Time Capsule Hanging on "Preparing backup"

OK, I read some of the previous discussions here but I want to throw this out there, as my setup mightbe a bit weird.
I have a GLYPH 2TB drive hooked via its USB  cable to an Airport Express. (The model I bought in 2012 or so)
The drive shows up fine via the wireless connection and in the past Time Machine seems to have done backups OK. It was slow, but I was only doing it once a month or so.
So, what happens. I decide to run a copy of TechTool on my computer after it crashes and won't start up (I got the status bar under the apple logo on startup, while the screen was still gray). I start it from an external drive I have it saved on. A little LaCie number. The computer runs OK when I do that.
So I run TechTool. It tells me I have bad blocks all over. I tried Restore and Disk Repair and I get told that my Apple MacBook can't alter any information on the drive, though it can be read. OK I thought, I need to do a wipe. My last backup was in July.
So I fire up Time Machine. It finds the big drive fine. Then it takes a long time to prepare, and then it started backing up. It only did about 13 MB and then hung for a long time, like an hour.
So I stop Backup, and restart, and try again. This time it hangs on "Preparing." For another hour or so. I do a stop backup, restart, and the same thing. Hmm. I look on the discussion boards here and find Pndini's site with suggestions. I turn off On-Access Scanning in Sophos.
So. It's been an hour and it still hangs but I might just wait to see what happens. I read that there's a spotlight file I might need to change, but I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing.
Q: can I stop the backup, and just disconnect the drive from the Airport and link it via USB and try that? I wasn't sure if that was a safe thing to do. If I can't and I need to just wipe this thing that's OK, the stuff from July is enough as I moved the files I was concerned about to the LaCie drive with the finder (I just put them all in a folder) and I can always pull them back up. Plainly my MacBook hard drive is going to die soon but I need a computer for the next couple of weeks to work from.
So, what should be my first step? Like I said, if necessary I can nuke the MacBook's drive as long as I can restore from my july TM backup.

9rabbit wrote:
THe system I started up from was a little drive I backed up a copy of the system on . . .
When you did that, you copied Time Machine's instructions, along with everything else.
Those instructions are kept in a file on the internal HD, along with all sorts of other preferences and setup information -- pretty much anything in System Preferences or your settings and preferences for applications is stored that way, and was copied to the clone.  That's kinda the purpose of a clone.
Anyhow, understand, when it looked like my HD was failing, I ran the system from there so I could at least access some files if need be. I ran Time Machine's backup from the top of the menu nbar just like always,
Time Machine used the copied instructions, unless you specifically changed them on the clone.  That means it was still (trying to) back up the internal HD, not the clone. 
I did look BTW in the Restore OS 10.8 drive and go through the steps, after connecting via the network it shows the older backups.
You may not have noticed, but that almost certainly names the internal HD near the top of this window, after "Restore from":
I should be able to disconnect the glyoh from the airport, plug it into the mac, run TM and it will back up stuff to there. 
Unless you change the exclusions, it will continue to (try to) back up the internal (not the external) to the Glyph.  But you may have difficulty seeing those backups, because of the change from network to local as in the blue box of the link above.
if I can just wipe the internal drive, I can restore the copy of the system (10.8.3) and then do a TM restore
No need to reinstall OSX, if the backups are intact (by no means a sure thing).  The restore erases the destination, then restores OSX and everything else from the backups.
But since both your internal HD and backups are suspect, I'd strongly recommend getting another external and restoring to it first, before wiping the internal.  Then see if you can start up from it, and if it runs properly.
If it doesn't, we've got another option, but it's also best to do on another drive first.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Restart your Mac and the Time Capsule. In most of the cases, this should solve the problem.
    If it doesn't work, see > http://pondini.org/TM/C12.html

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    TC use;
    I don't do TMachine.
    I use the hard disk with the GO function of the Finder.
    I don't use TC as a main backup drive.
    I use it for file sharing between my network and outside of my network when I need files. Example, I live in Michigan but was visiting in Pennsylvania when I needed a .mv4 file(golf instruction I made two years ago). I used the afp function and connected to my TC and downloaded that file.
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    Kind regards,

    Hi Chameleon,
    thanks for the fast reply.
    my Library is to big to move it somewhere else and it was one of the reason why I bought the time capsule.
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    Kind regards

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    Please ignore this post - I was unable to login as my normal user at the time.
    Same question now posted under my correct account

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    Welcome to Apple Communities
    You can backup different Macs with it. Just set up the two computers to backup in it

  • First timer.  Just installed Time Capsule.  The first backup looks like it will take two days at the pressent speed.  Can I close MacBook Pro and have first back up  continue, and can I unplug and plug in at work without affecting the backup?

