Time Machine with AEBS

I know this has been asked many times, but still no clear answers.
I really want to get Time Machine to work with Leopard over my Airport Extreme N. I have somewhat tested this, and it seems to work, but I am hoping to get confirmations.
I have been reading that:
1. Plug your External HD into your Mac via USB
2. Setup Time Machine as normal, but do not do the initial backup
3. Unplug the external HD from the Mac
4. Plug the external HD into the AEBS
5. Mount the External HD from the AEBS
6. Perform the initial backup through Time Machine and everything should work wirelessly.
Is this indeed correct? And any major issues by doing this? I was able to get to step 6 on the Macs at work, but the initial backup was so slow, I did not have time to complete the initial backup. I am hoping somewhere out there somebody has done it.
I also tried doing the initial backup via USB, but when I connected the HD to AEBS, it was able to recognize the drive, BUT it wanted to do the initial backup all over again.

Hi all,
this is, what has worked so far...
1. Set up the Airport drive as afp-mountable
Quote from another thread:
1) Mount your volume that you want to use for TM
2) In terminal cd to volume "cd /Volume/<volume name>"
3) In terminal "touch .com.apple.timemachine.supported" this will create an invisible file.
4) In terminal "sudo chown root:admin .com.apple.timemachine.supported"
5) In terminal "sudo chmod 1775 .com.apple.timemachine.supported"
6) In terminal "ls -l -a" the .com.apple.timemachine.supported file should be -rwxrwxr-t
End quote
2. Then in finder you can connect to server via afp://<name of AEBS>.local./<Name of HD>
3. The HD is now available. You find it as sparse bundle. The icon on the desktop is that of a simple mounted disk image (not the time machine sign on it).
4. Time machine has now started and neede about 12 hours for the first backup. The backup could also be interrupted, no problem.
5. The next incremental backup was only some KB.
6. When starting time machine from some finder window I'm not able to roll back in time!
And the mounted disk always disappears again. The relocation procedure is:
7. Restart the AEBS.
8. Remount the disk via finder.
So, for me it is not clear, whether it is really useful this way.
Best, Fernando
Message was edited by: Fernando Schlottmann

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    beargeek wrote:
    Thanks V.K. I unplugged the AEBS and plugged it back in and the backup is executing now. I had gotten it working over last night, but TM was only showing 'Now' this morning
    this usually indicates that the sparse bundle is not being mounted automatically when you enter TM.
    is the drive plugged into AEBS at the moment?
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    The post I reference is only a month old. Is there another Apple KB regarding this that you are referencing?
    no, but that date means nothing. they tweak these KB articles all the time and always put the latest date on them. I watch the TM KB articles closely and this one has been up for months.

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    In this case the apple support people reveal a truly poor understanding.
    You must bridge something.. you either bridge the TC.. which 90% of people do.. or you bridge the dsl router.. which some people do manage to do.. You will have to look that up for your modem and check with verizon if they support pppoe authentication.
    IMHO just bridge the TC as you were told not to do.. as they are simply wrong about that.
    If you already tried this and it didn't work.. try again.. it is the correct approach.
    You have no choice. But this time let me suggest you do it using the 5.6 airport utility.. as the apple toyland v6 airport utility is likely half your trouble.
    So here is how to get the utility into your computer.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. it is very simple.. drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. drill down.. applications utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall 6.1 so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. so just ignore the toyland version.. the plastic hammer.. and start using 5.6.. a real tool.
    For screen shots see this post.
    Then open the manual setup on the 5.6 utility.. go to internet tab. Connection sharing.. off bridged mode.
    Select this and update..
    Then all your IP addresses will be wrong.. I suspect this is where things are going wrong.. and messing you up.
    Once the TC is bridged.. turn off everything and restart.. in correct order.. modem.. TC.. client computers etc. 2min gap between each.

