Time Capsule Internet Help!

I have a problem with my new time capsule. The backup feature works no problem but I can't connect to the internet. I had it working when I first futzed around with it (had to manually type in the IP address, subnet, and router address). Since then it has not worked. I have Comcast internet, a Motorola SB5101 router, and a 21.5" iMac running Snow Leopard. If I plug my ethernet cable straight into the computer it works. What's going on?

Try giving the modem a full reset. The cable modem is "remembering" your computer. It needs to "forget" it so that it can associate with the Time Capsule.
Push the reset button
Power it down
Pull the batter if its easily accessible
Wait 10-15 minutes then power back up modem first, then the Time Capsule.
You should not need to enter manual IP addresses unless your provider has told you that you must do this.

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    I keep on getting this error when i try to copy files to my 2T Time Capsule, Please help im running out of space on my MacBook Pro....
    The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)

    I would get an external drive today and copy all your stuff off the TC.. forget trying to load more onto it. There is a good chance after 3years (A 2TB should be only about 2years tops), the disk or the TC itself is on the way out. Do it immediately. If TM is also failing to backup you need to recognise symtoms of impending doom.
    Unfortunately the error messages are archane and it is hard to discover their meaning.
    You also cannot verify a network drive.. you can verify the TM sparsebundle though so do that.
    A5. http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html
    Reboot the whole network from off.. certainly if you run later OS it can simply lose the drive..
    If you still fail to be able to copy to the TC.. then get that external and copy off it. Tell us if you can do that.

  • Time Capsule:  Need help accessing my video surveillance DVR from the Internet.

    I am using the latest 4th Generation Time Capsule attached to a DSL Modem.  My 4 video Survilance DVR is connected to a switch then to the Time Capsule.  How or what is needed to be able to access the DVR via the internet.  I am able to access the DVR from within the home network only.  Would appreciate some guidance.
    Thanks in advance.

    Is the modem bridged?
    If not and working in router mode then the TC should be bridged.. this will never work if you have double NAT.
    Whichever box is the main router will need to forward the required ports for the camera dvr.. does the software use port 80 ie html?? That means you just forward port 80 to the IP address of the dvr. But find out the port.. the dvr instructions should tell you. Port forwarding on the TC.. ain't hard.. just google for the instructions. If the dsl modem is router, read its manual.
    You will need to lock the ip of the dvr so it doesn't shift. Do that in the router if possible but I am not sure you can on the TC. You will need to do it on the device using a static ip.
    The other thing is public IP .. do you have a static public address.. if not you will need to run dyndns. this is not available in the TC.. as most things are not available. So you will also need to check the dvr remote access instructions as it might have a dyndns client.. or you will have to use dsl modem as router even if you currently bridge it.
    Sorry this is making it complicated.
    Give some feedback and we can go from there.
    What is the main router?
    What modem is it exactly?
    What make and model is the DVR? A URL to the pdf manual will help if it gets complicated.
    What port do you use to access the DVR?
    Is there a dyndns client in the dvr?

  • Time Machine getting real-only error on 2TB Time Capsule --- Please Help

    My MacPro is running 10.6.2. I bought a 2TB Time Capsule on August 1st, 2009. The TC has been running okay, but painfully slow. On Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2009, the Time Machine reported that the TC is read-only now. I've spent 5 days, including Thanksgiving Day, researching and trying to resolve this problem. To my surprise this problem goes back several years.
    I have tried all the solutions without success. I cannot afford to lose the sparse bundle on TC --- it's 1.56TB in size.
    My home/office LAN includes a Linksys BEFSR81 Router, 2TB Time Capsule, an iMac G5, and my MacPro. That's all there is. The router is connect to the Internet through a Comcast Cable.
    The TC was configured using the Airport Utility. The password is set at the TC level. The password is also set "Guests" (something I found in my research). Wireless is turned off because I'm using an Ethernet LAN.
    Now the following is very Strange!!!
    (1) Click on MacPro in the side bar. The Data disk is shown with a "lock" in the icon. It has only one permission: Everyone "No Access". I'm unable to change the permission.
    (2) Click on the boot drive and make invisible files visible. Expand Volumes. Get Indo on the Data "folder". The permissions are:
    everyone - read/write
    don (Me) - read/write
    admin - read/write
    everyone - read only
    There are 2 "everyone" entries!!! I can't remove either of them. I wonder if the second "everyone" is the problem?
    Does anyone have any suggestions how to fix this read-only problem?
    Is there a bug in the firmware? My TC version is 7.4.2.
    Please help!
    Thank you,
    Don Leckie

