TileList dataProvider problem

I use removeAll function to clean the dataProvider then I additem to it.
There is an error occured. Because the dataProvider is null !
So I recreate the dataProvider the error still there Why ~~?
this is the code:
var i:int = 0;
   if( TileList.dataProvider )
    TileList.dataProvider.removeAll(); // I remove all items.
   else{  // next time I try to recreate it but I still can't add item to the dataprovider
     // TileList.dataProvider.addItem("Class 1"); I can't do it because the dataprovider is null now
    TileList.dataProvider = new ListCollectionView( );
    while( i++ < 15 ){
     TileList.dataProvider.addItem("Class" + i);

Hmm.. It seems that the data provider is not getting instanciated, which is resulating into null object reference error. I tried out the following code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
            import flash.text.engine.ContentElement;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            public function btnClick():void
                var i:int=0;
                if (contentList.dataProvider.length > 0)
                    contentList.dataProvider=new ArrayCollection();
                    while (i++ < 15)
                        contentList.dataProvider.addItem("Class" + i);
    <mx:Canvas width="100%"
        <mx:TileList id="contentList"
                     dataProvider="{new ArrayCollection()}">
        <mx:Button id="btn"
                   label="Populate Tile List"
                   width="{btn.label.length * 8}"
May be this will help you.
Thanks and Regards,
Pooja Kuber | [email protected] | www.infocepts.com

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    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/getChildIndex()
    at mx.managers::SystemManager/getChildIndex()
    at mx.managers::SystemManager/::mouseDownHandler()".
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    Hi Tracy,
    Sorry for that. The problem is when i call the
    cfilmstrip.dataProvider =
    imageXML.image[imgPosition].subcat; I got an error
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    Here are the involved modules for your reference:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    xmlns:tx="com.adobe.as3.tilex.*" layout="absolute"
    usePreloader="true" creationComplete="loadXML(event);" width="808"
    height="388" backgroundColor="#ffffff" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
    horizontalScrollPolicy="off" backgroundGradientColors="[#ffffff,
    import mx.events.FlexEvent;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import flash.net.*;
    import mx.effects.easing.*;
    import mx.events.ListEvent;
    private var imgPosition:int = 0;
    private var imageLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    private var imageXML:XML;
    private var timer:Timer;
    private var samplePosition:int = 0;
    public var selcamp:int;
    private function loadXML(e:FlexEvent):void {
    private function ioErrorListener(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    Alert.show( event.text );
    private function processImageXML(e:Event):void {
    imageXML = new XML(e.target.data);
    filmstrip.dataProvider = imageXML.image;
    filmstrip.columnCount = imageXML.image.length();
    private function loadImage():void {
    banner.visible = false;
    banner.source = imageXML.image[imgPosition].@filename;
    banner.visible = true;
    cfilmstrip.dataProvider =
    }//end loadImage
    private function pickme(imgpick:Number):void
    imgPosition = imgpick ;
    <mx:Sequence id="slideBan">
    <mx:Move xTo="940" duration="2" target="{CampCanvas}"
    <mx:Fade alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0" target="{banner}"
    duration="1000" />
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    target="{CampCanvas}" />
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    target="{CampCanvas}" duration="900" />
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    blurYFrom="3.0" blurYTo="0.0"/>
    <mx:Canvas horizontalCenter="0" y="0" width="808"
    height="388" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
    verticalScrollPolicy="off" id="canvas1">
    <mx:Image id="banner" y="0" width="808" height="388"
    maxWidth="920" maxHeight="390" showEffect="slideBan"
    maintainAspectRatio="false" horizontalCenter="0"/>
    <mx:Canvas backgroundAlpha="0.3" id="CampCanvas" x="807"
    y="13" width="170" height="188" cornerRadius="12"
    backgroundImage="@Embed('image/Banners.png')" borderStyle="solid"
    borderThickness="0" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
    <tx:TileListEx id="cfilmstrip" itemRenderer="catRenderer"
    height="86" verticalScrollPolicy="off" backgroundAlpha="0"
    borderStyle="none" columnCount="1" columnWidth="150"
    rowHeight="25" useRollOver="false" y="15" x="10">
    <mx:Canvas y="288" width="808" backgroundAlpha="0"
    height="100" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="0"
    cornerRadius="6" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
    horizontalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalCenter="0">
    <tx:TileListEx id="filmstrip" itemRenderer="filmRenderer"
    height="86" verticalScrollPolicy="off" backgroundAlpha="0"
    rowCount="1" borderStyle="none" columnWidth="203"
    rowHeight="86" useRollOver="false"
    itemClick="pickme(filmstrip.selectedIndex)" y="-1">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    layout="absolute" width="170" height="188" backgroundAlpha="0"
    <mx:Canvas width="150" height="50" y="0"
    backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" borderStyle="solid" backgroundAlpha="1"
    useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" mouseChildren="false">
    <mx:Label visible="true" text="{data.@cats}"
    fontSize="11" y="0" color="#800000" fontWeight="bold"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <image filename="xml/images/SAILING.jpg"
    film="xml/images/sailing_gear.gif" category="SAILING GEAR">
    <subcat cats="MAN1"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN1"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN1"/>
    <image filename="xml/images/SPORTS.jpg"
    film="xml/images/sportswear.gif" category="SPORTS WEAR">
    <subcat cats="MAN2"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN2"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN2"/>
    <image filename="xml/images/GOLF.jpg"
    film="xml/images/golf.gif" category="GOLF">
    <subcat cats="MAN3"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN3"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN3"/>
    <image filename="xml/images/REGATTA.jpg"
    film="xml/images/regatto.gif" category="REGATTA">
    <subcat cats="MAN4"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN4"/>
    <subcat cats="MAN4"/>
    Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.

