that I would do is recommend that you have some sort of signal conditioning for your thermocouple (such as devchander mentioned in your forum post).  If you cannot afford to get extra signal conditioning, then make sure that you have the temperature range for your task set as accurately as possible for the expected values.  That will allow the maximum possible resolution to be used.  The CJC temp is given in Degrees C, so make sure that it matches the temperature of your terminal block as closely as possible (typically room temperature).  Finally, the noise on the longer leads could lead to the increased problem with the temperature signal.  The only way to really get rid of noise would be to use signal conditioning or oversample and average the measurements.
    Considering the information that you gave in your second post, I think that AnalogKidtoDigitalMan is right about copper wire posing a serious problem with your measurement.  Definitely review the above tutorial to best understand how thermocouples work with measurement systems.
    I hope some of the tips help you find a better solution than what you have now.  If you have any other specific questions about this then feel free to let me know.
    Training and Certification
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Try another Apple ID
    (  OK  )
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    import java.lang.String.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ReadFile {
    //--------------------------------------------------< main >--------//
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    ReadFile t = new ReadFile();
    //--------------------------------------------< readMyFile >--------//
    void readMyFile() {
    String line = null;
    String dcn = null;
    String pfn = null;
    String pln = null;
    String pdob = null;
    String ssd = null;
    try {
    FileReader fr = new FileReader("C:\\ClaimsData\\ClaimsExtract.txt");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
    line = new String();
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    //A00002314376A5272201102300000000MASARU OKUDA 1933012520050722B101 20051001
    //Each line of ClaimsExtract.txt is exactly in above form
    // and there are about 1000 such lines
    dcn = new String();
    pfn = new String();
    pln = new String();
    pdob = new String();
    ssd = new String();
    dcn = line.substring(13,24);
    pfn = line.substring(32,42);
    pln = line.substring(42,57);
    pdob = line.substring(57,65);
    ssd = line.substring(65,73);
    //System.out.println(dcn+" "+pfn+" "+pln+" "+pdob+" "+ssd);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // catch possible io errors from readLine()
    System.out.println("Uh oh, got an IOException error!");
    } // end of readMyFile()
    } // end of class Stream closed
         at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.ensureOpen(
         at ReadFile.readMyFile(
         at ReadFile.main(
    Uh oh, got an IOException error!
    I also tried using Tokenizer but some other errors, Please suggest a better approach
    urgent , Thanks in Advance

    i think your while loop has the problem. It's keep continuing to read the next line in the file and doesn't exit even when it reaches the end of file. Therefore it gives you that error. Since you're using variable line as string object hence for the while loop you should've something like this and i would also move the reading next line part just before ending the while loopwhile ( ! line.equals(null) ) {
           line = br.readLine();
    }//end of while because string object doesn't work for comparing operators == or != so you always have to use string.equlas()
    I'm sure that's the reason you're encountering this error, otherwise please specify the line where you're encountring the problem. Next time please use the tags for your code becuase it formats the code nicely and it's easy to read it. Cheers
    Message was edited by:

  • Time Machine - This backup is too large (incorrect sizes)

    Good morning.
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    In addition to my main backup, I also have a separate 2.0TB Seagate that I keep offsite and bring in to update it every month or so.  I'd just finished running my monthly update to that drive and switched back over to the WD drive.  It refused to pick up where it had left off, which it does sometimes.  So I sighed and reformatted the drive using Disk Utility to the usual Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format.  I'm ok with having to start the backup from scratch if need be since I've got a redundant drive.  Unfortunately this time things didn't go quite so smoothly.
    When I went to do the first new backup to the newly formatted WD drive, it sat and spun for about a minute then gave me the following message:
    "Time Machine couldn't complete the backup to "The Master's Watch".  This backup is too large for the backup disk.  The backup requires 2.00 TB but only 2.00 TB are available."
    Okay, now you know as well as I do that no drive ever reports an exact 2.00TB of space available (on a 2TB drive).  After a fresh reformat, my WD typically reports about 1.92TB of available space.  And the maximum size of the backup (which, again, had been working just fine up until the swap back to the WD drive) would be in the neighborhood of 1.7TB (1.5TB on the internal 2TB and 190GB on the 240GB SSD).  At the most.
    I tried everything I could think of, including every suggestion I could find on Pondini's site.  I re-reformatted, verified all disks involved, repaired permissions, chucked the TM preferences file, even ran some intensive scans on the backup WD using Drive Genius.  Every test I ran came back and said the disk was perfectly fine.
    So... for the moment I'm running temporary backups using Carbon Copy Cloner, which is definitely doing the job, but if possible I really would like to get Time Machine running on this drive again.  I haven't ruled out the possibility that the drive may just need replacing (since it's... 3 and a half years old, I think?).  But if there's anything that I may have missed that may get me up and running again, I'd really appreciate the insight.
    Thanks for taking the time to consider my problem.  Let me know if there's any further details about my system that may help track this issue down.

