Tiger font problem

If this comes across as intended, the next line should show Unicode dice characters starting at U+2680:
⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅
(Safari is only Mac web browser I've used that renders these at all.)
Since I've upgraded to Tiger, the spots on the 4 and 5 dice are not uniform!
What's up with that? The dice look fine under Panther. A fix is surely in order.
iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

First, insertion of, say, Chinese characters from the Character panel fails in Photoshop and Omnigraffle (both of which previously worked). Nor does it work when using direct Hex input. Both of these techniques work, however, in other applications such as BareBones. Photoshop and Omnigraffle, again as examples, will display a "?" when you insert a character outside of the usual Latin range.
Second, if you cut/paste that character, even though it appears as "?" from Photoshop or Omnigraffle to another application, such as BareBones, the correct glyph is displayed. Alternatively, if you cut/paste from a working application back into a non-working application, you again get (at best) the "?"; Photoshop and Omnigraffle both display an error message.
These procedures worked prior to 10.4.6. I know. I have an Omnigraffle document built using them. I can open it and it displays just fine, but inserting new characters fails.
Does that clear things up? You can test this with, say, the Arial font and U+3D1C. (Arial supports a wide range of characters. An Asian font is not required. Again, my existing Omnigraffle document displays this character using Arial.)

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    Are the fonts you're putting into that folder OS 9 fonts or OS X fonts?
    I haven't used Suitcase in nearly 12 years and have no idea how Suitcase Fusion works with old-style fonts in OS X. If you think SF might have altered your old OS 9 font files in any way, make sure the ones you put in your System Folder/Fonts folder are copies of the original old fonts, not ones that have been touched by Suitcase.


    Dear All
    I own a G4 purchased from a local Apple Authorized reseller for greece Rainbow computers in order to be able to use Greek fonts. Recently upgraded to OSX Version 10.4.3
    However I'm facing major font problems in applications such as Adobe Software i.e CS2
    Greek fonts that actually work are very limited. For example in Illustrator only Myriad Pro and Lucida Grande function properly.
    In Macromedia Freehand although a few more greek fonts work, they either disappear or become scrambled when I attempt to "Convert them to curves"!
    This only applies to OSX Tiger. Panther seemed to be working fine for this, in Freehand.
    I work as a graphic designer and it is very frustrating when I'm only limited to very few greek fonts even on a GREEK SYSTEM!!!
    By the way: I tried all suggested methods on the forum such as: Greek keyboard layouts, verifying permissions, switching to System Greek Language, reinstalling Illustrator etc..
    Is there anything else that i can do?
    Pls help.. !

    I own a G4 purchased from a local Apple Authorized
    reseller for greece Rainbow computers in order to be
    able to use Greek fonts.
    Generally speaking, for problems with Rainbow's stuff you need to consult Rainbow. Apple itself does not produce a localized Greek system or the special add-ons that Rainbow provides to let you use non-Unicode Greek with older apps.
    However I'm facing major font problems in
    applications such as Adobe Software i.e CS2
    Greek fonts that actually work are very limited. For
    example in Illustrator only Myriad Pro and Lucida
    Grande function properly.
    For an app like this you probably need to use Unicode Greek fonts. Those that come with Tiger are Lucida Grande, Helvetica, and Times. If you have MS Office 2004, you can also use Arial and Times New Roman and maybe Verdana from that app. Plus modern Adobe fonts like Myriad or Minion Pro. I suspect that legacy non-Unicode fonts will not work.
    In Macromedia Freehand although a few more greek
    fonts work, they either disappear or become scrambled
    when I attempt to "Convert them to curves"!
    I think Freehand is non-Uncode and probably needs the older fonts.
    For problems with Adobe and Macromedia apps, you might also want to ask in their forums:

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    Thank you again!

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    The combo should fix your problem.  As always have a back-up in case you have to revert.
    The Font update came out to fix the problem in 10.6.7
    It should be rolled into the Combo-Update:

