Timestamp data type on S[range C on E] constant value-based range windows

My questiong is about how can we use timestamp value on S[range C on E] constant value-based range windows.
I have a LotEvent which i should collect and sum lastQty data for last ten minutes of market time (sendDate)
A normal [range 600] query does not work for me because i would like to use the exact time which data has been generated by the market (sendDate).
Here is the event;
public class LotEvent{
     private Double totalQty;
     private float lastQty;
     private String symbol;
     private String messageType;
     private Integer dataInterval;
     private String sendDate;
send date is always in "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss" format.
I have tried to use the following query but this gives an error;
Invalid statement: "select symbol, sum(lastQty) as lastQty, 10 AS dataInterval
+from lotInputChannel [range INTERVAL "0 0:0:15.0" DAY TO SECOND on >>sendDate<<]+
group by symbol"
Cause: Datatype char is not valid for value based windows
Action: Use a valid datatype for value based windows>
Here is the CQL;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wlevs:config xmlns:wlevs="http://www.bea.com/ns/wlevs/config/application">
     <query id="tenMin"> <![CDATA[select symbol, sum(lastQty) as lastQty, 10 AS dataInterval 
            from lotInputChannel [range INTERVAL "0 00:10:00.0" DAY TO SECOND on sendDate]
group by symbol]]> </query>
i have tried this cql after changing the sendDate data type to long which is the time in milliseconds value but it did not work.
select symbol, sum(lastQty) as lastQty, 10 AS dataInterval
from lotInputChannel [range INTERVAL "0 00:10:00.0" DAY TO SECOND on to_timestamp(sendDate)]
group by symbol
The query above does not work also when sendDate is a String in "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss" format
At last i tried the following query with sendDate as time in milliseconds (long) value. It works! but i still would like to know how to use timestamp in S[range C on E] queries
select symbol, sum(lastQty) as lastQty, 10 AS dataInterval
from lotInputChannel [range *600000* on sendDate]
group by symbol
public class LotEvent{
     private Double totalQty;
     private float lastQty;
     private String symbol;
     private String messageType;
     private Integer dataInterval;
     private long sendDate;
Could anybody please help me with this issue?
Edited by: user8830791 on 01-Aug-2011 06:39

It seems that you should configure the channel "lotInputChannel" as an application timestamped channel.
You can do that as follows -
- Have "sendDate" as a long and let its unit be milliseconds
- Use the following child elements of <channel> for the "lotInputChannel"
<wlevs:application-timestamped is-total-order="true">
The multiplication by 10^6 is required since the units need to be converted into nanos
With this, you could use the query -
select symbol, sum(lastQty) as lastQty, 10 AS dataInterval
from lotInputChannel [range 10 minutes]
group by symbol
Of course, for the above to work, a requirement is that the value of "sendDate" is non-decreasing.
That is if e1 is before e2 in the "lotInputChannel" then e1.sendDate <= e2.sendDate
Edited by: Anand Srinivasan on Aug 2, 2011 6:57 AM

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    Have you asked this question of the vendor of Enterprise Architect? They may have a later version that supports the various TIMESTAMP data types. If your ERD tool doesn't support a data type, other than talking to the vendor or working around the problem (i.e. generate DDL to a text file and edit it before applying it to the database), you're probably out of luck.

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    . "to_Char(rv.start_time, 'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS.FF3'), "\
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    . string stopTime("20110828 02:04:52.000");
    . SQLINTEGER sqlRsrcInstanceId = resource->getResourceInstanceId();
    . SQLLEN sqlRsrcInstanceIdLI = 0;
    . rc |= SQLBindParameter( stmtHandle, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
    . SQL_C_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0,
    . &sqlRsrcInstanceId, 0, &sqlRsrcInstanceIdLI );
    . SQLCHAR sqlStartTime[24];
    . memset(sqlStartTime, 0, 24);
    . SQLLEN sqlStartTimeLI = SQL_NTS;
    . strncpy( (char*)sqlStartTime, startTime, 23);
    . rc |= SQLBindParameter( stmtHandle, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
    . sizeof(sqlStartTime)-1, 0,
    . &sqlStartTime, sizeof(sqlStartTime)-1,
    . &sqlStartTimeLI);
    . SQLCHAR sqlStopTime[24];
    . memset(sqlStopTime, 0, 24);
    . SQLLEN sqlStopTimeLI = SQL_NTS;
    . strncpy( (char*)sqlStopTime, stopTime, 23);
    . rc |= SQLBindParameter( stmtHandle, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
    . sizeof(sqlStopTime)-1, 0,
    . &sqlStopTime, sizeof(sqlStopTime)-1,
    . &sqlStopTimeLI);
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    The only way to test a query is to get out of your environment and fire up SQL*Plus (command line).
    I can not read all of what you wrote but the error you are generating should show up there along with sufficient information to quickly fix it.
    Once you have working statement put it back into your environment.