  • XMLLists as Dataprovider problem

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    I added the <tags> and <tag> manually. I wanted
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    somehow differently for XMLLists than XMLs?

    Thanks for the reply. When I set theResult your way it works
    fine. However, in my code I set theResult with the following
    public function handlePhotos(event:ResultEvent):void
    theResult = XML(event.result);
    theResult.photos.photo[0].tags.@id = "enabled";
    I guess data binding might only be recognizing the first
    statement and ignoring the rest? Or perhaps it's that
    theResult.photos.photo.tags.tag does not exist when theResult is
    first changed, so flex doesn't know what to listen to for data
    binding? The reason I tested my code like this is because I need to
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    need to keep using the children() method.

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  • Legend dataprovider problem

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <item id="1" label="livre a 100%" color="0x66CC00" />
         <item id="2" label="livre de 75% a 100%" color="0x009900" />
         <item id="3" label="livre de 50% a 75%" color="0xFFFF33" />
         <item id="4" label="livre de 25% a 50%" color="0xFF9900" />
         <item id="5" label="livre de 0% a 25%" color="0x3366FF" />
         <item id="6" label="não está livre" color="0x3300CC" />
    And I already have the labels in the legend, but I'm having some problem's with the color... The legend shows every marker as black.
    <mx:Legend id="legAvailable" dataProvider="{legAvai}"
         toolTip="Available legend" backgroundColor="#CDCDCD"/>
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    Thanks in advance.

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    Thank you
    P.S. I'm leaving an image so you can visualize my problem...