    Disk Utility didn't report any errors. I checked the log too.
    The disk "Data" in TimeCapsule can be opened using the Finder.
    The sparsebundle for the MacPro can be opened and each backup folder is accessible and can be written to. But TimeMachine still says that the TimeCapsule is read-only.
    The sparsebundle for the iMac G5 cannot be opened from the Finder. The error message is that I don't have sufficient privileges. Trying from both the MacPro and iMac G5. TimeMachine still says the TimeCapsule is read-only.
    I tried using fsck_hfs to try fixing the permissions. But I got the message that the disk Data was not a character device; whatever that implies.
    Tomorrow I'm putting a call into Apple Support.
    Thank you for your help!

  • Time Capsule newly - HELP!

    I don't know whether I am being really dull so I apologise in advance!
    I work at the bottom of our garden in a shed (smart tho ).  I have a DLink wifi extender which runs through the electricity supply into the shed and I connect my Mac wirelessly to the internet located in the house (BT home hub).  I have an Airport Extreme and now a new Time Capsule (the intention of which is so that the whole family can back up their macbooks and my Mac to the Time Machine).  All Macbooks in the house now configured however my Mac (in the shed) often does not 'see' the Time Capsule.
    When I go to TIme Machine preferences it appears under the 'Remote Airport base stations' however it then says it cannot read the settings? 
    Does my Mac (in the shed) have to be on the same network name as the Time Machine?  Although my wifi sees the network configured on the Time Machine wifi it won't connect?
    Am I doing something very wrong or does somebody have any top tips?
    Any help much appreciated!

    I believe so.  You need to have them both on the same network in order for the shed Mac to access the time machine. Does the DLink wifi extender give out network addresses?  If the Time Machine is on a network as 192.168.1.# and the shed Mac is on a network as 192.168.0.#, where the "#" is the individual number for each device, then they can't talk to each other as local network devices.  The first 3 numbers need to be the same, with only the last one different.

  • Time capsule newby help...

    i am a complete idiot when it comes to computers...i bought a time capsule in october, 2008 and have never even taken it out of the box...until tonight...and i am at a loss...i want to add it to an existing network, i installed the cd and supposedly had the computer ready, plugged in an ethernet cable from my modem, qwest wireless pk 5000, from the ethernet 1 spot to the back of the tc in its internet WAN port...the light originally went to green, briefly, and then to amber where it was solid for a few seconds before constantly flashing amber...i have tried a reset, to no avail...my phone line is plugged into the back of the modem where i thought it was supposed to be for setting up the tc to an existing network...what am i doing wrong? any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Hello tee... Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    plugged in an ethernet cable from my modem, qwest wireless pk 5000, from the ethernet 1 spot to the back of the tc in its internet WAN port
    I believe that your "qwest wireless pk 5000" modem, is actually the Actiontec PK5000 wireless DSL router ... which is a combination modem/router or gateway.
    With the Time Capsule (TC) connected by Ethernet, you actually have two routers in series. As such, you will want to reconfigure the TC as a bridge. This will allow the Actiontec to provide the required network services for the entire network.
    To set up the TC as a bridge, either connect to the TC's wireless network or temporarily connect your computer directly (using an Ethernet cable) to one of the LAN port of the TC, and then, using the AirPort Utility, change this setting:
    Internet - Internet Connection tab
    o Connection Sharing: Off (Bridge Mode)
    o Click Update to apply the new settings.

  • Time Capsule Ethernet Help

    I'm trying to set up a Time Capsule to connect to the router via Ethernet and let me do my initial backup through Ethernet to my computer and then be able to do wireless backups after that. And I will be able to connect to the internet wirelessly.
    Now my problem is Everybody tells me that if I plug my router(NETGEAR) into my Time Capsules WAN port via Ethernet and set it up to extend the network that It would work. But When I plug it into the WAN port and choose that option it gives me a list of available devices(routers) that are connected via ethernet. My router is not there. All I see is "Previous Time Capsule Config".
    Now what? No matter what I do I can get it to pick up my router via ethernet.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You need to bridge the Time Capsule.
    Go to the top menu Internet and select connect using ethernet and then below that, connection sharing.. choose bridge mode.
    Now it doesn't matter what port the TC is plugged into the main router. And wireless can be setup as you like.. but you are not extending the wireless. You are using it as a simple AP.
    Does the Netgear have wireless? If so you can use manual channel setup in the TC .. just use a different channel to the Netgear.

