Time Capsule over VPN?

I have a firewall-to-firewall, on-all-the-time VPN connection to my office, and the ability to hook a Time Capsule up to my office network.
Can I use the TC to back-up my home computers remotely in this manner (over the VPN connection)?
I've been looking for a remote back-up option that doesn't include paying a third party.
Has anyone tried this yet?

Hi Linc
Just to be more clear about what I'm hoping to do  - I have a server connected to the time capsule with wired ethernet - the VPN is being handled by the same server.
If I understand what your saying - even if the server has a share point set, it will only be available for mounting to local (i.e. Bonjour) clients? hence I need something that can extend Bonjour through the VPN tunnel?

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    I purchase my TC 2 days ago in order to both back up my files and to be able to access files stored in TC over the internet.
    After some time (and frustration!) I found that TC cannot be used as a router with sky broadband. This is confirmed by Sky technical help line and via this forum
    http://store.apple.com/uk/question/answers/product/MD032B/A/can-i-use-time-capsu le-with-sky-mrouter/QCXY9XJPFFYHPHTKK
    So I connected my TC to my router via an ethernet cable. I can back up using my mac book air running the latest mountain lion. My problem is that I cannot tick the "share disk over wan" option in Airport Utility which I think I need to do before I can access files over the internet. This option just doesn't appear and reading other forums, I think it is because my TC is not the router.
    Is there some work around or configuration that will allow me to get that option to tick or to able to access my files on the TC over the net?
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    The TC should be in bridge mode.. in bridge there is no WAN port.. so you cannot tick to share files over WAN because there isn't one.
    But you can still share files.. there is nothing in the documentation for BTMM and iCloud that says the TC has to be the main router.. although doubtless it will make it easier.
    How exactly are you trying to access the files now??
    If you are not using BTMM and iCloud please describe what you have done.
    It is no problem if you have a fixed ie static public IP to access the TC even without BTMM.
    There is plenty of descriptions of the method around the net.. just google it.
    Here is one I have used.
    The TC is indeed bridged in this case.
    You simply forward port 548 from the sky router to the TC.
    Ultimately, I would like to access my TC files using my ipad.
    This is where life starts to get hard.. to access the files you need AFP files protocol which ipad does not use.You cannot use ipad to get files at all from the TC without a file browser.. the vast majority of which use SMB protocol which will not work over the internet in most cases. ( it is too big a security risk).
    There is only one file browser I know of for iPad that is AFP based. file connect.
    But I am not sure if it will work over BTMM.. to get files remotely.
    Nevertheless if you have a connection remotely to the TC by direct means you may be able to access files.
    I have done it with a MBP sharing files on a bridged TC, to a person on the other side of the world. No issues and as long as you have a static public IP it is easy.
    If you don't then see if it is cheap to buy one.. some ISP will offer static IP for a single charge of $20 or something.
    Some want $10 a month.. that is too much.
    Or use DynDNS in the sky router. That is the way we get around dynamic IP most people use.
    Just look up your sky router manual for dynamic DNS servers it supports.
    I am iPadless.. and probably willl remain so for the foreseeable future.. so I cannot test it for you. IMHO internet security does become an issue with this sort of thing. There are other means to be considered.. namely vpn.. which I know the iPad and Macs support but the TC has not got vpn endpoints available. 

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    The TC should be in bridge mode.. not setup to share over wan.. that will never work. That is assuming you haven't bridged the ATT router.
    Once you bridge the TC see if you can setup BTMM using icloud settings in the TC. As per the Apple docos.. here.
    You should also be able to directly access the TC since you have a router with dyndns client at a guess.. the setup is simply forward port 548 to the TC.
    Google search this.. there is huge number of resources available. eg
    http://useranswer.com/answer/how-can-i-access-my-time-capsule-remotely-with-iclo ud/

  • Access Time Capsule over the internet

    Hey guys! I have a problem. I cannot access my Time Capsule over the internet.
    I have a Time Capsule 2013 which connects to the internet using a PPPoE connection and which provides wireless connection to other peripherals in my house.
    The TC is running the latest firmware and I've added my iCloud account in AirPort Utility settings, in order to access the TC over the internet, via Back to My Mac.
    Whenever I'm away from home, I cannot access the TC.
    I see it in Finder's sidebar, but whenever I press the "Connect As.." button I get the following error:
    "There was a problem connecting to the server “Time Capsule”.
    The server may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again."
    I must add that I have a dynamic IP. Whenever the Time Capsule restarts, it gets a different IP.
    Am I missing something?
    Please help me. It's really important for me to be able to reach it when I'm away from home.