  • LineChart category axis labelFunction / dataProvider problem

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    What I am trying to achive is plot the chart with entire dataset, but show only limited number of points in x and y axis's.
         When I give dataProvider to category axis with some limited values, nothing gets plotted .
         In the attached main.mxml file
                    var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                    lineCategoryXAxis.categoryField = "DATE";
                    lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                    lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
    Here, I am giving category axis for x-axis. Linechart takes care of values in the vertical axis by itself and so the line chart gets plotted properly.
    But when I try giving values to vertical axis, then nothing is plotted in the line chart.
                    var lineCategoryYAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                     lineCategoryYAxis.dataProvider = getNumericPointsArray(valuesArray)
                     //lineCategoryYAxis.categoryField = "VALUE";
                     lineCategoryYAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction;
                     lineChart.verticalAxis = lineCategoryYAxis;
    Also if I try to reduce the number of points in the x-axis, nothing gets plotted
                   var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                     lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                     lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                     lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
    where getNumericPointsArray() returns an array with 7 values for vertical axis and getDatePointsArray() returns array with 7 dates for horizontal axis.
    Need help in resolving this problem.
    P.S: Unable to attach mxml file so attaching it as a txt file.

    This is the code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
        width="100%" creationComplete="cc()">
                import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                import mx.collections.Sort;
                import mx.charts.CategoryAxis;
                import mx.charts.chartClasses.Series;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.charts.series.LineSeries;
                import mx.charts.LineChart;
                public var dataForLineChart:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
                                                                {DATE:"20090509", VALUE:"3538943147"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090510", VALUE:"5047760823"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090511", VALUE:"5046865494"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090512", VALUE:"4983771032"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090513", VALUE:"5032039834"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090514", VALUE:"4897303525"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090515", VALUE:"4496020991"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090516", VALUE:"3525547244"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090517", VALUE:"3596982398"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090518", VALUE:"4947978254"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090519", VALUE:"4932182219"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090520", VALUE:"4909069875"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090521", VALUE:"4781830807"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090522", VALUE:"4431176690"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090523", VALUE:"3476323135"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090524", VALUE:"3444512240"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090525", VALUE:"4329018809"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090526", VALUE:"5086390081"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090527", VALUE:"5012778551"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090528", VALUE:"4770167180"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090529", VALUE:"4408927585"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090531", VALUE:"3488537357"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090601", VALUE:"3630748728"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090602", VALUE:"5007093913"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090603", VALUE:"5015210737"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090604", VALUE:"4999236097"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090605", VALUE:"4934609881"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090606", VALUE:"4588135281"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090607", VALUE:"3615291868"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090608", VALUE:"3666209346"},
                private function cc():void
                    var lineSeriesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var lineChart:LineChart = new LineChart();
                    lineChart.percentHeight = 100;
                    lineChart.percentWidth = 100;
                    lineChart.showDataTips = true;
                    lineChart.dataProvider = dataForLineChart;
                    var valuesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var datesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var lineSeries:LineSeries;
                    lineSeries = new LineSeries();
                    lineSeries.dataProvider = dataForLineChart;
                    lineSeries.dataFunction = lineSeriesDataFunction;
                    var dLength:int = dataForLineChart.length;
                    for (var k:int=0;k<dLength;k++)
                    lineChart.series = lineSeriesArray;
                    var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                    lineCategoryXAxis.categoryField = "DATE";
                    lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                    lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
                    var lineCategoryYAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryYAxis.dataProvider = getNumericPointsArray(valuesArray)
                    lineCategoryYAxis.categoryField = "VALUE";
                    lineCategoryYAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction;
                    //lineChart.verticalAxis = lineCategoryYAxis;
                private function lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction(categoryValue:Object, previousCategoryValue:Object, axis:CategoryAxis, categoryItem:Object):String
                    /** Will do date formatting here */
                    return categoryItem.DATE;
                    //return categoryItem.toString();
                private function lineCategoryYAxisDataFunction(axis:CategoryAxis, item:Object):Object
                    return item.VALUE;
                private function lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction(categoryValue:Object, previousCategoryValue:Object, axis:CategoryAxis, categoryItem:Object):String
                    /** Will do number formatting here */
                    return categoryItem.VALUE;
                    //return categoryItem.toString();
                private function lineSeriesDataFunction(series:Series, item:Object, fieldName:String):Object
                    if (fieldName == "yValue")
                        return item.VALUE;
                    else if(fieldName == "xValue")
                        return item.DATE.toString();
                    return null;
                private function getNumericPointsArray(inputArray:Array):Array
                    var numValues:int = inputArray.length;
                    /** Sorting the array to find min and max values */
                    var inputAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(inputArray);
                    inputAC.sort = new Sort();
                    var minValue:Number = Number(inputAC.getItemAt(0));
                    var maxValue:Number = Number(inputAC.getItemAt(inputAC.length - 1));
                    var outputArray:Array = new Array();
                    var i:int;
                    var diffFactor:Number;
                    var diffMinMax:Number;
                    /** axis takes 0 by default so not pushing that into array */       
                    if (minValue == maxValue)
                        /** Dividing by 6 to get 5 points */
                        diffFactor = Math.round(maxValue / 6);
                        for (i=1;i<=5;i++)
                            outputArray.push((i * diffFactor));
                        /** Find some points between minValue and maxValue */
                        diffMinMax = (maxValue - minValue);
                        /** Dividing by 5 to get 4 points */
                        diffFactor = Math.round(diffMinMax / 5);
                        for (i=1;i<=4;i++)
                            outputArray.push((i * diffFactor) + minValue);
                    return outputArray;
                private function getDatePointsArray(inputArray:Array):Array
                    var numValues:int = inputArray.length;
                    /** Subtracting 2 because first and last values are undconditinally pushed in output array.*/
                    var stepValue:int = (numValues - 2) / 5;
                    var outputArray:Array = new Array();
                    /** Starting from 1 and ending in numValues - 2 because first and last values of array are already taken.*/
                    for (var i:int=stepValue;i<numValues - 2;i+=stepValue)
                    outputArray.push(inputArray[numValues - 1]);
                    return outputArray;
        <mx:HBox id="chartContainer" width="100%" height="100%">
    As you can see in the code, my dataPovider is complex (can become much more complex). In the code above, the ArrayCollection has only one element currently but will have more. So the graph should be plotted in such a way that each array element corresponds to one line series.
    What I need to achive is that the horizontal axis should show dates only from the "0th" element of the ArrayCollection and that too only some limited 6-7 points, the rest of the ArrayCollection elements should get plotted according to these dates.
    I think I was able to explain my problem. Pls let me know if any more explaination is required.
    P.S. Re-attaching the file.
    Thanks in advance