  • Checking internal disk of Time Capsule, need help

    I have copied to TC a very big folder with photos but TC have lost connection during the process.
    And now there is grey coloured folder witch I can't delete.
    I think it's kind of error in file system.
    How do I check file system on internal disk of my Time Capsule?
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you for a clue.
    Have tried many variations to solve the problem and method of deleting via terminal has helped me.
    I've found the solution at apple support page but after about an hour of serfing in Internet.
    Advanced tip about deleting locked files
    If there are several locked files in the Trash, you can unlock them all at the same time at the command line. Follow these steps:
    Open Terminal. It's located in /Applications/Utilities.
    Type: chflags -R nouchg
    Note: Type one space (not pictured) after nouchg in the line above, so that it ends in "nouchg ". Do not press Return yet.
    Double-click the Trash icon in the Dock to reveal the contents of the Trash. If necessary, arrange the Finder window so that a portion of the Terminal window is still visible.
    Press the Command-A key combination to select all files in the Trash.
    Drag the files from the Trash to the Terminal window.
    Note: This automatically enters the pathname for each file. This eliminates the need to individually empty multiple Trash directories, particularly when multiple disks or volumes are present.
    Press Return. No special text message will be shown indicating that the command was successful.
    Empty the Trash.
    If the Trash does not empty or if you see a message in Terminal that says "usage: chflags [-R [-H | -L | -P]] flags file..." you most likely did not type the text in step 2 as indicated or did not leave a space. Repeat the steps if this happens.

  • Apple TV & Time Capsule Internet Dropping Connection

    Dear Mac/Apple TV/Time Capsule users,
    i had experienced the Dropping Connection problem:
    http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1959199&start=0&tstart=0 .
    and now i want to contribute to that thread
    My hardware Imac 21,5, TC 1T(1gen), ATV (1 gen, 160GB)
    Recently since i wanted to put a movie on my ATV i noticed than after uploading for 5 min
    the upload stopped and the connection dropped from my TC .
    So i've done everything:
    - reboot TC many times, change channel, downgrade to 7.3.2, upgrade again
    - downgraded ATV & upgraded again
    The only way to have back the wi-fi connection from TC is to search and put again the password from the ATV .
    i just solve the whole problem setting the wireless of the TC to N 5ghz good but invisible to my iPhone4…
    The question is what happened ??? Maybe an interference from another N Router/Cordless Phone ?
    Hope you'll find a reason 4 this..i can't explain !!!!!!!

    I wish I had a solutipn for you... I am having a similar problem which started in the last two days with my playstation not finding the network from the TC, although the AT! and everything else in the house can find it just fine. The connection in the AT1 is spotty. I wonder if setting the TC to "internet robustness" will help or hurt? I just tried that and will let you know if it helps. Also, often, the syncing stops and does not complete between our iMac (i7 processor) and our AT1.