    So the modem is bridged and the TC is doing the PPPoE authentication.. and it gets a public IP on the WAN interface.
    The dynamic nature of the IP is not a problem with the BTMM and iCloud type system which should keep the intermediate connection in the cloud up to date.
    What about the connection at the other side.. are you getting a public IP.. are you behind a firewall or restricted access? Remember both sides of this have to work.
    See this thread.. you are not alone.. all is not sweetness and light unless you get a proper business account with static IP.
    Apple info has a bit about issues that people experience.. and Tesserax has some setup info.
    Remote Access
    I would use the public IP and see if it works.. that means you need to check the IP before you leave home or use your phone tether and do the test at home so you can type in the public ip and use direct access .. at least to test it.

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    Backing up other Ethernet doesn't prevent access via Wi-Fi.
    If the Time Capsule creating a wireless network?  If not, you'll need to configure it to do so in order to allow the MBA to connect to it.  If it does, can you connect the MBA to the Time Capsule's network?
    Depending on the amount of data you want to transfer, using a USB-to-Ethernet adapter would help things run faster.

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    I found too  many tutorials on the internet but unfortunately it is for TC 2nd generation, my TC is 3rd.

    I found too  many tutorials on the internet but unfortunately it is for TC 2nd generation, my TC is 3rd. 
    A tutorial for any generation is equally valid.
    It doesn't matter what URL you use as long as the computer translates it to the IP address of the WAN of your router.. which then forwards port 548 to the TC.. or if the TC is the main router, then you tick the WAN access and set the network password for the hard disk in the TC.

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    The "guide" might be referring to this:
    Open AirPort Utility, click Manual Setup
    Click the Disks icon at the top of the setup page
    Click the File Sharing tab just below the Advanced icon
    You should see an option to "Share disks over the Internet..

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    Click here and follow the instructions. If the Time Capsule is acting as the router, skip the port forwarding instructions.

  • Access To Time Capsule Over Internet

    Like a personal "Dropbox" I would like to access the files on my Time Capsule securely over the internet with my iphone, mac or pc.. is this possible? I really appreciate your help

    The only secure method is vpn.. all the products listed.. iphone, mac and pc offer vpn clients.
    TC is vpn-less .. at least from your point of view. (I think BTMM uses ipsec but it is unavailable to end user).
    You should buy a vpn router or modem router which matches your broadband type. These are readily available but you need to balance expensive professional series and over cheap domestic stuff that offers vpn but doesn't deliver.. I find draytek for instance makes stuff that works.. is reliable and whilst expensive is not Cisco prices.. and still uses standard gui to setup. Better level netgear and linksys-cisco also have some good models. (what happens to linksys now sold to belkin I don't know).
    Some of the third party firmware are also very good.. Not sure what is available for pogoplug but you can probably get something.. I would tend to go for standard brand and go for pptp vpn in the first instance as it is easiest if not the most secure.
    How important is doing this? Remember your speed is limited by upload in both directions.. most of us have downloads at least 5-10x the speed of upload.. but you get are caught running home network to mobile by upload in both direction.. That is why cloud storage is so much better.. faster and just as secure.. and a lot less hassle setting up.
    The other thing is to scrap the TC (use it for TM only) and use a NAS.. most NAS offer decent remote access. HTTPS or SFTP.. often they have several options. The limitation of the TC is Apple wants to control access remotely to it.. and so only allow you access via them. That is why there is no DDNS client available to you.. without static public ip it is really painful to use.

  • How do I backup my time capsule to another time capsule over the internet

    I have a Time Capsule that I use for backups locally within my own home. My parents have one as well that they use for their backups. Ideally it would be great to have my backups offsite -- if your house burns down it doesn't help that your backups were in the house...
    So is there a way to copy (automatically) the image from one TC to another and vice versa over the internet?

