Thread creation questions

I'm creating a diary type program (dates and times of various things) and am having a few problems creating threads. I'm understanding how to create the threads I think, but from what I've been able to understand, everything that the tread runs is in the run() method only. So how do I make it run other things?
for instance, I have a search method which searches through a load of objects (the tasks). Can I run this search method in its own thread?

agehoops wrote:
Well I plan to put a GUI on the top of it so obviously that'll have its own thread but I don't want anything to lock up while it's searching through potentially hundreds of objectsThat's a little better. If you are using Swing and Java 6, have a look at using a SwingWorker object. It smooths over some of the difficulties of doing Threading with Swing. There's a decent tutorial on using this here:
[Lesson: Concurrency in Swing|]

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    (2) by implementing runnable interface.
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    Errors like this have been addressed and continue to be addressed.  Being that the errors are related to memory leakage of one form or the other, the problem can have several sources and be agitated by several programs.  I personally run the latest version on all my machines in a 24/7 capacity and have not run into the problem.  Some versions in the past created a similar error for me, yet the latest has not.  If you've already updated your IE's flash and that has not alleviated the problem, the only other solution is running an earlier release that doesn't crash for you or restart Skype more often.  I've had virtual video devices trigger this behavior by simply launching the video settings once.  The virtual device even when not in use continued to consume memory under Skype until it crashed.  So if you use any virtual audio/video components you may want to remove them to see if that changes anything.  Some people have also blocked ads when those were the source.​nt/low-storage/m-p/3974193/highlight/true#M344826

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            at$ Source)
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    I haven't done any serious JNI programming in a couple years and I'm currently stuck with a tricky JNI problem:
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    Thanks for any ideas!

    Thanks for the quick reply, ejp! :-)
    Your comments were very helpful; let me clarify a few things:
    I don't know where you get this 'standard Attach/DetachCurrentThread pattern', but if the native callbacks always happen on the same native thread, you only need to attach it once when you get the first callback, and detach it when you get the last, if you can tell. ;-)Yes, the callback is always coming from the same native thread, but, unfortunately, I cannot tell when I get the last callback, and essentially the native service keeps running as long as the VM is running. When I say "standard pattern" I'm referring to the fact that pretty much every book, tutorial, or web site that talks about JNI callbacks shows code snippets where AttachCurrentThread is called, then the callback, and then DetachCurrentThread.
    The JNI code needs to create some Java objects because it's easier to create those objects right away rather than passing a bunch of primitives to Java and assembling them into objects there.Is it really? Are you sure?I'm pretty sure in this case, though your point is well taken. The native API that calls my JNI code produces packets of that contain about 15 pieces of information of different types (ints, longs, doubles). Several packets may arrive together in a single group. Handling the data on the Java side requires a Java callback method with 15 parameters for a single packet, and it's hard to reconstruct which packets belong to one group at that point. Creating corresponding Java objects in JNI and passing them inside an array to the callback function indeed turned out to be easier.
    I don't think just 'moving' the DetachCurrentThread is correct. You need to attach the thread that is doing the callbacks, as often as necessary but no oftener, and detach it when you can.I think I found the solution: my native code is starting a separate dispatcher thread that, as you suggested, attaches itself only once and then enters a dispatcher loop. The low-level call back function notifies that thread of new data via the standard Pthread API. The detach happens in JNI_OnUnload. This works without creating a new thread each time and garbage-collects the created objects properly. As the dispatcher method essentially never returns I also had to insert some DeleteLocalRef calls, because otherwise the local references prevented garbage collection.
    So, for now, it looks like I'm good to go. Thanks again for the reply!

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    Kind regards,

    Hi Williem
    Please check the SAP CE 7.1 EHP1 documentation for more information.
    [CE 7.1 documentation|]
    [CE 7.1 iViews  |]
    Hope this will helps you.
    Arun Jaiswal

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    1-what is the difference between calling a static method in a util class or a non static method (like methods dealing with dates i.e getting current time,converting between timezones), which is better ? 2-what is the difference between calling a method(contain too many logic like sending emails) in the controller directly or running this method in a different thread ?

    cs.student wrote:
    Hey guys i just have two questions about two methods used in many controllers/servlets in my app:
    1-what is the difference between calling a static method in a util class or a non static method (like methods dealing with dates i.e getting current time,converting between timezones), which is better ?Depends on the design. It's impossible to say straight why one way would be better than another. Programming isn't that straight forward.
    2-what is the difference between calling a method(contain too many logic like sending emails) in the controller directly or running this method in a different thread ?Threads can be run at the same time. So what you're asking is "what's the difference between doing one thing after another and doing two things at the same time".