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    Dear Kurt,
    in bigger companies thinks come slow :-)  Actually we are switching from 10.4.11 with Quark 6.52 and FontReserve to 10.6.8 with Adobe CS5 and FontBook.
    And as you may guess we're running directly into the HelveticaNeue problem.
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    The number of additional fonts were radically stripped down to the REALLY needed (about 70 fonts with their families).
    We removed the protected fonts and replaced Helvetica, HelveticaNeue, Times, Symbol and ZapfDingbats with PS Type1 fonts.
    Our goal was to have no font conflicts to keep our users save. In addition we put fonts in predefinded collections to switch them on/off with an AppleScript that picks the collection name.
    And from here it went fancy: The Apple apps are working fine but external app like Adobe CS5 and MS Office only see the fonts in /Sys/Lib/Fonts/.
    When we put the HelveticaNeue.dfont back (no matter if it's in the system or at ~/Lib/Fonts/) the other apps also get all installed fonts. We found out that this works even if the HelveticaNeue.dfont is deactivated.
    Unfortunately this brings up two problems:
    The HelveticaNeue.dfont can't be put to a font collection without taking the corresponding font from the Type1 font with it, so it's more difficult to handle with the AppleScript (we have to pick the exact single name).
    The second is that if something goes wrong and all fonts are switched to active we have a font conflict and the possibility that the dfont is used in documents.
    I think I have read all (ok, many :-) of your posts about the Helvetica problem in 10.6 as well as your really great document about font handling in OS X.
    But I wasn't able to get it to work.
    Do you have the one big hint for me???
    Thanks and best regards...      Udo

  • PDF and Font Problems 10.6.8

    MBP13 7,1 (mid 2010) 2.4g C2D 4G Ram
    I use Vectorworks 2011 to produce CAD drawings for customers and the plant. Recently I began having issues with my PDFs of my CAD not being fully distilled - various issues but primarily most dimensions not visible. I have read that PDF issues cropped up beginning with 10.6.7 and that certain PS fonts can be the issue. As well as outdated PDF readers used by my recipients. In a short-sighted fit of frustration I began monkeying with Font Book and Font Caches.
    My maladies are
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    2. Received MS Office filed open "blank".  Now MS OFFICE 2011 no longer has common Fonts such as Arial and Times Nee Roman.
    Can I fix this or do I need to go back to 10.6.6 and reinstall Office?
    Thanks in advance.
    BTW this forum is surprising difficult to nav on an iPhone.

    MS Office font Problem solved in case anyone else stumbles upon this.

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    I read another thread in this forum that mentioned the fonts must be OS 9 fonts (and must not have been run through suitcase or a similar managing program???). So, on the off chance that my husband or I just took OS X fonts and copied into the OS 9 folder, I copied the OS 9 fonts from the iMac (I just grabbed everything in the Frutiger family, as it was one that I had an issue with) and then dumped them into the OS 9 fonts folder on my iBook. I restarted Classic mode in order to make the fonts available to the OS and then printed again. The font still prints all pixeled-looking.
    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Do I need to find the original font disc and install them from the disc?
    Any help would be most appreciated!!!!!

    Hi Diane,
    Glad that the tip helped to "solve" the font problem!
    Not sure why you are printing the file info at the bottom of the page. It does sound as if it is a print setting somewhere though. Hopefully someone has a clue for you.
    Again, thanks for the "solved" star and if I can think of something else for you to try I'll post back. Let us know if you figure it out.
    good luck,
    "In lieu of an answer...I tried changing the paper size to legal and it's not on the last copy I printed."
    Ooops, I misread your reply, and see that by changing the paper size it corrected the issue.
    Message was edited by: littleshoulders

  • Strange system font problem

    I have the following problem for 2 days now:
    I did not install anything. I tried to delete font caches but it did not help.
    I re-installed the system but that did not change anything. After resetting the PRAM the problem was solved. At least for some hours, but now the problem appeared again.
    When I do a reboot, strange white lines appear over the grey background and the Apple Logo, then the screen turns blue, the cursor consists of white lines too and nothing more happens. After several tries to reboot the Mac is running again, but the font problem still exists.
    First I thought of a graphic card problem, but it seems that this font problem only concerns system prefernces and system applications.
    I have no idea what to do now, so please help me.

    Hi "Apfelkrautsalami"
    Font caching information is stored on a per-user basis in
    I have no idea if it'll help, but you could try this:
    - Open a Terminal and do
    *sudo rm -rf -- /private/var/folders/??*
    - Restart your machine
    (Note 1: The '--' prevents rm to think that folders like '-5' are options)
    (Note 2: The '??' will match any two-letter directory. I didn't want to say '*')

  • Fonts problem with iTunes

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    I have a font problem with iTunes... I get some vertical lines instead of letters... How do i fix this problem?

    Just a temporary glitch - removing fonts which aren't compatible solves the problem.

  • Font Problems with Safari

    I've been trying to fix this font problem I'm haveing. I go someplace like ebay and most of the fonts are fine but some fonts are not the ones I want. And when I go to the perfences nothing happens. Then I go to the font book and I can't find the font. I tryied to reset Safari and stills the same problem.
    Macbook Pro, Intel Imac, PowerMac Quad G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Back up all data.
    Launch the Font Book application and validate all fonts. You must select the fonts in order to validate them. See the built-in help and the support article linked below for instructions. If Font Book finds any issues, resolve them, then boot in safe mode* (by holding down the shift key at the startup chime) to rebuild the font caches. Boot again as usual and test.
    Mac 101: Font Book
    *Note: If FileVault is enabled under Mac OS X 10.7 or later, or if a firmware password is set, you can’t boot in safe mode.