    No, there isn't, and even if there was, it would take forever, or possibly longer. 
    Any backup done over the internet will be quite slow; upload speeds are generally much, much slower than download speeds.  Some of the companies that do internet backups, such as Mozy, Carbonite, etc., actually ship you an external HD for the first backup.  You ship that back, they load it onto their servers, then do "incremental" backups of what's changed over the net.
    In addition, it's not a good idea to back up a backup; any problem with the original will be copied to, and perhaps magnified, on the copy. 
    A much better approach is to get a portable external HD; do backups to it, then take it to a secure off-site location.  See #27 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions for some suggestions, especially the pink box there.
    It still might be a good idea to have some limited data backed-up over the internet, such as relatively-small things and/or things that rarely change.

  • Time Capsule Disk & VPN

    I just purchased a Time Capsule for a home network and backing up using Time Machine. I have a MacBook Pro, a MacBook, and a Windows XP Professional PC that I use for work. All is working beautifully; however, I cannot connect to the Time Capsule's disk from the Windows PC while connected through my corporate VPN. I am using Cisco VPN Client V and connecting via TCP. When I DISCONNECT from the VPN on the Windows PC I am able to browse the Time Capsule disk just fine. Is this a known issue? Same thing happens with a Bonjour printer connected to a 802.11g Airport Expess. The printer is not visible until I disconnect from the VPN. All software and firmware are up to date as of 3/20/07.
    Message was edited by: watkinsmd

    I'm having the exact same problem and now I'm much less excited about TC now because I have to be behind VPN a lot. Though, I was thinking about a far-less-than-perfect workaround which is to connect to TC directly from my PC using a USB-to-USB cable (while connected to the VPN network), just for occasional file transfer needs. Do you all think it would work? I'll give it a try sometime next week when I return home from my trip. (If you've ever tried before, I'd really appreciate your sharing.)

  • Is there a way to connect to my Time Capsule over internet from an iPad

    Could anybody please help me configure how to connect to my Time Capsule 3TB over internet from my iPad.
    I would like to use it as Cloud station over internet.
    I was able to connect from my Mac on both "over internet and from my local network" using "Back to My Mac"
    I was able to conncet also from my iPad from my local network.
    I bought some file browser Apps which enable iPad to connect as "afp, smb" but I could'nt manage to make it work?
    I made all the setting required: Enabling NAT Port Mapping, File Sharing, Sharing Disk over WAN, but without success?!
    Shouldn't Apple includes and supports iPad to make such connection like "Back to My Mac" protocol.
    I believe that Time Capsule is a great product, but I think Apple should consider more of software compatibilities.

    Thanks Bob,
    I already tried FileBrowser and I did all the steps as per the instruction on their webpage, but alwasy give error message.
    Could it be that "smb" protocol blocked by my internet provider.
    I am connecting to internet using DHCP.
    Many thanks

  • Can I access my Time Capsule over the Internet?

    I want to know if it is possible to access my time capsule Hard Disk over the internet, How do I do it?

    "Launch AirPort Utility and select "Manual Setup". Click on the "Disks" icon in the title bar, then on the "File Sharing" tab. That's where you set your Time Capsule to share as you want."
    OK, checked that last night at home.
    I'm at the hotel now with a good internet connection via ethernet.
    What do I do now? Please provide step by step rather than a general statement.

  • Use Time Capsule over ethernet only?

