Three Questions About iOS 7 Solved

"Can I downgrade to iOS 6.1? I don't like iOS 7"
Sorry, Apple does not support downgrading to a previous OS.
"How do I disable the motion effect?"
Settings>General>Accessibility>Reduce Motion
"How do I turn Airdrop off?"
Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access control centre, tap on Airdrop, and tap on "Off".

FelipeV asked if I have backup to icloud selected on my iphone. 
It doesn't actually say "backup".  When I go to settings, iCloud in on that list.  When I click on iCloud  it has things I can turn off and on.  So I'm assuming the ones that are on are backed up?
ON are:  mail, contacts, calenders, reminders, find my phone.
The others are off.
But since I sync all my devices... phone, ipad, imac.... they all have my calender, contacts, reminders, mail....  so lets say my phone broke.  I'd still have all that info on my other Apple devices correct?  So when I went out to buy a new phone and I set it up to sync with my ipad and imac, wouldn't all that info (mail calendar etc) just load up on to my iphone?
I do have a lot of pictures on my iphone that are not on my computer.  When they first had photo stream it somehow made my pix public somewhere?  (either on my icloud I can't quite remember)  I didn't want that so I turned it off. 
If I plug my phone in and back up to iTunes that will back up all those pictures on my iphone, correct?
Thanks for your help.
PS:  Ok clearly I did not scroll down far enough in that icloud thing.  Back up is turned off because there is more on my phone then I have for storage space on icloud.  So I guess those other buttons are just for sync.  I don't want to pay for more storage so I can just back the entire phone up to iTunes by plugging it in correct????
Message was edited by: susan-kelly

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    Wassimn wrote:
    I have three questions about managing my music library, I hope you can help me with them:
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    iTunes wants to manage everything inside one big folder. Some idiosyncrasies with the way it manages things if you have to move to a new drive means it is best if you can stick to that plan. If your library grows larger then you'll have to take manual control of where some or all of your content is stored. I use a variation of a script called ConsolidateByMoving which you could adapt for your needs.
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    When it comes to deduping I've written another script for that called DeDuper, see this thread for background.
    And for some general tips on getting organized in iTunes see Grouping tracks into albums.

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    (mobil gesendet)
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        b. Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contact Apple support.
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    i >"As I understand it, using Image Processor will run my Sharpening Action on the Camera Raw file before it converts it to a JPEG"
    Wrong I'm afraid. The RAW file is/cannot be affected. The sharpening only takes place after conversion to the editable format.
    Sharpening (and I'm assuming here that we are talking about
    i output
    sharpening) should always be carried out as a final part of the editing process
    b after
    resizing an image for it's final destination. the same image destined for a 20x16" print would require a different amount of sharpening to a version for placing on a web page.
    The amount of sharpening required by an image is also dictated by content so you can see how a fixed amount of sharpening applied via an action/batch/droplet will rarely give the optimum result.
    Capture Sharpening, on the other hand, is intended to compensate for the softening of image detail inherent in virtually all image sensors. This is best carried out by Lightroom and can be applied at the time of import via a preset.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You might try to see if you can change your security questions. Start here, change your country if necessary and go to manage your account > Password and Security.
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    ad 1) BI Kit is a kind of plugin to VC (like the plugins in Eclipse). Today VC and BI Kit are shipped together. Once you have VC, you also have the BI Kit.
    ad 2) BI Kit offers:
    - connectivity to JDBC, ODBO, XMLA, SAP Query and SAP BI directly
    - BI Integration Wizard (to create models in a wizard style)
    - MDX, SQL Editors
    ad 3) The "direct" BI connection uses RFC-calls to BI and offers you more features, like Variables, Queries, query-views, infoobjects, favourites, history, URL port, etc. You can also connect to a SAP BI system via the XMLA-connector. A relational connector (like it is done in the portal) would only give you access to masterdata (infoobjects), but not infocube data.

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    1- .netrc file is in $HOME directory but i can't access to this directory from java code. The following line producesan Exception (directory doesn't exists)
    FileWriter file = new FileWriter ("$HOME/.netrc");
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    Thanks in advanced!!!