  • High Level Thread Implementation Questions

    Before I take the plunge and program my software using threads, I have a few high-level questions.
    I plan on having a simulation class that intantiates software agents, each with different parameters. There is an agent class, with constructor, methods etc. Each agent has a sequence to go through. Once completed, the iteration number is increased and the sequence is repeated. That's simple enough to do.
    The question is, is it worth executing each agent on a different thread?
    If there is around 500 - 1000 lines of code (crude measurement, I know) how many can I expect to thread efficiently?
    One parameter allows an agent to execute n cycles for each global iteration. (i.e. in one iteration, agent A runs once, agent B runs 5 times). Could this be a problem? Should this be controlled outside the agent, or inside it?
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    Can threaded objects interact easily with non threaded one when execution order is important?
    Are there any other points that I should consider?
    Thanks in advance - any information before I enter this unchartered territory will be truly appreciated!!

    I think you are better off running this all in a single thread.
    Threads make no guarantee as to scheduling. Threads do not increase efficiency (unless your agents block on i/o, or sleep). Threads come with an overhead cost.
    Threads don't guarantee no bias to execution order.
    Threads require synchronization to ensure safe interaction between each other. This is a bit of extra work, and can be a bitch if you're not familiar with it.
    Yes, threads run in parallel. If you have multiple processors then they can truly run in parallel, otherwise they run in time slices.

  • "Pause" Thread, thread creation & run performance

    I'm having an object executing tasks in response to events (I call it Executer)
    In "normal" execution mode, it's executing 2 types of tasks: tasks1 and tasks2.
    when a specific event occurs (pauseEvent), I want it to STOP executing tasks2 for a specific amount of time (in this example 100ms): I'm calling that a "pause"
    it will still be executing tasks1 in the meantime, and will resume executing tasks2 only after the pause has expired.
    to do so, when I receive a pauseEvent I create a new Thread (PauseThread) and start it.
    it itself calls the "setPause(boolean p)" method of Executer to set the "pause" flag to true
    then it waits for 100ms
    then it sets back the pause flag to false
    (Executer checks the pause flags before executing tasks2)
    class PauseThread extends Thread {
        private TaskExecuter  executer;
        private long                pauseTime;
        public PauseThread(Executer e, int t) {
            executer = e;
            pauseTime = t;
        public void run() {
         try {
            catch(InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println("exception pause thread");
    }all is working fine.
    however, I'm trying to improve performances.
    the whole process of creating & starting the thread takes up to 50us, I want to reduce this as much as possible.
    obviously, I create & start a thread every time I want to do a pause, I'm thinking there MUST be a way to avoid this, and simply call the setTrue / Sleep / setFalse part of the thread instead.
    I was thinking about creating and starting the thread only once at the creation of my Executer, and calling the "pause()" method when needed:
    class PauseThread extends Thread {
        private TaskExecuter  executer;
        private long                pauseTime;
        public PauseThread(Executer e, int t) {
            executer = e;
            pauseTime = t;
        public void run() {
         while(true) {
        public void pause() {
         try {
            catch(InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println("exception pause thread");
    }would that be correct ?
    I'm concerned with the performance hit of the "while(true)" (as I'm fighting for micro-seconds, even the slighliest useless cpu hit should be avoided)
    what if I had "sleep(1)" in my while loop ?
    I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do this, any idea ? maybe using wait / notify, however I get the feeling those methods are not designed for this use...
    any hint ?
    thanks !