  • Time capsule - internet connection problem via wireless

    Hi all - I've browsed around many other similar threads about people having difficulties with their Time Capsules, and although some of the problems I'm experiencing are similar, there's a few interesting oddities that other questions don't address or solve.
    I have a 1TB Time Capsule that's acting as a router for my network. It's connected via the WAN port to a Netgear DG632 modem/router (in modem mode) that is set up with a static IP address and the DNS server for my ISP. The TC is also set up with these same static IP/DNS details, and is set to share the one public IP address.
    The TC serves up DHCP addresses to the LAN devices via a mixture of ethernet (to a G4 Mac mini and to a Linux-based MythTV machine) and wireless (to a couple of 802.11g Airport expresses, a C2D Macbook using OSX Leopard and Windows XP, an iPhone and a Wii).
    Everything on the LAN is happy, gets a unique IP address, can see the other devices, and can see the USB hard drives that are connected to the TC.
    The weird behaviour comes when things try to actually connect to the internet.
    Anything that connects via ethernet to the TC works perfectly. Connecting wirelessly however doesn't work properly - but not in a simple binary working/not-working manner...
    If I connect wirelessly, I can do any of the usual network diagnostic things - e.g. Ping, Traceroute, etc. and data gets through and back, using IP address or actual site names.
    I can download mail (via the standard Mail application, v3.5, from Gmail using IMAP)
    I can even load secure webpages (i.e. those that use https, such as https://mail.google.com)
    What I CANNOT do however is load any "normal" webpages (e.g. http://mail.google.com)
    When loading a webpage, there is a brief period of data transfer (e.g. Camino reports "looking up ...", "connecting to ...", "waiting for ...") and then it just stops, and eventually the browser times out.
    Other problems that people have reported have been solved by changing the DNS servers used - either to specify their ISP ones directly, or to use something like OpenDNS. My problem doesn't seem to be related to the DNS servers - to my mind, this sounds like some kind of outgoing port-blocking, but there ain't no such beastie on the TC as far as I'm aware, and since it is only happening on any device that connects wirelessly I'm pretty confident that I can rule out any local settings on a particular machine, or any settings on the modem.
    I've tried several things to try and fix this, as follows:
    Reset TC and modem
    Factory-reset TC and set up again
    Downgrade TC to 7.3.1 and set up again
    Re-upgrade TC to 7.3.2 and set up again
    Remove all wireless security (usually use WPA/WPA2 Personal)
    Change wireless mode from 802.11n (802.11b/g compatible) to 802.11n only (2.4GHz)
    Change wireless mode from 802.11n (802.11b/g compatible) to 802.11n only (5GHz)
    Change wireless channel (Automatic, 6, 11)
    Obviously none of that worked, so can anyone think of anything else that I can try and change to get this working?
    For what it's worth, everything was happy until Thursday last week (11th Dec) and the only thing that I changed was an upgrade to Safari on the Mac mini, which seems extremely unlikely to have been responsible for causing such pain and anguish!
    Thanks for bearing with me through all this - hopefully I've covered off all of the basics already, but I'm now not sure where that leaves me...

    Something somehow fixed the problem a couple of days after my post - although I didn't know what triggered it (like I don't know what triggered the failure). I changed my set-up so that the Time Capsule was just a wireless bridge, and used the DG632 as the router and DHCP server - and obviously something worked OK.
    Unfortunately the same problem happened again the day before yesterday, and after roping in the help of my ISP I determined that there wasn't a problem with the connection outside my LAN, so it was obviously something weird with my set-up.
    After much frustration, rebooting, resetting, and fiddling, I spotted that occasionally a small burst of data would be received - perhaps enough to load an icon or small image - before everything froze up. On a hunch, I started playing with the MTU - and glory be! After the MTU is reduced from the default/automatic 1500 to 1458 everything works perfectly... except the Time Capsule no longer shows up!!! ARGH!!
    I don't even recall ever seeing an MTU setting on the Time Capsule, and there definitely isn't one on the DG632 (don't most recent devices not require MTU tweaks? They just pass on the whole packet as-is?) so I've got no idea how to get around this issue now.
    So much for stuff just working

  • Time Capsule Internet not working through direct ethernet in Apartment

    Hi all,
    I got my new time capsule yesterday and tried to set it up. The internet in my apartment is supplied to the apartment complex so we access it through an ethernet port directly (there is no modem). Can the time capsule share this connection wirelessly by connecting directly to the ethernet port in the wall?
    I tested yesterday but it wouldn't work. The light was green on the TC and it seemed to think it had a net connection (didn't prompt connection error and it also showed IP address plus DNS servers). The problem is, it doesn't work... I try on my macbook and no internet connection can be made. From the TC menu i also try to update firmware but it tells me it cannot connect.
    Any ideas? Should i manually apply a new firmware to see if it will help?
    Many thanks!

    The Time Capsule defaults to sharing one IP address with several computers, which is what you usually need when you connect to a cable or dsl modem. It sounds like your apartment complex is supplying this as well as a dhcp server as well. This could be a problem with double NAT. You should set your Time Capsule to work in bridge mode instead and see if that works.
    Airport Utility ->Internet->Internet Connection->Connection Sharing: Off (Bridge Mode)

  • Time Capsule Internet connection issues??