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    Can these happen?
    Thanks in advance,

    I would do this with a view and a stored procedure within oracle.
    Create a view that contains the two timestamp fields & the difference between them (along with any primary keys from the original table), then use this view in a stored procedure to average the values.

  • Data type of the base attribute or the base value does not match...

    ...the assigned expression.
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    XOQ-01400: Ungültige Metadatenobjekte"/>
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    Technically this is a 'warning' from the server, not an 'error'. This means that the change you made should have been submitted, but you get an warning message on the client. AWM would suppress this warning, but evidently OWB does not. Can you switch to use AWM?
    Here is the definition of the warning along with 'cause' and 'action' sections. (Unfortunately these sections are not translated into German for some reason.)
    02517, 0, "The data type \"%(1)s\" of the base attribute or base measure is different from the mapped expression \"%(2)s\"."
    // *Cause: Either the base attribute or base measure with the mapped expression was set to an inconsistent data type, or it was mapped to an expression of a different data type from its fixed data type.
    // *Action: When changing a mapped expression for a base attribute or base measure, ensure that the expression has the same data type; otherwise, set the data type of the base attribute or base measure to NULL first. When a base attribute or a base measure has an existing mapped expression, do not set it to a different data type.
    It is probably safe to ignore this warning, but if you can post the relevant XML for the cube, then will probably be able to spot the problem. I assume that REGISTRATIONS is a measure in the cube CUB_REGISTRATIONS_AW, so this is what you can look for in the XML:
    (1) The definition of the base measure along with the datatype. It should be something like this
        Name="REGISTRATIONS">(2) The mapping info for the measure, which should looks something like this:
      <Measure Name="REGISTRATIONS"/>
    </MeasureMap>I don't know if you can get the XML directly from OWB. If not, then DBMS_CUBE.EXPORT_XML should work (assuming you are in 11.2). You could also attach AWM and save the cube to an XML template.

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    Version on Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit SP1
    I imported a domain from Designer, and then imported a schema from a database, all into the same model, in that order. I then changed the data type on several columns from non-domain, logiical Date data types to Domain-defined Timestamp Wth Time Zone data types. After having done this, I decided that I wanted to leave them as they were and tried to change them back. I went into the relational model section for each table/column and de-selected the domain radio button, chose Logical, and then set the data type to Date. I clicked apply, OK, and then saved the entire model. I closed Data Modeler, re-opened it, and then checked the data type change. I found that the change from domain to logical was saved, but the data type remained as Timestamp With Time Zone instead of remaining as Date like I'd set it. I've tried changing from Timestamp With Time Zone to other data types and then to Date but it didn't work.
    Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

    One final comment. I set the domain back to unknown and clicked appy, but left the Column Properties dialog box open. I then clicked the button next to Datatype (which showed UNKNOWN{Unknown}, changed the radio button from Domain to Logical Type, and then selected Date from the list box and clicked OK. Immediately after having clicked OK, the Logical Type dialog box remained open and the Logical Type value within the Logical Type dialog box reverted back to Unknown. I re-selected Date from the list box, clicked OK, and after this second try it kept the change without the "double clutch."

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    2) Where and how do I do it in workshop.
    Thanks in advance
    Source view from workshop looks something like this.
    public interface MyData extends DatabaseControl, com.bea.control.ControlExtension
    static public class dbOverallRec
    public String key;
    public String field1;
    public int field2;
    public java.sql.Timestamp create_date
    public dbOverallRec () {};
    *@jc:sq; rowset-name="OverallRowSet" statement::
    *select key, field1, field2 ,create_date from overall where key={KEY}::
    dbOverallRec getOverallByKey(String Key);
    * I had to omit the create_date to get it to work

    You should try changing java.sql.Timestamp to java.util.Calendar.
    java.util.Calendar maps to the dateTime type in XML Schema, and TIMESTAMP as a JDBC type.
    Mike Wooten

  • Oracle/java timestamp data type error.. please help

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    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s
    Now when i put the java.util.timestamp into the DB it appears to change.
    When I printout the value of the timestamp in my console it prints the following:
    07-06-26 17:28:09.414
    When i check the value from SQL PLUS it gives me this value
    07-06-26 17:28:09,000000
    Does anyone have any idea why this happens? and more importantly how I can retrieve the timestamp again.
    Im using BEA workshop which means i dont have any means of manipulating the data before presenting to the frontend.
    The database is Oracle

    Please provide the following:
    1. Entire error message and stack trace you are getting.
    2. Part of your code where the error occurs.
    3. JDK version you are using.
    4. Oracle data-type of the problematic column.
    Good Luck,