    yes, I'm certainly reinventing the wheel ! but trying to understand it at the same time !
    what was your other suggestion ? Timer + TimerTask ? I've already implemented it and using it now ! as I said it's working good, 3x improvement ! simply trying to see if there's a way to avoid creating a TimerTask object at each run.
    coming back at the "piece of nonsense", what would this achieve:
    class PauseThread extends Thread {
        private TaskExecuter  executer;
        private long                pauseTime;
        private boolean           flag = false;
        public PauseThread(Executer e, int t) {
            executer = e;
            pauseTime = t;
        public void run() {
         while(true) {
                if(flag) {
                    flag = false;
                    sleep(pauseTime); // add try/catch
        public void startPause() {
            flag = true
    }then in my Executer, I create and start the PauseThread only once, and when I want to pause it, I simply do:
    pauseThread.startPause();in this case the sleep would execute in the run(), pause the "pause" thread, not the "executer" thread, no ?
    I will read about the concurrency classes...

  • Dynamic Thread Creation

    To anyone that can help,
    I am very new to JAVA, and have been given the job of creating an application that allows a user to dynamically create a number of process which perform the same task (its a load-testing tool). I thought that using threads would be the best approach, however, I am not sure how to instantiate them dynamically. The two ways I known are :
    NewThread one = new NewThread(arguements);
    2. new NewThread(arguements).start();
    The second one would probably work via. user input. The problem is that since I haven't named the object (like in case 1) I can't access its methods (i.e. join()). I guess this question could be extend to consider creating any object dynamically, so any help would be very much appreciated.

    I'm not entirely sure of what your question is... but I'll try to guess at it.
    The only difference between the two approaches is whether your program will keep a handle/reference to the class that extends Thread or implements runnable.
    NewThread one = new NewThread(arguements);
    one.start(); In the first case you can just take your "one" variable and throw it into a container, if you want to reference it and others like it.
    2. new NewThread(arguements).start(); In this case, you don't have a variable that references the thread that you just started.
    Can you provide more information on what you want to do with the Thread process once it has started?
    To anyone that can help,
    I am very new to JAVA, and have been
    and have been given the job of creating an application
    that allows a user to dynamically create a number of
    process which perform the same task (its a
    load-testing tool). I thought that using threads would
    be the best approach, however, I am not sure how to
    instantiate them dynamically. The two ways I known are
    NewThread one = new NewThread(arguements);
    2. new NewThread(arguements).start();
    The second one would probably work via. user input.
    The problem is that since I haven't named the object
    (like in case 1) I can't access its methods (i.e.
    join()). I guess this question could be extend to
    consider creating any object dynamically, so any help
    would be very much appreciated.

  • Thread creation in c++

    Hi, all !
    I am working on a c++ program. I have created a class called threads abnd now I want to know whether there is a function for creating threads.I am new to solaris.I don't have a idea about what function to use to create threads in c++.
    I also want to know whether there is a function to synchronize the created threads while they are accessing a shared memory. Thankyou very much.

    Please do not post the same question more than once. See my answer here:

  • JDeveloper Webservice Creation Question

    While Creating webservices through JDev 11g from WSDL, we are presented with two option :-
    1) Java EE 1.5, with support for JAX-WS annotations
    2) Java EE 1.5, with support for JAX-WS RI
    Could you please let me know which one is the most efficient option.
    I see that in the second option the webservices are configured thru another file(sun-jaxws.xml) and all the requests are directed or handled by a common servlet whereas in the first option we usually configure the endpoint implementation directly in web.xml.
    Another question that i have related to webservices creation - Does webservices wizard internally call wsimport to generate classes from WSDL. When i use wsimport to generate classes using WSDL and specify a jaxb global binding file to convert datatypes, this works correctly but using JDeveloper doesn't creates the Adapter classes to convert the datatypes.
    Answers to the above would be helpful in reaching a decision on which approach to follow. Thanks.