    LightningChaser wrote:
    Good morning.
    So... for the moment I'm running temporary backups using Carbon Copy Cloner, which is definitely doing the job, but if possible I really would like to get Time Machine running on this drive again.  I haven't ruled out the possibility that the drive may just need replacing (since it's... 3 and a half years old, I think?).  But if there's anything that I may have missed that may get me up and running again, I'd really appreciate the insight.
    I would make this temporary situation part of a permenant plan that excludes TM from any critical duties.
    I know this may not be what you want, (and I hear Pondini breathing over my shoulder), but I offer my opinion only.

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  • Large file read in, system out error!

    the following method simply reads 6MB text file by each line.
    After reading a line, separate the line with '\t', and obtain 2 tokens.
    After getting 2 tokens, synthesis the 2 tokens into another string token.
    Sythesized token is displayed with System.out.println().
    However, I can't have all contents from the input file, and I can't dispaly all of them in monitor screen, either.
    What's wrong with my code?
    PS: each line of the input file is structured by "key\tcontent\n" , and the number of lines is 400000.
    public void makeDictionary(){
    String line;
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(filePath));
    while( (line = in.readLine()) != null ){
    String key;
    String content;
    int index = line.indexOf('\t');
    key = line.substring(0, index);
    content = line.substring(index+1, line.length());
    System.out.println( key + "\t" + content );
    catch( Exception e){}

    Thank you for your answer.
    I can't enough thank you.
    Actually, I used try..catch structure for my code, however I didn't get any message from catch block. In addition to this, the process didn't stop; in other word, the process was going on while doing nothing. I monitored the utilizaton of CPU and memory. The utilization of CPU was 100%, but after a while, it was 0%, even though process was still alive. The state which the process was doing nothing continued forever.
    Frankly speaking, I used this code for constructing my own data structure from a large text file. While debugging my code, I realized that the method, readLine() of BufferedReader class didn't load all the data of the input file, so I made the code for testing.
    Anyway, I am just fully depending on your answer. Please help me!!!!
    Your quick response will be appreciated.

  • Color printing help with large graphics Reader 11.0.3

    Good morning!  We recently upgraded to 11.0.3.  Windows 7 64-bit.  We've had issues printing large color graphics from Reader 11.
    For example, the PDF will have an intricate purple graphic with matching purple text blocks underneath.  Print preview shows correctly, but when printed the graphic prints brown instead of purple.  The purple text blocks print correctly.  This seems to happen sporadically, but seems to be with complex graphics.
    Documents from all other apps print OK and if we open this .pdf from Acrobat X Standard and export it to a .png file the colors print correctly. 
    The graphic files come from a myriad of sources and customers and we don't have control over the way the documents are originally saved or what apps are used to create the artwork. 
    Any idea why the graphics colors aren't printing and if there are settings we can adjust in Reader 11 so they will print correctly?
    We've tried:
    - Printing to several printers with different drivers and all yield the same results.  (Toshiba eStudio 3530c with PCL6 and PS drivers, Epson Artisan 835, HP OfficeJet 8600, Samsung CLX-6200x)
    - Adjusting the Overprint Preview settings under File -> Preferences and setting "Simulate Overprinting" under the Advanced button in the print preview window.
    - Selecting "Print As Image" under the Advanced button in the print preview window.
    - Adjusting the Document Color Options under File -> Preferences -> Accessibility.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Fastest thing you can try: use Windows Explorer to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader, then double-click on Eula.exe and accept the license agreement.
    If that doesn't work, you can try using this tool to first remove all traces of Reader from your computer:
    Then, you can download the full offline Reader installer from
    After downloading, restart your computer and run the installer before doing anything else.

  • Incorrect reading from Thermcoupl​es

    I sure hope someone can help me with this.
    My application: I have wired six Omega Type T theromocouples into a 40' long refrigerator with three compartments. The refridgerator is set at -30 degrees Celsius. Each room contatins two thermocouples. I am using a field point module to read the thermocouples and then send this data via ethernet (xover cable) to a PC. I use the temperatures in each room to make a series of decisions ( do I turn on a set of heaters to make the room warmer or turn them off to make them colder). I also store the temperatures into an excel file.
    My problem: My program seems to run fine (ok there are a few small problems). However, my thermocouples are giving me weird readings. In each room, I read two completely different temperatures. For example. in room 1 one thermocouple reads -13 C while the otehr reads -29 C. This is the same for room 2 and room 3. When I warm up the rooms by turning on the heaters the thermocouple that reads the lower temperature begins to show an increase in temperature while the thermocouple that reads the higher temperature shows a slight decrease in temperature (never more than -31C). Additionally my room 3 does not register a temperature change at all (even though I know the heaters are on and have went in the room to check).  When I was running the application prior to installing my thermocouples into the refridgerator they were running fine. Of course now my thermocouples must travel at most 35' to reach the FP module when before they only traveled 2'.
    Does anyone have any expereince or advice for m? This is all very new and I can not figure out what the problem is. I have checked to make sure they were wired up correctly. My thermocouples are "butt spliced" to thermocouple wire wheich runs (at max 35') to the FP module. I have also refered to the Knowledge base article on calibrating my CJC Sensor (under Analog INput #2) in MAX. That did not seem to help any.  Any help at all please...I am getting desperate!