  • TileList dataProvider not Showing Correct Item

    I have a tileList control that is using an array collection
    into a custom ItemRenderer. I can put the TileList directly above a
    DataGrid control and see that the filter on the ArrayCollection is
    working properly according to the DataGrid, but the TileList
    control shows the incorrect item...
    What would cause this?
    The TileList and the DataGrid use the exact same
    dataProvidor, yet the TileList doesn't show the correct item(s)
    once it's dataProvider has been filtered.

    Please disregard - I'm an idiot! Was overthinking this with
    my classes and created references within references... Stupid!

  • TileList DataProvider Help!

    I have an array collection and within that collection I have
    objects. Each of those objects has 2 arrays in it (along with other
    When I have an object selected I want the TileList to display
    the 2 arrays as its data provider.
    I want to handle this the same way the Tree does with it's
    DataDescriptor, but I do not know how to do this with the TileList,
    any ideas?

    I want to use the same dataprovider for my TileList and my
    Tree. So the data provider is in a hierarchial structure. I want to
    point at a given "node" in the dataprovider and the TileList will
    display its contents. Since I have a custom hierarchial data
    structure, each "node" has two different child nodes (which are
    arrays). So the TileList will need to take those two arrays and
    display its contents in the list.
    The reason I want to do this is because if I remove a child
    in the TileList I dont want to manage a seperate dataprovider for
    the tree. Also in my environment I will have multiple instances of
    each the tree and TileList. I will be using data binding so that I
    dont have to manage each and every different set of Tree and
    If you can point me in the right direction to use a custom
    ItemRenderer to display my data the way I want, please let me know.
    Here is some example dataprovider...
    -------Example Code---------
    myDataProvider =
    ---------------------End of Code-----------
    So above is an example of my data structrue, so I want to
    pass node1 to the TileList and the TileList will display children1
    and children2 in it's list - with keeping an handle back to the
    dataprovider so I dont have to manage seperate lists.
    Hope this helps clear what I am trying to do, and thanks for
    your help so far!

