TimeCapsule and Airport Express

Here is what I want to do ... please advise on best setup or if this is possible.
1. Get Time Capsule with hard drive built in to back up automatically and have a wireless network in my house. I have a MacBook pro.
2. Upstairs near the TV, I have an xBox 360. I want to get the Airport Express and do 2 things:
- use the ethernet port on the express to give my Xbox 360 internet access
- stream itunes to my stereo.
I am assuming ofcourse the Express will bridge effortlessly with the Time Capsule.
Or can Apple TV do this too (instead of the Express)?
My main concern is can I use the Express to do both things.

The Airport Express has several modes in which it can work - as a base station, as a wireless access point on a cabled network, as a wireless client on an existing network, or as a relay or remote base station in a wireless distribution system.
A few points to keep in mind, which should answer your questions:
1. Regardless of mode, the Airport Express can always be used for iTunes streaming.
2. When used as a wireless client on an existing wireless network, the Airport Express ethernet port is disabled.
3. When used as a remote base station in a wireless distribution system, the Airport Express ethernet port is enabled.

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    The Airport Express has several modes in which it can work - as a base station, as a wireless access point on a cabled network, as a wireless client on an existing network, or as a relay or remote base station in a wireless distribution system.
    A few points to keep in mind, which should answer your questions:
    1. Regardless of mode, the Airport Express can always be used for iTunes streaming.
    2. When used as a wireless client on an existing wireless network, the Airport Express ethernet port is disabled.
    3. When used as a remote base station in a wireless distribution system, the Airport Express ethernet port is enabled.

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    Power off the entire network.....all devices....computers, printers, modem, TC, mobile devices, etc
    Wait a few minutes
    Start the modem first, and let it run a few minutes by itself
    Start the TC next and let it run a full minute
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    Check the network

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    evelK wrote:
    Just got a new 1TB Time Capsule. I want it to be the main base station for my network. I already have a network set up with an older Airport Extreme base station and an Airport Express to extend it. I am thinking that rather than setting up the Time Capsule to "join" the old network, the best approach is to disconnect the Airport Extreme and Airport Express and reset them. Then set up the Time Capsule as a brand new network and bring the reset Aiport Extreme and Express onto the new network as if my original network never existed.
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    I'd first use AirPort Utility to "Save a Copy As" of your AirPort Extreme settings. Then disconnect it, connect the Time Capsule in its place, and use AirPort Utility's "Import" function to read those settings. (Both of those functions are under AirPort Utility's "File" menu.) You may have to adjust a few settings. Once you have the Time Capsule working as you want, you can reconfigure your AirPort Extreme unit as you wish.

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    yes - the built-in music app allows to select one speaker only at the same time.
    now i've found the WHAALE Multiroom Player App (http://www.whaale.com) - and it sends directly from the iOS Device to my 6 AirPlay speakers. One of them is an Apple TV...
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    I would suggest that you connect the Pioneer to the AirPort Express Base Station using an optical digital audio cable that has a TOSlink connector on one end and a 3.5 mm optical connector (Mini Plug) on the other. You can then connect the Mini Plug end into the AirPort's audio port and the TOSlink end into one of the Pioneer's optical digital audio ports.

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    Hi - I have a similar issue.
    I have a new macbook pro, ATV (3rd Gen) and AXn (purely for Airplay of itunes).
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    It still dissapears from available options in iTunes and AU. ideas?

  • Network set up using airport extreme, time capsule and airport express

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    I have been trying for 4 days to set this up but without success. I have tried all of the options mentioned in different posts, using WDS, extending a new network etc. I can get connection between the three devices but monitoring on iStumbler there appears to be little improvement in the strength of the signal, iStumbler also shows the time capsule dropping it's signal totally every 10 or so seconds for a few seconds and then I get a positive signal strength for another ten seconds or so.
    Can anyone help, it is driving me insane. I am a recent convert to apple computing and have been hugely impressed with all products until now. The claim that the set up of these wireless products is simple seems to be very exaggerated.
    I am happy to provide any relevant system or hardware information.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    I have an AirPort Extreme acting as a wireless base station, connected to a BT router by ethernet.
    Then the correct setting for Connection Sharing on the AirPort Extreme would be "Off (Bridge Mode)".
    If I set Connection Sharing to "Share a public IP address", I'm told that:  "The DCHP range you have entered conflicts with the WAN IP address of your Apple Wi-Fi base station"
    Exactly. You have two routers....The BT device and the AirPort Extreme in series with both of them trying to act as the "main" router when you configure the AirPort this way. That won't work.
    Only one can be the main router, and it must be the BT device in your setup. So, the AirPort Extreme....and any other AirPorts on your network must be setup to work in Bridge Mode to allow the network to operate correctly.