  • Does anybody know how to solve this font problem?

    Hello everyone,
    I have had this font problem for weeks now and I can't seem to get it solved. There are a number of fonts that won't load properly in Illustrator, PS, and InDesign. They are loaded in the system, but refuse to show up in the list. I've installed them in the home directory/library/fonts. These are commercial opentype fonts and one homemade opentype font. Sometimes the font that I created will appear, other times it does not, but many other fonts refuse to show up in the font display lists of these 3 software packages.
    I've cleared the font caches with FontNuke, everything looks like it should work properly, but it does not. Also, with Font Book, I've resolved any duplicate font problems. Does anybody know how to solve this problem? Is this a known CS4 bug?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm using the latest Mac Mini and CS4 software.
    Thanks in advance.

    How do I check if the fonts have the correct creator and so on?
    Anyway, I've spent the better part of today validating and removing suspect
    fonts. Why does the right click choice for resolve duplicates and the
    validate font behave completely differently in Font Book? I discovered that
    when this is investigated further with the validate font command, I found I
    had a massive amount of duplicates that according to font book cause minor
    errors. I thought that would have been sorted out with the resolve duplicate
    command, instead I ended up check marking and manually removing the fonts
    that had minor errors.
    I still have many commercial fonts plus my own font not showing up in
    Illustrator or PhotoShop. If I copy and paste the font directly into
    InDesign's font folder, my font shows up. I also tried removing my font to
    see if this would fix any of the other problems. It doesn't. I did type in
    my font name in the console dialog box and this message is displayed for
    this font as well as mine and many others.
    10-04-06 5:21:09 PM Font Book[12940] ##### ERROR:  The font system thinks
    the font
    is active, but the file no longer exists!
    Then I went back to font book to check to see if it is there and it is
    enabled. For my font the caution triangle appears with the multiple copies
    of the font is installed. Resolving duplicates doesn't solve this problem.
    Any ideas of how to fix this problem?

  • Pdf fonts problem in 10.6.7 - resolved in 10.6.8 combo update?

    The pdf fonts problem in 10.6.7 forced me to go through the long uninstall process after a couple days stressing over what the problem was -- it was Adobe tech support that finally informed me what the problem was. Is the problem fixed in the 10.6.8 combo update?  Since I got no replies when I asked this question a different way yesterday, can anyone say (for helpful answer points) whether Apple would be inclined to answer this question if I just call them up (i.e., without existing AppleCare)?   Any other suggestions for getting official support on this question?   As it stands, I fear updating at all, and could be stuck with 10.6.6 for a long time.

    The combo should fix your problem.  As always have a back-up in case you have to revert.
    The Font update came out to fix the problem in 10.6.7
    It should be rolled into the Combo-Update:

  • PDFMaker font problem

    Can anyone offer any advice on how to debug a font problem?
    I am using a (shareware) symbol font on my Windows XP system. It works great in FrameMaker, and comes out perfectly in Frame-generated PDF files.
    Unfortunately, I also have to convert Excel spreadsheets to PDF, using the same font. When I generated those PDF files with PDFMaker, the font characters all show as little squares. I checked MS Word as well, and it has the same issue.
    I've checked the font properties in the generated file using the TouchUp Text tool in Acrobat - the font is recognised and embedded. If I try to make changes, I get this error message:
    "Some of the characters in the current font are not available, the missing characters will be replaced by place holder characters (maybe dots '.').
    "A work around to this is to select another font which contains the characters in the TouchUp Properties dialog.
    "Proceed with replacement?"
    I'm using Office 2007 under Windows XP Professional. The font is shareware and unsupported. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the problem isn't in PDFMaker, but I don't know a whole lot about fonts, and I'm not sure how to debug this.
    Can anyone offer any advice?

    If you go to the general tab in the Adobe PDF printer properties, there is a button for printing preferences. Select that and go to the Adobe PDF Settings tab. There should be a check box for leaving the log file intact there. You can also simply print to the Adobe PDF printer with print to file selected. Then open the file in Distiller and watch the messages created (these steps are automated if you do not print to file).
    You can also check the fonts in the PDF (use ctrl-D, font tab). If they are embedded, that information is stated in parentheses. If there is no statement of embedding, then it did not get done. That is not necessarily an error if the job settings are not set to embed the font.

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