  • ComboBox w/RO DataProvider Problem

    I've got a combobox that is supposed to get filled from a
    RemoteObject call, but for some reason all I'm seeing is the text
    "[objectOperation]" in the dropdown.
    Here's the combobox:
    <mx:ComboBox width="150" id="categorySelector"
    <mx:dataProvider>{parentApplication.groupsService.groupsService.categoryList}</mx:dataProv ider>
    The dataprovider is built from an array that is returned
    from the remoteObject like such:
    categoryResult =
    ArrayUtil.toArray(parentApplication.groupsService.groupsService.getCategories.lastResult) ;
    for (var i:int = 0; i < categoryResult.length; ++i) {
    var catLabel:String = categoryResult
    var catID:int = categoryResult.CATEGORYID
    var obj:Object = {label:catLabel, data:catID};
    I know the service is returning data properly (it is already
    being used in some repeaters elsewhere), and as far as I can tell
    the categoryComboDP collection is built properly. I've stepped
    through in the debugger mode as well and can't see where it is
    Any ideas?

    yikes... sorry, I bungled that one pretty badly... had some
    bad scoping issues as well.
    Thanks for wasting a little bit of your life reviewing the
    code. I was butting my head against a styrofoam wall of my own

  • Session Dataprovider problem

    I have a ObjectLIstDataProvider (i.e. oldp) stored in session in order to support sorting functions. It works fine.
    However, when a user leavs the page where a table uses this oldp and browses some other pages, then comes back to this page, the data will still be shown for this user since oldp is stored in session (i.e. SessionBean1.java).
    Here is my question: Is there any way knowing a user is browsing away from the page with oldp so i could clean the oldp in session? Where should i put this code for cleaning?
    I did not find a way to distinguish when a page is rendering due to button action/sorting action/Dropdown list change (in those case, you should keep the oldp in session), and when a user is coming to this page from another page (In this case you DO need to clean oldp in sesion)?
    I guess i could record last rendered page in session in order to distinguish where a user is from (same page or another page). However, I would like a more descent way to do it.
    Please help.

    Hi Anand,
    I have launched two of the same application from the content area of the portal screen. Each one opens up in a separate internet explorer window. They share the same data since i am writing the data to the session. I do not want them to share the same data. How can this be achieved? Taking into mind that i have another portal application jsp dyn page embedded within this component that uses the shared data.

  • Problem in tilelist with dataprovider.

    I have a problem in tilelist. with the dataprovider a get the
    message error
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must
    be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    if i delete the images from the last added to the first one i
    have no prob but if i want to delete from the middle i get the
    message error th sode that i use is
    <mx:TileList id="tileList"
    x="0" y="415" width="100%">
    <mx:VBox horizontalAlign="center"
    verticalAlign="middle" width="222" height="194"
    verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" >
    <mx:Image id="img" width="165" height="126"
    maintainAspectRatio="true" source="{data.asset}" />
    <mx:Label id="txt" text="{data.title}"/>
    <mx:Button id="del" label="Delete"
    the function to add the image is :
    public function addImgToTile(bm:Bitmap):void{
    var bm1:BitmapData = Bitmap(bm1_source.content).bitmapData;
    var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bm1);
    var vo:MyVOBm = new
    And the function to delete the image is:
    public function deleteSnapShot(ev:Event):void{
    tx for your help