  • Apple TV Inference with Time Capsule and Airport express?

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    I would really welcome any ideas.

    Welcome to the discussions!
    It sounds like you have the basic configuration covered correctly.
    You might want to check some settings on the TC:
    Wireless Mode would be create a wireless network
    "Allow this network to be extended" should be checked
    The AX should be set to "extend a wireless network"
    The "allow wireless clients" box should be checked
    In this configuration, the ethernet port on the AX is active so things should work.
    A minor point...Although the TC is a dual band device, the AirPort Express is not. Can you make sure that that the Express is connecting to the "main" network on your TC? The "guest" network cannot be "extended".
    If you place your laptop close to the Express and hold down the option key while you click on the AirPort icon, some connection information will be displayed. The MAC address of the device that the laptop is connecting to will be indicated. Make sure that that this is the MAC address of the AX, and not the TC.
    Another note...If you have not changed the default "main" network, the radio mode is broadcasting 802.11n only at 5 GHz. These higher frequencies are absorbed by walls, ceilings and any obstructions much more quickly than 2.4 GHz signals. So, if you AX is some distance away, you may not be receiving a strong signal for the device at that location.
    If you have a signal strength utility on your laptop (the "bars" at the top of the screen are not a very good indicator of actual signal strength), turn off the AX and take a reading to see what kind of signal the Express is receiving where it is located.
    Please post back with your results.

  • Bt Infinity, HH3 and Airport Express

    am thinnking about taking BT infinity. THis apparently needs HH3. Have seen threads about connection problems between HH3 and airport express. (I had similar problems with HH2, so resorted to old BT Voyager)
    1. does anyone know if problems with HH3 and airport express can be fixed
    2. Can I use BT infinity with a BT Voyager

    Re: "If you get Infinity you will not need the HH3 in the first place you can just connect the Airport Express to the Openreach modem."
    No use at all. I don't know what you use your Airport Express for, but mine is used to send music to our hi-fi, and so has to be connected to the hi-fi. Therefore it cannot also be connected to the modem.
    This worked fine when I used to get my internet via (whisper quietly) Virgin. But with BT Infinity it would lose its connection every now and then. Apple provided a free replacement but that was no better. Following a few tips (e.g. connect to one's laptop via ethernet cable for setup) I was able to set up a connection eventually, but it still loses connection quite frequently. Interestingly enough, resetting the hub gets it going again, though restarting AE does not!

  • How to setup ADSL moden router and Airport Express 802.11n (1st Generation) to provide internet and airplay connections to multiple devices?

    I have a Netgear wireless ADSL modem router (wireless + four ethernet out ports)  that i'd like to connect to a 1st gen Airport Express to create a small home network to provide internet access for a MacBook, iPhone and Apple TV, and to provide Airplay connection to the Apple TV and Airport Express audio output jack.
    I'd like to turn off the wireless function of the ADSL modem router, and to have from one of its ethernet out ports an ethernet cable providing internet directly connected to my MacBooks ethernet port.
    Then from one of the other ethernet outs on the ADSL modem router an ethernet cable connected to the Airport Express's ethernet port. This would be to provide wireless internet connection for the Apple TV and iPhone via WiFi from the AE.
    At the same time as the MacBook is receviing internet soley via the ethernet in port, i'd like it to have WiFi connection to the AE to provide Airplay connection to the Apple TV and the AE's audio out jack.
    Is this all possible? How should I go about to configure this? How should the AE's ethernet port be configured?
    Any special modes the ADSL modem router or Airport Express should be in? ie bridge or client?