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    So what is your question?
    If you forgot your encryption password:
    Warning: Make sure it's a password you will remember or write it down for safekeeping. If you encrypt an iPhone backup in iTunes and forget your password, you can't restore from backup and your data will be unrecoverable.
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    Well, what you mentioning is possible.  However, I don't know whether it's supported (as in, "easy to set up.").  Time Machine officially supports backing up to a locally attached drive, to a machine running a Time Machine server (i.e. running OS X Server software), and to a Time Capsule.  I don't know that it officially supports a drive attached to an AirPort or to a Time Capsule.  Though I know some people have gotten it to work.
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  • Using Time MACHINE with a USB drive connected to an Airport Extreme

    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software products that may be mentioned in the topic below. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information below at your own discretion.
    Please click here:
    Using Time Machine with an Airport Extreme AirDisk
    Note: If you got here by clicking a link that looks like this:
    _. . . discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2299608#Q1_
    Note the number at the end, after the +*pound sign,+* (#) and click the corresponding item below:
    Please pardon the inconvenience.
    *Q1. Can I use the USB drive(s) for Time Machine backups AND other data?*
    *Q2. How do I set up Time Machine to back up to a USB drive connected to my Airport Extreme?*
    *Q3. How do I delete backups?*
    *Q4. How do I back-up my backups?*
    If you don't see your question here, try Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.
    *P1. The Backup disk image could not be created.*
    *P2. Time Machine could not complete the backup . . sparsebundle could not be accessed. (Error 109).*
    If you don't see your problem here, try Time Machine - Troubleshooting
    This is the 3rd version of this tip. It was submitted on May 16, 2010 by Pondini.
    Do you want to provide feedback on this User Contributed Tip or contribute your own? If you have achieved Level 2 status, visit the User Tips Library Contributions forum for more information.

    Hi, Nubz!
    Yes, I just saw that, and am still chuckling.
    Maybe that will mollify the Jive gods?
    Thanks again,

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    If you bought the WD in a USB enclosure it probably came formatted with NTFS (Windows). Time Machine can't use NTFS drives or SMB (Windows) network shares as a backup destination because that format does not allow the proper permissions to be set. If this is the case with your drive, open Disk Utility and reformat your new drive (NOT you system drive!!) with HFS+ aka 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' and then the drive should show up as a target selection in Time Machine.

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    Ayuphie ~ In your Time Machine Preferences panel, slide the OFF-ON switch to the ON position:

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    Unfortunately Apple does not support Time Machine backups to a HDD attached to the AirPort Extreme USB port. Doing so is not recommended as most users who attempt this end up with corrupted backups over time. However, you could use a different backup solution with this configuration, just not Time Machine.

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    How to set up time machine with uverse

    Time Machine is software.....to allow your Mac to back up its contents to another hard drive.
    You may be asking about a Time Capsule......which is hardware.....a router with a built in hard drive that stores the Time Machine backups from a Mac.
    Maybe you could provide a bit more information to clarify what it is that you want to do.

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    You may be going on a recollection, that I share, that at one time Apple stated this would be possible:
    In fact, Apple’s Time Machine Web page touted this very capability as recently as last Tuesday, as you can see from Google’s October 16 cache of the page
    Effortless meets wireless. With a hard disk connected to your AirPort Extreme Base Station, all the Macs in your house can use Time Machine to back up wirelessly. Simply select your AirPort Disk as the backup disk for each computer and the whole family can enjoy the benefits of Time Machine.
    But if you look at the current Time Machine page on Apple’s Web site, that text is nowhere to be found.
    That was a long time ago, it has never been officially implemented, and at present they specifically say it cannot be done.
    In summary, it may work, but probably won't, and even if it does it may not be reliable.
    Disks that can be used with Time Machine
    Time Machine can’t back up to an external disk connected to an AirPort Extreme, or...
    Mac OS X v10.5: Time Machine doesn't back up to AirPort Extreme AirPort Disks

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    Thank you!!

    Your Seagate drive should work just fine. If it doesn't have any important data on it, try re-formatting it with Disk Utility to blank it out. Or run the Disk verify/repair and see if you can get it to fix any problems.
    I have a Drobo FS too. You probably need a firmware update, they issued one a while back to fix problems with Time Machine. Use the Dashboard or download it from their support site, http://www.drobo.com/support/updates.php
    Just curious how long you let it run after it "stalled". If it is a big file it could just be taking a while to copy over, do you see activity lights on the USB drive? The first time you use time machine let it run overnight, it's going to take a while, after that it will update quickly.
    While you're at it, you might want to verify your start-up disk too with Disk Utility.

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    Any ideas, I can access files - i.e. jpegs of old work, but can't edit new photos...

    If you have a license for Lightroom, you should be able to reinstall it from an installer disc or re-download it from Adobe after explaining the situation and clarifying the license issues. Either will be simpler than trying to extract and install it from a TM backup of a different Mac, I think. If it's anything like other Adobe products, it has bits and pieces all over the place that you'll have to find and put in their right places on your girlfirend's Mac.

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