    tx Amy for your help here i give you the code that generate
    the image from streaming video
    <mx:Canvas id="videoHBox" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
    verticalScrollPolicy="off" backgroundColor="#000000" width="456"
    height="284" y="37">
    <mx:Button x="464" y="188" label="In" width="48"
    id="btnIn" click="addStart(inStream.time);" enabled="true"
    visible="true" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" toolTip="Add
    Start Image (shotcut Home)"/>
    <mx:Button id="Btn_add_action" x="464" y="221" label="Add
    Screenshot" click="addImgToTile(bm1)" useHandCursor="true"
    buttonMode="true" toolTip="Add Clip (shotcut insert)"/>
    <mx:TileList id="tileList"
    x="0" y="415" width="100%">
    <mx:VBox horizontalAlign="center"
    verticalAlign="middle" width="222" height="194"
    verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" >
    <mx:Image id="img" width="165" height="126"
    maintainAspectRatio="true" source="{data.asset}" />
    <mx:Label id="txt" text="{data.title}"/>
    <mx:Button id="del" label="Delete"
    private var videoHolder:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
    [Bindable] public var imgData:ArrayCollection = new
    init :
    nc = new NetConnection();
    nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatus);
    Playing_Video = new Video(Playing_Video_width,
    Playing_Video.x = 0;
    Playing_Video.y = 0;
    videoHBox.width = Playing_Video.width;
    videoHBox.height = Playing_Video.height;
    public function addStart(timecode:Number):void{
    var bm:Bitmap = copyBitmap(videoHBox as
    bm1 = bm;
    img_start_time.text = formatTime(timecode);
    start_time = timecode;
    public function addImgToTile(bm:Bitmap):void{
    var bm1:BitmapData = Bitmap(bm1_source.content).bitmapData;
    var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bm1);
    var vo:MyVOBm = new
    private function
    var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData( source.width,
    source.height );
    corectImg = false;
    catch (err:Error){
    if (origin == "start") setTimeout(addStart,750,timecode);
    return new Bitmap(bmd);
    public function deleteSnapShot(ev:Event):void{
    and the MyVOBm class is :
    package components
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    public class MyVOBm
    private var _asset:Bitmap;
    private var _title:String;
    public function MyVOBm(asset:Bitmap, title:String)
    public function set title(title:String):void{
    public function get title():String{
    return _title;
    public function set asset(asset:Bitmap):void{
    public function get asset():Bitmap{
    return _asset;

  • Several same objects in a tilelist not selectable

    I have 2 horizontal lists in my application. The first one
    contains images and I am allowed to drag them from first one and
    drop in the another one. Everything seems to work perfectly in
    first look. I can drag images to one list to another and it copies
    the images a move to other one. The problem appears when I move
    same image for a several times (2 or more). There seems to be
    several items, but the problem is that I can only select the last
    one. I have also a numeric stepper there. When I change a value in
    other, value changes in another as well.
    I think problem is that the objects have same UID, but I
    can't figure out how to change that.
    Can you please tell me the solution to this problem. I have
    totally lost my nerves with this.
    Thank you!
    Here is the source:
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var valitut_kuvat:ArrayCollection=new
    <mx:Canvas label="Choose images">
    dataProvider="{taustakuvalataus.lastResult.multime dia.images.img}"
    dropEnabled="false" allowDragSelection="false" dragEnabled="true"
    dragMoveEnabled="false" itemRenderer="Thumbnail"
    <mx:HorizontalList dropEnabled="true" dragEnabled="true"
    dragMoveEnabled="true" itemRenderer="Thumbnail2"
    dropShadowEnabled="true" id="multimedia_valitut"
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="
    xmlns="*" width="80" height="65" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
    verticalScrollPolicy="off" borderStyle="none">
    <mx:Image id="img" height="60" width="80"
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="
    xmlns="*" width="125" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
    verticalScrollPolicy="off" borderStyle="none" height="158">
    <mx:Image id="img" height="100" width="120"

    i have had the same exact problem, it only happens if you
    move one image and have 2 instances of it on the other side. i have
    been trying from this mornin to figure out a solution. i am getting
    close, ill let u know

  • How use PHP to read image files from a folder and display them in Flex 3 tilelist.