    On the ADSL modem router web-based interface, should I set any security setting? I think not as there'll be no wireless signal coming from it, only wired ethernet connections to both MacBook and AE. Security should only be set on the AE to prevent someone from accessing its WiFi signal. Is this assumption correct?
    These are all correct!
    How should I go about setting up security for this network?
    First I would recommend that you configure the AirPort Express for WPA2 Personal. This will provide you with the greastest level of security while still providing excellent bandwidth performance.
    You would configure wireless security for the Express by using the AirPort Utility on a Mac, PC, or iOS device. Using your MacBook Pro as an example, you would do so as follows:
    Run the AirPort Utility.
    Select the Express, and then, click on Edit.
    Select the Wireless tab to enable it.
    Set the Wireless Security option to: WPA2 Personal
    Enter the desired password in both the Wireless Password & Verify Password fields. Note: Use of a "strong" password is encourage here. By strong, I mean use a mix of upper/lowercase letters, numbers, & punctuation marks. Try not to use common dictionary words. If you operate your wireless in an area where security is of an utmost concern, I would further suggest that you change the wireless security password every 60-90 days. Also don't forget to change the default AirPort Base Station Administrator password as well.
    Click on Update and allow the Express to restart.

  • Apple TV doesn't show up in iTunes when AirPort Express is running at the same time - Can't play music on both Apple TV and AirPort Express speakers together

    Hi there!
    I am trying to play music from my Mac on multiple speakers, Apple TV and AirPort Express. But as soon as the AirPort Express station is plugged in, the Apple TV does not show up in iTunes anymore. When trying the same using iPhones Remote app it works perfectly.
    Does anyone of you have an idea why iTunes does not show me both Apple TV AND AirPort Express? (it has nothing to to with the IP adress as the adresses are different).
    Thanks for any help!

    As my english isn't too good I made a screenshot to show you what I mean.
    As you can see in the image below iTunes only shows me the computer speakers and the AirPort Express. But at the bottom you can see that iTunes actually recognized 3 different speaker (Mac, AirPort, Apple TV 2). Why does the Apple TV not show up in the multiple speakers window? Any ideas?

  • I just purchased Apple TV AND AIRPORT EXPRESS. I am questioning if  I need it when I already have a Netgear Powerline AV 200 Adapter Kit XAVB2001. Does the Airport Express do the same thing?

    I just purchased Apple TV AND AIRPORT EXPRESS. I am questioning if  I need it when I already have a Netgear Powerline AV 200 Adapter Kit XAVB2001. Does the Airport Express do the same thing?

    Thank you so much.  Any specifics I should know about prior to connecting? The goal is to watch  Netflix from my iPad or iPhone 5 on my tv (located in different room from where Comcast internet modem is hard wired to main computer in house).  Movies would depend on wireless transmission to a smart tv not connected to modem.

  • Is there a limit to the number of airport extremes and airport expresses one should have in a network?

    Is there a practical limit to the number of airport extreme base stations and airport express units one should have in a home network?

    Then, I had an older Airport extreme that I was thinking about connecting wirelessly in my living room and connecting the DirectV DVR to it by ethernet cable.
    Is this older AirPort Extreme the "round" version or the "square" shaped version? The "round" version will not do what you want.
    Whenever you extend an AirPort using wireless only, you will experience a loss of bandwidth (speed) on the entire network. That loss might be anywhere from 15-50% depending on how far the extending AirPort device is located from the "main" AirPort.
    Even with an excellent signal, if you have 3 AirPorts extending the signal, you will lose 40-50% of the bandwidth on the network. The other AirPorts that are being used just for music are also slowing things down.
    He thought there might be problems with using that third airport with the DVR and wondered if I should just use an Airport express there.
    It would make no difference whether you used an AirPort Extreme....assuming it was the "square" version or a new AirPort Express as far as performance is concerned.
    As to whether you connect the DVR to another AirPort, it might be OK, but you will not know until you try. 
    If you find that things slow down noticeably, you will need to look for ways to connect the AirPorts together using a wired Ethernet connection. This is always the preferred connection method since there is no bandwidth loss when you do this.
    Since downloading video places a high demand on a wireless network, you might want to look for a way to connect the DVR back to your "main" router directly using a wired Ethernet connection as well.

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