    1- .netrc file is in $HOME directory but i can't
    access to this directory from java code. The
    following line producesan Exception (directory
    doesn't exists)
    FileWriter file = new FileWriter ("$HOME/.netrc");$HOME would have to be replaced by a shell, I don't
    think you can use it as part of a legal path.
    Instead, use System.getProperty("user.home");
    Ok, thanks
    2- .netrc file must have the followingpermissions:
    -rw- --- --- but when i create the .netrc file the
    following permissions are on default: -rw- r--r--,
    how can i change this permissions? (In java code,i
    can't use chmod.....)Yes, you can: Runtime.exec("chmod ...");
    I need to use estrictly the .netrc with -rw- --- --- permissions
    Yes, i can use Runtime.exec ("chmod ..."); but i don't like very much this solution because is a slow solution, am i right?
    3- Are there any way to pass parameters to a.netrc
    file? If i get to do this i needn't change the
    permissions because i can't modify orcreate/destroy
    this file.I don't think so. Why do you need the .netrc file in
    Java at all? Writing a GUI frontend?I want to use automatic ftp in a java program and FTP server, the files and path are not always the same, so i can:
    - modify .netrc (for me is the complex option)
    - destroy and create a new .netrc (is easier but i have permissions problem)
    - use .netrc with parameters but i haven't found any help about it
    Thanks for your prompt reply!!!!

  • Some questions about iOS system framework, APNS and so on

    Hi everyone!
    im quite interested in iPhone reading some dev books of iOS i can learn the general steps of creating an iPhone app. however, i cant find much of iPhone's system archetecture or framework information on the internet, so sometimes i was confused by the running process and principle of an app. so, im wondering cannnnnnn u guuuuuuuuuys doooooooo meeeee a little favor by answering the following questions and i appreciate that:
    1. can u recommend some articles or sites from which i can take a look at the system framework of iOS?
    2.'backgrounder' is an application for jailbroken iPhone to run an app in the background, i.e. multitasking. do u know what's the principle of 'backgrounder'? can u offer some links that i can get more information of 'backgrounder'?
    3,the function of Multitasking, as Apple mentioned in the release of iOS 4, brought another word 'APNS', i.e. apple push notification service. i googled APNS and learned that the servers are provided by Apple and perhaps the servers are located in the U.S. so im wondering, if im using PUSH message, does that mean each PUSH message gotta travel between my country and America twice? if it's true, its gotta cost a lot and there'll be huge delay! and since APNS are maintained by Apple, is it correct to say that Apple can read every PUSH message? and the last question, there're lotta companies providing PUSH messages, and is Apple able to handle all the PUSH flow? that's really great burden i think!
    im a college student and an iPhone rookie, and people around me dont know too much about Apple and iPhone, so i have to ask professionals like u for help. ur reply can really help me a lot and im looking for ur reply eagerly. sorry for my poor english and THX a million.

    A good place to ask question regarding the Actor Framework is in the community:
    And yes I have used and is using the Actor Framework.

  • Three questions about the creation of secondary indexes in ODS design mode

    1. When we right click the Indexes folder in ODS design to select Create to create the Index folder 010, a small window pops up with a check box called "Unique", do we have to check this checkbox to create folder 010?
    2. If we would like to include 3 InfoObjects into the secondary indexes, then how many folders we need to create? Need to create 3 folders like 010, 020, and 030 and place the 3 InfoObj. into the 3 folder respectively or create only one folder 010 and place all the 3 InfoObj. into this one folder 010?
    3. In SAP documentation titled "BW Performance Tuning" about the Indices, it says "If the (uncompressed) F fact table is small, it is usually faster to drop the secondary (bitmap) indices before the load and build them up after the load"
    Someone here says secondary index is only for ODS other than for cubes, but from the above statement, F fact table is related to cubes, then how to explain it? Also the above statement is talking above the variant in process chain that when you bring in a variant to load data to cube, then the drop index and generate index variants will be automatically created, does it refer to this? And what's bitmap index?
    Thanks in advance and we will continue to give you reward points!

    Hi Kevin,
    Cube has Secondary index's. The index's that we find in the Manage of the Cube are the Secondary Index's. Please check the following link for more information.
    Also, to know about Unique indexes, use the following link
    "The indexes displayed are the secondary indexes of the F and E fact tables for the InfoCube. The primary indexes and those defined by the user are not displayed. " (SAP help).
    This should answer your questions.