    How cold is it where the FieldPoint unit is located?  It is roughly -30C...It is located in an enclosure and other than the TC problem everything is running fine. I could try changing the temp in the reefer to a warmer temp and see if performance is affected.
    Have you tried unplugging and re-plugging each of the TC-120 and CB-3 several times since the unit was placed in the cold environment?No do you think that would help...I will try that this afternoon.
    Are the CJ and sensors reading properly with MAX, or with the short, test sensors? I am unsure if the CJC is reading proerply. I do not know the actual temperature in the compartment but from what I can tell it is in the ballpark of the refridgerator's set temperature. I have not tried connecting another TC I planned on doing that this afternoon (this is my second job). My thermocouples are attached to shielded & twisted thermocouple wire (from Omega). The wire runs any where from 10' to 40' to the FP module. In th e"control" room where it is -30C they terminate to the FP module. Last night I warmed up the wire in the control room and notice that my temperature readings had changed. Do you think the wire itself could be the problem? Now I plan on attaching a TC to one of the open channels and checking the readings. Then I was going to check the the temp of the TCs in each room (comparing the measurement with an independent temperature device). I really hope it is not the wire b/c that woudl be a real pain trying to run it again!
    Thanks for all of your input Matt!

  • How to give OR in read

    Hi all,
    I need to write a READ statement for the below req.
    I have one internal table as ITAB.
    Loop at Itab1.
    Read table ITAB2 with key ( CAN = Itab1-Value1 ) or
                              ( CAN = Itab1-Value2 ).
    this is not working.How to give OR condn in Read statement

    You can also use another LOOP statement :
    LOOP AT Itab1.
      LOOP AT ITAB2 WHERE CAN = Itab1-Value1
                       OR CAN = Itab1-Value2.

  • Large File Reading and Processing

    Suppose I have a file much larger than my computer's memory e.g. say on a Windows XP system, the memory is 256 MB RAM and the file size is 1 GB on disk. Now if I want to create a File object and read from this file, is this possible to do? If yes, how about the performance?
    I understand that this is more of an Operating System question but nevertheless it affects the Java process.

    If you mean, you plan to read the whole file into memory, then:
    Theoretically possible, sure. The process would be much bigger (in terms of memory used) than the amount of memory available, which means that it would start swapping out to disk, and that would reduce performance, although to what extent depends on XP's virtual memory implementation, which I know nothing about.
    But if all you mean is that you want to create a File object and read bits of the file, it won't make any difference. File represents a name or description of a file, not the file itself (you can create File objects for files that don't exist). So it doesn't need to read the whole into memory just to create a File object. You can easily create a File object for the huge file, and then read it in line by line, throwing away old lines as you go, and you won't use up very much memory at all. (Unless, of course, there's some horrible weird artifact of XP that I'm not aware of.)

  • Incorrect Reading from Read Velocity.flx in LV 2011

    Duplicate - delete
    Ryan Vallieu
    Automation System Architect

    How cold is it where the FieldPoint unit is located?  It is roughly -30C...It is located in an enclosure and other than the TC problem everything is running fine. I could try changing the temp in the reefer to a warmer temp and see if performance is affected.
    Have you tried unplugging and re-plugging each of the TC-120 and CB-3 several times since the unit was placed in the cold environment?No do you think that would help...I will try that this afternoon.
    Are the CJ and sensors reading properly with MAX, or with the short, test sensors? I am unsure if the CJC is reading proerply. I do not know the actual temperature in the compartment but from what I can tell it is in the ballpark of the refridgerator's set temperature. I have not tried connecting another TC I planned on doing that this afternoon (this is my second job). My thermocouples are attached to shielded & twisted thermocouple wire (from Omega). The wire runs any where from 10' to 40' to the FP module. In th e"control" room where it is -30C they terminate to the FP module. Last night I warmed up the wire in the control room and notice that my temperature readings had changed. Do you think the wire itself could be the problem? Now I plan on attaching a TC to one of the open channels and checking the readings. Then I was going to check the the temp of the TCs in each room (comparing the measurement with an independent temperature device). I really hope it is not the wire b/c that woudl be a real pain trying to run it again!
    Thanks for all of your input Matt!

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