  • Data type column size does not match size of values returned

    I've tried searching but couldn't find what I was looking for, sorry if this has been answered or is a duplicate.
    I am using the (Java) method below to get the column definitions of a table. I am doing this through an ODBC connection (using Oracle ODBC driver) and I have NO CHOICE in the matter.
    The problem I am having is that one particular column has a column size is smaller than the size of the data it purportedly holds (ie attendance_code = varchar size 3 but data value is "Absent". I suspect the data is actually a look up to situation, where my attendance_code column has a value of 'ABS' and Oracle goes and fetchs the "Absent" value.
    My issue is that the meta data returned from ODBC is the actual column definition (ie varchar(3) and not varchar2(10) for example).
    The resultset metadata has a size of 3 for the column in question, and querying the schema also yields 3 for that column.
    How do I resolve this? I do not have access to all_columns table etc. I have to do it using ODBC metadata only.
    I've tried recreating the situation using the Oracle XE DB, but as I am not familiar with Oracle, I do not know how to recreate this scenario (which would then lead me to test other options with ODBC).
    The select I am using is SELECT * FROM <tableName>.
    public ArrayList<SchemaColumn> getColumnsForTable(String catalog,
    String schema,
    String tableName) {
    ArrayList<SchemaColumn> columns = new ArrayList<SchemaColumn>();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
    DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
    rs = metaData.getColumns(catalog, schema, tableName, "%");
    SchemaColumn column;
    while (rs.next()) {
    column = new SchemaColumn();
    column.setColumnSize(rs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE")); <-------- this is the value that is coming back smaller than the data it actually returns
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Log.getLogger().error("Could not capture table schema");
    return columns;

    I can't say I've ever seen a case where a column held more data than it was declared as, and would have to file that under "see it to believe it" category.
    Even if that somehow were the case, I'd expect the ODBC driver to return what the column is defined as anyway, not the data. The data changes with every row, but I'd expect the table metadata to be consistent, and refer to the table definition.
    For grins though, can you provide system.out.println output of the metadata, and also a "describe xxxx" from sqlplus if you can, where xxx is the table name?
    while (rs.next()) {
    System.out.println("column name is " + rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
    System.out.println("data type is " + rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE"));

  • Oracle forms 10G -Version will it support timestamp data type ?

    Hi all,
    We are having database server - oracle 10g enterprise edition R2,
    forms - Oracle forms 10G -Version on windows 2000 professional.
    We have created a table which has a column of type "timestamp",the following is the structure.
            (     "STOCK_AREA_CODE"     NCHAR(5)       NOT NULL    ENABLE,
                  "STOCK_AREA_DESC"     NVARCHAR2(40)  NOT NULL    ENABLE,
                  "RECORD_STATUS"       CHAR(1)        DEFAULT 'A',
                  "USER_ID"             NVARCHAR2(20)  DEFAULT USER,
    We  tried to invoke this table(stock_area_master) using database block wizard in forms 10g,we were expecting to see the columns in this table,but we got the following error
    FRM -10095 - Assertion failed
    on seeing the forms help for the error FRM-10095,We are getting the following message
    FRM-10095: Assertion failed in %s, at %s:%d. Cause:  An internal inconsistency was detected. Action:  Contact an Oracle support representative, and proceed with caution
    We have the following concerns.
    1.) is it possible to have datatype "timestamp" in forms 10g,our researches show that we can manipulate using datatime datatype in forms,our requirement is have to precision of 6 digits(millisecond - format - dd/mm/rr hh24:mi:ss:ssss),we are able query and view precision to the tune dd/mm/rr hh24:mi:ss:ssss,but we are unable to insert/update to this precision.
    We would appreciate if some one could throw some light on the above.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Mohan,
    Hm. Strange.
    I have reproduced the problem in my environment.
    I have also found, that building the block manually, seems to work, as long as you define the item with datatype Char in Form Builder. Inserts and updates using a value like "22-AUG-06 11:10:11,647354 AM" worked fine for the timestamp item.
    You may want to enforce some dateformat. I don't know whether that will work.
    Good Luck!

  • Re: "Contains unsupported data types" error

    I am new to R and oracle. I am having a problem hope you could help me with the same. I explictly gave the ore.sync(table = c("TAB1", "TAB2")). But i get the following Error
    Error in .oci.GetQuery(conn, statement, ...) :
    ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
    Can you please suggest what I might be missing. Please let me know if you need more information.