    Hello. I need help on displaying images from a folder dynamically using PHP and display it on FLEX 3 TileList. Im currently able to read the image files from the folder but i don't know how to display them in the TileList. This is my current code
    PHP :
    PHP Code:
    //Open images directory
    $imglist = '';
    $dir = dir("C:\Documents and Settings\april09mpsip\My Documents\Flex Builder 3\PHPTEST\src\Assets\images");
    //List files in images directory
    while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
    if (eregi("gif", $file) || eregi("jpg", $file) || eregi("png", $file))
    echo "filename: " . $file . "\n";
    FLEX 3 :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="pic.send();">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.events.FlexEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    public var image:Object;
    private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    image = (event.result);
    ta1.text = String(event.result);
    private function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
    ta1.text = "Fault Response from HTTPService call:\n ";
    <mx:TileList x="31" y="22" initialize="init();" dataProvider = "{image}" width="630" height="149"/>
    <mx:String id="phpPicture">http://localhost/php/Picture.php</mx:String>
    <mx:HTTPService id="pic" url="{phpPicture}" method="POST"
    result="{resultHandler(event)}" fault="{faultHandler(event)}"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="136" y="325" width="182" height="221" id="ta1" editable="false"/>
    <mx:Label x="136" y="297" text="List of files in the folder" width="182" height="20" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="13"/>
    Thanks. Need help as soon as possbile. URGENT.

    i have made some changes, in the php part too, and following is the resulting code( i tried it, and found that it works.):
    PHP Code:
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
    //Open images directory
    $dir = dir("images");
    //List files in images directory
    while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
    if (eregi("gif", $file) || eregi("jpg", $file) || eregi("png", $file))
    echo "<image>" . $file . "</image>"; // i expect you to use the relative path in $dir, not C:\..........
    Flex Code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.events.FlexEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    private var arr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    private function callPHP():void
    var hs:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    hs.url = 'Picture.php';
    hs.addEventListener( ResultEvent.RESULT, resultHandler );
    hs.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler )
    private function resultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
    arr = event.result.root.images.image as ArrayCollection;
    private function faultHandler( event:FaultEvent ):void
    Alert.show( "Fault Response from HTTPService call:\n " );
    <mx:TileList id="tilelist"
    <mx:Image source="images/{data}" />

  • How to get the number of elements in a tilelist

    I'm writing test cases for a flex application using FlexSelenium and I need to get the number of elements displayed in the tilelist.
    I know that that the tilelist is fed by an array. but i can't access that array from my test case.
    Can anyone tell me how I can get the number of elements in a tilelist on the application? which property of the tilelist can provide that number?

    try tileList.dataProvider.length;

  • How to populate a tilelist via my remote xml file?

    I have a mysql database set up and have produced it's contents into an xml format via php. Here is the xml data:-
    In my app I've set up a http request pointing to this url but I now need to assign this as the data provider of my tilelist so that the categorynames are displayed within the tilelist. How do I edit the dataprovider of the tilelist to show this?
    Here's my code:-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
    <mx:HTTPService id="getProductCategories" url="http://www.coolvisiontest.com/getcategories.php" useProxy="false"/>
    <mx:TileList dataProvider="{getProductCategories}" x="137" y="84"/>

    I have a mysql database set up and have produced it's contents into an xml format via php. Here is the xml data:-
    In my app I've set up a http request pointing to this url but I now need to assign this as the data provider of my tilelist so that the categorynames are displayed within the tilelist. How do I edit the dataprovider of the tilelist to show this?
    Here's my code:-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
    <mx:HTTPService id="getProductCategories" url="http://www.coolvisiontest.com/getcategories.php" useProxy="false"/>
    <mx:TileList dataProvider="{getProductCategories}" x="137" y="84"/>

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