    Running Mavericks.  Have a 2 TB surplus Time Capsule that I would like to use to back up an iMac using an ethernet cable between the iMac and the TC rather than wirelessly.  (I am trying to avoid yet another Wi-Fi device on my Airport Extreme network and the reduced performance that comes with extending a network.)  Indeed I have made this work per Bob Timmons prior posts by hooking the TC to both the iMac and temporarily to the Airport Extreme via ethernet cable.
    Due to house configuration, it is not possible for me to permanently run ethernet between the Airport Extreme and the TC.  In my experimenting, after setup I unhooked the connection between TC and Airport Extreme and the iMac and I thought the iMac was continuing to  recognize the TC and backup to it over ethernet, but after a re-start I cannot get that configuration to work again.
    1.     Do I understand that the design of the TC is such that it cannot be used as an attached ethernet hard drive for Time Machine backups unless it is at all times also connected to a [Airport Extreme] router?
    2.     If No. 1 above is true, is there any wireless configuration of the TC that would allow for the benefits of ethernet connection to the iMac but not have the permanent router/TC ethernet connection?
    3.  Finally, if I am out of luck on ethernet only from the iMac, since I don't use the iMac wirelessly for anything, can a create a new network with the TC and have the iMac wirelessly connect with that without a permanent router connection?
    Thanks very much

    Thanks for your insightful questions and comments!
    If you have an Ethernet cable connected to the iMac, the iMac will default to the Ethernet connection, even if wireless is on at the iMac.So, if you want to backup the iMac over wireless, you will have to manually disconnect the Internet Ethernet cable at the iMac every time that you want to back up the iMac. Once the backup over wireless is completed, then you will have to connect the Internet Ethernet cable again to the iMac.
    Is this true?  I was referring to the ethernet cable running between the iMac and the TC, not the main ethernet connection to my home network.  My entire goal here has been to simply hookup the TC to the iMac solely for backup purposes via ethernet.  However, you have convinced my I cannot do that without the TC also being connected to the Airport router at the same time., which I believe is not practical for the reasons below.  So again, assuming that the iMac is connected to the TC via the TC's separate wireless network, is not the ethernet cable between iMac and TC not used - or will the iMac communicate to the TC via faster ethernet  instead of defaulting to the slower wireless network?
    The iMac is about 12" away from the iMac and I am not trying to hide it - I just want to use it as a ethernet backup disk!
    I guess I'm wondering why.....if the Mac connects to the AirPort Extreme using Ethernet.....you cannot connect the Ethernet cable from the AirPort Extreme to the Time Capsule first, then connect another Ethernet cable from the Time Capsule to your iMac.
    Then, the iMac is always connected using Ethernet, and you won't have to use wireless at all. You can backup over the much faster Ethernet connection. Everything will stay connected all the time.....no cable disconnecting.....and you have the best performance as well.
    Good question!  My newly remodeled house has an ethernet network wired throughout.  One ethernet outlet per room.  (The Airport Extreme router connects to a Comcast modem via the ethernet network, each in separate rooms.  I was able to connect the TC to the Airport router using an 80 foot temporary cable running between rooms.)  Maybe there is a way to have the TC  "share" the iMac single ethernet port in the room that I am not aware of?   Appreciate your thoughts.
    But, again....If the TC and iMac will be close to each other....why mess with wireless and cable swapping when you can do everything over Ethernet, and always stay connected to the AirPort Extreme network.
    You are preaching to the choir.  I don't want to use wireless at all for backup or even have it on for my iMac.  The lack of a connection between TC and Airport router is what seems to be stopping me.
    The TC will create both a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz network automatically. The iMac will look at both signals and choose the best with which to connect. If the iMac has line-of-sight, or is in the same room as the TC, then it will likely connect at the faster 5 GHz connection.
    And here is the last puzzle.  Assuming that I cannot resolve the ethernet to router issue, I am today backing up to the TC (also connected via ethernet cable to iMac) via the separate WiFi network created by the TC.  The backup has worked several times today.  Despite this, Airport Utility reports that the TC cannot be found even though it was "previously part of the network."  Any ideas on that one?

  • Air Port Extreme and Time Capsule Over the internet

    Ok so here is my problem.
    I have an Airport Extreme with my time capsule bridged to it for local storage, and more ethernet ports.
    But I cannot seem to get file sharing to work over the internet with the time capsule.
    I do not have the share over wan checkbox and I do not wan to use mobile me.
    I also have a DYNDNS hostname to redirect to my ip.
    This works if I turn on file sharing on my computer but I want to use the time capsule as my server not folders on my computer, im on my computer haha.
    Any help would be greatly apreciated.

    Hello procom32. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    Please check out the following article to see if it will help you. The author appears to have accomplished something very similar to what you are trying to do.

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