    Hi Denis,
    Following are the details
    a) ORE Server Version: 1.1 through file ore-server-linux-x86-64-1.1.zip
    b) OS Version: oracle enterprise linux 5.5 which is reassemble of RHEL5.5
    c) No I am trying to connect to the exadata box from my desktop. I have R 2.13.2 installed. I do not have the privileges to login to the box thru command line.
    d) I checked with my admin and he is not aware of the demo_User.sh script, but the user id that i am using has the DBA Role.
    Can you please help. Let me know if you need some more details.
    I am faced the samer error that Martin had faced and I saw some tables with the TIMESTAMP data type which is not supported, and so i went ahead and tried importing the tables per your suggestion using ore.sync and i came across the error i reported.
    Edited by: ranand on Apr 24, 2013 8:41 PM

  • What is the data type for time and what to insert

    Hi there
    i had two attributes in a table called start_time and end_time and i want to insert time into these attrbutes e.g 10:00 and 11:00
    How do i do that
    what is oracle's built-in type for time???
    adn how do i insert values in the table(i.e the format)

    There is not Oracle type that has just a time. The DATE and TIMESTAMP data types include both the date and the time (TIMESTAMP has millisecond resolution and has optional timezone support). If what you're really interested is a time interval (i.e. 1 hour), there are some INTERVAL data types.
    You have a lot of options for how to specify dates and timestamps along with format masks.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • How to use Call library function node for a function in dll with VOID data type

    Hi All,
    I would like to ask for your kind help,
    I am facing an issue with the call library node.
    I have a C++ function(stdcall), which has void as data type
    error code XXXX(hwnd, lID, getValue, *void data1, *void data2)
    the data1 and data2 types are always changing depending upoin the value of "getValue".
    Primarily i can use call library node multiple times and adapt each node according to the data types of data1 and data2, and extract the values and use in the code. Here is no issue. Real question is:
    My question:
    How can i just use one time call library node and make a case depending upon the "getvalue", which will control the data type of data1 and data2. Here i really looking for solutions.
    My trials:
    i used varaints as input to the call libray node for data1 and data2, and selected Parameters in call libraby node as " Adapt to type". here labview just crashed.
    i really appreciate your feedbackand suggestions.
    Go to Solution.
    Clipboard02.jpg ‏103 KB

    A variant is a very specific LabVIEW datatype (really a C++ type object internally) and trying to pass that to a function, which excepts a flat memory pointer there, for sure will crash very quickly.
    As to endianess, yes Unflatten will be able to adjust for endianess, which in this case however is most likely exectly NOT what you want. So make sure that the you select native type for the endianess input on Unflatten from String. LabVIEW internally works with whatever is the native endianess, as will most likely your C++ DLL. The platform independent big endian format does only come into play when you receive data streams over some streaming interface like a network connection. Here it is desirable to use an endian format that is independent from the actual platform that generates and consumes the data stream. LabVIEWs default endianes is big endian here.
    But as long as you pass data directly to native components like DLLs there is no difference in endianess between what LabVIEW uses and what those components use.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Can "SPML Web Service Complex Data Type field" take multiple values ?

    In Generic Technology Connector's -SPML design parameters section, Can we give multiple values in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type field?
    If not, how can i call methods directly instead of calling them through a values of the "name" attribute of the "complexType" element in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type?
    I need 'SPML Web Service Complex Data Type' to hold multiple values.And based on the request it has to initiate appropriate method of action.
    Presently i have three methods add,modify and delete which i am calling through a single value of the "name" attribute of the "complexType" element in SPML Web Service Complex Data Type.
    I want to replace this single value with multiple menthods , so that a direct interaction between the method,OIM and target can be established.
    Edited by: 821054 on 16/02/2011 04:23

    Thanks Robert.
    You'll need to create your own interface to the webapp database for those kind of data operations
    by this, are you speaking of the internal BC database which stores web app schema data? That would be great if it were possible to update that programmatically because I need to use the List (Checkbox List) field type (for the search functionality), but I need to supply the checkbox options from a web app rather than by manually updating the list entered in the Fields view of the web app settings (shown below).
    I'm curious if anyone else has tried this?
    Again, my reason for needing to use the List (Checkbox List) field type is that the page which processes searches knows to expect a comma separated list for this field type and then appears to be parsing out the individual values for searching out web app items with 1 or more matching values. You're right that text fields (string and multiline) just check for 'string contains' matches, and this would be ok if I was only ever needing to search just one value at a time. Here's an example of what I might do:
    Web App item field value (as recorded against the List (Checkbox List) field type:
    Web App Search value (for this same field):
    The search would return this web app item because the field contains 2 (1 or more) individual values even though they were entered into the search field in a different order. If this web app item were just a Text (string or multiline) field, the searched value is not a substring of the web app item's stored value, so it would not find a match. Hence the need to use Checkbox List field type.
    The web app will have thousands if not 10s of thousands of records, so dumping them all into one big array or object and searching on the front-end won't be practical (though it works great on smaller datasets).

Maybe you are looking for