    I'm a first timer on this (or any) help site. I just installed Time Capsule.  The first backup looks like it will take two days at the present speed.  Can I close MacBook Pro and have first back up continue, and can I unplug tomorrow and plug in at work without affecting the backup?

    Hi Oneinspirit,
    Time Machine backups can be paused by choosing "Stop Backing Up" from the Time Machine icon on the right hand side of your menu bar ( ). Once you're ready to resume the backup, you can choose "Back Up Now" from the same icon.
    Start a backup: Click the Time Machine icon  in the menu bar, then choose Back Up Now.
    Pause a backup: Click the Time Machine icon  in the menu bar, then choose Stop Backing Up.
    OS X Yosemite: Start, pause, and resume a Time Machine backup
    All my best,

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    want to know if I am able to use the Time Capsule as both a backup, and as a remote Hard Drive at the same time?
    You can, but the Time Capsule was really designed for Time Machine backups and there will be fight for space at some point in the future if you store a signficant amount of data on the Time Capsule drive.
    You probably have not thought about this, but if your "original" copies of your movies, audio files, etc are on the MacBook now and you move them to the Time Capsule drive....your "originals" will be on the Time Capsule.
    When....not if....you have a problem with the Time Capsule drive, you have no backups since your "originals" are on the drive that failed, and you lose everything.
    A much safer strategy would be to add an external USB or Firewire drive to your MacBook and store all of your media files there. Then, Time Machine will backup both your MacBook and the external drive.
    So, you have "originals" in one location and backups in another location. That's what a backup strategy is all about. In the event that one drive fails...and it will....you still have another copy on another drive.

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    The iPhone and iPad cannot back up directly to the Time Capsule.....they only back up to iTunes on your Mac or PC....or....to iCloud.
    If you are using Time Machine to backup your Mac to the Time Capsule, then all of the backups of your iOS devices in iTunes will then be backed up to the Time Capsule.
    See this Apple support document for more information on iOS backups.

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    can I assume I can simply unplug the Time Capsule from my computer without any glitches and Time Capsule will then run wirelessly.  Is this assumption correct?
    Yes, if the computer will be able to receive a strong wireless signal from the Time Capsule.
    I did not disable wireless.  So I assume the backups are occurring both with the ethernet and wirelessly.
    It is inot possible to have both an "active" Ethernet and "active" wireless signal simultaneously. If an Ethernet connection is established, your computer will default to the Ethernet connection. If the Ethernet cable is unplugged, the computer will revert to the wireless connection.
    I also show 2 wireless networks available through Airport.  Shouldn't there only be one now?
    You have a simultaneous dual band Time Capsule. That means that it will always be providing both a 2.4 GHz and a 5 GHz network.
    I named my new network the same name as the old network.  This enabled all of our devices to continue with their connection without entering the new network and/or passwords; however, I am afraid this may pose problems in the future somehow.  Any input on this issue as well?
    Things should be fine. Devices will connect to the best signal.....either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz....based on their capabilties and location in relation to the Time Capsule.

  • Error: Time Machine couldn't complete the backup to Time Capsule - Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder.

    error: Time Machine couldn't complete the backup to Time Capsule - Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder.

    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter the word "Starting" (without the quotes) in the String Matching text field. You should now see log messages with the words "Starting * backup," where * represents any of the words "automatic," "manual," or "standard." Note the timestamp of the last such message. Clear the text field and scroll back in the log to that time. Select the messages timestamped from then until the end of the backup, or the end of the log if that's not clear. Copy them (command-C) to the Clipboard. Paste (command-V) into a reply to this message.
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don't post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Some personal information, such as the names of your files, may be included — anonymize before posting.

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