    yes. Please see the how-to document we provide on

  • Thread.MemoryBarrier() questions

    I'm trying to avoid my code being rearranged by the CLR using Thread.MemoryBarrier(), as such:
    /// <summary>
    /// Client created a character!
    /// </summary>
    public static void HandleCharacterCreate(NetworkClient Client, ProcessedPacket P)
    Logger.LogInfo("Received CharacterCreate!");
    string AccountName = SanitizeAccount(P.ReadPascalString());
    //Need to be variable length, because the success packet contains a token.
    PacketStream CCStatusPacket = new PacketStream((byte)PacketType.CHARACTER_CREATION_STATUS, 0);
    using (var db = DataAccess.Get())
    Account Acc = db.Accounts.GetByUsername(AccountName);
    if (Acc.NumCharacters >= 3)
    Client.SendEncrypted(CCStatusPacket.PacketID, CCStatusPacket.ToArray());
    //TODO: Send GUID to client...
    Sim Char = new Sim(Guid.NewGuid());
    Char.Timestamp = P.ReadPascalString();
    Char.Name = P.ReadPascalString();
    Char.Sex = P.ReadPascalString();
    Char.Description = P.ReadPascalString();
    Char.HeadOutfitID = P.ReadUInt64();
    Char.BodyOutfitID = P.ReadUInt64();
    Char.Appearance = (AppearanceType)P.ReadByte();
    Char.ResidingCity = new CityInfo(false);
    Char.ResidingCity.Name = P.ReadPascalString();
    Char.ResidingCity.Thumbnail = P.ReadUInt64();
    Char.ResidingCity.UUID = P.ReadPascalString();
    Char.ResidingCity.Map = P.ReadUInt64();
    Char.ResidingCity.IP = P.ReadPascalString();
    Char.ResidingCity.Port = P.ReadInt32();
    Char.CreatedThisSession = true;
    var characterModel = new Character();
    characterModel.Name = Char.Name;
    characterModel.Sex = Char.Sex;
    characterModel.Description = Char.Description;
    characterModel.LastCached = ProtoHelpers.ParseDateTime(Char.Timestamp);
    characterModel.GUID = Char.GUID;
    characterModel.HeadOutfitID = (long)Char.HeadOutfitID;
    characterModel.BodyOutfitID = (long)Char.BodyOutfitID;
    characterModel.AccountID = Acc.AccountID;
    characterModel.AppearanceType = (int)Char.Appearance;
    characterModel.City = Char.ResidingCity.UUID;
    characterModel.CityName = Char.ResidingCity.Name;
    characterModel.CityThumb = (long)Char.ResidingCity.Thumbnail;
    characterModel.CityMap = (long)Char.ResidingCity.Map;
    characterModel.CityIp = Char.ResidingCity.IP;
    characterModel.CityPort = Char.ResidingCity.Port;
    var status = db.Characters.CreateCharacter(characterModel);
    switch (status)
    case LoginDataModel.Entities.CharacterCreationStatus.NameAlreadyExisted:
    Client.SendEncrypted(CCStatusPacket.PacketID, CCStatusPacket.ToArray());
    case LoginDataModel.Entities.CharacterCreationStatus.NameTooLong:
    Client.SendEncrypted(CCStatusPacket.PacketID, CCStatusPacket.ToArray());
    case LoginDataModel.Entities.CharacterCreationStatus.Success:
    Guid Token = Guid.NewGuid();
    //This actually updates the record, not sure how.
    foreach (CityInfo CServer in NetworkFacade.CServerListener.CityServers)
    if (CServer.UUID.Equals(Char.ResidingCity.UUID, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
    PacketStream CServerPacket = new PacketStream(0x01, 0);
    ushort PacketLength = (ushort)(PacketHeaders.UNENCRYPTED + 4 + (Client.RemoteIP.Length + 1)
    + (Char.GUID.ToString().Length + 1) + (Token.ToString().Length + 1));
    Client.SendEncrypted(CCStatusPacket.PacketID, CCStatusPacket.ToArray());
    Will it work on sections of code, or simply on the next statement following it? Is there any other ways to make sure my code is run in the order I specified? 

    >>Will it work on sections of code.
    Yes, Thread.MemoryBarrier() works like a fence that makes sure that the processor that executes the current thread cannot reorder instructions in such a way that any
    memory access before the call to the Thread.MemoryBarrier() method is being done after the call to the method.
    The lock statement implicitly generates a full memory barrier, i.e. lock (_lock) { ... } is equivalent to Thread.MemoryBarrier(); { ... } Thread.MemoryBarrier(); as far as memory barriers are concerned.
    You only need memory barriers when working with shared writable fields though. Please refer to the following page for more information:
    Please also remember to mark helpful posts as answer and/or helpful and please start a new thread if you have a new question.

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