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    3. There is some noise when the laptop is working. Is there some problem?
    Thanks for your answering in advance!

    hellen, welcome to the forum,
    Regarding your first question; please see this thread in the  Windows XP and Vista discussion board.
    Andy  ______________________________________
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  • Three questions about removing a numbered Mail message file

    ClamXav, the anti-virus program, has found several old messages filed by v4.4 that are infected with various exploits. Finder shows that the filenames for these messages are numbered, followed by the email file extension, like this: 359959.emlx
    Question 1: Can I simply delete these files individually via the Finder and do nothing else, calmly confident in the knowledge that, robust as Apple engineers can make it, doesn't care a whit whether an individual mail file is there or not?
    Question 2: Do I have to locate them via Mail's interface and delete them from there because otherwise, so fragile, will have a fit, die, explode or wither to a pathetic whimper of its former self because I had the temerity to delete a file without genuflecting and consulting it?
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  • Three questions about replication/security

    We are currently planning to build software for our sales persons using C#. Each sales person has a laptop and should be able to sync the client information when he/she has access to the internet/intranet. Sales person can update client information and the local database will be synced back to master server when the user is connected to the internet/intranet. My option was to go with Oracle lite (as client DB) and Oracle enterprise (Server DB). But after readying the posts in this forum, I believe Oracle XE can do the trick. Am I right?
    Second question is about the security of the replication. Sales persons can connect using the internet to sync the information back and forth. Is there a built in mechanism to secure the connection between the two DBs ( Oracle XE and EE)?
    Third question is about the recovery options. I read Mark’s post about the feature of Oracle XE. I understood that PIT recovery and achivelog mode are supported. But, the post also says that Tablespace PIT is not supported. Can some tell me the difference between PITR and TSPITR? If PITR is supported, can I restore the database to a specific date and time (i.e. Dec 2, 2005 2:00PM)?
    Thanks a lot

    Comments inline
    We are currently planning to build software for our sales persons using C#. Each sales person has a laptop and should be able to sync the client information when he/she has access to the internet/intranet. Sales person can update client information and the local database will be synced back to master server when the user is connected to the internet/intranet. My option was to go with Oracle lite (as client DB) and Oracle enterprise (Server DB). But after readying the posts in this forum, I believe Oracle XE can do the trick. Am I right?
    Yes - except that Oracle Lite comes with the synchronization built in, and it's tested to handle all the weird corner cases you have to deal with. XE will give you basic replication, however, you will have to build the connect, replicate (refresh materialized views), disconnect logic yourself (and test it). Personally I would spend the $100 on the Oracle Lite option
    Second question is about the security of the replication. Sales persons can connect using the internet to sync the information back and forth. Is there a built in mechanism to secure the connection between the two DBs ( Oracle XE and EE)?
    It depends by what you mean secure. When you connect XE to Enterprise Edition, it will use a database link to refresh the materialized views (replicated tables). Userids/passwords across the database link will be sent in an encrypted form. The data will not. I'm guessing you could use Oracle's Advanced Security option to secure the database links from XE to EE, but I'm not 100% sure. Tom may be able to give us a clue on this one. Also, note that DBLinks by default use the TCP/IP transport, so thats a hole you would have to kick in the firewall if the EE database was behind it (as it should be). Although replication can use HTTP as a transport mechanism
    (You can see all the issues you start to get into - the $100 dollars per Oracle Lite deployment is looking real goo to me right about now)
    Third question is about the recovery options. I read Mark’s post about the feature of Oracle XE. I understood that PIT recovery and achivelog mode are supported. But, the post also says that Tablespace PIT is not supported. Can some tell me the difference between PITR and TSPITR? If PITR is supported, can I restore the database to a specific date and time (i.e. Dec 2, 2005 2:00PM)?
    Yes - you can roll forward the entire database to a given point in time using RMAN (which will be in production). You cannot however roll forward just a subset of tablespaces (i.e a subset of the data) in XE. Tablespace PITR is an EE feature (and not for the faint hearted).
    Thanks a lot

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