    I just got a new time capsule and it works great with my computer. Im trying to connect another computer to it and it connects to the wireless but says it is not assigned an IP address so it wont go online. But i know that the TC has connectivity because i'm using it with my other computer. Please Help! probably something easy..

    If you don't have full admin access to the computer then there is nothing much you can do about anything.
    If your connection is not "home" then the firewall can block you..
    I did ask the question.. do you get internet ok before you turn on the VPN?? If so as per Tesserax comment.. it is a setting in the VPN. And it sounds like there is nothing you can do about it anyway. If you cannot get internet no matter if the vpn is on or off.. then the computers firewall is blocking you. Turn off the firewall if you have sufficient privileges to do so.. otherwise.. put the Asus back and bridge the TC to it. There is nothing wrong with that setup.. !!
    As a general piece of advice should I just keep my former Asus router and use the TC for backup only, or can this be fixed and is it a better router?
    Since you have not given us specifics for the Asus we cannot offer any opinion on its comparative worth vs the TC. But Apple routers are great for Apple networks.. they are much less good for PC networking.. especially things like upnp are missing. The best is what works. If it doesn't work and you don't have admin access on the PC.. then for now, you are better returning to the setup that works.

  • Time Capsule Internet Timeout Issues

    I have had a 1 TB Time Capsule (TC) for a little over a year now with no issues. Within the past month I have been having issues with my internet failing to load webpages initially. I have to reload the page 2 or 3 times. It happened occasionally at first, but it is now fairly persistent. No issues occur when the ethernet cord is plugged directly into the computer. I have a MacBook Pro, iMac, and 2 iPhones. The problem is more pronounced on the 2 computers. I have tried adjusting various TC settings, including manually selecting wireless channels, using only the 2.4 ghz network, restoring factory settings, and adding DNS servers as was suggested in other postings, but nothing seems to work.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions as to what might be causing this issue and what I can do to resolve the problem?

    mac_bliss wrote:
    The problem persists whenever the TC is involved in providing the internet connection (either wirelessly or through ethernet cord).
    That does point a finger at the Time Capsule.
    Is there any further diagnostic tests I can perform to pinpoint the issue and/or resolve?
    You might learn something from the Time Capsule's logs. To see them, launch AirPort Utility and put the Time Capsule into "manual setup" mode. Pull down the "Base Station" menu bar item and select "Logs and Statistics". If it's not already selected, then select the "Logs" tab. The main point of looking in the logs is to learn whether the Time Capsule notices that there's a problem by noting whether there's a logged message at the time you're having trouble loading a Web page.
    If any case, I'm running out of suggestions for helping you.

  • Mac Crashes in the middle of Time Capsule backup --HELP!

    Been using time capsule for several months without any issues. In fact, it has been great until recently. A week or so ago, my MacBookPro began crashing in the middle of a time capsule back up. Just suddenly the MAC curtain comes down and tells me I must restart. When I restart I get an error message which I have copied into this message. I tried erasing a whole months worth of backups but still get the same problem........is it possible my MAC has gotten a virus?? Anyone who can help, your comments would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Sun Jun 1 10:59:30 2008
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x0031678A): "btreeswapnode: about to write corrupt node!\n"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.4.31/bsd/hfs/hfs_btreeio.c:197
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x34b0f918 : 0x12b0f7 (0x4581f4 0x34b0f94c 0x133230 0x0)
    0x34b0f968 : 0x31678a (0x484588 0x92d6000 0x1 0x34b0fa40)
    0x34b0f9a8 : 0x1fa244 (0x3054aa60 0x5c85004 0x0 0x0)
    0x34b0fa68 : 0x1fb543 (0x0 0x0 0x200 0x0)
    0x34b0fab8 : 0x3388b1 (0x4396e08 0x5c853b4 0x484261fc 0x2597b)
    0x34b0fae8 : 0x325fa5 (0x5c85004 0x2 0x0 0x1)
    0x34b0fc58 : 0x1f3097 (0x34b0fc78 0x5e26660 0x4 0xb52b9a4)
    0x34b0fca8 : 0x1e2b5d (0x6354630 0x9361490 0x34b0fe2c 0xb52b9a4)
    0x34b0ff78 : 0x3dcf13 (0xa8bec50 0xb52b8a0 0xb52b8e4 0x1)
    0x34b0ffc8 : 0x19f1c3 (0x766b0e0 0x0 0x1a20b5 0x4b71480)
    No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb0102578
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: backupd
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.2: Tue Mar 4 21:17:34 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.4.31~1/RELEASE_I386
    System model name: MacBookPro4,1 (Mac-F42C89C8)

    Steve --
    Got this problem fixed. It seems the 10.5.3 update corrupted the update somehow. You can perform a disk image repair on the existing backup or just delete all your old back ups and start from scratch which is exactly what I did. Good luck!

  • Just bought new time capsule- need help setting up WiFi network with another router

    Here ismy situation.
    I had a wireless network setup up at home using a Belkin wifi router.
    I have 2 macBooks (1 pro, 1 air) and 2 iphones that connect wirelessly and a desktop PC that is hard wired to the ethernet port.  In addition, I have a Verizon wireless network extender plugged in by ethernet.  All of the hard-wired gear is in our 3rd floor attic office (and the wireless signal was strong throughout the house).
    The Belkin wifi router was plugged into a wall ethernet jack that is in turn wired into a Linksys router in the basement (along with multiple other ethernet ports througout the house) and is hardwired to the Cable modem next to it.  All of the hard-wired ethernet stuff (including the router in the basement) was there when we bought the house, and I have no clue in the tangle of wires how to sort them out (but don't really think I need to)
    I just purchased a TimeCapsule to do wireless backups of my 2 macbooks, and tried to set it up alongside the existing wireless modem.
    Needless to say, this did not work well. I called  AppleCare, and was told that the TimeCapsule needs to be the "1st" wireless adapter, so I went into the basement, and connected the time capsule directly to the cable modem, and then out to the basement router.  The Belkin router still needs to be in the attic to supply the PC and the Verizon adapter (so it is near a window for GPS signal). 
    If I try to name the WiFi network the same SSID on both the TC and the belkin router (to have dual signal strenth coverage) the whole thing gets messed up and the TC cannot be "found" by the aiprort Utility software.
    What I have done now is that I have 2 side-by-side wireless networks with 2 unique names (actually 3, because I enabled the 5Ghz signal on the TC), but our wireless devices do not "switch" automatically from one SSID  to another stronger signal SSID as we move through the house
    Here's the question: How do I name them the same so that the devices will switch effortlessly to the stongest signal?  I understand it involves switching the "channels" but don't know how to do it right now.  Currently, everything works, so I don't want to mess it up tinkering.  Another caveat- there are several other wireless networks from neighbors houses that I can "see".  I jsut downloaded a program called iStumbler that shows the channels, but not sure what to do with that info.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Here's the question: How do I name them the same so that the devices will switch effortlessly to the stongest signal?  I understand it involves switching the "channels" but don't know how to do it right now.  Currently, everything works, so I don't want to mess it up tinkering.  Another caveat- there are several other wireless networks from neighbors houses that I can "see".  I jsut downloaded a program called iStumbler that shows the channels, but not sure what to do with that info.
    Any advice would be appreciated.
    OK.. sounds like a mess.. or at least messy and the previous people should have left a log book with all the IP address info in it.. you have far too many routers.. but from here it is impossible to tell how they are configured. Most are probably just setup as AP.
    Naming rule for wireless.. Same SSID same security different channel.
    SSID ie wireless name to work on the PC side should have no spaces and no special characters. TC name should also follow that rule. So the devices need to all set with fixed channels.
    Don't worry too much about iStumbler and what is outside your house.. there isn't enough channels at 2.4ghz anyway. And you are going to need to use them all. There are only three non-overlapping channels. 1, 6, 11 so set each device to one of those channels. The TC should be as close as you can to where you normally use the MacBooks.. and turn on the 5ghz. You will have to leave it to automatic name so the Macbook can also roam across from 2.4 to 5ghz. But if you care to use a different name and force it onto 5ghz the speed is much better as long as you are in the same room.
    Roaming is great in theory.. often in practice it just doesn't work.. you need to step in and turn off wireless and then turn it back on.. you can quickly see which router it is connecting to by hold down the option key when you click the airport fan in the top menu area.. and look at bssid.. you will have to figure out which number MAC address relates to which router.
    Also do not be surprised if Lion gives you issues. It seems to often drop out and lose connection to the TC as a backup device even if internet is still working.

Maybe you are looking for